Jan. 18, 2000

Press Review

The leading politicians from the People’s Party have started active consultations with the politicians from the ruling parties and the opposition. After unofficial information, the goal of these negotiations is to have a timely forecast for the shape of the possible next government in case the current coalition is to fall. J. Urbanovics from For Human Rights in United Latvia had expressed readiness to support any government with a condition that it does not include Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK.

The leading politicians from the Peoples Party have started active consultations with the politicians from the ruling parties and the opposition. After unofficial information, the goal of these negotiations is to have a timely forecast for the shape of the possible next government in case the current coalition is to fall. J. Urbanovics from For Human Rights in United Latvia had expressed readiness to support any government with a condition that it does not include Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK. Neatkariga

In an interview to Latvijas Radio President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has said that law enforcement institutions need to have an internal control mechanism to be able to effectively eliminate violations. Freiberga said that her office receives many complaints from residents about illegal actions at courts.

In an interview to Latvijas Radio President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has said that law enforcement institutions need to have an internal control mechanism to be able to effectively eliminate violations. Freiberga said that her office receives many complaints from residents about illegal actions at courts. Neatkariga

Interior Minister Mareks Seglins has states that the Head of Latvian DCMA Ints Zitars can no longer stay in his position after the government did not approve the concept of identity cards and passports.

Interior Minister Mareks Seglins has states that the Head of Latvian DCMA Ints Zitars can no longer stay in his position after the government did not approve the concept of identity cards and passports. Vesti, Chas, Jauna Avize Jan. 19

Vesti runs a commentary by Viktor Popov where he holds an opinion that there will always be a two-community society in Latvia and it is inevitable because Latvians and Russians are two different nations.

Jan. 15, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Chairman of LC faction K.Libane informed that the Council of Latvijas Cels was against establishing 5% threshold in municipal elections as well. She pointed out that this norm would considerably distort the proportionality of elections.

The Chairman of LC faction K.Libane informed that the Council of Latvijas Cels was against establishing 5% threshold in municipal elections as well. She pointed out that this norm would considerably distort the proportionality of elections. Neatkariga

OSCE Chairman, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Schüssel writes about Austrian presidency of the OSCE and the major tasks of this organisation during this year.

OSCE Chairman, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Schüssel writes about Austrian presidency of the OSCE and the major tasks of this organisation during this year. Diena

V.Falkov writes that it is not a secret for anybody that there is a new proffession in Latvia – a Latvian. When hiring a new employee, firms prefer a representative of the dominant nation. And usually they prefer to have a native Latvian in the posts of press secretaty of managing director not to have any problems with the Language Inspection. Now this tendency has become very evident – in the list of requirements in the Employment office and announcements of vacancies – it is clearly stated that firms want to hire for some positions only Latvians.

V.Falkov writes that it is not a secret for anybody that there is a new proffession in Latvia – a Latvian. When hiring a new employee, firms prefer a representative of the dominant nation. And usually they prefer to have a native Latvian in the posts of press secretaty of managing director not to have any problems with the Language Inspection. Now this tendency has become very evident – in the list of requirements in the Employment office and announcements of vacancies – it is clearly stated that firms want to hire for some positions only Latvians. Vesti Segodnya

Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia member J.Jurkans, commenting the latest Saeima activities concerning events in Czechnya, states that A.Skele’s announcement about genocide in Czechnya was made to strengthen his personal political positions. It is a well-known fact that Peoples Party tries to take over the national radical part of the electorate. And there are published response statements of some Russian politicians.

Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia member J.Jurkans, commenting the latest Saeima activities concerning events in Czechnya, states that A.Skeles announcement about genocide in Czechnya was made to strengthen his personal political positions. It is a well-known fact that Peoples Party tries to take over the national radical part of the electorate. And there are published response statements of some Russian politicians. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins gave a long interview to the newspaper Panorama Latvii where he spoke about himself and the latest developments of the political situation in Latvia.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins gave a long interview to the newspaper Panorama Latvii where he spoke about himself and the latest developments of the political situation in Latvia.

Jan. 14, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Chairman of Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans in his interview to Latvian TV assured that the conflict between Prime Minister A.Skele and Venspils Mayor A.Lembers had seriously damaged the prestige and economy of Latvia. As A.Skele holds the power, he should step down and try to improve these relations.

The Chairman of Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Jurkans in his interview to Latvian TV assured that the conflict between Prime Minister A.Skele and Venspils Mayor A.Lembers had seriously damaged the prestige and economy of Latvia. As A.Skele holds the power, he should step down and try to improve these relations. Neatkariga

Registration Department of the DCMA confirmed the fact that K.Kalejs, suspected for committing war crimes, opposite to other Latvians residing abroad, did not hold Latvian citizenship. He has Australian citizenship and Latvia would need serious evidences to start court proceedings against this person.

Registration Department of the DCMA confirmed the fact that K.Kalejs, suspected for committing war crimes, opposite to other Latvians residing abroad, did not hold Latvian citizenship. He has Australian citizenship and Latvia would need serious evidences to start court proceedings against this person. Neatkariga

Prime Minister A.Skele announced on Monday that Russia was practising genocide in Czechnya by not allowing men at the age 10 to 60 leave the territory of the Czechnya. IN the name of Latvian –Czechnya co-operation group MP A.Seile called to summon an extraordinary Saeima siting to adopt an announcement on the situation there. She even admitted a possibility to go on a hunger strike.

Prime Minister A.Skele announced on Monday that Russia was practising genocide in Czechnya by not allowing men at the age 10 to 60 leave the territory of the Czechnya. IN the name of Latvian –Czechnya co-operation group MP A.Seile called to summon an extraordinary Saeima siting to adopt an announcement on the situation there. She even admitted a possibility to go on a hunger strike. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

S.Upleja from Tallin reports that the process of integration of non-Estonians has improved. This fact had been acknowledged both by Estonian experts and state officials. The state has managed with purposeful and deliberate steps to further it although much has happened without state support and activities.

S.Upleja from Tallin reports that the process of integration of non-Estonians has improved. This fact had been acknowledged both by Estonian experts and state officials. The state has managed with purposeful and deliberate steps to further it although much has happened without state support and activities. Diena

Latvian MPs criticised their colleagues from Peoples Party for moving from one Saeima faction to another. J.Esta and A.Rugate were elected to the Juridical Commission. The Saeima Speaker J.Straume said that deputies were allowed to change commissions but it should no be turned into some kind of sport.

Latvian MPs criticised their colleagues from Peoples Party for moving from one Saeima faction to another. J.Esta and A.Rugate were elected to the Juridical Commission. The Saeima Speaker J.Straume said that deputies were allowed to change commissions but it should no be turned into some kind of sport. Vesti Segodnya

The Saeima yesterday handed over to commissions amendments to the law on state fees anticipating to increase the income of the State Treasury from the state language exams, giving up Latvian citizenship as well as its restoration. So far this money (250 – 300 000 LVL) went to municipalities.

The Saeima yesterday handed over to commissions amendments to the law on state fees anticipating to increase the income of the State Treasury from the state language exams, giving up Latvian citizenship as well as its restoration. So far this money (250 – 300 000 LVL) went to municipalities. Vesti Segodnya

Panorama Latvii

describing the activities of the Saeima Commissions writes about a new draft law prepared by the Commission on Human Rights, and the target group of this law will be non-citizens, those who graduated from schools with Russian language tuition and those who want to get a certificate of the Latvian language knowledge. The law anticipates introduction of a state fee of 15 LVL for each time. The same Commission turned down the proposal to restore in the calendar as a commemoration day of Latvian legionnaires March 16. Administrative Commission of Riga City Council fined with 50 LVL some I.Tupahin for holding two former USSR passports. This was found out when he arrived to a DCMA office to exchange his red passport for a passport of a Latvian non-citizen. Computer gave information that he had two such passports. With the old passport he travelled to Russia, got divorced and re-married, but with the new one – resided in Russia as a citizen of former USSR.

Administrative Commission of Riga City Council fined with 50 LVL some I.Tupahin for holding two former USSR passports. This was found out when he arrived to a DCMA office to exchange his red passport for a passport of a Latvian non-citizen. Computer gave information that he had two such passports. With the old passport he travelled to Russia, got divorced and re-married, but with the new one – resided in Russia as a citizen of former USSR. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya continue to publish the comments of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Latvian Language law.

Jan. 13, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Germany has deported a family from Latvia for illegal residence in this country. The family came to Germany in 1992, and they have no citizenship because at that time Latvian Residents Register was not established yet. Therefore the family is issued return certificates which are valid for one month. During this time these people have to get IDs. Diena

Germany has deported a family from Latvia for illegal residence in this country. The family came to Germany in 1992, and they have no citizenship because at that time Latvian Residents Register was not established yet. Therefore the family is issued return certificates which are valid for one month. During this time these people have to get IDs. Diena

In future in the passports of Estonian citizens and foreigners will be no residence registration stamp and there will be no stamp stating the family status of the passport holder. Estonian DCMA informed that this law became valid from January 1, 2000.

In future in the passports of Estonian citizens and foreigners will be no residence registration stamp and there will be no stamp stating the family status of the passport holder. Estonian DCMA informed that this law became valid from January 1, 2000. Diena

The MP J.Vidins from TB/LNNK faction started to prepare a draft law prohibiting former CP functionaries and KGB officers to hold leading post in state administration.

The MP J.Vidins from TB/LNNK faction started to prepare a draft law prohibiting former CP functionaries and KGB officers to hold leading post in state administration. Jauna Avize

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission did not take a decision to support the appointing of A.Ronis to the post of Latvian Ambassador to the USA. The main objection was his young age and lack of experience. The final decision remains to the President.

The Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission did not take a decision to support the appointing of A.Ronis to the post of Latvian Ambassador to the USA. The main objection was his young age and lack of experience. The final decision remains to the President. Jauna Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

The new Minister of Education M.Vitols announced that he would pay much attention to the implementation of the education reform. The main goal of the reform he sees the improvement of the education quality. To solve the problem of teachers’ salaries a precise schedule of salary increase will be elaborated in the nearest future.

The new Minister of Education M.Vitols announced that he would pay much attention to the implementation of the education reform. The main goal of the reform he sees the improvement of the education quality. To solve the problem of teachers salaries a precise schedule of salary increase will be elaborated in the nearest future. Jauna Avize, Vesti Segodnya

J.Urbanovics published his comments on the reaction of the Saeima and Government to the announcement adopted by Russia on the Latvian Language law. He sees two options, either a complete lack of understanding of the real situation in Latvia or a wish to fool Latvian population, first of all Latvians. Studying the OSCE recommendations and objections of the President one sees – they are oriented to observe the principle of “free capital movement”. These recommendations do not concern observing the language rights of national minorities in Latvia, because both the OSCE and EU consider that Latvia should solve this problem by ratifying first of all the general Convention on Protection of National Minorities. The faction For Human Rights in United Latvia considers that the basic principles of this convention should be elaborated in the Language law.

J.Urbanovics published his comments on the reaction of the Saeima and Government to the announcement adopted by Russia on the Latvian Language law. He sees two options, either a complete lack of understanding of the real situation in Latvia or a wish to fool Latvian population, first of all Latvians. Studying the OSCE recommendations and objections of the President one sees – they are oriented to observe the principle of free capital movement. These recommendations do not concern observing the language rights of national minorities in Latvia, because both the OSCE and EU consider that Latvia should solve this problem by ratifying first of all the general Convention on Protection of National Minorities. The faction For Human Rights in United Latvia considers that the basic principles of this convention should be elaborated in the Language law. Jauna Avize

J.Urbanovics also writes about the conflict between Prime Minister A.Skele and Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs that causes huge losses for the state. And Latvian politicians are divided into two parties – supporters of Skele and supporters of Lembergs. The only solution is to dismiss the Saeima and organise new election.

J.Urbanovics also writes about the conflict between Prime Minister A.Skele and Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs that causes huge losses for the state. And Latvian politicians are divided into two parties – supporters of Skele and supporters of Lembergs. The only solution is to dismiss the Saeima and organise new election. Vesti Segodnya

The announcement of MP J.Urbanovics that it was necessary to dismiss the Saeima and organise new parliament election caused some fuss in the Saeima . According to him it was the only possible means to overcome the deep crisis in Latvia. The leader of Peoples Party G.Berzins finds this position quite logical – the opposition has a goal to overthrow the Government, and the only possibility to achieve this is to dismiss the Saeima. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats has the same opinion.

The announcement of MP J.Urbanovics that it was necessary to dismiss the Saeima and organise new parliament election caused some fuss in the Saeima . According to him it was the only possible means to overcome the deep crisis in Latvia. The leader of Peoples Party G.Berzins finds this position quite logical – the opposition has a goal to overthrow the Government, and the only possibility to achieve this is to dismiss the Saeima. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats has the same opinion. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian President expressed to the Russian newspaper “Vedomosti” her wish to discuss with the Acting President of Russia V.Putin during their possible meeting a possibility to improve Latvian – Russian relations. At the same time she stated that found Latvian policy concerning the status of the Russian language and Russian speaking non-citizens to be fully established and did not think that EU would put forward any new conditions for Latvia.

Latvian President expressed to the Russian newspaper Vedomosti her wish to discuss with the Acting President of Russia V.Putin during their possible meeting a possibility to improve Latvian – Russian relations. At the same time she stated that found Latvian policy concerning the status of the Russian language and Russian speaking non-citizens to be fully established and did not think that EU would put forward any new conditions for Latvia. Panorama Latvii, Bizness & Baltiya, Vesti Segodnya

At the same time she stated that Latvian economy stopped to depend on Russia. Now the task for Latvia is to make it so that its economy stopped to depend on any influences and to become more diversified.

At the same time she stated that Latvian economy stopped to depend on Russia. Now the task for Latvia is to make it so that its economy stopped to depend on any influences and to become more diversified. Bizness & Baltiya

Last year about 12.5 thousand people went through the process of naturalisation in Latvia, it is almost three times more than in 1998 and four times more than in 1997.

Last year about 12.5 thousand people went through the process of naturalisation in Latvia, it is almost three times more than in 1998 and four times more than in 1997. Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

N.Mihailova in

N.Mihailova in Panorama Latvii complains about the situation in Riga Technical University. Starting from the second year of studies all teaching should be done in the state language, but some instructors demand their students to translate their course papers into the Russian language. And in general, almost 80% of teaching in Russian. And there was some plaintiff who informed about this the State Language Commission. And there were punitive measures taken against these instructors.

Latvian cable TV companies in order to protect consumers’ interests and not to increase licence fee took a decision to stop re-translation of Russian TV channel ORT for some time. Translation will be renewed when acceptable conditions for broadcasting are negotiated.

Latvian cable TV companies in order to protect consumers interests and not to increase licence fee took a decision to stop re-translation of Russian TV channel ORT for some time. Translation will be renewed when acceptable conditions for broadcasting are negotiated. Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Jan. 12, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Presidents of Latvia and Poland have decided to be personally involved in furthering co-operation of entrepreneurs of both countries. The decision was taken during the visit of V.V.Freiberga to Poland.

Presidents of Latvia and Poland have decided to be personally involved in furthering co-operation of entrepreneurs of both countries. The decision was taken during the visit of V.V.Freiberga to Poland. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

The new Russian Consul to Latvia V.Polakov visited Venspils. He was received by Venspils Mayor A.Lembergs. Both officials agreed to establish a branch office of Liepaja Consulate in Venspils.

The new Russian Consul to Latvia V.Polakov visited Venspils. He was received by Venspils Mayor A.Lembergs. Both officials agreed to establish a branch office of Liepaja Consulate in Venspils. Neatkariga, Chas

EU Commissioner G.Verheugen announced that it should not be permitted that the opinion of Russia would influence the negotiations on joining EU with former Eastern block countries.

EU Commissioner G.Verheugen announced that it should not be permitted that the opinion of Russia would influence the negotiations on joining EU with former Eastern block countries. Neatkariga

He also considers that EC should not delay the beginning of negotiations with Latvia on joining EU.

He also considers that EC should not delay the beginning of negotiations with Latvia on joining EU. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio cautiously expressed an idea that Kalejs’s case was an international order make a pressure on Latvia, making her either to sentence or find innocent the former Nazi basing just on emotions.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio cautiously expressed an idea that Kalejss case was an international order make a pressure on Latvia, making her either to sentence or find innocent the former Nazi basing just on emotions. Chas

Answering to the statement of MP J.Urbanovics that there was crisis in the Government, Prime Minister A.Skele said that everything was quiet. He thinks that there is no reason for doubting the stability of the Cabinet and the state in general.

Answering to the statement of MP J.Urbanovics that there was crisis in the Government, Prime Minister A.Skele said that everything was quiet. He thinks that there is no reason for doubting the stability of the Cabinet and the state in general. Chas

The Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law undertook to prepare amendments to this law within two weeks to avoid the situation when those non-citizens who have not exchanged their former USSR passports by January 1, 2000 loose their juridical status. Even now the Deputy Head of DCMA A.J.Lejins states that it is not juridically correct to deprive a person of his status for not exchanging his passport. It would be enough to fine him. According to DCMA data there are 73 000 such people in Latvia. DCMA think that half of them are citizens of Russia or some other state and the majority of them even do not reside in Latvia.

The Saeima Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship Law undertook to prepare amendments to this law within two weeks to avoid the situation when those non-citizens who have not exchanged their former USSR passports by January 1, 2000 loose their juridical status. Even now the Deputy Head of DCMA A.J.Lejins states that it is not juridically correct to deprive a person of his status for not exchanging his passport. It would be enough to fine him. According to DCMA data there are 73 000 such people in Latvia. DCMA think that half of them are citizens of Russia or some other state and the majority of them even do not reside in Latvia. Chas.


published the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on state fees for issuing passports of the Republic of Latvia and other personal IDs, as well as on state fees for issuing residence permits and connected services. published the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on state fees for issuing passports of the Republic of Latvia and other personal IDs, as well as on state fees for issuing residence permits and connected services.
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