April 3, 2000

Press Report

The Council of the New Party considers that it is possible to co-operate with Latvijas Cels during the next municipal election but still called the Board of the Party to continue consultations with other political parties.

The Council of the New Party considers that it is possible to co-operate with Latvijas Cels during the next municipal election but still called the Board of the Party to continue consultations with other political parties. Neatkariga

The revision of the coalition agreement panned for Tuesday will not be crucial for the Government, but the long lasting discord among the ruling parties have become public, and only few think that there is a possibility to reduce this tension. The only reason for preserving this Government is the lack of already prepared any other coalition model.

The revision of the coalition agreement panned for Tuesday will not be crucial for the Government, but the long lasting discord among the ruling parties have become public, and only few think that there is a possibility to reduce this tension. The only reason for preserving this Government is the lack of already prepared any other coalition model. Diena

Russian speaking newspaper

Russian speaking newspaper Vesti Segodnya writes that a serious damage may be done for Russia today in Strasbourg during the PACE meeting, and not without an assistance of Latvian politicians because on the agenda is a question of temporary suspension of Russias mandate in this organisation.

Latvian Human Rights Committee organised a seminar for journalists and mass media specialists “International and regional standards on national minority rights”. Among the presenters were A.Priedite, Head of the National Language Training Program, G.Kotov from LHRC, Professor A.Klockins. They spoke about different aspects of national minority rights.

Latvian Human Rights Committee organised a seminar for journalists and mass media specialists International and regional standards on national minority rights. Among the presenters were A.Priedite, Head of the National Language Training Program, G.Kotov from LHRC, Professor A.Klockins. They spoke about different aspects of national minority rights. Vesti Segodnya

In the former port of Primorsk Russia has officially started construction of the first stage of pipeline system that would allow Russian oil exporters to by-pass Latvian and Lithuanian terminals.

In the former port of Primorsk Russia has officially started construction of the first stage of pipeline system that would allow Russian oil exporters to by-pass Latvian and Lithuanian terminals. Respublika

The Presidents of the Baltic States met yesterday in Vilnius to discuss co-operation of these countries during the preparation period to join EU and NATO. To characterise the mood of this meeting Panorama Latvii cites the words of the President of Hansabanka Board I.Neiveld from Estonia, “We have to orientate to each other but not to Russia. This country left a huge impact on the Baltic. But they chose their own way. And enterprises that have markets in Russia should orientate themselves to the West. They have no future in Russia.”

The Presidents of the Baltic States met yesterday in Vilnius to discuss co-operation of these countries during the preparation period to join EU and NATO. To characterise the mood of this meeting Panorama Latvii cites the words of the President of Hansabanka Board I.Neiveld from Estonia, We have to orientate to each other but not to Russia. This country left a huge impact on the Baltic. But they chose their own way. And enterprises that have markets in Russia should orientate themselves to the West. They have no future in Russia. Panorama Latvii

March 31, 2000

Press Review

NATO Secretary General George Robertson during the press conference on the second day of his visit to Latvia highly evaluated Latvia’s prospects to become a NATO member country. When asked about Russia’s reaction he said that the NATO will try to convince Russia that NATO enlargement is in Russia’s own interests as that will guarantee stability in Central Europe.

NATO Secretary General George Robertson during the press conference on the second day of his visit to Latvia highly evaluated Latvias prospects to become a NATO member country. When asked about Russias reaction he said that the NATO will try to convince Russia that NATO enlargement is in Russias own interests as that will guarantee stability in Central Europe. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

An official of the Russian Defence Ministry sharply criticize Robertson’s favorable expressions about Latvia’s potential NATO integration. He called it an additional threat to Russia’s security.

An official of the Russian Defence Ministry sharply criticize Robertsons favorable expressions about Latvias potential NATO integration. He called it an additional threat to Russias security. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

After the amendments to the law on the status of the former USSR citizens who do not have Latvian citizenship adopte by the Saeima yesterday their status can be taken away only by a court decision. Earlier, it was possible also after the decision of an officer of DCMA.

After the amendments to the law on the status of the former USSR citizens who do not have Latvian citizenship adopte by the Saeima yesterday their status can be taken away only by a court decision. Earlier, it was possible also after the decision of an officer of DCMA. Vesti, Respublika, Jauna Avize, Diena, Neatkariga

Today is the last day when the passports of the former USSR are valid in Latvia. After the estimates of DCMA, 39,000 non-citizens will remain with the old passports after the deadline. Persons who will not have a valid ID after the deadline will not be able to get certain services, like, to receive a pension or benefits, get married or divorced, deal with real estate, etc. but they will not lose their legal status. Jauna Avize writes that about 11,000 Latvian citizens still hol the old USSR passport.

Today is the last day when the passports of the former USSR are valid in Latvia. After the estimates of DCMA, 39,000 non-citizens will remain with the old passports after the deadline. Persons who will not have a valid ID after the deadline will not be able to get certain services, like, to receive a pension or benefits, get married or divorced, deal with real estate, etc. but they will not lose their legal status. Jauna Avize writes that about 11,000 Latvian citizens still hol the old USSR passport. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii, Vesti

Yesterday, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a critical statement about the interview with the Estonian Foreign Minister Ilves and concluded that Ilves’ expressions have damaged the Estonian – Russian relations.

Yesterday, the Russian Foreign Ministry released a critical statement about the interview with the Estonian Foreign Minister Ilves and concluded that Ilves expressions have damaged the Estonian – Russian relations. Diena, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

After returning from Miscow the Latvian MP from For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Urbanovics told that his Russian counterparts unoficially regret the worsening of the relations between the two countries but Russia will never be an initiator for improving them. Head of the Saeima’s Foreign Commission Guntars Krasts expressed readiness to meet the Russian MPs.

After returning from Miscow the Latvian MP from For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Urbanovics told that his Russian counterparts unoficially regret the worsening of the relations between the two countries but Russia will never be an initiator for improving them. Head of the Saeimas Foreign Commission Guntars Krasts expressed readiness to meet the Russian MPs. Diena

Vesti, Respublika, Panorama Latvii write about the yesterday’s rally near the Saeima builing of about 70 people demanding the municipal election rights for non-citizens. The articles epress the pity that MPs did not come out to meet the demonstrators.

Vesti, Respublika, Panorama Latvii write about the yesterdays rally near the Saeima builing of about 70 people demanding the municipal election rights for non-citizens. The articles epress the pity that MPs did not come out to meet the demonstrators.

March 30, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

On the first day of his visit in Latvia NATO Secretary General attended the foundation event of the NGO Latvian Tranatlantic Organization and stresse the importance of support of the society on the country’s way to join the NATO.

On the first day of his visit in Latvia NATO Secretary General attended the foundation event of the NGO Latvian Tranatlantic Organization and stresse the importance of support of the society on the countrys way to join the NATO. Diena, Neatkariga

Russian State Duma in Yesterday’s session decided to delay the vote for the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia in the third reading. The authors of the draft law - Communists and Regioni Rossii – are not going to give up. They have prepared a package of draft laws and are sure that at least some of them will go through. Russian Foreign Ministry does not openly discuss the issue of sanctions, it has announced that foreign policy is decided by the president. Vesti inform that the delegation of Latvian parliamentarians are returning to Riga today.

Russian State Duma in Yesterdays session decided to delay the vote for the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia in the third reading. The authors of the draft law - Communists and Regioni Rossii – are not going to give up. They have prepared a package of draft laws and are sure that at least some of them will go through. Russian Foreign Ministry does not openly discuss the issue of sanctions, it has announced that foreign policy is decided by the president. Vesti inform that the delegation of Latvian parliamentarians are returning to Riga today. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Russian Amabassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov met the Saeima’s commission for foreign affairs. Following the meeting Udaltsov spoke to journalists and noted that now after the move of the Russian Duma it is Riga’s turn to make “let it be small but positive steps”. He also said that Russia will continue to support Vasily Kononov.

Russian Amabassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov met the Saeimas commission for foreign affairs. Following the meeting Udaltsov spoke to journalists and noted that now after the move of the Russian Duma it is Rigas turn to make let it be small but positive steps. He also said that Russia will continue to support Vasily Kononov. Chas

An official of the US State Department told the news agency LETA that Latvia has reached a big progress in the attitude toward the Russian speaking minority. “We do not agree with the characteristics included in the letter of the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov” [to the US Secreatry of State].

An official of the US State Department told the news agency LETA that Latvia has reached a big progress in the attitude toward the Russian speaking minority. We do not agree with the characteristics included in the letter of the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov [to the US Secreatry of State]. Diena, Neatkariga

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Orjonikidze announced during the session of the UN Human Rights Commission that in Latvia and Estonia “ethnic minorities have to face the choice – forced deportation or assimilation”. He also mentioned the attempts to revise the results of the WW2.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Orjonikidze announced during the session of the UN Human Rights Commission that in Latvia and Estonia ethnic minorities have to face the choice – forced deportation or assimilation. He also mentioned the attempts to revise the results of the WW2. Diena, Neatkariga

1025 non-citizens work in the units of Interior and Defence Ministries. For more than a half of them after the law cannot take the positions as of this January 1. The majority of non-citizens have passed the naturalization exams or applied for naturalization. However, 32 of them under the law don’t have the right to obtain Latvian citizenship.

1025 non-citizens work in the units of Interior and Defence Ministries. For more than a half of them after the law cannot take the positions as of this January 1. The majority of non-citizens have passed the naturalization exams or applied for naturalization. However, 32 of them under the law dont have the right to obtain Latvian citizenship. Diena

NGO support center in Jelgava, OSCE Mission to Latvia and Finnish Embassy organized a competition for the local NGO’s for the best social integration project. Project of the society Norden Jelgava division was recognized as the best. They proposed creating a dialogoue of multi-cultural school students by orgainizing surveys, seminars other events in the town. The winner received 800 lats, to give the award the town was visited by the Finnish ambassador to Latvia.

NGO support center in Jelgava, OSCE Mission to Latvia and Finnish Embassy organized a competition for the local NGOs for the best social integration project. Project of the society Norden Jelgava division was recognized as the best. They proposed creating a dialogoue of multi-cultural school students by orgainizing surveys, seminars other events in the town. The winner received 800 lats, to give the award the town was visited by the Finnish ambassador to Latvia. Neatkariga


interviews the MP from For Human Rights in United Latvia Jakov Pliner about his view on the shift to education in Latvian starting 2004, the process of transition, the consequences. interviews the MP from For Human Rights in United Latvia Jakov Pliner about his view on the shift to education in Latvian starting 2004, the process of transition, the consequences. Latvian Foundation for Friendship and Cooperation and the Russian Council for Foreign and Defence Policy will have a seminar in early June to discuss the current state and future of the relations between the countries.

Latvian Foundation for Friendship and Cooperation and the Russian Council for Foreign and Defence Policy will have a seminar in early June to discuss the current state and future of the relations between the countries. Panorama Latvii

Latvijas Vestnesis

runs the text of the protocol between Latvian and Russian governments on prolonging the agreement on regulating the process of resettling and protection of resettlers rights. Also, the paper continues to print the text of the concept of society integration in Latvia. runs the text of the protocol between Latvian and Russian governments on prolonging the agreement on regulating the process of resettling and protection of resettlers’ rights. Also, the paper continues to print the text of the concept of society integration in Latvia.

March 29, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday actually began Latvia’s EU accession negotiations. Leader of the negotiations from the Latvian side deputy state secretary of the Foreign Ministry Andris Kesteris submitted the first nine accession positions.

Yesterday actually began Latvias EU accession negotiations. Leader of the negotiations from the Latvian side deputy state secretary of the Foreign Ministry Andris Kesteris submitted the first nine accession positions. Diena

Trade Unions and the opposition will ask the Saeima to stop restructurization and privatization of Latvenergo, the state electricity facility till the time when the final decision in this matter is adopted in a public referendum.

Trade Unions and the opposition will ask the Saeima to stop restructurization and privatization of Latvenergo, the state electricity facility till the time when the final decision in this matter is adopted in a public referendum. Diena

The government yesterday adopted changes in the order of employment of foreigners. Starting April 1 work permits will be issued by the DCMA together with residence permits and visas.

The government yesterday adopted changes in the order of employment of foreigners. Starting April 1 work permits will be issued by the DCMA together with residence permits and visas. Diena

Head of the Center of Documenting the Consequences of Totalitarianism Indulis Zalite admitted that the draft law on lustration requiring the former officers of special services of the USSR and Russia to declare their involvement in the services as well as providing for restrictions for such people to take posts, has no provisions regarding the former officers of SS, SD and Gestapo. The author of the law J. Vidins answered that by the title of the law it clear that the law speaks about the former USSR special services. He was ready to support a law about the former officers of the German special services if somebody comes up with the initiative.

Head of the Center of Documenting the Consequences of Totalitarianism Indulis Zalite admitted that the draft law on lustration requiring the former officers of special services of the USSR and Russia to declare their involvement in the services as well as providing for restrictions for such people to take posts, has no provisions regarding the former officers of SS, SD and Gestapo. The author of the law J. Vidins answered that by the title of the law it clear that the law speaks about the former USSR special services. He was ready to support a law about the former officers of the German special services if somebody comes up with the initiative. Jauna Avize

Delegation from the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia visited Moscow yesterday to meet Boris Pastuhov, chairman of the committee for CIS affairs and contacts with compatriates. Today the delegation will attend the Russian Duma session sheduled to discuss the economic sanctions against Latvia. Head of the delegation Janis Urbanovics commented that the delegation will do everything to prevent passing of the law. He was ready to address the Duma session and try to convince them that the sanctions will only harm the same Russian community which Moscow is trying to protect.

Delegation from the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia visited Moscow yesterday to meet Boris Pastuhov, chairman of the committee for CIS affairs and contacts with compatriates. Today the delegation will attend the Russian Duma session sheduled to discuss the economic sanctions against Latvia. Head of the delegation Janis Urbanovics commented that the delegation will do everything to prevent passing of the law. He was ready to address the Duma session and try to convince them that the sanctions will only harm the same Russian community which Moscow is trying to protect. Chas, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Riga city authorities gave the permission for a rally tomorrow at 8:30 by the Saeima building. The rally will demand municipal election rights for non-citizens.

Riga city authorities gave the permission for a rally tomorrow at 8:30 by the Saeima building. The rally will demand municipal election rights for non-citizens. Chas, Vesti

Vesti interview Victor Alksnis, once an active leader of the Interfront in Latvia who is now elected to the Russian Duma from Moscow oblasty. In the interview he stresses his new possibilities to help his compatriates in Latvia. He predicted tough domestic and foreign policy in Russia under the rule of the new president. Alksnis himself promised to make the life harder for Latvian authorities unless they change their policy.

Vesti interview Victor Alksnis, once an active leader of the Interfront in Latvia who is now elected to the Russian Duma from Moscow oblasty. In the interview he stresses his new possibilities to help his compatriates in Latvia. He predicted tough domestic and foreign policy in Russia under the rule of the new president. Alksnis himself promised to make the life harder for Latvian authorities unless they change their policy.

Commenting on the reaction in other countries to Putin’s election, Nezavisimaja Gazeta has noted that the reserved responses increased on the direction from East to the West. The most “ if” s were in the reactions of Washington and Riga.

Commenting on the reaction in other countries to Putins election, Nezavisimaja Gazeta has noted that the reserved responses increased on the direction from East to the West. The most if s were in the reactions of Washington and Riga. Panorama Latvii

March 28, 2000

Press Review

More than 11,000 voters in Latvia signed the draft law developed by trade unions that prohibits dividing and privatization of the state electricity facility Latvenergo. The signatures will be delivered to the Central Election Committee this week for checking and then the Committee will need to collect signatures of 1/10 of the voters to initiate the national referendum.

More than 11,000 voters in Latvia signed the draft law developed by trade unions that prohibits dividing and privatization of the state electricity facility Latvenergo. The signatures will be delivered to the Central Election Committee this week for checking and then the Committee will need to collect signatures of 1/10 of the voters to initiate the national referendum. Diena

Latvia’s top officials yesterday were cautious in their comments following the election of V. Putin as the Russian President. However, they express hope that the relations between the countries will improve and become more pragmatic (Andris Skele, Indulis Berzins). Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga congratulated Mr. Putin with the election in a democratic way and wished that the relations between the two countries improved soon. Political scientists and commentators do not foresee any improvement in the relations and pointed out that Putin’s plans are still not clear. Several experts noted that the main strengthener of Latvia’s stability is a possibly faster integration into EU and NATO. Radio Free Europe commentator Paul Goble noted that as Russia is week it mainly uses public pressure and different destructive campaigns. Political scientist Artis Pabriks feared that in case authoritarian policy unites with liberal economy the relations between Latvia and Russia will remain in the current state. Historian Aivars Stranga is sure that now Putin will have to deal with concrete domestic problems instead of practicing political rhetoric. Final results of the elections in Latvia show that 10.5 thousand Russian citizens passed their votes – 54% for Putin and 40% for Zyuganov. Russian Ambassador to Latvia expressed his satisfaction with the election results and the fact that this time the Russian citizens in Latvia did not vote “just for Communists”.

Latvias top officials yesterday were cautious in their comments following the election of V. Putin as the Russian President. However, they express hope that the relations between the countries will improve and become more pragmatic (Andris Skele, Indulis Berzins). Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga congratulated Mr. Putin with the election in a democratic way and wished that the relations between the two countries improved soon. Political scientists and commentators do not foresee any improvement in the relations and pointed out that Putins plans are still not clear. Several experts noted that the main strengthener of Latvias stability is a possibly faster integration into EU and NATO. Radio Free Europe commentator Paul Goble noted that as Russia is week it mainly uses public pressure and different destructive campaigns. Political scientist Artis Pabriks feared that in case authoritarian policy unites with liberal economy the relations between Latvia and Russia will remain in the current state. Historian Aivars Stranga is sure that now Putin will have to deal with concrete domestic problems instead of practicing political rhetoric. Final results of the elections in Latvia show that 10.5 thousand Russian citizens passed their votes – 54% for Putin and 40% for Zyuganov. Russian Ambassador to Latvia expressed his satisfaction with the election results and the fact that this time the Russian citizens in Latvia did not vote just for Communists. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti, Chas

This Friday, March 31 population census will start in Latvia to last till April 29. Every household will be visited by trained interviewers, people will be asked 23 questions.

This Friday, March 31 population census will start in Latvia to last till April 29. Every household will be visited by trained interviewers, people will be asked 23 questions. Diena

Government regulations for implementation of the Language Law, society integration and improvements in state administration work are the three priorities for Latvia this year to hope for a favorable progress report from the European Commission.

Government regulations for implementation of the Language Law, society integration and improvements in state administration work are the three priorities for Latvia this year to hope for a favorable progress report from the European Commission. Diena

Riga District Court yesterday started hearing of the criminal case against 9 members of Perkonkrusts organization. The accusations include episodes like 3 attempts to blow up the Victory Monument, spreading leaflets calling to violently overturn the government and turn against Jews.

Riga District Court yesterday started hearing of the criminal case against 9 members of Perkonkrusts organization. The accusations include episodes like 3 attempts to blow up the Victory Monument, spreading leaflets calling to violently overturn the government and turn against Jews. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Vesti

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga is sure that Latvia should be careful with introducing too many commemoration days as with every new date the existing become less important.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga is sure that Latvia should be careful with introducing too many commemoration days as with every new date the existing become less important. Neatkariga


publishes an interview with Brigita Silina, coordinator of the State Latvian Language Training Program about the progress of bi-lingual education in Latvia. publishes an interview with Brigita Silina, coordinator of the State Latvian Language Training Program about the progress of bi-lingual education in Latvia.
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