April 29, 2000

Press Report

As promised earlier, the prime minister designate Andris Berzins released his version of the new government. It is known that PeopleТs Party which still wants the post of either foreign or transport minister. In the proposed model, PeopleТs Party is to get five posts, LatviaТs Way and Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK four posts each and one ministerial post and one ministerТs of special assignement for the New Party. Berzins referred to meetings with foreign diplomats who have expressed a wish to see Indulis Berzins (Foreign Minister) and Girts Kristovskis (Defense Minister) to stay in their posts "to ensure continuityФ on the way to EU and other international institutionsФ.

As promised earlier, the prime minister designate Andris Berzins released his version of the new government. It is known that PeopleТs Party which still wants the post of either foreign or transport minister. In the proposed model, PeopleТs Party is to get five posts, LatviaТs Way and Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK four posts each and one ministerial post and one ministerТs of special assignement for the New Party. Berzins referred to meetings with foreign diplomats who have expressed a wish to see Indulis Berzins (Foreign Minister) and Girts Kristovskis (Defense Minister) to stay in their posts "to ensure continuityФ on the way to EU and other international institutionsФ. Neatkariga, Diena

In a commentary in

In a commentary in Neatkariga about the outcome of KononovТs trial Viktors Avotiтр writes that the case left the legal road and turned to the political instead.

A new non-governmental organization У Baltijas ForumsФ (Baltic Forum) has officially started its operation. The founders are the RussiaТs Foreign and Defense Policy Council headed by the political scientist Sergey Karaganov and the Latvian foundation УFriendship and CooperationФ headed by Nikolajs Neilands.

A new non-governmental organization У Baltijas ForumsФ (Baltic Forum) has officially started its operation. The founders are the RussiaТs Foreign and Defense Policy Council headed by the political scientist Sergey Karaganov and the Latvian foundation УFriendship and CooperationФ headed by Nikolajs Neilands. Neatkariga

RigaТs Vidzeme suburb court is going to stop the claim concerning eviction of the military officer of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Roman Kulakov and his family from an illegally taken apartment in Riga. Although courts of all levels ruled that the Kolakovs do not have the right to apply for non-citizenТs status, administration of DCMA has cancelled the departure order it issued earlier and ordered to include the family in non-citizenТs register

RigaТs Vidzeme suburb court is going to stop the claim concerning eviction of the military officer of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Roman Kulakov and his family from an illegally taken apartment in Riga. Although courts of all levels ruled that the Kolakovs do not have the right to apply for non-citizenТs status, administration of DCMA has cancelled the departure order it issued earlier and ordered to include the family in non-citizenТs register. Neatkariga

In a competition organized by Naturalization Board On the Way to Civil Society a team from Smiltene Secondary School won a trip to Check Republic.

In a competition organized by Naturalization Board On the Way to Civil Society a team from Smiltene Secondary School won a trip to Check Republic. Neatkariga

Ventspils municipality is the first in the country to present Ventspils City Society Integration Program during a forum Society Integration in Ventspils, Latvia, Europe on Saturday.

Ventspils municipality is the first in the country to present Ventspils City Society Integration Program during a forum Society Integration in Ventspils, Latvia, Europe on Saturday. Neatkariga

On the eve of President FreibergaТs visit to Estonia, Diena publishes interview with the Estonian President Lennart Meri. There are also questions about relations wit Russia and treatment of different recent Baltic history-related facts.

On the eve of President FreibergaТs visit to Estonia, Diena publishes interview with the Estonian President Lennart Meri. There are also questions about relations wit Russia and treatment of different recent Baltic history-related facts.

Russian Embassy to Latvia released a statement on Friday in response to the way the Ambassador UdaltsovТs participation in KononovТs trial was reflected in local mass media.

Russian Embassy to Latvia released a statement on Friday in response to the way the Ambassador UdaltsovТs participation in KononovТs trial was reflected in local mass media. Chas, Vesti, Respublika (02.05)

A representative of the Russian right-wing forces Irina Hakamada will visit Riga to participate in opening of an icon in an orthodox church and possibly will meet with the President Freiberga.

A representative of the Russian right-wing forces Irina Hakamada will visit Riga to participate in opening of an icon in an orthodox church and possibly will meet with the President Freiberga. Chas

April 28, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Designate for the prime ministerТs position Andris Berzins promised to announce the distribution of the ministerial positions Friday afternoon or Tuesday. After yesterdayТs meeting between PeopleТs Party and LatviaТs Way Andris Skele thought that the parties will agree on how to share the disputed Foreign and Transport ministries. LatviaТs Way politicians commented that no agreement was reached and Andris Berzins himself will prepare the government model.

Designate for the prime ministerТs position Andris Berzins promised to announce the distribution of the ministerial positions Friday afternoon or Tuesday. After yesterdayТs meeting between PeopleТs Party and LatviaТs Way Andris Skele thought that the parties will agree on how to share the disputed Foreign and Transport ministries. LatviaТs Way politicians commented that no agreement was reached and Andris Berzins himself will prepare the government model. Diena

Potential coalition members agreed that the number of ministers in the new government will not differ much from the previous government. It is possible that only one new position of a state minister will be established.

Potential coalition members agreed that the number of ministers in the new government will not differ much from the previous government. It is possible that only one new position of a state minister will be established. Neatkariga

A few days before the end of census (April 29) in Latvia, information provided by the Head of the Department of Resident Statistics of the Central Statistics Board Uldis UЪackis, roughly 90% of inhabitants are counted. People who were not counted can apply to the statistics office till May 12. Information must be processed and report submitted to te government by this October 1.

A few days before the end of census (April 29) in Latvia, information provided by the Head of the Department of Resident Statistics of the Central Statistics Board Uldis UЪackis, roughly 90% of inhabitants are counted. People who were not counted can apply to the statistics office till May 12. Information must be processed and report submitted to te government by this October 1. Jauna Avize

Foreign mass media forecast that releasing of Vasilijs Kononovs and the new prime minister coming for LatviaТs Way party could considerably improve the relations between Latvia and Russia.

Foreign mass media forecast that releasing of Vasilijs Kononovs and the new prime minister coming for LatviaТs Way party could considerably improve the relations between Latvia and Russia. Neatkariga

In less than a year the American NGO Freedom House has allotted almost $ 600,000 to support naturalization and society integration process in Latvia.

In less than a year the American NGO Freedom House has allotted almost $ 600,000 to support naturalization and society integration process in Latvia. Freedom House representative to Latvia V. Sullivan reveals more specifically the fields of cooperation: strengthening the work of the Naturalization Board and its Information Center, promoting naturalization and Latvian language training for naturalization applicants. Neatkariga

In an interview to Latvian Radio Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins commented that although it was too early to make far-reaching conclusions, however, first steps made by the Russian president Valdimir Putin in developing the dialogue with the West should be positively evaluated.

In an interview to Latvian Radio Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins commented that although it was too early to make far-reaching conclusions, however, first steps made by the Russian president Valdimir Putin in developing the dialogue with the West should be positively evaluated. Neatkariga

As the term of office for the Acting Head of the DCMA Mвrtiтр Biиevskis expired yesterday, competition was announced for the directorТs position. Applications will be received till May 15.

As the term of office for the Acting Head of the DCMA Mвrtiтр Biиevskis expired yesterday, competition was announced for the directorТs position. Applications will be received till May 15. Neatkariga

Commenting on the UN Human Rights CommissionТs resolution on minority rights the Russian Foreign Ministry in this respect referred to Latvia and Estonia. Ministry hopes that international organizations together with the governments of Latvia and Estonia will pay effort to improve the situation.

Commenting on the UN Human Rights CommissionТs resolution on minority rights the Russian Foreign Ministry in this respect referred to Latvia and Estonia. Ministry hopes that international organizations together with the governments of Latvia and Estonia will pay effort to improve the situation. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Latvian Human Rights Committee on May 1 in Riga and other bigger towns will organize collecting of signatures under the letter to international organizations asking to influence the policy regarding ethnic minority and non-citizen rights in Latvia.

Latvian Human Rights Committee on May 1 in Riga and other bigger towns will organize collecting of signatures under the letter to international organizations asking to influence the policy regarding ethnic minority and non-citizen rights in Latvia. Diena

Saeima in yesterdayТs session answered the inquiry submitted by the Constitutional Court that the Court shall reject the request submitted by the left-wing MPs to cancel restrictions to stand for elections for the former KGB officers and members of forbidden organizations.

Saeima in yesterdayТs session answered the inquiry submitted by the Constitutional Court that the Court shall reject the request submitted by the left-wing MPs to cancel restrictions to stand for elections for the former KGB officers and members of forbidden organizations. Diena


interview Anda Celma, co-author of the Integration Concept on her personal experience and attitudes toward mixed marriages as well as other society integration aspects. interview Anda Celma, co-author of the Integration Concept on her personal experience and attitudes toward mixed marriages as well as other society integration aspects.

April 27, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The leader of People’s Party A.Skele said that the intention of A.Berzins not to invite to his government former prime ministers had decreased People’s Party trust in him. Nevertheless A.Berzins does not intend to change his mind. On Wednesday the first discord arose between People’s Party and Latvijas Cels, and the tension could be even more increased by the fight for the post of the Minister of Communications. TB/LNNK, whom the “big partners” have allotted less influence in the Government according to the principle of proportionality, promised not to disturb the Government formation process by any announcements.

The leader of Peoples Party A.Skele said that the intention of A.Berzins not to invite to his government former prime ministers had decreased Peoples Party trust in him. Nevertheless A.Berzins does not intend to change his mind. On Wednesday the first discord arose between Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels, and the tension could be even more increased by the fight for the post of the Minister of Communications. TB/LNNK, whom the big partners have allotted less influence in the Government according to the principle of proportionality, promised not to disturb the Government formation process by any announcements. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize , Respublika, Panorama Latvii

According to unofficial information A.Berzins has promised to present the parties his model of the Government already this Friday. It means that he will propose his vision of distributing minister posts among Government forming factions.

According to unofficial information A.Berzins has promised to present the parties his model of the Government already this Friday. It means that he will propose his vision of distributing minister posts among Government forming factions. Neatkariga

Former red guerrilla man V.Kononv has decided to give up Latvian citizenship and decided to ask for Russian citizenship let after his sentencing, if it happens, he would be extradited to Russia and be released there. He told

Former red guerrilla man V.Kononv has decided to give up Latvian citizenship and decided to ask for Russian citizenship let after his sentencing, if it happens, he would be extradited to Russia and be released there. He told Diena that he planned to draw up all necessary documents to give up Latvian citizenship within one month. Lauku Avize ,

Russian speaking newspapers see it as a success of Russia.

Russian speaking newspapers see it as a success of Russia. Vesti Segodnya, Respublika

MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane informed that from May 1 Byelorussia would withdraw from the CIS agreement on mutual recognition of visas. It means that all Latvian citizens and non-citizens, when crossing Byelorussia for going to some CIS state, would need to receive a Byelorussian transit visa.

MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane informed that from May 1 Byelorussia would withdraw from the CIS agreement on mutual recognition of visas. It means that all Latvian citizens and non-citizens, when crossing Byelorussia for going to some CIS state, would need to receive a Byelorussian transit visa. Diena


and Jauna Avize inform that this procedure refers to all CIS countries. Latvijas Cels representative A.Visockis expressed his readiness to become the Mayor or Riga City. He did it after discussions with LC deputies and former Mayor A.Berzins.

Latvijas Cels representative A.Visockis expressed his readiness to become the Mayor or Riga City. He did it after discussions with LC deputies and former Mayor A.Berzins. Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii


writes that according their information the present Deputy Mayor A.Argalis will have to become the Mayor of Riga. writes that according their information the present Deputy Mayor A.Argalis will have to become the Mayor of Riga. Latvia has 35 diplomatic representatives abroad. According to the development program of the diplomatic service, it is planned to increase this number up to 50 within 10 years.

Latvia has 35 diplomatic representatives abroad. According to the development program of the diplomatic service, it is planned to increase this number up to 50 within 10 years. Neatkariga

To broaden political experience of their deputies People’s Party considers a possibility to exchange the Chairman of People’s Party Saeima faction G.Berzins with some other deputy. This announcement was made by the party leader A.Skele. He said that there were many good candidates, e.g. V.Muizniece and J.Lagzdins. Speaking about G.Berzins’s political future, A.Skele said that he could be a parliamentary secretary or a minister.

To broaden political experience of their deputies Peoples Party considers a possibility to exchange the Chairman of Peoples Party Saeima faction G.Berzins with some other deputy. This announcement was made by the party leader A.Skele. He said that there were many good candidates, e.g. V.Muizniece and J.Lagzdins. Speaking about G.Berzinss political future, A.Skele said that he could be a parliamentary secretary or a minister. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

On April 19 – 20 seminar “Citizenship, naturalisation and integration” of the Commission on Migration Affairs of the Council of the Baltic States Ministers took place in Riga. Three working groups discussed questions of naturalisation and related issues, personal identification documents and non-citizens integration. It was organised by the DCMA in co-operation with IOM (International Migration Organisation).

On April 19 – 20 seminar Citizenship, naturalisation and integration of the Commission on Migration Affairs of the Council of the Baltic States Ministers took place in Riga. Three working groups discussed questions of naturalisation and related issues, personal identification documents and non-citizens integration. It was organised by the DCMA in co-operation with IOM (International Migration Organisation). Latvijas Vestnesis

The program of American NGO Freedom House has spent 600 000USD to further the integration process in Latvia. Most of this sum was received from USAID. During this year the number of naturalised non-citizens increased from 13 898 to 27 569. It means that for every new citizen they spent about 44 USD. E.Aldermane, Head of the Naturalisation Board, said that the Government was not very interested in the naturalisation process. The annual budget of the Naturalisation Board is 70 – 80 000 Ls. Last year 25 000 Ls were given additionally to get rid of with lines In Naturalisation Board officces, but his year the Board had to dismiss 15 employees.

The program of American NGO Freedom House has spent 600 000USD to further the integration process in Latvia. Most of this sum was received from USAID. During this year the number of naturalised non-citizens increased from 13 898 to 27 569. It means that for every new citizen they spent about 44 USD. E.Aldermane, Head of the Naturalisation Board, said that the Government was not very interested in the naturalisation process. The annual budget of the Naturalisation Board is 70 – 80 000 Ls. Last year 25 000 Ls were given additionally to get rid of with lines In Naturalisation Board officces, but his year the Board had to dismiss 15 employees. Vesti Segodnya, Jauna Avize , Respublika

Once more the Liberators Monument suffered from vandals. This time constructing materials and equipment were stolen. The thieves also looted the auxiliary rooms.

Once more the Liberators Monument suffered from vandals. This time constructing materials and equipment were stolen. The thieves also looted the auxiliary rooms. Vesti Segodnya

Russian newspaper Komersant Vlast interviewed the leader of the New Party R.Pauls. Pauls told the newspaper that if he were elected the President he would face a difficult situation. He stands for good relations with Russia and it would cause opposition from right wingers. Pauls thinks that Latvian – Russian relations are still influenced by the offence of those Latvians who suffered without guilt during Soviet time. But history should be left to historians.

Russian newspaper Komersant Vlast interviewed the leader of the New Party R.Pauls. Pauls told the newspaper that if he were elected the President he would face a difficult situation. He stands for good relations with Russia and it would cause opposition from right wingers. Pauls thinks that Latvian – Russian relations are still influenced by the offence of those Latvians who suffered without guilt during Soviet time. But history should be left to historians. Lauku Avize

J.Pliner, deputy from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia, writes that the education law that will take effect on June 1, 2000 limits the right of national minorities to receive education in their mother tongue. According to the new law in state and municipal education institutions tuition language is the state language. One can receive education in another language only in private schools, but not everybody can afford to attend such a school.

J.Pliner, deputy from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia, writes that the education law that will take effect on June 1, 2000 limits the right of national minorities to receive education in their mother tongue. According to the new law in state and municipal education institutions tuition language is the state language. One can receive education in another language only in private schools, but not everybody can afford to attend such a school. Chas

April 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga, after some thinking charged Riga Mayor A.Berzins to form the new government. Berzins has already got a support from 69 Saeima deputies. The President has received a confirmation letter from the candidate where A.Berzins expressed his intention to form a government that would act to the end ate of this Saeima authority term and try to decrease the contradictions of major economic groups. Berzins also confirmed that he did not like to have in his government any former prime minister.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga, after some thinking charged Riga Mayor A.Berzins to form the new government. Berzins has already got a support from 69 Saeima deputies. The President has received a confirmation letter from the candidate where A.Berzins expressed his intention to form a government that would act to the end ate of this Saeima authority term and try to decrease the contradictions of major economic groups. Berzins also confirmed that he did not like to have in his government any former prime minister. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

The Supreme Court took an unexpected decision on Tuesday to release the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov from detention and send his case for additional investigation. This decision was welcomed by Latvian left-wingers and Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov who handed Kononov a Russian citizen passport.

The Supreme Court took an unexpected decision on Tuesday to release the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov from detention and send his case for additional investigation. This decision was welcomed by Latvian left-wingers and Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov who handed Kononov a Russian citizen passport. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

Since the beginning of naturalisation process in Latvia the total number of non-citizens that underwent naturalisation is 27.6 thousand i.e. 5% from more than 580000 non-citizens. The Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane thinks that this process in Latvia could be similar to the one in Estonia where one third of all non-citizens naturalised rather soon, and then the process slowed down radically. Naturalisation in Latvia could go fast until 150 –180 000 non-citizens would be naturalised, and then a decline could start. N.Muiznieks, Director of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre, has an opinion that the majority of current non-citizens would never receive Latvian citizenship, only 280 000 would naturalise. Social scientist A.Tabuns thinks that the process could stop in next 4 – 5 years.

Since the beginning of naturalisation process in Latvia the total number of non-citizens that underwent naturalisation is 27.6 thousand i.e. 5% from more than 580000 non-citizens. The Naturalisation Board Head E.Aldermane thinks that this process in Latvia could be similar to the one in Estonia where one third of all non-citizens naturalised rather soon, and then the process slowed down radically. Naturalisation in Latvia could go fast until 150 –180 000 non-citizens would be naturalised, and then a decline could start. N.Muiznieks, Director of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre, has an opinion that the majority of current non-citizens would never receive Latvian citizenship, only 280 000 would naturalise. Social scientist A.Tabuns thinks that the process could stop in next 4 – 5 years. Diena

Today a meeting of the ruling coalition will take place where they plan to agree on the composition of the new government. The previous meeting lasted only for 20 minutes, and it was just a consultation. The newspaper

Today a meeting of the ruling coalition will take place where they plan to agree on the composition of the new government. The previous meeting lasted only for 20 minutes, and it was just a consultation. The newspaper Respublika interviewed one of the leaders of The New Party A.Slesers who told about the serious intentions of the Party in the formation of the Government.

April 25, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Tuesday President V.V.Freiberga will either announce the next Prime Minister or explain her reasons for lingering. Today she has planned meetings with two possible candidates to the post of Prime Minister – A.Poca and A.Berzins. Respecting the call of V.V.Freiberga to reduce the influence of economic groups on policy, Latvijas Cels in the draft Government declarations points out their readiness to form a government free from political bargaining.

On Tuesday President V.V.Freiberga will either announce the next Prime Minister or explain her reasons for lingering. Today she has planned meetings with two possible candidates to the post of Prime Minister – A.Poca and A.Berzins. Respecting the call of V.V.Freiberga to reduce the influence of economic groups on policy, Latvijas Cels in the draft Government declarations points out their readiness to form a government free from political bargaining. Diena, Neatkariga,Chas Vesti Segodnya

Respublika writes that the President will be forced to name the candidate today otherwise she would limit her chance to be elected for the second time and leave the country without a PM until May 4, the Independence Declaration Day anniversary.

Respublika writes that the President will be forced to name the candidate today otherwise she would limit her chance to be elected for the second time and leave the country without a PM until May 4, the Independence Declaration Day anniversary.

On Monday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins had an unofficial meeting with Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.Ilvess who came to Riga to meet with Estonian Ambassadors residing in Eastern Europe. During the meeting of both Foreign Ministers were discussed bilateral relations and political events in Russia.

On Monday Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins had an unofficial meeting with Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.Ilvess who came to Riga to meet with Estonian Ambassadors residing in Eastern Europe. During the meeting of both Foreign Ministers were discussed bilateral relations and political events in Russia. Diena

Last Thursday Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss was invited to the Russian MFA and informed that Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov was not allowed to meet with red guerrilla man V.Kononov.

Last Thursday Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss was invited to the Russian MFA and informed that Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov was not allowed to meet with red guerrilla man V.Kononov. Diena

An organisation Baltic Forum was established to further Latvian and Russian political dialog. The Chairman N.Neilands said that the goal of this organisation was to assist in eliminating the vacuum of political dialog between Russia and Latvia. The major project of the Forum will take place in June – a conference "Latvia – Russia in united Europe in the XXI century. Who are we: friends, enemies or partners."

An organisation Baltic Forum was established to further Latvian and Russian political dialog. The Chairman N.Neilands said that the goal of this organisation was to assist in eliminating the vacuum of political dialog between Russia and Latvia. The major project of the Forum will take place in June – a conference "Latvia – Russia in united Europe in the XXI century. Who are we: friends, enemies or partners." Diena, Respublika

Former Latvian President G.Ulmanis called the former Prime Minister A.Skele not to work in the new Government. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that A.Skele had disappointed him. In a TV show he said that this was the worst and most difficult governmental crisis since 1993.

Former Latvian President G.Ulmanis called the former Prime Minister A.Skele not to work in the new Government. G.Ulmanis acknowledged that A.Skele had disappointed him. In a TV show he said that this was the worst and most difficult governmental crisis since 1993. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

People's Party representatives have just an opposite opinion. Dz.Abikis said that A.Skele was a man of action and therefore many did not like him. According to Abikis, Skele had to continue working in the Government. Also A.Kirsteins, A.Slakteris and J.Lagzdins had the same opinion.

Lauku Avize The four potential government coalition parties have to agree on the conceptual basis of governmental declaration. It seems that this declaration will differ from the previous one. According to Latvijas Cels , there will be restored the Coalition Council - institution that did not operate during A.Skele's time. In the draft declaration, prepared by Latvijas Cels, there are stipulated principles of proportionality, succession and solidarity of responsibility. In the Council decisions will be taken according to the principle of majority.

The four potential government coalition parties have to agree on the conceptual basis of governmental declaration. It seems that this declaration will differ from the previous one. According to Latvijas Cels , there will be restored the Coalition Council - institution that did not operate during A.Skele's time. In the draft declaration, prepared by Latvijas Cels, there are stipulated principles of proportionality, succession and solidarity of responsibility. In the Council decisions will be taken according to the principle of majority. Respublika

Latvian and Russian press differ both in the content and tonality. This conclusion was made by N.Muiznieks, Director of the Human Rights and Ethnic problems Centre. He had prepared a research "Minorities and Media in Latvia". In Latvia one can not speak about a Russian community but about a Russian speaking community. Because 23% of all non-citizens do not pay any attentions to such an issue as ethnic belonging. And Russian mass media may not be called the minority media.

Latvian and Russian press differ both in the content and tonality. This conclusion was made by N.Muiznieks, Director of the Human Rights and Ethnic problems Centre. He had prepared a research "Minorities and Media in Latvia". In Latvia one can not speak about a Russian community but about a Russian speaking community. Because 23% of all non-citizens do not pay any attentions to such an issue as ethnic belonging. And Russian mass media may not be called the minority media. Respublika

In Venspils has established the Consultative Council on Non-citizens Affairs within the framework of Integration Program, developed by the Municipality. The Chairwoman V.Shengelia told the newspaper Chas about the work of the Council. It has the status of a municipal commission. The tasks are to be involved in the integration process, come with their own ideas, and enrich the program with their activities. In reality the Council is a mediator between the residents and City Council in solving different issues.


On May 1 human rights activists plan to start a mass campaign of collecting signatures under the address to UN and CoE with an aim to make Latvia to ratify the framework convention on protection of national minorities rights. But representatives of several public organisations have already collected more than 15 000 signatures. Vesti Segodnya

On April 21 was detained a group of activists, collecting signatures under this address. According to the organisers of this action hundreds of Riga residents supported them and signed, only a few were against and called police. The activists were brought to a police office and a report drawn up for holding an unsanctioned meeting.

On April 21 was detained a group of activists, collecting signatures under this address. According to the organisers of this action hundreds of Riga residents supported them and signed, only a few were against and called police. The activists were brought to a police office and a report drawn up for holding an unsanctioned meeting. Chas

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