April 14, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Friday brought two surprises in the political life of Latvia: - President V.V.Freiberga announced that she could entrust forming of the new Government to a candidate no party had proposed, but Latvijas Cels expanded their list of candidates by Riga City mayor A.Berzins. So far the most likely candidate was A.Poca, who did not see any possibility to work together with the former Prime Minister A.Skele. LC will name their final candidate on Sunday evening, but their suggestion to name A.Berzins other coalition partners did not face with much enthusiasm.

Friday brought two surprises in the political life of Latvia: - President V.V.Freiberga announced that she could entrust forming of the new Government to a candidate no party had proposed, but Latvijas Cels expanded their list of candidates by Riga City mayor A.Berzins. So far the most likely candidate was A.Poca, who did not see any possibility to work together with the former Prime Minister A.Skele. LC will name their final candidate on Sunday evening, but their suggestion to name A.Berzins other coalition partners did not face with much enthusiasm. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

TB/LNNK voiced an opinion that they would not like to allow the former Prime Minister A.Skele to have a ministerial post in the new Government.

TB/LNNK voiced an opinion that they would not like to allow the former Prime Minister A.Skele to have a ministerial post in the new Government. Lauku Avize

President V.V.Freiberga promised to name the new candidate for the post of the Prime Minister by May 4 according to the wish of two coalition partners – Latvijas Cels and People’s Party.

President V.V.Freiberga promised to name the new candidate for the post of the Prime Minister by May 4 according to the wish of two coalition partners – Latvijas Cels and Peoples Party. Lauku Avize

To further exchange of information between Russian and Latvian culture people and develop co-operation projects, next week in Moscow will be realised a program Latvia – Russia: cultural dialogue. The project is organised by Soros Fund Latvia in co-operation with Russian Open Society Institute. Diena

To further exchange of information between Russian and Latvian culture people and develop co-operation projects, next week in Moscow will be realised a program Latvia – Russia: cultural dialogue. The project is organised by Soros Fund Latvia in co-operation with Russian Open Society Institute. Diena

Latvian Ambassador to the United States of America A.Ronis sent a letter to the journal Newsweek where he pointed out to distorted facts in the recently published material on investigation of war time crimes in Latvia. In his letter the Ambassador writes that the author when citing many Russian sources indirectly reflect the main tendentious opinions on Latvian history, ruling in Russia.

Latvian Ambassador to the United States of America A.Ronis sent a letter to the journal Newsweek where he pointed out to distorted facts in the recently published material on investigation of war time crimes in Latvia. In his letter the Ambassador writes that the author when citing many Russian sources indirectly reflect the main tendentious opinions on Latvian history, ruling in Russia. Diena,

Also the Director of Latvian Institute and former Latvian Ambassador to the USA O.Kalnins sent a similar letter to this journal.

Also the Director of Latvian Institute and former Latvian Ambassador to the USA O.Kalnins sent a similar letter to this journal. Chas

The representative of Peoples Harmony Party N.Neilands during his interview to the Russian Public TV channel found the trial of red guerrilla man V.Kononov to be just a political trial, thus he doubted justice of Latvian judicial system. This hearing makes the Peoples Harmony Party to offer once more the public reconciliation declaration.

The representative of Peoples Harmony Party N.Neilands during his interview to the Russian Public TV channel found the trial of red guerrilla man V.Kononov to be just a political trial, thus he doubted justice of Latvian judicial system. This hearing makes the Peoples Harmony Party to offer once more the public reconciliation declaration. Diena, Neatkariga

During the last days Russian mass media are paying a lot of attention to V.Kononov’s case. Some of them even say that Latvian authorities had a chance to improve Latvian – Russian relations by abolishing the sentence for Kononov.

During the last days Russian mass media are paying a lot of attention to V.Kononovs case. Some of them even say that Latvian authorities had a chance to improve Latvian – Russian relations by abolishing the sentence for Kononov. Chas

Latvian MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane commenting the opinions of Russian mass media on this case pointed out that Latvian judicial system was independent and nobody had the right to intervene in the decision making process.

Latvian MFA Press Secretary L.Bergmane commenting the opinions of Russian mass media on this case pointed out that Latvian judicial system was independent and nobody had the right to intervene in the decision making process. Neatkariga

Yesterday Russian MFA circulated an official announcement on the “case of Kononov” and confirmed that “they continue to undertake strict steps in order to manage release of Kononov.

Yesterday Russian MFA circulated an official announcement on the case of Kononov and confirmed that they continue to undertake strict steps in order to manage release of Kononov. Chas

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins called Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and other parties represented in the Saeima be more active in co-operation with their colleagues in Russia because the atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust was created through contacts. But members of the parties represents in the Saeima think that it would be rather difficult to find kindred parties in Russian Duma.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins called Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and other parties represented in the Saeima be more active in co-operation with their colleagues in Russia because the atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust was created through contacts. But members of the parties represents in the Saeima think that it would be rather difficult to find kindred parties in Russian Duma. Neatkariga

Yesterday Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins rejected the criticism of former UURS President M.Gorbachov stating that his criticism did not correspond the current situation. M.Gorbachov criticised Latvia in the Portugeese newspaper Publico. Among other thing he spoke about 70 000 Russian non-citizens whom Russia should support.

Yesterday Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins rejected the criticism of former UURS President M.Gorbachov stating that his criticism did not correspond the current situation. M.Gorbachov criticised Latvia in the Portugeese newspaper Publico. Among other thing he spoke about 70 000 Russian non-citizens whom Russia should support. Chas

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane answered to the questions of the readers of the Russian speaking newspaper Chas and among other things she said that she would like to co-operate with Russia.

The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane answered to the questions of the readers of the Russian speaking newspaper Chas and among other things she said that she would like to co-operate with Russia. Chas

April 13, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

After consultions with another coalition partner Latvijas Cels yesterday morning Prime Minister Andris Skele submitted his resignation to the President. He explained that by the fact that the New Party did not express the willingness to join the People’s Party and Latvia’s Way in the government. Thus the government remained with only 45 votes in the Saeima. Today, negotiations start about forming the new government with the above two parties as the key players. Latvia’s Way has nominated five candidates for the prime ministers position. People’s Party would like to have posts of foreign, economics and transport ministers. Other possible partners of the coalition are Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and the New Party.

After consultions with another coalition partner Latvijas Cels yesterday morning Prime Minister Andris Skele submitted his resignation to the President. He explained that by the fact that the New Party did not express the willingness to join the Peoples Party and Latvias Way in the government. Thus the government remained with only 45 votes in the Saeima. Today, negotiations start about forming the new government with the above two parties as the key players. Latvias Way has nominated five candidates for the prime ministers position. Peoples Party would like to have posts of foreign, economics and transport ministers. Other possible partners of the coalition are Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and the New Party. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Cahs, Vesti

Foreign press agencies report that the change of the government in Latvia cannot influence long-term goals like NATO and EU integrtaion, also, Latvia has managed to maintain a stable economic and foreign policy direction. As the main reason for the end of the government they quote the disagreement in the government about privatization issues.

Foreign press agencies report that the change of the government in Latvia cannot influence long-term goals like NATO and EU integrtaion, also, Latvia has managed to maintain a stable economic and foreign policy direction. As the main reason for the end of the government they quote the disagreement in the government about privatization issues. Diena

Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday met the request expressed by Vasily Kononov to grant him Russian citizenship. It is possible that after Konovs becomes a Russian citizen Russia may demand his extradition to Russia to serve the prison term there.

Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday met the request expressed by Vasily Kononov to grant him Russian citizenship. It is possible that after Konovs becomes a Russian citizen Russia may demand his extradition to Russia to serve the prison term there. Diena, Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

After visiting the Estonian Foreign Minister, in a radio interview Indulis Berzins said that Latvia and Estonia could consider joint purchase of tanks.

After visiting the Estonian Foreign Minister, in a radio interview Indulis Berzins said that Latvia and Estonia could consider joint purchase of tanks. Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti

Talking to Panorama Latvii about the fall of the government Head of the For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Jurkans said that even a new government cannot bring any good changes in the country. Only new parliament elections could help

Talking to Panorama Latvii about the fall of the government Head of the For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Jurkans said that even a new government cannot bring any good changes in the country. Only new parliament elections could help. Panorama Latvii

April 12, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday evening Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK announced that the party cannot further activities of Andris Skale as the prime minister and invited to start negotiations about a new prime minister. Skele was sure that this does not mean the end to the government, he was ready to continue the work and invite the New Party to join the government.

Yesterday evening Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK announced that the party cannot further activities of Andris Skale as the prime minister and invited to start negotiations about a new prime minister. Skele was sure that this does not mean the end to the government, he was ready to continue the work and invite the New Party to join the government. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti, Respublika

In extraordinary government meeting yesterday Janis Naglis was once again confirmed in the position of the Director General of Privatization Agency till the end of the operation of this institution. Fatherland and Freedom ministers did not vote.

In extraordinary government meeting yesterday Janis Naglis was once again confirmed in the position of the Director General of Privatization Agency till the end of the operation of this institution. Fatherland and Freedom ministers did not vote.

Record number of naturalized persons was registered in Latvia in March – 1964. This is the ever biggest monthly record since 1995. In total 34.5 thousand have applied and 27.6 thousand were granted citizenship.

Record number of naturalized persons was registered in Latvia in March – 1964. This is the ever biggest monthly record since 1995. In total 34.5 thousand have applied and 27.6 thousand were granted citizenship. Diena, Chas

Saeima’s Mandate Commission does not support the initiative of the People’s Party to dismiss the Social Democrat MP Janis Adamsons from the Saeima as the court ruling did not recognize Adamsons a staff member of KGB and the border guard was a part of the USSR armed forces. The statement makes it more possible that MPs will not support Adamsons’ dismissal during the vote on Thursday.

Saeimas Mandate Commission does not support the initiative of the Peoples Party to dismiss the Social Democrat MP Janis Adamsons from the Saeima as the court ruling did not recognize Adamsons a staff member of KGB and the border guard was a part of the USSR armed forces. The statement makes it more possible that MPs will not support Adamsons dismissal during the vote on Thursday. Diena

Director of Latvia’s Institute Ojars Kalnins will send a letter to the magazine Newsweek concerning the article about Latvia. He thinks the article is biased and presents wrong facts. Also, the approach to Communist and Nazi crimes is not balanced.

Director of Latvias Institute Ojars Kalnins will send a letter to the magazine Newsweek concerning the article about Latvia. He thinks the article is biased and presents wrong facts. Also, the approach to Communist and Nazi crimes is not balanced. Diena

Yesterday, Interior Minister Mareks Seglins reported to the government on the situation in exchanging passports. As of March 17, more than 545 thousand non-citizen passports have been processed. 90.7% of the registered non-citizens have exchanged their USSR passports for the Latvian non-citizen passports. Some of them had the “brown” passports to replace, some got the non-citizen’s passport as the first ID. 12 thousand citizens or less than1% have not obtained the citizen’s passports. 5.5 thousand citizens applied but did not pick up the new document.

Yesterday, Interior Minister Mareks Seglins reported to the government on the situation in exchanging passports. As of March 17, more than 545 thousand non-citizen passports have been processed. 90.7% of the registered non-citizens have exchanged their USSR passports for the Latvian non-citizen passports. Some of them had the brown passports to replace, some got the non-citizens passport as the first ID. 12 thousand citizens or less than1% have not obtained the citizens passports. 5.5 thousand citizens applied but did not pick up the new document. Chas

Saeima’s Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law decided to indefinitely postpone considering of the Convention on Citizenship. Instability of the government was cited as the reason for that. Head of the Commission Janis Lagzdins explains closer the situation and considerations of the Commission.

Saeimas Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law decided to indefinitely postpone considering of the Convention on Citizenship. Instability of the government was cited as the reason for that. Head of the Commission Janis Lagzdins explains closer the situation and considerations of the Commission. Respublika

Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement with criticizing the ignorance of general human principles in Latvia. In the Ministry’s opinion that can be seen in the fact that Russian representatives were denied meeting with the accused war criminal Vasily Kononov. Latvian authorities did not allow the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksander Udaltsov to meet Kononov.

Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement with criticizing the ignorance of general human principles in Latvia. In the Ministrys opinion that can be seen in the fact that Russian representatives were denied meeting with the accused war criminal Vasily Kononov. Latvian authorities did not allow the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Aleksander Udaltsov to meet Kononov. Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti

April 11, 2000

Press Review

On contrary to the conviction of the Prime Minister Skele about the ability of the government to continue the work, new factors added to instability of the government. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK repeatedly named Vladimirs Makarovs as the candidate to Economic Minister’s position despite the fact that he was just dismissed from the position by the premier. In response, Skele will consider offering the post to another party.

On contrary to the conviction of the Prime Minister Skele about the ability of the government to continue the work, new factors added to instability of the government. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK repeatedly named Vladimirs Makarovs as the candidate to Economic Ministers position despite the fact that he was just dismissed from the position by the premier. In response, Skele will consider offering the post to another party.

In today’s government meeting Skele will ask the government ministers to vote on extending the office term for Janis Naglis the former Director General of the Privatization Agency.

In todays government meeting Skele will ask the government ministers to vote on extending the office term for Janis Naglis the former Director General of the Privatization Agency. Diena

The American weekly

The American weekly Newsweek in yesterdays issue runs an article where legality of the case with charges of war crimes against Vasily Kononov is doubted. The article describes Latvia as a country with violations of the rights of the Russian-speaking residents. Diena, Chas

The Prosecutor General’s office yesterday sent its resolution to the Saeima which states that without any doubt the recent court ruling recongized the Social Democrat MP Janis Adamsons as a former USSR KGB staff member. The parliament is to vote this Thursday on revoking Adamson’s mandate.

The Prosecutor Generals office yesterday sent its resolution to the Saeima which states that without any doubt the recent court ruling recongized the Social Democrat MP Janis Adamsons as a former USSR KGB staff member. The parliament is to vote this Thursday on revoking Adamsons mandate. Diena, Panorama Latvii

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in yesterday’s interview to the national radio stressed that the issue of state language and rights to vote for non-citizens correspond the EU standards. She did not see any need to return to the language issue as it is completely solved. The comment followed the idea expressed by the movement Equality to organize a national referendum on granting official status to the Russian language.

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in yesterdays interview to the national radio stressed that the issue of state language and rights to vote for non-citizens correspond the EU standards. She did not see any need to return to the language issue as it is completely solved. The comment followed the idea expressed by the movement Equality to organize a national referendum on granting official status to the Russian language. Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

The movement Equality has managed to collect 8000 signatures in support to the referendum on granting non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. By this move, the party hopes to raise their electorate. The goal set forward in the Saturday’s conference is to get at least 1/5th of the votes in Riga.

The movement Equality has managed to collect 8000 signatures in support to the referendum on granting non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. By this move, the party hopes to raise their electorate. The goal set forward in the Saturdays conference is to get at least 1/5th of the votes in Riga. Chas

In an article named “The Baltics Against Russia” Vesti write about the meeting of the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins and his Estonian counterpart Mr. Ilves. They discussed NATO and EU integration, regional cooperation and relations with Russia. Both ministers agreed that the recent decision of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning Russia was logical and democratic.

In an article named The Baltics Against Russia Vesti write about the meeting of the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins and his Estonian counterpart Mr. Ilves. They discussed NATO and EU integration, regional cooperation and relations with Russia. Both ministers agreed that the recent decision of the Parliamentary Assembly concerning Russia was logical and democratic. Vesti, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday, Latvian Foreign Ministry submitted to Russia the draft regulations on border crossing for the border area population. In the middle of March Latvia gave up the favorable terms for border crossing following the requirements of the European Commission.

Yesterday, Latvian Foreign Ministry submitted to Russia the draft regulations on border crossing for the border area population. In the middle of March Latvia gave up the favorable terms for border crossing following the requirements of the European Commission. Vesti interviews the director of Daugavpils School No 6 known for its success in bi-lingual education. The director says that graduates from her school speak Latvian very well but they do not forget their native Russian.

Following a meeting of the discussion club of the Russian Society of Latvia a report in

Following a meeting of the discussion club of the Russian Society of Latvia a report in Vesti quote results of a survey in a Russian school where the students said they will get naturalized exclusively due to carrier considerations. The author expresses fear about the consequences of this formal naturalization.

April 10, 2000

Press Report

A study on Russian and Latvian relations developed by Oxford Analytica says that the visits of NATO officials to Latvia should be considered as a support to Latvia against Russia’s pressure.

A study on Russian and Latvian relations developed by Oxford Analytica says that the visits of NATO officials to Latvia should be considered as a support to Latvia against Russias pressure. Neatkariga

Saturday’s conference of Latvia’s Way party recognized the current coalition as the most logical thus making it clear that the party will not agree to the attempts to push out Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK. Unofficial information says that the People’s Party could agree to a government with Skele as a minister but not prime minister.

Saturdays conference of Latvias Way party recognized the current coalition as the most logical thus making it clear that the party will not agree to the attempts to push out Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK. Unofficial information says that the Peoples Party could agree to a government with Skele as a minister but not prime minister. Diena, Neatkariga

The left-wing party Lidztiesiba (Equality) in its conference on Saturday stated that it hopes to become the ruling party in the biggest towns in Latvia in the coming municipal elections.

The left-wing party Lidztiesiba (Equality) in its conference on Saturday stated that it hopes to become the ruling party in the biggest towns in Latvia in the coming municipal elections. Diena, Respublika, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

This week the former member of the Riga City Council Tatyana Zhdanok will send her claim to the European Human Rights Court.

This week the former member of the Riga City Council Tatyana Zhdanok will send her claim to the European Human Rights Court. Vesti

May 3 and 4 delegation of the Russian State Duma will visit Riga after the invitation of the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume.

May 3 and 4 delegation of the Russian State Duma will visit Riga after the invitation of the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume. Chas

Leonids Fedosejevs in his opinion article maintains that the low number of first-graders applying for some schools in Riga is a result of the state policy. First of all - parents of non-Russian children will rather take them to a Latvian school. And secondly - the Russian parents "understand that the crippled bi-lingual schools are not Russian anyway"so its better to take children to a Latvian school.

Leonids Fedosejevs in his opinion article maintains that the low number of first-graders applying for some schools in Riga is a result of the state policy. First of all - parents of non-Russian children will rather take them to a Latvian school. And secondly - the Russian parents "understand that the crippled bi-lingual schools are not Russian anyway"so its better to take children to a Latvian school. Chas


reviews the reaction of Russia to the activities of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Russian officials in response point at Latvia with its violations of the rights of the Russian-speakers and marches of the former SS legioners. reviews the reaction of Russia to the activities of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Russian officials in response point at Latvia with its violations of the rights of the Russian-speakers and marches of the former SS legioners.
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