Sept. 25, 2000

Press Report

According to the social pool the most popular person is the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga 58,4% (increase of 6,7% comparatively to the previous month), next – the Governor of Latvia’s Bank E.Repse 54% (increase of 2,6%), and the biggest increase in the popularity rating has received the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis 43,8% (increase of 13,6%). The most unpopular three persons are A.Skele (-51,5%), followed by A.Rubiks (-39%) and A.Slesers (-35%).

According to the social pool the most popular person is the President Vaira Vike-Freiberga 58,4% (increase of 6,7% comparatively to the previous month), next – the Governor of Latvias Bank E.Repse 54% (increase of 2,6%), and the biggest increase in the popularity rating has received the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis 43,8% (increase of 13,6%). The most unpopular three persons are A.Skele (-51,5%), followed by A.Rubiks (-39%) and A.Slesers (-35%). Diena, Chas.

FF/LNNK faction promised to respect the Prime Minister’s opinion that a coalition party, which supports the resignation of the Minister of Economy, cannot be in the Government, however, the faction considers this case special. Thus the faction still has not given clear answer in this matter. The faction will meet with A.Kalvitis today.

FF/LNNK faction promised to respect the Prime Ministers opinion that a coalition party, which supports the resignation of the Minister of Economy, cannot be in the Government, however, the faction considers this case special. Thus the faction still has not given clear answer in this matter. The faction will meet with A.Kalvitis today. Neatkariga

The Information Center founded by the organization “For Equality” has started its work. People calling to the Center are mostly concerned about the Language Law, particularly about the requirement to communicate with the state institutions only in the Latvian language and bilingual education. Callers also suggest that the organizers of the campaign should not limit their field of operations with language problems, they should also fight for regaining of political rights, against discrimination of non-citizens, etc.

The Information Center founded by the organization For Equality has started its work. People calling to the Center are mostly concerned about the Language Law, particularly about the requirement to communicate with the state institutions only in the Latvian language and bilingual education. Callers also suggest that the organizers of the campaign should not limit their field of operations with language problems, they should also fight for regaining of political rights, against discrimination of non-citizens, etc. Neatkariga

The discussion started by the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office O.Bruvers about the necessity to introduce the post of the ombudsmen in Latvia is continued. The State Controller R.Chernajs gives his opinion.

The discussion started by the director of the Latvian National Human Rights Office O.Bruvers about the necessity to introduce the post of the ombudsmen in Latvia is continued. The State Controller R.Chernajs gives his opinion. Jauna.

The ambassador of Russia A.Udalcov refused to reply to TBB/LNNK faction member P.Lace who wanted to know if the memorial sign to Latvian border guards has been established in Maslenki. The ambassador in his letter to the deputy explained that he would give his reply only if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submits an official request. The deputy P.Lace commented it that “the ambassador has not observed the ethical norms and by that he demonstrates that he is the ambassador of an unfriendly country”.

The ambassador of Russia A.Udalcov refused to reply to TBB/LNNK faction member P.Lace who wanted to know if the memorial sign to Latvian border guards has been established in Maslenki. The ambassador in his letter to the deputy explained that he would give his reply only if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submits an official request. The deputy P.Lace commented it that the ambassador has not observed the ethical norms and by that he demonstrates that he is the ambassador of an unfriendly country. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Sept. 23, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The proposal of the opposition, which seems to be supported by FF/LNNK, to vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Economy A.Kalvitis can be the cause for Government’s resignation, as the Prime Minister thinks that the faction, which supports decisions of the opposition, can not be the part of the Government.

The proposal of the opposition, which seems to be supported by FF/LNNK, to vote of non-confidence to the Minister of Economy A.Kalvitis can be the cause for Governments resignation, as the Prime Minister thinks that the faction, which supports decisions of the opposition, can not be the part of the Government. Diena, Neatkariga

The social pool shows that some essential changes have occurred in the ratings of political parties in September. Now the most popular party is Latvia’s Way (its rating has increased by 2,2% comparatively to the previous month), the Social Democrats are the second (their rating has decreased for 2%), then follows the People’s Party, FF/LNNK (its rating has dropped for 3,1%), FHRUL (increase of 1,4%) and the New Party (its rating has also dropped for 1,6%).

The social pool shows that some essential changes have occurred in the ratings of political parties in September. Now the most popular party is Latvias Way (its rating has increased by 2,2% comparatively to the previous month), the Social Democrats are the second (their rating has decreased for 2%), then follows the Peoples Party, FF/LNNK (its rating has dropped for 3,1%), FHRUL (increase of 1,4%) and the New Party (its rating has also dropped for 1,6%). Diena

What regards the ratings of personalities the President of Latvia is the most popular person in Latvia in September. Her popularity is constantly increasing, then follows the Governer of Latvia’s Bank E.Repse and the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis. The Prime Minister still keeps the place of the most popular member of the Government. The most unpopular (minus 26,7%) person in the Government is the Minister of Education K.Greiskalns.

What regards the ratings of personalities the President of Latvia is the most popular person in Latvia in September. Her popularity is constantly increasing, then follows the Governer of Latvias Bank E.Repse and the Mayor of Riga A.Argalis. The Prime Minister still keeps the place of the most popular member of the Government. The most unpopular (minus 26,7%) person in the Government is the Minister of Education K.Greiskalns. Neatkariga, Chas

The General Secretary of the Council of Europe V.Shvimmer visited Latvia as in November Latvia will be the chairing country of the Council of Europe. The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins stressed that during Latvia’s chairing period the emphasis will be put on the development of co-operation with the new EC countries, as well as the organization of the Conference on small languages. During V.Shvimmer’s meetings with high officials of Latvia the most discussed issues were the ratification of the Framework Convention on the National Minorities, the integration of the national minorities into the society of Latvia as well as Latvia’s relations with Russia.

The General Secretary of the Council of Europe V.Shvimmer visited Latvia as in November Latvia will be the chairing country of the Council of Europe. The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins stressed that during Latvias chairing period the emphasis will be put on the development of co-operation with the new EC countries, as well as the organization of the Conference on small languages. During V.Shvimmers meetings with high officials of Latvia the most discussed issues were the ratification of the Framework Convention on the National Minorities, the integration of the national minorities into the society of Latvia as well as Latvias relations with Russia. Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

The representatives of FHRUL had a meeting with the Prime Minister on September 22. The main subject of the discussion was the necessity to ratify the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Minorities. The Prime Minister will ask the Minister of Justice examine the respective legislation of Latvia and according to that what changes should be implemented. The State Prosecutor and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution have not discovered the sufficient base to start criminal proceeding regarding the invitation of the left-wingers to the people to show non-violent civil disobedience.

The representatives of FHRUL had a meeting with the Prime Minister on September 22. The main subject of the discussion was the necessity to ratify the Framework Convention on the Protection of the Minorities. The Prime Minister will ask the Minister of Justice examine the respective legislation of Latvia and according to that what changes should be implemented. The State Prosecutor and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution have not discovered the sufficient base to start criminal proceeding regarding the invitation of the left-wingers to the people to show non-violent civil disobedience. Neatkariga.

Panorama Latvii has interviewed the member of FHRUL A.Bartashevic regarding this meeting. A.Bartashevic says although the Prime Minister was rather open, A.Bartashevic does not believe that any changes could happen in the closest future.

Panorama Latvii has interviewed the member of FHRUL A.Bartashevic regarding this meeting. A.Bartashevic says although the Prime Minister was rather open, A.Bartashevic does not believe that any changes could happen in the closest future. Vesti Segodnja.

As of September 22, the political organization “ For Equality” will launch non-violent resistance campaign. One of the first aims of the campaign is to establish an Information Center, which will carry out explanatory work about the aims of the campaign.

As of September 22, the political organization For Equality will launch non-violent resistance campaign. One of the first aims of the campaign is to establish an Information Center, which will carry out explanatory work about the aims of the campaign. Rigas Balss

Sept. 22, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis, who for his taken decisions has aroused suspicion in the opposition for compliance of his actions with law, might receive a vote of non-confidence and even fail to get a positive vote because also the position parties TB/LNNK and the New Party are also criticising the Minister. On Thursday Social Democrats submitted to the Saeima an application with a request to prevent illegalities made by A.Kalvitis otherwise a political vote could follow on Minister’s conformity to his post.

Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis, who for his taken decisions has aroused suspicion in the opposition for compliance of his actions with law, might receive a vote of non-confidence and even fail to get a positive vote because also the position parties TB/LNNK and the New Party are also criticising the Minister. On Thursday Social Democrats submitted to the Saeima an application with a request to prevent illegalities made by A.Kalvitis otherwise a political vote could follow on Ministers conformity to his post. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Respublika

US President B.Clinton speaking this week in Washington at the representation of K.K.Kuomo’s book “Speak Truth To Power”, dedicated to human rights activists, named defenders of independence of the Baltic States as an example in the fight for human rights.

US President B.Clinton speaking this week in Washington at the representation of K.K.Kuomos book Speak Truth To Power, dedicated to human rights activists, named defenders of independence of the Baltic States as an example in the fight for human rights. Diena, Neatkariga

Leaders of the People’s Party link the decision of their former member O.Batarevskis to leave the party for TB/LNNK with a pragmatic considerations of a politician for the next municipal election, thus declining Batarevskis’s reproaches to the party.

Leaders of the Peoples Party link the decision of their former member O.Batarevskis to leave the party for TB/LNNK with a pragmatic considerations of a politician for the next municipal election, thus declining Batarevskiss reproaches to the party. Diena

Department of Investigation Totalitarian Regimes with the Prosecutor’s General Office prepares a new charge to the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov. The charge will be the previous one – war time crimes.

Department of Investigation Totalitarian Regimes with the Prosecutors General Office prepares a new charge to the former red guerrilla man V.Kononov. The charge will be the previous one – war time crimes. Diena

The party Equality for popularisation of its non-violent disobedience campaign has chosen an indelicate method – not finding out the opinion of the sportsman himself, Equality representative A.Gilman announced that the Olympic bronze medal winner V.Zelyony unconsciously participated in their action. It had been proved by the fact that after receiving the medal he just demonstrated the medal but not run around with the Latvian flag.

The party Equality for popularisation of its non-violent disobedience campaign has chosen an indelicate method – not finding out the opinion of the sportsman himself, Equality representative A.Gilman announced that the Olympic bronze medal winner V.Zelyony unconsciously participated in their action. It had been proved by the fact that after receiving the medal he just demonstrated the medal but not run around with the Latvian flag. Jauna Avize

Equality took responsibility for implementing the idea of non-violent disobedience campaign against the language legislation. On September 22 was opened a special Information Centre. In their announcement Equality said, “we offer all people of the state to express their wishes and questions, concerning their linguistic rights by phone 7285633 on working days from 4 to 7 p.m.

Equality took responsibility for implementing the idea of non-violent disobedience campaign against the language legislation. On September 22 was opened a special Information Centre. In their announcement Equality said, we offer all people of the state to express their wishes and questions, concerning their linguistic rights by phone 7285633 on working days from 4 to 7 p.m. Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya


writes that Equality and structures that joined them announced themselves to be the only representatives of Russian speaking population of Latvia. Twelve public organisations, united in the so-called Co-ordination Council, supported the call of Equality. The first stage of the campaign is establishing of the Information Centre, Chas asked the leader of Peoples Harmony Party J.Jurkans to comment this situation but he had not studied this announcement yet. Yesterday the Naturalisation Board departments of Vidzeme and Latgale Suburbs received the 10 000th application for Latvian citizenship. It was submitted by N.Yurenok who had been living in Latvia all her life and as non-citizen felt uncomfortable, especially during border crossings. She was not afraid of the Latvian language test and was ready to study Latvian history. When she becomes a Latvian citizen she will vote for Latvia’s joining EU.

Yesterday the Naturalisation Board departments of Vidzeme and Latgale Suburbs received the 10 000th application for Latvian citizenship. It was submitted by N.Yurenok who had been living in Latvia all her life and as non-citizen felt uncomfortable, especially during border crossings. She was not afraid of the Latvian language test and was ready to study Latvian history. When she becomes a Latvian citizen she will vote for Latvias joining EU. Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins from November for half a year will be the Chairman of the CoE. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins from November for half a year will be the Chairman of the CoE. Vesti Segodnya

Sept. 21, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

During Latvian President’s visit to Norway, Norwegian Prime Minister J.Stoltenberg acknowledged that this country wanted to help Latvia actively to join EU and NATO.

During Latvian Presidents visit to Norway, Norwegian Prime Minister J.Stoltenberg acknowledged that this country wanted to help Latvia actively to join EU and NATO. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Within the last three years in Latvia the number of Latvian schools is increasing but Russian – decreasing. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that more and more Russian, other minorities and mixed marriages families send their offsprings to schools with the Latvian language tuition language. These people want their children to have as good command of the Latvian language as their mother tongue.

Within the last three years in Latvia the number of Latvian schools is increasing but Russian – decreasing. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that more and more Russian, other minorities and mixed marriages families send their offsprings to schools with the Latvian language tuition language. These people want their children to have as good command of the Latvian language as their mother tongue. Diena

The tone People’s Party addressing TB/LNNK and vice versa during the coalition meeting on Wednesday prove that the dispute, started by the Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis with his proposal to announce a competition for the posts of Latvenergo proxies and appointing of the new Privatisation Agency Board member, is deepening. Nevertheless LC hopes to reconcile the coalition partners during a common discussion next week. Social Democrats admit a possibility that they could demand a vote of non-confidence for A.Kalvitis.

The tone Peoples Party addressing TB/LNNK and vice versa during the coalition meeting on Wednesday prove that the dispute, started by the Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis with his proposal to announce a competition for the posts of Latvenergo proxies and appointing of the new Privatisation Agency Board member, is deepening. Nevertheless LC hopes to reconcile the coalition partners during a common discussion next week. Social Democrats admit a possibility that they could demand a vote of non-confidence for A.Kalvitis. Diena, Neatkariga

During his meting with Prime Minister A.Berzins British expert in state administration affairs Sir R.Mountfield gave a positive evaluation for establishing Policy Co-ordination Department with the State Chancellery as well as expressed his readiness to assist the Department during the beginning period of its activities.

During his meting with Prime Minister A.Berzins British expert in state administration affairs Sir R.Mountfield gave a positive evaluation for establishing Policy Co-ordination Department with the State Chancellery as well as expressed his readiness to assist the Department during the beginning period of its activities. Diena

Already the second Riga City Council deputy has left People’s Party accusing it of initiatelack of democracy. This time it is the former Deputy Mayor O.Batatrevskis.

Already the second Riga City Council deputy has left Peoples Party accusing it of initiatelack of democracy. This time it is the former Deputy Mayor O.Batatrevskis. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

The Saeima Education, Culture and Science Commission Chairman Dz.Abikis does not understand why the Satversme Security Bureau decided not to initiate criminal proceedings concerning the call of the left-wingers to start a non-violent disobedience actions in protest against the language legislation. He told journalists that for the article in the magazine Kapitals that was like a baby-talk the proceedings were started right away but for this call the SSB did not see any grounds to do the same. Dz.Abikis said that he did not want to criticise SSB and admitted that maybe the Bureau wanted to operate undercover, not openly.

The Saeima Education, Culture and Science Commission Chairman Dz.Abikis does not understand why the Satversme Security Bureau decided not to initiate criminal proceedings concerning the call of the left-wingers to start a non-violent disobedience actions in protest against the language legislation. He told journalists that for the article in the magazine Kapitals that was like a baby-talk the proceedings were started right away but for this call the SSB did not see any grounds to do the same. Dz.Abikis said that he did not want to criticise SSB and admitted that maybe the Bureau wanted to operate undercover, not openly. Neatkariga

The Saeima Defence and Interior Commission conceptually supported the draft law on concluding Latvian – Australian agreement on extradition.

The Saeima Defence and Interior Commission conceptually supported the draft law on concluding Latvian – Australian agreement on extradition. Jauna Avize

Panorama Latvii

describes this meeting in more details.

Rigas Balss

interviewed LC leader A.Pantelejevs. He said that LC had started consultations with the coalition partners, and the party realised that no other government was possible with this Saeima therefore it would support this Government by all means. interviewed LC leader A.Pantelejevs. He said that LC had started consultations with the coalition partners, and the party realised that no other government was possible with this Saeima therefore it would support this Government by all means. Z.Kac in

Z.Kac in Respublika points out a surprising detail – in the last most important Saeima votes the two opponents For Human Rights in United Latvia and TB/LNNK took the same position.

In the European Human Rights Court there are 90 cases from Latvia. 51 of them have been registered this year.

In the European Human Rights Court there are 90 cases from Latvia. 51 of them have been registered this year. Respublika

Yesterday took place the fifth political consultations of the ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States and Germany. Topics under discussion were EU expansion, Euro-Atlantic and regional co-operation, as well as bilateral relations of the Baltic States and Germany.

Yesterday took place the fifth political consultations of the ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Baltic States and Germany. Topics under discussion were EU expansion, Euro-Atlantic and regional co-operation, as well as bilateral relations of the Baltic States and Germany. Respublika

MP J.Dobelis told journalists that the deputies from TB/LNNK proposed to amend the law on pickets, rallies and meetings that would limit the maximal number of participants. The most likely number could be 50.

MP J.Dobelis told journalists that the deputies from TB/LNNK proposed to amend the law on pickets, rallies and meetings that would limit the maximal number of participants. The most likely number could be 50. Panorama Latvii

Sept. 20, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

As a reaction to ignoring of its coalition partners - LC and People’s Party wish in several Saeima votes, could follow decrease of TB/LNNK influence in the Privatisation Agency Board and Latvenergo. Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis not only announced a competition to the posts of proxies of Latvenergo but also admitted a possibility to evaluate the activities of those PA Board members who did not arrive to Tuesday meeting. In both cases it could concern a possibility to keep his posts in these two institutions TB/LNNK member entrepreneur N.Lakucs.

As a reaction to ignoring of its coalition partners - LC and Peoples Party wish in several Saeima votes, could follow decrease of TB/LNNK influence in the Privatisation Agency Board and Latvenergo. Minister of Economics A.Kalvitis not only announced a competition to the posts of proxies of Latvenergo but also admitted a possibility to evaluate the activities of those PA Board members who did not arrive to Tuesday meeting. In both cases it could concern a possibility to keep his posts in these two institutions TB/LNNK member entrepreneur N.Lakucs. Diena, Respublika

The Government forming parties have undertaken to strengthen the coalition by improving decision taking mechanisms and preparing timely agreed opinions to avoid situations when the coalition is not united in voting. TB/LNNK representatives at the meeting with LC and Prime Minister clearly expressed their wish to remain in the Government but did not promise to be handy coalition partners.

The Government forming parties have undertaken to strengthen the coalition by improving decision taking mechanisms and preparing timely agreed opinions to avoid situations when the coalition is not united in voting. TB/LNNK representatives at the meeting with LC and Prime Minister clearly expressed their wish to remain in the Government but did not promise to be handy coalition partners. Neatkariga

Strengthening of the ruling coalition was discussed at the meeting of Latvian President V.V.Freiberga and Prime Minister A.Berzins. V.V.Freiberga pointed out that it was important for Latvia let the Government stayed as long as possible but the Government should think more about the national priorities – joining EU and NATO.

Strengthening of the ruling coalition was discussed at the meeting of Latvian President V.V.Freiberga and Prime Minister A.Berzins. V.V.Freiberga pointed out that it was important for Latvia let the Government stayed as long as possible but the Government should think more about the national priorities – joining EU and NATO. Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas

The newspaper

The newspaper Neatkariga asked several political scientists if there was a possibility for Latvijas Cels to break apart. All respondents did not see it to be likely. The party has its people in the most important state bureaucracy and executive posts and a very strong influence in the country. Of course, there is some discord within the party, but in critical moments the party can pull themselves together not to lose their ideology.

Analysts from US Georgetown Foundation admit that Russia has probably started a new cold war campaign against the Baltic States, this time concentrating their attention to Estonia. They analysed the statement of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess where he expressed a pessimistic opinion about the future of Russian – Estonian relations “because five years after when Estonia in bilateral border negotiations gave up its territorial claims, Russian President V.Putin assured that Estonia had territorial claims against Russia.

Analysts from US Georgetown Foundation admit that Russia has probably started a new cold war campaign against the Baltic States, this time concentrating their attention to Estonia. They analysed the statement of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs T.H.Ilvess where he expressed a pessimistic opinion about the future of Russian – Estonian relations because five years after when Estonia in bilateral border negotiations gave up its territorial claims, Russian President V.Putin assured that Estonia had territorial claims against Russia. Neatkariga

At the EU- Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee meting Minister of Justice I.Labucka when informing the participants about the process of integration in Latvia mentioned the basic tasks to succeed –to establish an institutional collateral to the implementation of the integration process as soon as possible and establish under ministries a small consultative board, consisting of well known people who would discuss such topics as integration of non-Latvians and improvements of Latvian education system.

At the EU- Latvia Joint Parliamentary Committee meting Minister of Justice I.Labucka when informing the participants about the process of integration in Latvia mentioned the basic tasks to succeed –to establish an institutional collateral to the implementation of the integration process as soon as possible and establish under ministries a small consultative board, consisting of well known people who would discuss such topics as integration of non-Latvians and improvements of Latvian education system. Latvijas Vestnesis

During this EU- Latvia meeting FHRUL members raised a question about discrimination of national minorities in Latvia. J.Sokolovsky and M.Mitrofanov announced that a successful integration of Latvia’s society into EU might be successful only if the Latvian legislation would be changed. They said that laws on education, state language, radio and TV should be changed because they contained norms discriminating national minorities.

During this EU- Latvia meeting FHRUL members raised a question about discrimination of national minorities in Latvia. J.Sokolovsky and M.Mitrofanov announced that a successful integration of Latvias society into EU might be successful only if the Latvian legislation would be changed. They said that laws on education, state language, radio and TV should be changed because they contained norms discriminating national minorities. Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Prime Minister A.Berzins sent an invitation to the Saeima opposition parties – Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia to discuss the current political events in order to establish a constructive co-operation between the Government and the opposition. The previous meeting did not take place because nine out of ten Social Democrats did not arrive to this meeting.

Prime Minister A.Berzins sent an invitation to the Saeima opposition parties – Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia to discuss the current political events in order to establish a constructive co-operation between the Government and the opposition. The previous meeting did not take place because nine out of ten Social Democrats did not arrive to this meeting. Latvijas Vestnesis, Jauna Avize

Journalist V.Sorokin analyses the current situation when different political forces – Peoples Harmony Party, the President, Cabinet of Ministers, even TB/LNNK tend to speak in the name of Russian speaking population of Latvia not even asking for their opinion. TB/LNNK representative A.Kimenis voiced an opinion that more and more non-Latvians understand the necessity to learn the Latvian language and want to integrate in Latvian community. The situation would not be so dramatic if the Russian speakers in order not obey provocations and not to support the FHRUL block in the next election would be able to find some other defender of their interests. But none of the position political parties in Latvia is ready to pay attention to national minorities, e.g. no parties but For Human Rights in United Latvia stand up for ratifying of the Framework Convention on Protection of National Minorities.

Journalist V.Sorokin analyses the current situation when different political forces – Peoples Harmony Party, the President, Cabinet of Ministers, even TB/LNNK tend to speak in the name of Russian speaking population of Latvia not even asking for their opinion. TB/LNNK representative A.Kimenis voiced an opinion that more and more non-Latvians understand the necessity to learn the Latvian language and want to integrate in Latvian community. The situation would not be so dramatic if the Russian speakers in order not obey provocations and not to support the FHRUL block in the next election would be able to find some other defender of their interests. But none of the position political parties in Latvia is ready to pay attention to national minorities, e.g. no parties but For Human Rights in United Latvia stand up for ratifying of the Framework Convention on Protection of National Minorities. Rigas Balss

Journalist Z.Kac interprets the last announcement of the Latvian MFA – the MFA does not intend to ratify the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities. The main argument for this statement was that the state concentrates all its efforts to implement the integration program. Latvia signed the Convention five years ago but only this year there was a vote on ratifying it. Supporters of the convention turned out to be in the minority.

Journalist Z.Kac interprets the last announcement of the Latvian MFA – the MFA does not intend to ratify the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities. The main argument for this statement was that the state concentrates all its efforts to implement the integration program. Latvia signed the Convention five years ago but only this year there was a vote on ratifying it. Supporters of the convention turned out to be in the minority. Respublika

Yesterday the Government adopted a draft law on introducing of identification cards. In the document there will be glued in picture, recorded the bearer’s name and family name, personal code, birth date and the country of the bearer. This document will be issued to all residents of Latvia – citizens, non-citizens, stateless persons, and refugees. This document will replace passport on the territory of Latvia.

Yesterday the Government adopted a draft law on introducing of identification cards. In the document there will be glued in picture, recorded the bearers name and family name, personal code, birth date and the country of the bearer. This document will be issued to all residents of Latvia – citizens, non-citizens, stateless persons, and refugees. This document will replace passport on the territory of Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Professor of the Latvian University Ina Druviete in her interview to “Free Europe” said that the State Language Law and nine its regulations unfortunately give a lot of space for interpretation, e.g. such terms as legitimate public interests, public security, etc. Therefore there is a certain risk that during court hearings between the language inspection and representatives of private organisations many things would depend on the skills of advocates. In reality none of the articles of the law are formulated clearly enough. But the concern of the Professor is that these advocates might endanger national interests of Latvia.

Professor of the Latvian University Ina Druviete in her interview to Free Europe said that the State Language Law and nine its regulations unfortunately give a lot of space for interpretation, e.g. such terms as legitimate public interests, public security, etc. Therefore there is a certain risk that during court hearings between the language inspection and representatives of private organisations many things would depend on the skills of advocates. In reality none of the articles of the law are formulated clearly enough. But the concern of the Professor is that these advocates might endanger national interests of Latvia. Panorama Latvii

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