Oct. 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

State Administration and Municipalities Commission proposed in the draft law on the status of municipal deputies include a norm that municipal deputies who have become members of a government after falling of this government may return to their previous posts. The Prime Minister A.Berzins liked this proposal that would allow him to become the Mayor of Riga once more if the Government falls.

State Administration and Municipalities Commission proposed in the draft law on the status of municipal deputies include a norm that municipal deputies who have become members of a government after falling of this government may return to their previous posts. The Prime Minister A.Berzins liked this proposal that would allow him to become the Mayor of Riga once more if the Government falls. Diena

The Saeima Finances and Budget Commission wants to start a discussion in the Parliament on establishing a commission on supervising public expenditures; the Commission would control how rationally state financing is used.

The Saeima Finances and Budget Commission wants to start a discussion in the Parliament on establishing a commission on supervising public expenditures; the Commission would control how rationally state financing is used. Neatkariga

During five years the Naturalisation Board Liepaja Office naturalised 1958 non-citizens. This number is not very impressive although the Office paid a lot of effort to increase it; e.g. the blue citizen’s passports are handed out in a solemn ceremony. Ninety applicants for citizenship could take free of charge language training to prepare for naturalisation. But they had to pay immediately 30 Ls for the naturalisation itself, it meant that not all people could take this training. The total number of applicants during these 5 years is 1983 and by the end of this year the number could increase for 250 – 300 people, but every next year could bring 750 new applications. The number of people who have lost Latvian citizenship during these 5 years is 199.

During five years the Naturalisation Board Liepaja Office naturalised 1958 non-citizens. This number is not very impressive although the Office paid a lot of effort to increase it; e.g. the blue citizens passports are handed out in a solemn ceremony. Ninety applicants for citizenship could take free of charge language training to prepare for naturalisation. But they had to pay immediately 30 Ls for the naturalisation itself, it meant that not all people could take this training. The total number of applicants during these 5 years is 1983 and by the end of this year the number could increase for 250 – 300 people, but every next year could bring 750 new applications. The number of people who have lost Latvian citizenship during these 5 years is 199. Panorama Latvii

The second conference of the Baltic Forum will take place on October 6 in St.Petersburg.

Panorama Latvii interviewed one of the initiators of this Forum political scientist N.Neilands. He told that this time the main topic would be not politics but economics. The conference will last only one day.

Oct. 3, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

It is planned to introduce stricter regulations to receive a pass to the Saeima building to prevent such cases as the one that took place last week when the left wing block MP M.Mitrofanov organised a press conference with participation of National Bolsheviks.

It is planned to introduce stricter regulations to receive a pass to the Saeima building to prevent such cases as the one that took place last week when the left wing block MP M.Mitrofanov organised a press conference with participation of National Bolsheviks. Diena,

On Monday in a press interview President V.Vike-Freiberga called not to wait any longer and ratify at the Saeima Latvian – Lithuanian see border agreement that was signed in 1999.

On Monday in a press interview President V.Vike-Freiberga called not to wait any longer and ratify at the Saeima Latvian – Lithuanian see border agreement that was signed in 1999. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti Segonya

If the political forces kept on lingering to elaborate the draft law on legal presumption, the President would ask lawyers to prepare such a draft, and she would submit it to the Saeima herself. Such a law would make officials to prove how they had received considerable sums of money. V.Vike-Freiberga said this during her regular Monday interview.

If the political forces kept on lingering to elaborate the draft law on legal presumption, the President would ask lawyers to prepare such a draft, and she would submit it to the Saeima herself. Such a law would make officials to prove how they had received considerable sums of money. V.Vike-Freiberga said this during her regular Monday interview. Diena

The Government has accepted the draft law on declaring one’s domicile, and the law should take effect in the middle of the next year. The draft law was elaborated because the current system caused problems for all parties – the DCMA, municipalities and residents as well. Representatives of municipalities oppose to the DCMA saying that there is too much trust in residents, rights of flat owners will not be protected and municipalities are not technically ready for this law. During the discussion of this draft the major concern was that nothing would prevent a person to declare any address as his domicile thus endangering the rights of flat owners.

The Government has accepted the draft law on declaring ones domicile, and the law should take effect in the middle of the next year. The draft law was elaborated because the current system caused problems for all parties – the DCMA, municipalities and residents as well. Representatives of municipalities oppose to the DCMA saying that there is too much trust in residents, rights of flat owners will not be protected and municipalities are not technically ready for this law. During the discussion of this draft the major concern was that nothing would prevent a person to declare any address as his domicile thus endangering the rights of flat owners. Diena

In the future every party from left-wing block would have to be responsible for its own activities and they would not be allowed to use the tittle of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia during their events. This was a decision of the FHRUL Co-ordination Council yesterday. The leader of Socialist Party A.Rubiks acknowledged that this decision had been taken due to the latest activities of some left-wing politicians.

In the future every party from left-wing block would have to be responsible for its own activities and they would not be allowed to use the tittle of the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia during their events. This was a decision of the FHRUL Co-ordination Council yesterday. The leader of Socialist Party A.Rubiks acknowledged that this decision had been taken due to the latest activities of some left-wing politicians. Neatkariga

The Minister of Justice I.Labucka signed yesterday a direction stating that former red guerrilla commander V.Kononov, who had been accused of committing wartime crimes, was deprived of Latvian citizenship. V.Kononov had given up his Latvian citizenship because he was granted Russian citizenship.

The Minister of Justice I.Labucka signed yesterday a direction stating that former red guerrilla commander V.Kononov, who had been accused of committing wartime crimes, was deprived of Latvian citizenship. V.Kononov had given up his Latvian citizenship because he was granted Russian citizenship. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Chief Editor of the newspaper

Chief Editor of the newspaper Lauku Avize J.Krustins writes analyses the call of the left-wing block for non-violent disobedience actions. Luckily there have not been observed any cases of such disobedience. But it is the aim of the organisers of this action – start them, if not today then some time in the future. One of the authors of the call – A.Gilman clearly states that their goal is not to protect the Russian language, but the Russian speaking minority (44%) does not have equal rights with Latvians in the political process. The newspaper Panorama Latvii has published instructions to the Russian speakers where it is stated that one should take into consideration that rights are not received, they are to be taken. Government yields only to a well-organised pressure. Lauku Avize

If Latvia is going to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minorities; it should be decided what a national minority is. The Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee A.Seiksts assured that there was no such definition in any international documents, so this definition should have to be prepared here. The newspaper

If Latvia is going to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minorities; it should be decided what a national minority is. The Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee A.Seiksts assured that there was no such definition in any international documents, so this definition should have to be prepared here. The newspaper Lauku Avize asked several Saeima deputies what this definition should be. K.Libane from Latvian Way states that Latvia has to be reserved in ratifying this convention, and according to her opinion Latvian legislation ensures implementation 90 or 95% of the Conventions norms. Lauku Avize

Former TB/LNNK member and activist E.Berklavs states that every mentioning of the name of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel means that some new bad proposal is coming or interference in Latvia’s internal affairs is to be expected. But judging from the information published in newspapers, E.Berklavs has come to a conclusion that now Latvia has one more commissioner, following advises of which would mean direct suicide for Latvia. It is the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen with his proposal to grant election rights to all people who reside legally in Latvia.

Former TB/LNNK member and activist E.Berklavs states that every mentioning of the name of the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel means that some new bad proposal is coming or interference in Latvias internal affairs is to be expected. But judging from the information published in newspapers, E.Berklavs has come to a conclusion that now Latvia has one more commissioner, following advises of which would mean direct suicide for Latvia. It is the CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen with his proposal to grant election rights to all people who reside legally in Latvia. Lauku Avize


journalist Z.Kaz interviewed Prime Minister A.Berzins about the current situation in the government. The Prime Minister said that problems have been solved, he had sent a letter to FF/LNNK with the explanation of the Minister of Economics actions. Speaking about the future A.Berzins assured that FF/LNNK were an experienced political player and knew how far they should go not to upset the balance in the government. Speaking about the ratification of the Framework Convention on National Minorities the Prime Minister said that the priority was Integration Program but the Convention would have to be ratified – sooner or later. Now the Ministry of Justice was analysing what would be legal and economic consequences of this ratifying. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met yesterday the Danish Parliament Speaker I.Hansen and the Head of Parliamentarian Commission of EU Affairs K.Larsen-Jensen and discussed the future of the EU expansion process. The Minister was also received by the Danish Queen Margaret II.

The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met yesterday the Danish Parliament Speaker I.Hansen and the Head of Parliamentarian Commission of EU Affairs K.Larsen-Jensen and discussed the future of the EU expansion process. The Minister was also received by the Danish Queen Margaret II. Respublika

S.Zaletajev in

S.Zaletajev in Panorama Latvii describes the situation in the block For Human Rights in United Latvia and states that their decision to start a non-violent disobedience action was the only right thing to do in the current political situation. Unfortunately the Equality allies in the Union Peoples Harmony Party and Socialist Party and refused to take part in this action.


writes about the new book on human rights in the world and Latvia and interviews its editor and one of the authors I.Ziemele. She hopes that it will be useful for lawyers, Parliament, students and other interested people. writes about the new book on human rights in the world and Latvia and interviews its editor and one of the authors I.Ziemele. She hopes that it will be useful for lawyers, Parliament, students and other interested people.

Oct. 2, 2000

Press Report

At the regular council meeting of TB/LNNK its Chairman M.Grinblats announced a new tactics of the faction instead of the former trouble making one – not to look for the negative things so much but do good things and look for the positive. M.Grinblats also affirmed the wish of the faction let the Government of A.Berzins would operate until the next Saeima election. He also said that the system where right wing parties were direct or indirect representatives of oligarchs should be broken.

At the regular council meeting of TB/LNNK its Chairman M.Grinblats announced a new tactics of the faction instead of the former trouble making one – not to look for the negative things so much but do good things and look for the positive. M.Grinblats also affirmed the wish of the faction let the Government of A.Berzins would operate until the next Saeima election. He also said that the system where right wing parties were direct or indirect representatives of oligarchs should be broken. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

Frequent visit of the major parties, represented at the Saeima to Daugavpils before the municipal election is the most evident reason for their wish to co-operate with Latgale region. Latvian Way has made the most progress – signed a protocol of intentions with Daugavpils City Party. Social Democrats intend to co-operate with the party Latgales Gaisma.

Frequent visit of the major parties, represented at the Saeima to Daugavpils before the municipal election is the most evident reason for their wish to co-operate with Latgale region. Latvian Way has made the most progress – signed a protocol of intentions with Daugavpils City Party. Social Democrats intend to co-operate with the party Latgales Gaisma. Diena

By 2025 the population number in Latvia will decrease for about 0.5 million and make 1.94 million. This forecast was made by the magazine

By 2025 the population number in Latvia will decrease for about 0.5 million and make 1.94 million. This forecast was made by the magazine The Economist publication Europe in Figures. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

For only three weeks will still be valid the eased border crossing procedure between Latvia and Russia. Latvian MFA is concerned that if by October 10 a new border crossing agreement were not concluded the frontier residents would have to get visas to go to the other country. MFA Consular Department Head A.Vanaga informed that the Ministry already in April 10 submitted a note to the Russian Embassy in Riga informing about denouncing of the temporary agreement and proposals on establishing a new border crossing procedure.

For only three weeks will still be valid the eased border crossing procedure between Latvia and Russia. Latvian MFA is concerned that if by October 10 a new border crossing agreement were not concluded the frontier residents would have to get visas to go to the other country. MFA Consular Department Head A.Vanaga informed that the Ministry already in April 10 submitted a note to the Russian Embassy in Riga informing about denouncing of the temporary agreement and proposals on establishing a new border crossing procedure. Neatkariga


interviewed the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. Answering to the question what was going on in the ruling coalition, I.Berzins said that the third government has problems to realise that cards had been already distributed people in the election had decided how many voiced would have A.Skele, Latvian Way, Social Democrats, etc. But the Minister hoped that the politicians would have enough common sense to see that this distribution could not be changed without a new election. Speaking about Latvian - Russian relations I.Berzins said that the priority of Latvia was to join EU and NATO and these to goals could be combined with establishing good relations with Russia. But these relations should be based on equality of both countries. There are two priorities in the relations with Russia – first is to develop the activities of the intergovernmental commission and the second – expanding the basis of bilateral agreements. interviewed the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. Answering to the question what was going on in the ruling coalition, I.Berzins said that the third government has problems to realise that “cards had been already distributed” people in the election had decided how many voiced would have A.Skele, Latvian Way, Social Democrats, etc. But the Minister hoped that the politicians would have enough common sense to see that this “distribution” could not be changed without a new election. Speaking about Latvian - Russian relations I.Berzins said that the priority of Latvia was to join EU and NATO and these to goals could be combined with establishing good relations with Russia. But these relations should be based on equality of both countries. There are two priorities in the relations with Russia – first is to develop the activities of the intergovernmental commission and the second – expanding the basis of bilateral agreements.

Rigas Balss

writes about the scandal in the Saeima when the Deputy from the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia M.Mitrofanov led into the building of the Saeima two National Bolsheviks. The Deputy organised a press conference to defend Russian alternative musician J.Letov who was not allowed to come to Latvia as a persona non grata. Also Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov voiced his concern about this act of Latvian authorities. writes about the scandal in the Saeima when the Deputy from the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia M.Mitrofanov led into the building of the Saeima two National Bolsheviks. The Deputy organised a press conference to defend Russian alternative musician J.Letov who was not allowed to come to Latvia as a persona non grata. Also Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov voiced his concern about this act of Latvian authorities.

Sept. 29, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Saeima will submit the amendments to the Law on Press to the commissions. The amendments foresee that the anonymous source of information can be asked to be disclosed only on the request of the court. Till now the source of information had to be disclosed also on the request of the prosecutor’s office.

The Saeima will submit the amendments to the Law on Press to the commissions. The amendments foresee that the anonymous source of information can be asked to be disclosed only on the request of the court. Till now the source of information had to be disclosed also on the request of the prosecutors office. Diena, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnja

Social democrat leader J.Bojars chances to keep the post of the partys chairman are not very strong. The elections will take place at the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Congress October 21. Many of the partys members are afraid of J.Bojars intolerance towards Cabinets parties. If Bojars supporters lose, it could result in the splitting of the party. Other candidates for this post are E.Baldzens, J.Adamsons and P.Salkazanovs.

Diena The chairman of Saeima’s Foreign Affairs Committee G.Krasts is concerned about the number of complaints (100) that are handed in to Strasbourg’s Court from the inhabitants of Latvia, as in the state budget should be funds allocated for cases, which Latvia would lose. G.Krasts considers that the introduction of the post of the ombudsman would let to reduce the number of complaints submitted to Strasbourg’s Court.

The chairman of Saeimas Foreign Affairs Committee G.Krasts is concerned about the number of complaints (100) that are handed in to Strasbourgs Court from the inhabitants of Latvia, as in the state budget should be funds allocated for cases, which Latvia would lose. G.Krasts considers that the introduction of the post of the ombudsman would let to reduce the number of complaints submitted to Strasbourgs Court. Rigas Balss.

The Russian Party has decided to leave the Union “For Human Rights in the United Latvia” as they do not approve the left orientation of the Union. The Russian Party entered the Union because they thought they would not be able to get elected in the Saeima if they participated in the elections on their own.

The Russian Party has decided to leave the Union For Human Rights in the United Latvia as they do not approve the left orientation of the Union. The Russian Party entered the Union because they thought they would not be able to get elected in the Saeima if they participated in the elections on their own. Jauna, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

The Russian singer who was invited by the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia was refused the entrance to Latvia. On this occasion the deputy of the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia M.Mitrofanovs organised the press conference where also 2 representatives of the organisation “Pobeda” (supporters of Russia’s National Bolshevistic Party) took part, later on they carried out their actions at the building of the Saeima. All inquired deputies and even the members of the FHRUL faction showed their disapproval to M.Mitrofanov’s actions.

The Russian singer who was invited by the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia was refused the entrance to Latvia. On this occasion the deputy of the Union for Human Rights in the United Latvia M.Mitrofanovs organised the press conference where also 2 representatives of the organisation Pobeda (supporters of Russias National Bolshevistic Party) took part, later on they carried out their actions at the building of the Saeima. All inquired deputies and even the members of the FHRUL faction showed their disapproval to M.Mitrofanovs actions. Jauna, Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii.

The Chairman of the Saeima J.Straume was asked to express his opinion about the stability of the Government. J.Straume says “We cannot say that there is a complete harmony and understanding in the ruling coalition, however, the last tries to come to an agreement in essential things, in my opinion, are rather hopeful and I think the coalition will continue to work successfully. Obviously, the next hard issue will be the approval of the state budget for the year of 2001”.

The Chairman of the Saeima J.Straume was asked to express his opinion about the stability of the Government. J.Straume says We cannot say that there is a complete harmony and understanding in the ruling coalition, however, the last tries to come to an agreement in essential things, in my opinion, are rather hopeful and I think the coalition will continue to work successfully. Obviously, the next hard issue will be the approval of the state budget for the year of 2001. Latvijas Vestnesis.

Sept. 26, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia has less than a month to prepare the response to the European Court of Human Rights on the case of A.Lavents against the State. According to experts’ conclusions this is the most serious case for Latvia, which will require Latvia to prove that the European Convention of Human Rights is observed in Latvia. The experts do not exclude the possibility that Latvia can lose the case. Although the inhabitants of Latvia can turn to the European Court for more than a year, till this moment no case has had a public hearing. Up to now more than 140 applications have been received.

Latvia has less than a month to prepare the response to the European Court of Human Rights on the case of A.Lavents against the State. According to experts conclusions this is the most serious case for Latvia, which will require Latvia to prove that the European Convention of Human Rights is observed in Latvia. The experts do not exclude the possibility that Latvia can lose the case. Although the inhabitants of Latvia can turn to the European Court for more than a year, till this moment no case has had a public hearing. Up to now more than 140 applications have been received. Diena

The social pool shows that the number of people who believe in the stability of the Government of A.Berzins is decreasing. Less than 50% (46,3%) think that the Government will continue its work till the 7th Saeima elections. Non-citizens are more sceptic. What regards social institutions, people first of all trust in the radio, then – the church, then – the television. The most negative image has the Privatization Agency.

The social pool shows that the number of people who believe in the stability of the Government of A.Berzins is decreasing. Less than 50% (46,3%) think that the Government will continue its work till the 7th Saeima elections. Non-citizens are more sceptic. What regards social institutions, people first of all trust in the radio, then – the church, then – the television. The most negative image has the Privatization Agency. Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas, Panorama Latvii

FF/LNNK confirmed that they will not support the opposition in voting of non-confidence to the Minister of Economy. However, the faction wants to hear public evaluation of the Minister of Economy from the Prime Minister, as the Minister of Economy himself admitted that he had not observed all legal norms when he approved A.Ozolnieku as a board member of the Privatization Agency.

FF/LNNK confirmed that they will not support the opposition in voting of non-confidence to the Minister of Economy. However, the faction wants to hear public evaluation of the Minister of Economy from the Prime Minister, as the Minister of Economy himself admitted that he had not observed all legal norms when he approved A.Ozolnieku as a board member of the Privatization Agency. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii

This year Latvia probably will receive a positive progress report from the Council of Europe, says the Deputy of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Council of Europe has given its positive response to the State Language Law and has not commented the protest activities against it. The Council of Europe has also mentioned that Latvia has to finally join the Framework Convention on the Minorities Rights.

This year Latvia probably will receive a positive progress report from the Council of Europe, says the Deputy of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Council of Europe has given its positive response to the State Language Law and has not commented the protest activities against it. The Council of Europe has also mentioned that Latvia has to finally join the Framework Convention on the Minorities Rights. Diena, Neatkariga

The people of Latvia will be presented a new TV program “1="1”." It is a result of co-operation between the Ministry of Justice, the European Integration Bureau, Soros Foundation Latvia and TV agency “Labvakar”. The main topics of this TV program will be human rights and the compliance of the Latvia’s legislation with the EU legislation. People will have a possibility to watch the program in both languages Latvian and Russian.

The people of Latvia will be presented a new TV program 1="1." It is a result of co-operation between the Ministry of Justice, the European Integration Bureau, Soros Foundation Latvia and TV agency Labvakar. The main topics of this TV program will be human rights and the compliance of the Latvias legislation with the EU legislation. People will have a possibility to watch the program in both languages Latvian and Russian. Diena, Rigas Balss

As there is only half a year left to the municipal elections political parties are considering their chances in the biggest municipalities, particularly in the Council of Riga. The forecast seems rather interesting as this year the left wing could collect the majority of votes. The social democrats headed by D.Ivans (the leader of the Awakening) could be the ruling power in the Council of Riga.

As there is only half a year left to the municipal elections political parties are considering their chances in the biggest municipalities, particularly in the Council of Riga. The forecast seems rather interesting as this year the left wing could collect the majority of votes. The social democrats headed by D.Ivans (the leader of the Awakening) could be the ruling power in the Council of Riga. Neatkariga

In the conference “Security in the Northern Europe” the Minister of Defense G.V.Kristovskis in his speech said that at certain circumstances in the future the co-operation between Latvia and Russia in the sphere of military defense is possible. “The co-operation will be possible when Russia forgets its old ambitions, historical nostalgia and be a really democratic country”.

In the conference Security in the Northern Europe the Minister of Defense G.V.Kristovskis in his speech said that at certain circumstances in the future the co-operation between Latvia and Russia in the sphere of military defense is possible. The co-operation will be possible when Russia forgets its old ambitions, historical nostalgia and be a really democratic country. Panorama Latvii

The chairman of the Saeima has turned down the request of 3 left-wing deputies to go to Byelorussia as observers for the elections of the representatives for the National Assembly of Byelorussia.

The chairman of the Saeima has turned down the request of 3 left-wing deputies to go to Byelorussia as observers for the elections of the representatives for the National Assembly of Byelorussia. Jauna, Panorama Latvii

The conference “Russia – the Baltic states. The way to Europe” will take place in St. Petersburg on October 6. The aim of the conference is to develop a dialogue between the politicians of Latvia and Russia. The deputies of the Saeima, the members of the Government, scientists and businessmen will represent Latvia.

The conference Russia – the Baltic states. The way to Europe will take place in St. Petersburg on October 6. The aim of the conference is to develop a dialogue between the politicians of Latvia and Russia. The deputies of the Saeima, the members of the Government, scientists and businessmen will represent Latvia. Respublika, Vesti Segodnja

The forum of NGOs will take place in Riga on October 20-21.

The forum of NGOs will take place in Riga on October 20-21. Respublika

The President Vaira Vike-Freiberga gave an interview for the National radio on September 25. When asked about the stability of the Government, the President replied “I am very surprised when talks about the stability of the Government are related to the approval of some individuals to high posts. I cannot really understand why these issues are connected with the stability of the Cabinet”. The President was asked also about the establishing the alternative service to the military service, about the necessity to carry out the reforms in prosecutor’s office as well as about the Olympics.

The President Vaira Vike-Freiberga gave an interview for the National radio on September 25. When asked about the stability of the Government, the President replied I am very surprised when talks about the stability of the Government are related to the approval of some individuals to high posts. I cannot really understand why these issues are connected with the stability of the Cabinet. The President was asked also about the establishing the alternative service to the military service, about the necessity to carry out the reforms in prosecutors office as well as about the Olympics. Latvijas Vestnesis.

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