Ноя. 20, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Prime-Minister Skele's interview a Lithuanian business newspaper caused a scandal in Lithuania. The interview contains a statement that humiliates Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gylys. The paper quotes Skele who said that "Gylys was fit only for wearing a cap with ear-flaps". Skele also responded in a rude and ironic manner to a journalist's questions. According to

Prime-Minister Skele's interview a Lithuanian business newspaper caused a scandal in Lithuania. The interview contains a statement that humiliates Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gylys. The paper quotes Skele who said that "Gylys was fit only for wearing a cap with ear-flaps". Skele also responded in a rude and ironic manner to a journalist's questions. According to "DIENA", the interview "caused a storm in Lithuania". The journalist who interviewed Prime-Minister Skele says that she will not deny any points of the interview. She also claims that a Latvian journalist who can confirm the authenticity of the quote, was present at the interview. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is said to deny the authenticity of Skele's interview. Diena

Last meeting of the

Last meeting of the Saeima Human Rights Committee was focused on the problem of extraordinary naturalization of individuals forcefully deported to Latvia by the German occupation regime between 1941 and 1945. According to Article 13 of the Citizenship law, such individuals and their descendants are entitled to extraordinary naturalization. Most of them have very good command of the Latvian language. In practice, these persons have to prove that they were not evacuated to Latvia as civil residents of a combat zone but were taken to the country forcefully. Very often no proof is to be found in the archives. Many applicants are forced to confirm their right for extraordinary naturalization in court. Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane says that the Board very often has serious difficulties in deciding whether a person entered Latvia voluntarily or was brought to the country by force during the war. She believes that the Committee and the Saeima could find a solution to the problem. Currently, only few of 181 applicants who entered Latvia during the German occupation have received citizenship through extraordinary naturalization. Neatkariga Director of the Russian Border Guard Service Nikolayev told "SM" that Russia would not agree to readmit illegal immigrants arriving to Latvia. He believes that illegal immigrants should be repatriated to their home countries and not to the country through which they have arrived to Latvia. Mr. Nikolayev says that Latvian and Russian Border-Guards have established good relations and operate in close cooperation. SM

The mass-media is still expecting President Ulmanis' opinion on a possible change of Latvia's policy at the border delimitation talks with Russia. During his visit to Great Britain the President said that he hoped the border issue would be resolved without violating the principles adhered to by the Baltic states. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told

The mass-media is still expecting President Ulmanis' opinion on a possible change of Latvia's policy at the border delimitation talks with Russia. During his visit to Great Britain the President said that he hoped the border issue would be resolved without violating the principles adhered to by the Baltic states. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told "DIENA" that Russia might come up with new aspects during the talks. He believes that Russia could link human rights issues with the problem of determining its border with Latvia. Russia has already acted in a similar in border delimitation talks with Estonia.

Ноя. 19, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Russia will provide financial and economic aid to ethnic Russians abroad. The decision was taken last Wednesday by the Governmental Committee for the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad. Chairman of the Committee Valery Sedov told the press that he believed supporting the compatriots was Aof national importance". The Committee will work in direct contact with Russian organizations abroad. 

Russia will provide financial and economic aid to ethnic Russians abroad. The decision was taken last Wednesday by the Governmental Committee for the Affairs of Compatriots Abroad. Chairman of the Committee Valery Sedov told the press that he believed supporting the compatriots was Aof national importance". The Committee will work in direct contact with Russian organizations abroad.Diena

Director of the Federal Border Security Service Andrey Nikolayev met Commander of the Latvian Border Guards Gunars Dabolins. The agenda of the meeting held in Riga included measures to be taken by both countries to oppose crime, smuggling and illegal immigration. When asked by

Director of the Federal Border Security Service Andrey Nikolayev met Commander of the Latvian Border Guards Gunars Dabolins. The agenda of the meeting held in Riga included measures to be taken by both countries to oppose crime, smuggling and illegal immigration. When asked by "PANORAMA LATVII" about border delimitation, Mr. Nikolayev said that he believed the issue could be resolved, although the parties "had different approaches". Mr. Nikolayev had to interrupt his visit to Latvia due to an act of terrorism in Kaspiysk; a house inhabited mainly by Russian border guards and air-force pilots was blown up there in the early morning of November 16. PL

Head of the Immigration Police Aivars Kurpnieks told

Head of the Immigration Police Aivars Kurpnieks told "PANORAMA LATVII" that the main task of the recently formed police unit was to control the employment of foreigners and stateless individuals. The Immigration Police collaborates closely with the CID and other state institutions. Mr. Kurpnieks stressed that the IP was strictly observing the laws and was acting in a civilized manner showing tolerance towards individuals violating immigration laws unintentionally. The IP focuses on disclosing attempts of counterfeiting identification documents, registration codes, residence permits and visas. PL

The NRA news agency referred to a Swedish TV report saying that the country's authorities agreed to accept fifty-two refugees currently staying at the Olaine camp. An Olaine camp officer says that the camp has not received any official documents confirming the decision. According to the CID, the Nordic countries have agreed to grant asylum to approximately one hundred Asian refugees staying in Latvia. Currently, there are around 140 refugees staying at the Olaine camp.

The NRA news agency referred to a Swedish TV report saying that the country's authorities agreed to accept fifty-two refugees currently staying at the Olaine camp. An Olaine camp officer says that the camp has not received any official documents confirming the decision. According to the CID, the Nordic countries have agreed to grant asylum to approximately one hundred Asian refugees staying in Latvia. Currently, there are around 140 refugees staying at the Olaine camp. Neatkariga

Saeima Speaker Cepanis mentioned contradictions between the executive and the legislative powers while addressing the Saeima on the occasion of Latvia's Independence Day. The Saeima tends to perform some of the Cabinet's functions while the Government often performs the functions of the Parliament, says Mr. Cepanis. He suggested creating a parliamentary mechanism for monitoring the implementation of laws adopted by the Saeima. Diena

Head of the Russian Embassy Social Welfare Division Nikolay Yevteyev told

Head of the Russian Embassy Social Welfare Division Nikolay Yevteyev told "PANORAMA LATVII" about the registration of former Russian servicemen who have taken Russian citizenship. Russian citizens are to apply to the CID for residence permits before the end of this year. They have to hold both former USSR and travel passports. A registration code, a residence permit and "propiska" will be attached as a sticker to travel passports. Mr. Yevteyev says that the Agreement on Demobilized Servicemen guarantees all basic social rights to former Russian servicemen irrespective of their citizenship. He admits that Latvia and Russia are to settle the issue of privatization of apartments by former servicemen. The Russian official says that he does not know anything about the CID requiring the annual re-registration of permanent residence permits. Such a requirement would be incorrect, says Yevteyev. Neatkariga

Head of the

Head of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Vladimir Lukin said that a recent change in Latvian and Estonian policy at the border delimitation talks was a result of Russia's consistent efforts. In a TV debate he argued with Head of the Duma Security Committee Viktor Ilyuhin who called for using all possible means to pressure the Baltic states. Mr. Lukin suggested that the Communists and the Nationalists in the Russian Parliament "should work rather than press". Ilyuhin is reported to have mixed Latvia with Lithuania several times during the debate. Neatkariga

Ноя. 14, 1996

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima voted to review the Conscription Law. The review was suggested by the President who believes that the law does not to meet the needs of Latvia's defense. According to the Satversme, the President can address the Speaker of the Saeima within seven days of the date of the adoption of a law with a letter demanding the reconsideration of the law. Should the Saeima leave the law not amended, the President cannot put any further objections to the law. Diena, Neatkariga

The Saeima declined a draft law on the vote of no-confidence for Minister of Education Grinblats and Minister of Welfare Makarovs submitted to the

The Saeima declined a draft law on the vote of no-confidence for Minister of Education Grinblats and Minister of Welfare Makarovs submitted to the Saeima by the opposition factions. Diena

President Ulmanis said that Latvia would resolve the issue of its border with Russia on the basis of mutual respect and "the main principles adhered to by Latvia". When asked at the British Royal Institute of International Relations about Latvia coordinating its border policy with Estonia, Mr. Ulmanis said that a meeting of the Presidents of the three Baltic states had been scheduled for November 26. The President's Advisor Armands Gutmanis told

President Ulmanis said that Latvia would resolve the issue of its border with Russia on the basis of mutual respect and "the main principles adhered to by Latvia". When asked at the British Royal Institute of International Relations about Latvia coordinating its border policy with Estonia, Mr. Ulmanis said that a meeting of the Presidents of the three Baltic states had been scheduled for November 26. The President's Advisor Armands Gutmanis told "DIENA" that the President had his personal view on the border talks with Russia. Still, the Advisor refused to give any details on Mr. Ulmanis' stand on the issue. Mr. Ulmanis criticized suggestions of the Baltic states resolving the problem of Russia's reaction to NATO enlargement on their own without any involvement from outside. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele has returned from a meeting of Baltic and Nordic Prime-Ministers held on November 12 in Copenhagen. Heads of the Nordic governments confirm that they would support Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania in maintaining their security and entering the European Union. According to

Prime-Minister Skele has returned from a meeting of Baltic and Nordic Prime-Ministers held on November 12 in Copenhagen. Heads of the Nordic governments confirm that they would support Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania in maintaining their security and entering the European Union. According to "DIENA", Prime-Minister Skele was the only Baltic Premier to name joining NATO among the priorities of his country's foreign policy. Diena

A high-ranking official of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told

A high-ranking official of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told "SM" that Russia would not change its policy at the border talks with Latvia. He stressed that Latvia should drop all its territorial claims. The existing situation might lead to the severing economic and business contacts between the two countries, said the official. SM

Saeima Speaker Alfreds Cepanis said in an interview that settling border issues with Russia, Lithuania, and Byelorussia was the main condition for entering the European Union. He said that President Ulmanis, "being a realistically thinking politician", was aware of the importance of this issue. Although Mr. Cepanis voted for the Declaration on Occupation, he believes the point on Abrene should not have been included in the document. He stressed that it was Mr. Kirsteins who, being a Minister for the EU Affairs, still insisted on including the issue in the Declaration. When asked about several legal acts discriminating Russian-speakers, Cepanis explained that national protectionism in the situation when non-Latvians constituted an enormously large part of the population was the only way of "protecting national identity of Latvians". He added that there was no noticeable ethnic confrontation in the countrys society, Latvians and Russians getting on quite well in their everyday life. SM

Ноя. 13, 1996

Press Review

Press Review

President Ulmanis in a speech delivered at the British Royal Institute of International Relations said that Latvia had become a truly European country. Touching upon the issue of nationalism, Mr. Ulmanis gave his own interpretation of the concept, saying that it meant "being open and tolerant toward everything that was new and unfamiliar while preserving national pride". The President also emphasized the economic role of Latvia as a transit state. Latvia was aware of "the search for identity" currently taking place in Russia, although it quite often "emanated ominous signals". The main points of the President's speech focused on Latvia being already prepared for joining NATO and the EU. He also laid special emphasis on the importance of the country's membership in the two international organizations for European stability. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs after his meeting with British Minister of Defense Portillo told the press that "Great Britain displayed keen interest in Baltic security issues."

President Ulmanis in a speech delivered at the British Royal Institute of International Relations said that Latvia had become a truly European country. Touching upon the issue of nationalism, Mr. Ulmanis gave his own interpretation of the concept, saying that it meant "being open and tolerant toward everything that was new and unfamiliar while preserving national pride". The President also emphasized the economic role of Latvia as a transit state. Latvia was aware of "the search for identity" currently taking place in Russia, although it quite often "emanated ominous signals". The main points of the President's speech focused on Latvia being already prepared for joining NATO and the EU. He also laid special emphasis on the importance of the country's membership in the two international organizations for European stability. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs after his meeting with British Minister of Defense Portillo told the press that "Great Britain displayed keen interest in Baltic security issues." SM, Neatkariga

"Tevzemei un Brivibai"

leaders informed the press yesterday about the party's attitude to possible renouncation of claims connected with the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty. They said that the step would legalize "occupation and annexation of Latvia," the Treaty being "the only documented recognition of Latvia's territory by Russia". Several leaders informed the press yesterday about the party's attitude to possible renouncation of claims connected with the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty. They said that the step would legalize "occupation and annexation of Latvia," the Treaty being "the only documented recognition of Latvia's territory by Russia". Several "TB""TB" members including Juris Sinka believe the issue should be subject to a referendum. members including Juris Sinka believe the issue should be subject to a referendum. "TB""TB" expects support from expects support from LNNKLNNK, the Farmers' Union and the Union of Christian Democrats. Meanwhile, Head of the Russian Delegation to the Border Delimitation Talks Viktor Shikalov said in an interview that the Russian side would not allow any further compromise and would not agree to include the 1920 Peace Treaty in its border agreement with Latvia. , the Farmers' Union and the Union of Christian Democrats. Meanwhile, Head of the Russian Delegation to the Border Delimitation Talks Viktor Shikalov said in an interview that the Russian side would not allow any further compromise and would not agree to include the 1920 Peace Treaty in its border agreement with Latvia. Diena, NeatkarigaDiena, Neatkariga Chairman of the State Chairman of the State DumaDuma Committee for Compatriots Abroad Georgy Tikhonov in an interview for Committee for Compatriots Abroad Georgy Tikhonov in an interview for "SM""SM" criticized Latvian authorities for "shamelessly" humiliating ethnic Russians while profiting from the transit of Russian cargo through the country's territory. Still, Tikhonov does not support the idea of using economic sanctions against Latvia and Estonia. Russia has given Latvia its independence twice during its history, says Tikhonov. Therefore, Latvia should not come up with any territorial claims towards Russia. Tikhonov says he would not like to visit a country that "humiliates his compatriots" and violates democratic principles by "keeping our comrade Rubiks in prison." criticized Latvian authorities for "shamelessly" humiliating ethnic Russians while profiting from the transit of Russian cargo through the country's territory. Still, Tikhonov does not support the idea of using economic sanctions against Latvia and Estonia. Russia has given Latvia its independence twice during its history, says Tikhonov. Therefore, Latvia should not come up with any territorial claims towards Russia. Tikhonov says he would not like to visit a country that "humiliates his compatriots" and violates democratic principles by "keeping our comrade Rubiks in prison." SMSM

Ноя. 12, 1996

Press Review

President Ulmanis addressed Saeima Speaker Cepanis with a letter requiring reconsideration of the Conscription Law. Head of the

President Ulmanis addressed Saeima Speaker Cepanis with a letter requiring reconsideration of the Conscription Law. Head of the Saeima Defense Committee Karlis Druva told "DIENA" that the law will be reviewed not earlier than January 1997. The Saeima has not accomplished discussions over several important draft laws and has not agreed on next year's budget. Mr. Ulmanis insists on the Saeima reviewing the articles of the Law relieving students from mandatory military service if they have accomplished a course of military training. The President is also concerned about the article reducing the term of service to twelve months. Mr. Ulmanis had no objections to the Law immediately after its adoption. Still, he changed his opinion after a meeting with Head of the Saeima Defense Committee Druva and parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Ligotnis. Diena, Neatkariga

Prime-Minister Skele says he will accept the resignation of Mr. Ernests Jurkans ("Saimnieks"), currently the State Minister for Self-Government.

Prime-Minister Skele says he will accept the resignation of Mr. Ernests Jurkans ("Saimnieks"), currently the State Minister for Self-Government. "Saimnieks" Chairman Cevers also says that he believes the resignation will be accepted. Skele told the press that the party membership of Jurkans' successor did not matter to him, since he was mostly concerned about ministers' professional skills. "Saimnieks" will not come up with its own candidates for the office. Diena, Neatkariga

Latvia's talks with Russia on border delimitation will be resumed in late November or early December. Chairman of the

Latvia's talks with Russia on border delimitation will be resumed in late November or early December. Chairman of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Berzins believes Latvia should work out its policy on the issue. The Saeima will discuss possible changes in the border negotiation policy immediately after adopting next year's budget. Mr. Berzins says that Latvia should make a choice between "finding possible variants" or "waiting". He objects to "knocking on the doors of international organizations" suggested by some deputies. According to Berzins, neither Prime-Minister Skele nor the rest of the Latvian politicians are eager to "give Abrene away". Still, the current political situation requires "abandoning hopes" connected with the former Latvian territory. Neatkariga

Mr. Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky in an interview for

Mr. Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky in an interview for "SM" calls Latvia's claims for compensation to former inhabitants of Abrene "an interference in Russia's internal affairs". He says that Russia could turn to "economic methods" if it realized that the "internationally recognized human rights" of Russian-speakers are violated in Latvia. SM

CID Director's Advisor Janis Jaudzems told

CID Director's Advisor Janis Jaudzems told "SM" about the latest developments in the Department. Mr. Jaudzems says that although several laws provide a certain freedom of interpretation, he tries to interpret a law in a way that would be more advantageous for an applicant. According to Mr. Jaudzems, 565 individuals out of 816 demobilized servicemen on the list of "disputable cases" have received residence permits or legalized their stay in Latvia in some other way. He does not believe that 34 former servicemen, who have no basis for receiving any status in Latvia, will be deported. The final decision should be made by the corresponding ministries of both countries and by the joint Latvian-Russian Committee, says Jaudzems. The CID provides the OSCE Mission to Latvia with updates on the situation every second week. Mr. Jaudzems says the council formed by CID Director Zitars is a useful instrument for resolving complicated cases. SM

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