Дек. 5, 1996

Press Review

Press Review

Four Nordic countries will receive refugees currently staying at the Olaine camp in Latvia. The decision was made at the meeting of Immigration Ministers of the Nordic Countries. According to the UNHCR, Sweden will accept 52 refugees, Denmark - 25, Finland - 20, and Norway - 11. Most of the refugees are Iraqis and Afghans. The meeting stressed that the decision had been taken as an extraordinary step and expressed hope that Latvia would adopt laws on refugees to be observed in compliance with the 1951 UN Convention. According to

Four Nordic countries will receive refugees currently staying at the Olaine camp in Latvia. The decision was made at the meeting of Immigration Ministers of the Nordic Countries. According to the UNHCR, Sweden will accept 52 refugees, Denmark - 25, Finland - 20, and Norway - 11. Most of the refugees are Iraqis and Afghans. The meeting stressed that the decision had been taken as an extraordinary step and expressed hope that Latvia would adopt laws on refugees to be observed in compliance with the 1951 UN Convention. According to "DIENA", ten illegal immigrants will still stay at the Olaine camp. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Latvian Law Institute presented a selection of the most important Latvian laws. All the laws are published both in Latvian and in English. Minister of Justice Rasnacs did not agree to changes that occurred after signing the agreement on the publication of the laws. Initially, the Ministry of Justice signed the agreement with the US company Interlaw, its obligations later being passed to the Latvian Law Institute. The Minister of Justice insists on dismissing Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice Mrs. Slaidina for exceeding powers. The Parliamentary Secretary can be relieved of her duties only upon the Prime-Minister's approval. Mr. Rasnacs did not attend the official presentation of the book yesterday. Neatkariga

Boris Tsilevich analyzed the problem of education for minorities from the point of view of the documents worked out by the Foundation for Inter-Ethnic Relations. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization established in the Hague in 1993 to assist the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. A group of experts worked out "The Hague Recommendations on the Rights of National Minorities for Education". The Recommendations are a generalization of norms pertaining to minorities' rights for education and are based on international legal acts. The Recommendations deal with several aspects of education for minorities in both state-financed and private schools. The Foundation organized a seminar on the Recommendations in Vienna in November this year. The discussion was attended by Ministers of Education of the OSCE countries and by human rights activists. It did not focus on any particular country and was dedicated to analyzing the entire problem. B.Tsilevich believes a report by Deputy-Director of Council of Europe Education Department M.Stobart to deserve special attention. Mr. Stobart suggested that an "intercultural" approach to education should be applied not only to minorities but to all students. A majority should study a language, history and culture of a minority. Such an approach would maintain tolerance among ethnic groups. Stobart believes that "multiple identity" should prevail in the modern world, that is, retaining native languages and cultural peculiarities will contribute to loyalty of national minorities to the state. Such a policy is an opposite to assimilation, criticized by Stobart. The idea is shared by Advisor to the OSCE High Commissioner J.Packer who also touched upon the problem of balance between a native language and a state language in the course of studies.

Boris Tsilevich analyzed the problem of education for minorities from the point of view of the documents worked out by the Foundation for Inter-Ethnic Relations. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization established in the Hague in 1993 to assist the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities. A group of experts worked out "The Hague Recommendations on the Rights of National Minorities for Education". The Recommendations are a generalization of norms pertaining to minorities' rights for education and are based on international legal acts. The Recommendations deal with several aspects of education for minorities in both state-financed and private schools. The Foundation organized a seminar on the Recommendations in Vienna in November this year. The discussion was attended by Ministers of Education of the OSCE countries and by human rights activists. It did not focus on any particular country and was dedicated to analyzing the entire problem. B.Tsilevich believes a report by Deputy-Director of Council of Europe Education Department M.Stobart to deserve special attention. Mr. Stobart suggested that an "intercultural" approach to education should be applied not only to minorities but to all students. A majority should study a language, history and culture of a minority. Such an approach would maintain tolerance among ethnic groups. Stobart believes that "multiple identity" should prevail in the modern world, that is, retaining native languages and cultural peculiarities will contribute to loyalty of national minorities to the state. Such a policy is an opposite to assimilation, criticized by Stobart. The idea is shared by Advisor to the OSCE High Commissioner J.Packer who also touched upon the problem of balance between a native language and a state language in the course of studies. SM

Leonid Fedoseyev in an article in "SM" gives his explanation of the unwillingness to abolish the nationality column in passports prevailing among the Latvian authorities. Although international standards do not provide for including information on a person's race, religious belief, and ailments in a passport, the Latvian passports still contain information on their holders' ethnic nationality. Fedoseyev believes the requirement of stating one's nationality to be a manifestation of the current policy of the state aimed at ethnic segregation and not at the forming of a political nation. According to Fedoseyev, being an ethnic Latvian provides an individual with certain privileges. Another reason is the problem of ethnic Latvians identifying themselves among other ethnic groups. Since there is no political nation in Latvia, Latvians are desperately looking for the grounds to base their community on. The range of the search lies between a caste and a tribal understanding of identity. Many Latvians believe a loss of a documented confirmation of their ethnic origin will result in losing their social status. This applies mainly to Latgalian Latvians, many of whom have a poor command of the Latvian language, and to Latvians having non-Latvian family names. Fedoseyev believes that all these reasons prove that ethnic discrimination exists in Latvia.

Leonid Fedoseyev in an article in "SM" gives his explanation of the unwillingness to abolish the nationality column in passports prevailing among the Latvian authorities. Although international standards do not provide for including information on a person's race, religious belief, and ailments in a passport, the Latvian passports still contain information on their holders' ethnic nationality. Fedoseyev believes the requirement of stating one's nationality to be a manifestation of the current policy of the state aimed at ethnic segregation and not at the forming of a political nation. According to Fedoseyev, being an ethnic Latvian provides an individual with certain privileges. Another reason is the problem of ethnic Latvians identifying themselves among other ethnic groups. Since there is no political nation in Latvia, Latvians are desperately looking for the grounds to base their community on. The range of the search lies between a caste and a tribal understanding of identity. Many Latvians believe a loss of a documented confirmation of their ethnic origin will result in losing their social status. This applies mainly to Latgalian Latvians, many of whom have a poor command of the Latvian language, and to Latvians having non-Latvian family names. Fedoseyev believes that all these reasons prove that ethnic discrimination exists in Latvia. SM

Дек. 4, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

The OSCE Summit in Lisbon ended yesterday. President Ulmanis had meetings with several prominent Western political leaders. Italian Prime-Minister Prodi told the President that Italy supported Latvia's integration into the European Union and NATO. When touching upon his country's relations with Russia, Mr. Ulmanis criticized Russia for postponing the settling of border issues with Latvia trying to retain its influence in the region. British Prime-Minister Major during his meeting with the Latvian President said that Great Britain would support opening up NATO to potential new members. The Prime-Minister also pointed at the importance of establishing relations between NATO and Russia and Ukraine and stressed the role of the "Partnership for Peace" Program. The Declaration of the OSCE Summit says that the OSCE "is ready to respond to the challenges of the epoch". These include ethnic problems, aggressive nationalism, violation of the rights of minorities, terrorism, organized crime, uncontrolled migration, etc. The Declaration does not allow any of the OSCE member states to consider any part of the OSCE region as a sphere of its interests. The OSCE Summit agreed on accommodating the Agreement on Conventional Arms in Europe to the current situation.

The OSCE Summit in Lisbon ended yesterday. President Ulmanis had meetings with several prominent Western political leaders. Italian Prime-Minister Prodi told the President that Italy supported Latvia's integration into the European Union and NATO. When touching upon his country's relations with Russia, Mr. Ulmanis criticized Russia for postponing the settling of border issues with Latvia trying to retain its influence in the region. British Prime-Minister Major during his meeting with the Latvian President said that Great Britain would support opening up NATO to potential new members. The Prime-Minister also pointed at the importance of establishing relations between NATO and Russia and Ukraine and stressed the role of the "Partnership for Peace" Program. The Declaration of the OSCE Summit says that the OSCE "is ready to respond to the challenges of the epoch". These include ethnic problems, aggressive nationalism, violation of the rights of minorities, terrorism, organized crime, uncontrolled migration, etc. The Declaration does not allow any of the OSCE member states to consider any part of the OSCE region as a sphere of its interests. The OSCE Summit agreed on accommodating the Agreement on Conventional Arms in Europe to the current situation. Diena, Neatkariga, SM

In a speech delivered at the OSCE Summit President Ulmanis called the recent UN decision on the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia "a recognition of Latvia's achievements in implementing recommendations received from regional and international organizations". The OSCE should continue focusing on the human dimension, said the President. At the same time, human rights and the rights of national minorities should not be used for attaining political goals. Speaking about co-operation between Latvia and the OSCE, President Ulmanis stressed the role of the OSCE in securing the fulfillment of Latvia's agreements with Russia. He called the expiration of the term of the Skrunda radar provisional operation in 1998 "the first important testing" of the fulfillment of the agreements. Mr. Ulmanis also mentioned the importance of the OSCE involvement in integrating Latvia's society.

In a speech delivered at the OSCE Summit President Ulmanis called the recent UN decision on the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia "a recognition of Latvia's achievements in implementing recommendations received from regional and international organizations". The OSCE should continue focusing on the human dimension, said the President. At the same time, human rights and the rights of national minorities should not be used for attaining political goals. Speaking about co-operation between Latvia and the OSCE, President Ulmanis stressed the role of the OSCE in securing the fulfillment of Latvia's agreements with Russia. He called the expiration of the term of the Skrunda radar provisional operation in 1998 "the first important testing" of the fulfillment of the agreements. Mr. Ulmanis also mentioned the importance of the OSCE involvement in integrating Latvia's society. Neatkariga

Latvian representative to the UN Aivars Baumanis delivered a report on the minority situation in Latvia at the UN General Assembly. Mr. Baumanis claimed that all Latvia's inhabitants had equal economic rights. According to Baumanis, all residents of Latvia irrespective of their citizenship could own land, companies, or other property. He said that the Latvian legislation gave every individual the right to obtain citizenship, adding that almost half of non-Latvians had already received citizenship.

Latvian representative to the UN Aivars Baumanis delivered a report on the minority situation in Latvia at the UN General Assembly. Mr. Baumanis claimed that all Latvia's inhabitants had equal economic rights. According to Baumanis, all residents of Latvia irrespective of their citizenship could own land, companies, or other property. He said that the Latvian legislation gave every individual the right to obtain citizenship, adding that almost half of non-Latvians had already received citizenship. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" Chairman Maris Grinblats told "SM" that the party would not yield to Prime-Minister Skele's pressure and would continue insisting on referring to the 1920 Riga Peace Treaty in a border agreement between Latvia and Russia.

Дек. 3, 1996

Press Report

Press Report

Russia's concern about possible NATO enlargement may put the issue on top of the agenda of the OSCE Summit in Lisbon. Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin, while addressing the Summit, said that Russia strongly objected to NATO enlargement. Chernomyrdin suggested that the OSCE could become a chief security guarantor in Europe and a balance to NATO, co-ordinating the activities of all European and Euro-Atlantic organizations. The suggestion was supported by France and opposed by the USA. Chernomyrdin also mentioned "the practice of restricting the rights Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic states" and called upon the OSCE to react more actively to the situation. The agenda of the Summit also included recent developments in Byelorussia. Byelorussian President Lukashenko objected against international interference in the country's internal affairs. Among other issues discussed yesterday at the Summit was the situation in Nagorny Karabakh and Serbia. The participating states agreed to launch talks on the reduction of conventional arms in Europe that would result in extending the 1990 Arms Reduction Agreement. The final document of the OSCE Summit will describe the principles of European security for the coming century. Other documents considered by the Summit address ethnic conflicts, human rights, freedom of press, and economic aid. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs could not attend the Summit due to a serious injury received by Mrs. Birkava in an accident.

Russia's concern about possible NATO enlargement may put the issue on top of the agenda of the OSCE Summit in Lisbon. Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin, while addressing the Summit, said that Russia strongly objected to NATO enlargement. Chernomyrdin suggested that the OSCE could become a chief security guarantor in Europe and a balance to NATO, co-ordinating the activities of all European and Euro-Atlantic organizations. The suggestion was supported by France and opposed by the USA. Chernomyrdin also mentioned "the practice of restricting the rights Russian-speaking minorities in the Baltic states" and called upon the OSCE to react more actively to the situation. The agenda of the Summit also included recent developments in Byelorussia. Byelorussian President Lukashenko objected against international interference in the country's internal affairs. Among other issues discussed yesterday at the Summit was the situation in Nagorny Karabakh and Serbia. The participating states agreed to launch talks on the reduction of conventional arms in Europe that would result in extending the 1990 Arms Reduction Agreement. The final document of the OSCE Summit will describe the principles of European security for the coming century. Other documents considered by the Summit address ethnic conflicts, human rights, freedom of press, and economic aid. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs could not attend the Summit due to a serious injury received by Mrs. Birkava in an accident. Diena, SM

OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel in a letter to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 21 November suggested registering ethnic nationality in a person's passport only upon a person's request. Currently, nationality is stated in all passports. The suggestion made by the High Commissioner is being thoroughly analyzed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior.

OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel in a letter to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 21 November suggested registering ethnic nationality in a person's passport only upon a person's request. Currently, nationality is stated in all passports. The suggestion made by the High Commissioner is being thoroughly analyzed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior. Diena

Finnish Prime-Minister Paavo Lipponen during his meeting with Prime-Minister Skele touched upon the role of Russia in the Baltic region. He believes that Russia should be integrated into the security system of the region. Mr. Lipponen stressed the role of the OSCE and the European Union in maintaining European security. NATO and Russia should conclude an agreement specifying the conditions for the expansion of the block, said the Finnish Prime-Minister.

Finnish Prime-Minister Paavo Lipponen during his meeting with Prime-Minister Skele touched upon the role of Russia in the Baltic region. He believes that Russia should be integrated into the security system of the region. Mr. Lipponen stressed the role of the OSCE and the European Union in maintaining European security. NATO and Russia should conclude an agreement specifying the conditions for the expansion of the block, said the Finnish Prime-Minister. Diena, SM

"Latvijas Cels" Faction Chairman Andrejs Pantelejevs in a brief interview for "SM" said that "LC" might persuade "their "Tevzemei un Brivibai" colleagues" to support free land market. Pantelejevs believes that "TB" could also "soften" their attitude on the issue of citizenship. SM

Secretary of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation Yury Baturin in an interview for

Secretary of the Defense Council of the Russian Federation Yury Baturin in an interview for "DIENA" said Russia could join NATO. Such a step would turn the block into a Euro-Atlantic security system. Baturin calls the possibility a theoretical assumption. Still, he admits that Russia will have to co-operate with NATO to avoid political isolation. Diena

The Immigration Police has detained 129 illegal immigrants during the first two moths of its operation in Riga. Most of them have arrived to Latvia from former USSR republics.

The Immigration Police has detained 129 illegal immigrants during the first two moths of its operation in Riga. Most of them have arrived to Latvia from former USSR republics. Diena


interviewed CID Immigration Office Expert Lilita Kalnina and Advisor to the CID Director Janis Jaudzems on residence permits and related legal aspects. The CID officials singled out several categories of individuals to be issued with residence permits. interviewed CID Immigration Office Expert Lilita Kalnina and Advisor to the CID Director Janis Jaudzems on residence permits and related legal aspects. The CID officials singled out several categories of individuals to be issued with residence permits. 1. Permanent residence permits (PRP) are to be issued to foreigners who had permanent "propiska" in Latvia on 1 July 1992. These individuals received foreign citizenship after being included into the Register of Inhabitants and are permanently residing in Latvia.

1. Permanent residence permits (PRP) are to be issued to foreigners who had permanent "propiska" in Latvia on 1 July 1992. These individuals received foreign citizenship after being included into the Register of Inhabitants and are permanently residing in Latvia.

2. Temporary residence permits (TRP) are to be issued to all individuals who had a temporary "propiska" in Latvia on 1 July 1992. According to the CID, most of these individuals are married to citizens or permanent residents. If a marriage is not dissolved within five years, such persons are entitled to PRPs. If a marriage is dissolved after the expiration of the five-year term, while the court decrees to leave a child of such a marriage under the care of a non-citizen, and the child is a citizen, the spouse will be entitled to a PRP. Should a spouse, who is a citizen, die, a residence permit issued to his/her widow/-er will not be extended. Residence permit stickers are attached to travel documents recognized by Latvia. Latvia still recognizes former USSR travel passports that state citizenship. According to the CID officials, foreigners are actively applying for PRPs. Permanent residents having settled abroad and willing to return to Latvia are viewed by the law as re-emigrants and are to be issued with residence permit. Children visiting their parents or parents entering Latvia to visit their children can receive TRPs for the term of six months.

2. Temporary residence permits (TRP) are to be issued to all individuals who had a temporary "propiska" in Latvia on 1 July 1992. According to the CID, most of these individuals are married to citizens or permanent residents. If a marriage is not dissolved within five years, such persons are entitled to PRPs. If a marriage is dissolved after the expiration of the five-year term, while the court decrees to leave a child of such a marriage under the care of a non-citizen, and the child is a citizen, the spouse will be entitled to a PRP. Should a spouse, who is a citizen, die, a residence permit issued to his/her widow/-er will not be extended. Residence permit stickers are attached to travel documents recognized by Latvia. Latvia still recognizes former USSR travel passports that state citizenship. According to the CID officials, foreigners are actively applying for PRPs. Permanent residents having settled abroad and willing to return to Latvia are viewed by the law as re-emigrants and are to be issued with residence permit. Children visiting their parents or parents entering Latvia to visit their children can receive TRPs for the term of six months. SM

Дек. 2, 1996

Press Review

Press Review

President Ulmanis left for Lisbon yesterday to participate in the OSCE Summit. The President will address the Summit tomorrow. During a press-conference Mr. Ulmanis criticized the OSCE for lack of activity, suggesting that the organization could pay more attention to situation in Chechnya, Bosnia, Moldova, and Georgia. The President told the press that the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia should be extended. Mr. Ulmanis said that the Mission could inform the international community of the latest developments in Latvia. Still, he doubted the role of the Mission in forming an integrated society in the country.

President Ulmanis left for Lisbon yesterday to participate in the OSCE Summit. The President will address the Summit tomorrow. During a press-conference Mr. Ulmanis criticized the OSCE for lack of activity, suggesting that the organization could pay more attention to situation in Chechnya, Bosnia, Moldova, and Georgia. The President told the press that the mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia should be extended. Mr. Ulmanis said that the Mission could inform the international community of the latest developments in Latvia. Still, he doubted the role of the Mission in forming an integrated society in the country. "Interfax" circulated information about Ulmanis="" plans to meet President of Byelorussia Lukashenko. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs addressed the Byelorussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a note saying the President's tight schedule during the Summit made the meeting impossible. Mr. Ulmanis will preside over the OSCE Plenary Meeting. The agenda of the OSCE Summit includes Russia's reaction to NATO enlargement and the situation in Yugoslavia, Byelorussia, Chechnya and Nagorny Karabakh.



The Estonian Government believes that aborder agreement with Russia could be signed during the OSCE Summit. Still, Head of the Russian Delegation to the Border Talks Vasily Svirin says that several technical problems do not allow the signing of the agreement this week.

The Estonian Government believes that aborder agreement with Russia could be signed during the OSCE Summit. Still, Head of the Russian Delegation to the Border Talks Vasily Svirin says that several technical problems do not allow the signing of the agreement this week.

(DIENA, 2 December)

(DIENA, 2 December)

Aris Jansons

Aris Jansons ("DIENA") analyzed the work of the OSCE Mission to Latvia. He quoted Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Normans Penke who said that the Mission had accomplished its tasks and no issues were left for the Mission to work on. Still, certain problems are to be resolved. These include naturalization, identification documents for non-citizens, repatriation of demobilized Russian servicemen, and the operation of the Skrunda radar. Head of Mission Charles Magee said that the Mission was studying non-citizens' problems and helped them to become aware of the situation in the country and to integrate into its society. Aris Jansons believes that the Mission serves as a balance to the "forces using non-citizens' problems for achieving political goals". Not extending the mandate would also be unwise after Russia accused Latvia and Estonia of refusing to co-operate with the OSCE and of violating human rights. The Prime-Minister's Advisor for Foreign Affairs Aivars Groza believes that the mandate could be extended by six months. Mr. Penke said that Latvia, before agreeing to extend the mandate, would expect "some countries to come up with suggestions on improving the work of the Mission". (DIENA, 2 December)

The UNDP will allot 3.2 million dollars to the state language training program. An agreement on the program will be signed on December 6 at the Wagner Hall by John Hendra, Minister of Education and Science Maris Grinblats and Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. The program includes publishing of text-books and launching language training TV programs.

The UNDP will allot 3.2 million dollars to the state language training program. An agreement on the program will be signed on December 6 at the Wagner Hall by John Hendra, Minister of Education and Science Maris Grinblats and Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs. The program includes publishing of text-books and launching language training TV programs.

(DIENA, 2 December)

(DIENA, 2 December)

Prime-Minister Skele said he would resign if the Saeima adopted a deficit budget. The Saeima Budget Committee has prepared the draft budget for the final reading by the Saeima.

Prime-Minister Skele said he would resign if the Saeima adopted a deficit budget. The Saeima Budget Committee has prepared the draft budget for the final reading by the Saeima.

(DIENA, 30 November)

(DIENA, 30 November)

Last Friday the joint congress of the Farmers' Union and the Political Union of Economists voted for merging the two parties. The Farmers' Union is the largest Latvian political party (3,500 members) while the Political Union of Economists has 420 members.

Last Friday the joint congress of the Farmers' Union and the Political Union of Economists voted for merging the two parties. The Farmers' Union is the largest Latvian political party (3,500 members) while the Political Union of Economists has 420 members. Diena


The "Latvijas Cels" party congress re-elected Valdis Birkavs as ALC@ Chairman. Prime-Minister Skele in his speech called upon "LC" to be more politically active. The congress was attended by the leaders of "Saimnieks" and "Tevzemei un Brivibai". Diena

Speaker of the State

Speaker of the State Duma Gennady Seleznev addressed Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin with a letter asking to specify sanctions to be used against "Estonian and Latvian regimes hostile to Russia". Seleznev in his letter mentions "apartheid" in the Baltic states. "BIZNES I BALTIYA" suggests that recent steps taken by Russia against Latvia and Estonia are the beginning of a vast campaign of political propaganda against the two Baltic states. B&B

Head of the Baltic Section of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergey Prihodko at a press-conference spoke about Russia's relations with Latvia and Estonia. Mr. Prihodko said that relations between the two countries are impaired by radical nationalists. He mentioned the closing of Russian schools in Riga and other "less noticeable steps". The Russian diplomat mentioned efforts "taken by some politicians in the

Head of the Baltic Section of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergey Prihodko at a press-conference spoke about Russia's relations with Latvia and Estonia. Mr. Prihodko said that relations between the two countries are impaired by radical nationalists. He mentioned the closing of Russian schools in Riga and other "less noticeable steps". The Russian diplomat mentioned efforts "taken by some politicians in the Saeima to initiate the discussion of draft laws and amendments that would decrease ethnic tension." SM

Instruction on employment quotas gives the right only to citizens. According to the Department, the requirement was put by German authorities to prevent illegal immigration. Still, the German Embassy says that the country allows the employment of citizens and permanent residents of Latvia within employment quotas.

Instruction on employment quotas gives the right only to citizens. According to the Department, the requirement was put by German authorities to prevent illegal immigration. Still, the German Embassy says that the country allows the employment of citizens and permanent residents of Latvia within employment quotas. SM

Border delimitation talks between Latvia and Lithuania will be resumed tomorrow. Latvia has suggested sharing all oil produced in the disputable area equally between the two countries. Lithuania still insists on determining the border before discussing the distribution of oil resources.Russian Minister of Defense Igor Rodionov in an interview said that Russia would be forced to direct its ballistic missiles against East European countries that have entered NATO. Russia will ignore nuclear armament reduction agreements if NATO deploys such weapons in Eastern Europe. The Russian Embassy in Latvia refused to comment on Rodionov's statement.

Border delimitation talks between Latvia and Lithuania will be resumed tomorrow. Latvia has suggested sharing all oil produced in the disputable area equally between the two countries. Lithuania still insists on determining the border before discussing the distribution of oil resources.Russian Minister of Defense Igor Rodionov in an interview said that Russia would be forced to direct its ballistic missiles against East European countries that have entered NATO. Russia will ignore nuclear armament reduction agreements if NATO deploys such weapons in Eastern Europe. The Russian Embassy in Latvia refused to comment on Rodionov's statement. Vakara Zinas

Ноя. 29, 1996

Press Report

Press Report


The Saeima at its yesterday's session did not support a vote of non-confidence for Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs. Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Jurkans refused to take the floor during the debate on the issue. He objected to the Saeima decision on reducing the length of comments to five minutes calling it an attempt to conceal flaws in the work of the Ministry. During the debate the deputies supporting the vote of no-confidence criticized Birkavs for ignoring the country's relations with Russia and Lithuania. Birkavs' supporters said that dismissing the Minister of Foreign Affairs before concluding vital agreements with Lithuania and Russia would be unwise. Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bruvers pointed at the fact that those criticizing Birkavs could not produce an alternate foreign policy concept of their own. Diena

Valdis Birkavs in an interview for

Valdis Birkavs in an interview for "SM SEVODNYA" said he was ready to discuss the developments in Latvian foreign policy with his opponents. Birkavs says that he did his best to improve relations with Moscow and complains about the lack of responseto his initiatives. "Russia always finds reasons for postponing negotiations with Latvia," said Birkavs. He complained about Russia focusing too much on NATO enlargement and human rights. He believes Russia might put forward new demands and link the border agreement with human rights or NATO enlargement. Birkavs says that the Government and "Latvijas Cels" (Birkavs="" party) would like to bring the human rights situation in Latvia into compliance with European standards. He supports changes in the CID and admits that "errors have been made". Still, the country "is moving in the right direction", believes Birkavs. Among the achievements of the Latvian foreign policy he mentioned Council of Europe membership. Birkavs believes that the 1920 Riga Peace treaty is more of a symbolic than of a practical meaning to Latvia. He is optimistic about settling the border argument with Lithuania and says that Skele has not been interviewed by a Lithuania newspaper. He refused to go any deeper into the interview scandal. Diena

Latvian politicians interviewed by

Latvian politicians interviewed by "DIENA" believe that Russia might come up with new conditions at the border delimitation talks with Latvia. "Saimnieks" deputy Ivars Kezbers suggests that discussing economic and humanitarian issues with Russia will help maintaining neighborly relations with the country. J.Jurkans expects that Russia will continue to raise the issue of Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia.

Last Wednesday the UN General Assembly decided to close the discussion on the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia. The Chairman of the Third Committee of the General Assembly referred to the assessment of the situation by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Chairman of the Third Committee praised the Governments of Estonia and Latvia for taking into consideration recommendations by the OSCE and other international organizations. A statement by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls the decision by the Third Committee "an achievement of the Latvian diplomacy and proof of the country="s" policy aimed at protecting human rights". A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Russia would continue bringing up the issue at the UN General Assembly.

Last Wednesday the UN General Assembly decided to close the discussion on the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia. The Chairman of the Third Committee of the General Assembly referred to the assessment of the situation by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Chairman of the Third Committee praised the Governments of Estonia and Latvia for taking into consideration recommendations by the OSCE and other international organizations. A statement by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls the decision by the Third Committee "an achievement of the Latvian diplomacy and proof of the country="s" policy aimed at protecting human rights". A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Russia would continue bringing up the issue at the UN General Assembly. Diena, Neatkariga

A letter to a reader's column in

A letter to a reader's column in "PANORAMA LATVII" points at a problem that might occur during the exchange of old USSR passports for new non-citizen identification documents. A CID representative in a TV interview mentioned birth certificates among the documents to be produced for receiving the new passports. Many non-citizens cannot obtain birth certificates or their copies that were lost in archives outside Latvia. USSR authorities often kept birth certificates in their archives when issuing passports to Soviet citizens.

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