Авг. 27, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Director of the Institute of International Relations Juris Bojars believes that the right to receive citizenship through naturalization should have been provided first to ethnic Latvians repatriating from Russia, and then to ethnic Estonians, Lithuanians and Poles residing in Latvia. The next stage should have covered ethnic Russians who could have been divided into groups depending on the number of years spent in Latvia. In an interview for

Director of the Institute of International Relations Juris Bojars believes that the right to receive citizenship through naturalization should have been provided first to ethnic Latvians repatriating from Russia, and then to ethnic Estonians, Lithuanians and Poles residing in Latvia. The next stage should have covered ethnic Russians who could have been divided into groups depending on the number of years spent in Latvia. In an interview for "DIENA" Mr. Bojars did not agree that the Convention on the Child's Rights require granting of citizenship to children of stateless residents of Latvia. He also noted that the study of international practice showed that many countries had a considerably stricter citizenship legislation than Latvia. Diena

Director of the Estonian Citizenship and Immigration Department Andres Kollist in an interview for

Director of the Estonian Citizenship and Immigration Department Andres Kollist in an interview for BNS said that public opinion in his country tended to accept granting of Estonian citizenship to non-citizens' children. Mr. Kollist noted that OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel supported a simplified procedure of naturalization of children born in Estonia. SM

According to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Ulmanis may have meetings with Russian Premier Chernomyrdin and Byelorussian President Lukashenko during an international conference in Vilnius on September 5. The agenda of Mr. Ulmanis' meeting with the Russian Prime-Minister will focus mainly on economic issues and on the work of the Inter-Governmental Commission.

According to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Ulmanis may have meetings with Russian Premier Chernomyrdin and Byelorussian President Lukashenko during an international conference in Vilnius on September 5. The agenda of Mr. Ulmanis' meeting with the Russian Prime-Minister will focus mainly on economic issues and on the work of the Inter-Governmental Commission. Chas

Авг. 26, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

The Russian Embassy will issue entry visas free of charge to World War II veterans, first and second category invalids and persons over seventy years of age. The unemployed and pensioners with a monthly income lower than Ls 50 are given a 50% discount. The fee to be paid by applicants for entry visas to Russia is Ls. 5.

The Russian Embassy will issue entry visas free of charge to World War II veterans, first and second category invalids and persons over seventy years of age. The unemployed and pensioners with a monthly income lower than Ls 50 are given a 50% discount. The fee to be paid by applicants for entry visas to Russia is Ls. 5. B&B

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in an interview for

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in an interview for "The Washington Post" said that Latvia was ready to co-operate with Russia and to establish "pragmatic" relations with the country. Mr. Birkavs criticized Russia's attempts to force Latvia "to change the Citizenship Law" and stressed that the problem of citizenship was an internal affair of the Republic of Latvia. SM

Авг. 23, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Last Friday the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Memorandum for the European Union and the European Commission confirming Latvia's commitment to eliminating the flaws mentioned in the report by the Commission. Among the steps to be taken the Memorandum mentions the strengthening of the country's Eastern border, the accomplishment of the privatization program, the improvement of the efficiency of the banking system, etc. The document does not contain obligations related to acceding European conventions on minorities. The Cabinet adopted the paragraph on naturalization in the reading suggested by

Last Friday the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Memorandum for the European Union and the European Commission confirming Latvia's commitment to eliminating the flaws mentioned in the report by the Commission. Among the steps to be taken the Memorandum mentions the strengthening of the country's Eastern border, the accomplishment of the privatization program, the improvement of the efficiency of the banking system, etc. The document does not contain obligations related to acceding European conventions on minorities. The Cabinet adopted the paragraph on naturalization in the reading suggested by "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK. Measures to be taken by Latvia, according to the memorandum, will include a thorough analysis of the reasons of slow naturalization (instead of facilitating the process, as suggested by the draft document). Other points of the document include analyzing employment restrictions for non-citizens (instead of canceling the restrictions) and reducing the naturalization fee for certain social groups (but not for all applicants). Latvia will attach a program for implementing the points of the Memorandum to the document. A Government committee will consider the program next week. Diena, B&B

Mr. Egils Levits, a judge at the Human Rights Court, in an interview for

Mr. Egils Levits, a judge at the Human Rights Court, in an interview for "FOKUSS" said that Latvia's inhabitants had not applied to the Court yet since the corresponding convention came into force in Latvia only in June. An individual can apply to the Human Rights Court after he or she applied to the courts of all instances in his/her country. The convention is not retroactive, therefore the Court accepts complaints related to the facts that took place after the date on which the convention came into force in Latvia. Fokuss

Авг. 22, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday President Ulmanis opened the working meeting of the heads of the Latvian diplomatic missions on Latvia's integration into the European Union. The President spoke in support of establishing the Institute of Latvia and launching the "Latvia as a Future EU Member" program. Mr. Ulmanis stressed that the UN and other international organizations stopped their criticism of Latvia in connection with human rights violations. That, according to the President, was a major achievement of the Latvian diplomacy. Still, the international community was not informed sufficiently well about the real situation of minorities, admitted the President. He noted that sometimes Latvia was still accused of failing to resolve minority problems.

Yesterday President Ulmanis opened the working meeting of the heads of the Latvian diplomatic missions on Latvia's integration into the European Union. The President spoke in support of establishing the Institute of Latvia and launching the "Latvia as a Future EU Member" program. Mr. Ulmanis stressed that the UN and other international organizations stopped their criticism of Latvia in connection with human rights violations. That, according to the President, was a major achievement of the Latvian diplomacy. Still, the international community was not informed sufficiently well about the real situation of minorities, admitted the President. He noted that sometimes Latvia was still accused of failing to resolve minority problems. "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK supported President Ulmanis' suggestion to focus on informing the international community of the peculiar situation in Latvia and suggested to publish "The White Book of Latvia" describing the condition of ethnic Latvians during the occupation and showing the cause of a large inflow of immigrants to the country. Diena, B&B

"Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK

are expected to suggest their own draft version of the Memorandum on the European Commission document on Latvia. The draft is a compromise decision suggesting to analyze thoroughly the reasons of slow naturalization instead of simply trying to facilitate the process. Other points of the draft include analyzing employment restrictions for non-citizens (instead of canceling the restrictions) and reducing the naturalization fee for certain social groups (but not for all applicants). are expected to suggest their own draft version of the Memorandum on the European Commission document on Latvia. The draft is a compromise decision suggesting to analyze thoroughly the reasons of slow naturalization instead of simply trying to facilitate the process. Other points of the draft include analyzing employment restrictions for non-citizens (instead of canceling the restrictions) and reducing the naturalization fee for certain social groups (but not for all applicants). DienaDiena


quoted Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Mr. Buzayev who criticized the OSCE Mission and its member Falk Lange for not taking adequate steps after being informed about A.Tsimbalyuk's case. The article also points at a slow reaction of the Russian Embassy to Tsimbalyuk's problem. Mr. Tsimbalyuk, a retired Russian officer, was given an expulsion order by the CID. The decision was supported by the Supreme Court. The Russian Embassy is said to prepare a diplomatic note on the case while its Social Department will contact Latvian Plenipotentiary for the implementation of the Agreement on Demobilized Servicemen Mr. Ikvilds. PL quoted Co-chairman of the Latvian Human Rights Committee Mr. Buzayev who criticized the OSCE Mission and its member Falk Lange for not taking adequate steps after being informed about A.Tsimbalyuk's case. The article also points at a slow reaction of the Russian Embassy to Tsimbalyuk's problem. Mr. Tsimbalyuk, a retired Russian officer, was given an expulsion order by the CID. The decision was supported by the Supreme Court. The Russian Embassy is said to prepare a diplomatic note on the case while its Social Department will contact Latvian Plenipotentiary for the implementation of the Agreement on Demobilized Servicemen Mr. Ikvilds. PL

Авг. 21, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the Council of the Governing factions decided not to adopt the Memorandum on the conclusion by the European Commission before Friday. Several points of the draft Memorandum caused objections on the part of

Yesterday the Council of the Governing factions decided not to adopt the Memorandum on the conclusion by the European Commission before Friday. Several points of the draft Memorandum caused objections on the part of "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK. "TB"/LNNK would not agree to the point suggesting to discuss a program for encouraging non-citizens to undergo naturalization. The final decision on the issue will be made public by "TB"/LNNK today. The Latvian Government believes simultaneous talks with all potential EU members to be the only acceptable political decision. Diena

On August 19 Russian consular departments in Latvia started issuing multi-entry permissions valid for one year to holders of new Latvian alien passports. Applicants for permission stamps should submit a photo and a passport to a consular department. The permissions are issued within three working days and cost Ls.5. Residents of Latvia can also enter Russia holding former USSR passports (no visas are required), former USSR travel passports (valid for leaving Latvia until 31 December 1997 and for entering Latvia until 31 July 1998, return guarantees are required), non-citizens' "brown" identification documents (entrance permits are required) and citizens' passports (visas are required). Moscow authorities will not require registration of "compatriots from the near abroad" including Latvian non-citizens.

On August 19 Russian consular departments in Latvia started issuing multi-entry permissions valid for one year to holders of new Latvian alien passports. Applicants for permission stamps should submit a photo and a passport to a consular department. The permissions are issued within three working days and cost Ls.5. Residents of Latvia can also enter Russia holding former USSR passports (no visas are required), former USSR travel passports (valid for leaving Latvia until 31 December 1997 and for entering Latvia until 31 July 1998, return guarantees are required), non-citizens' "brown" identification documents (entrance permits are required) and citizens' passports (visas are required). Moscow authorities will not require registration of "compatriots from the near abroad" including Latvian non-citizens. B&B

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