Сен. 22, 1997

Press Report

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs is taking part in the Session of the UN General Assembly. Mr. Birkavs will meet prominent politicians including EU Commissioner van den Broek and Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. The agenda of the meeting with Mr. Primakov will cover the entire spectrum of relations between the two countries. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs hopes that the border agreement with Russia will be signed this year. The Russian delegation will raise the issue of human rights in the Baltic states at the Assembly. Mr. Birkavs told

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs is taking part in the Session of the UN General Assembly. Mr. Birkavs will meet prominent politicians including EU Commissioner van den Broek and Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov. The agenda of the meeting with Mr. Primakov will cover the entire spectrum of relations between the two countries. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs hopes that the border agreement with Russia will be signed this year. The Russian delegation will raise the issue of human rights in the Baltic states at the Assembly. Mr. Birkavs told "DIENA" that Latvia managed to persuade the UN not to include the issue in the agenda of the Session.


interviewed Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee. Mr. Magee mentioned the issue of retired servicemen as the most important problem resolved during his term in the office. The Mission is contributing to improving the work of the Citizenship and Immigration Department and is monitoring naturalization tests. The Mission would welcome more simple test requirements. Mr. Magee explained that the Mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia included a broad spectrum of citizenship-related issues. Therefore, the Mission had to establish close contacts with the CID, the Naturalization Board and the State Human Rights Office. While touching upon the low rate of the naturalization process, Mr. Magee admitted that the issue was quite complex and required a thorough study. He believes that many non-citizens have nothing against naturalization but do not feel like rushing for Latvian citizenship immediately. Mr. Magee stressed that members of naturalization test boards were unbiased and honest. The OSCE Mission believes that the Ls 30 naturalization fee could be reduced. Mr. Magee pointed to the support of the Mission's further stay in Latvia by the CID, the Naturalization Board and the Human Rights Office. The final decision on the status of the Mission and on the possible extension of its mandate is to be made by the OSCE Permanent Council. In his interview Mr. Magee said that he was happy to see Mr. Samuel as his successor. interviewed Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee. Mr. Magee mentioned the issue of retired servicemen as the most important problem resolved during his term in the office. The Mission is contributing to improving the work of the Citizenship and Immigration Department and is monitoring naturalization tests. The Mission would welcome more simple test requirements. Mr. Magee explained that the Mandate of the OSCE Mission to Latvia included a broad spectrum of citizenship-related issues. Therefore, the Mission had to establish close contacts with the CID, the Naturalization Board and the State Human Rights Office. While touching upon the low rate of the naturalization process, Mr. Magee admitted that the issue was quite complex and required a thorough study. He believes that many non-citizens have nothing against naturalization but do not feel like rushing for Latvian citizenship immediately. Mr. Magee stressed that members of naturalization test boards were unbiased and honest. The OSCE Mission believes that the Ls 30 naturalization fee could be reduced. Mr. Magee pointed to the support of the Mission's further stay in Latvia by the CID, the Naturalization Board and the Human Rights Office. The final decision on the status of the Mission and on the possible extension of its mandate is to be made by the OSCE Permanent Council. In his interview Mr. Magee said that he was happy to see Mr. Samuel as his successor. NeatkarigaNeatkariga

Сен. 20, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

An article in

An article in "SM" draws a parallel between the current language policy and the gradual introduction of the Latvian language as an official state language in the twenties and in the thirties. The author of the article believes that the new Language Law will be even more strict than the one currently in force. SM

"FOKUSS" interviewed several prominent persons on the existing employment restrictions for non-citizens. Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Federation of Detectives and Security Services Mr. Chernousov believes that non-citizens should be given the right to work as private detectives. As a possible compromise solution he suggests issuing temporary licenses to non-citizens allowing them to work as private detectives until they receive citizenship through naturalization. Director of the State Human Rights Office Mr. Olafs Bruveris sees the canceling of the restrictions as a step required by the EU norms. "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK deputy Mr. Juris Dobelis does not see any necessity in abolishing the restrictions. He believes that the state should take care of its citizens first. "TB"/LNNK will never agree to cancel any of the exiting restrictions, says Dobelis. "People's Harmony" member Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev says that his party supports abolishing all restrictions. He criticized "Latvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks" for their indifference to the problem. Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Mr. Antons Seiksts would not agree to canceling all ten restrictions mentioned in a report by the State Human Rights Bureau as "groundless". Still, he believes that non-citizens should be given the right to work as lawyers and to run pharmacies. He suggests that political rhetoric on the subject is used to disguise the fear of competition. Fokuss

Сен. 19, 1997

Press Report

Last Wednesday the

Last Wednesday the Saeima Committee on Human Rights and Social Affairs supported a suggestion by "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK on postponing the complete ratification of the Geneva Convention on Refugees. "TB"/LNNK proposed to apply the Convention to all refugees irrespective of the countries of their original residence only after 2000. Press-Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Andrejs Pildegovics told "DIENA" that the West could suspend its aid to the refugee center program in case the decision was adopted by the Saeima. Moreover, Latvia would not be able to establish a non-visa regime with Sweden and Finland. The Saeima plenary meeting on the issue will be held next week. The current version of the Law on the Ratification of the Geneva Convention applies the latter only to refugees entering Latvia from European countries. The Saeima has already adopted the first reading of the amendment to the Law that would allow to apply it to all refugees. Diena


The "Brivibai" ("For Freedom") society has formed a Saeima faction. The new faction consists of five independent deputies supporting the idea of universal presidential elections. Diena

Estonia adopted the law on education that provides for closing all Russian language state-financed schools in 2007. The opponents of the law point to the high percentage (around 40%) of Russian-speaking tax payers.

Estonia adopted the law on education that provides for closing all Russian language state-financed schools in 2007. The opponents of the law point to the high percentage (around 40%) of Russian-speaking tax payers. B&B

Сен. 18, 1997

Press Report

According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the country is ready to sign border agreements with the three Baltic countries in the nearest future. The Ministry Press-Secretary said that most of the technical work had been completed. He added that the agreement with Lithuania had been already finalized and was ready for signing. Latvia and Russia have prepared all delimitation maps while Estonia has entered the final stage in the border talks with Russia.

According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the country is ready to sign border agreements with the three Baltic countries in the nearest future. The Ministry Press-Secretary said that most of the technical work had been completed. He added that the agreement with Lithuania had been already finalized and was ready for signing. Latvia and Russia have prepared all delimitation maps while Estonia has entered the final stage in the border talks with Russia. Diena

Independent Deputy Modris Lujans will join "People's Harmony" and will become the fifth member

Independent Deputy Modris Lujans will join "People's Harmony" and will become the fifth member "PH" deputy in the Saeima. This will return the "PH" deputy group the status of a faction. Mr. Lujans believes that the "PH" faction could form a basis of a future shadow cabinet. Chas

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev of "People's Harmony" believes that the upcoming party congress should focus on political priorities for the next five years. He names the forming of a political nation and a non-aligned status of Latvia among important objectives of the party. According to Mr. Dozortsev, "People's Harmony" should identify itself as a Socialist-Democratic party. The party will co-operate with other Latvian Social-Democrats and will not agree to any compromises with

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev of "People's Harmony" believes that the upcoming party congress should focus on political priorities for the next five years. He names the forming of a political nation and a non-aligned status of Latvia among important objectives of the party. According to Mr. Dozortsev, "People's Harmony" should identify itself as a Socialist-Democratic party. The party will co-operate with other Latvian Social-Democrats and will not agree to any compromises with "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK. Mr. Dozortsev criticized "Latvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks" for yielding to "TB"/LNNK pressure and agreeing to all its demands on human rights related issues. PL

"Latvijas Cels"

is holding a conference this Saturday. The agenda will focus on ethnic relations and human rights. Mr. Boris Tsilevich comments on the event noting that the sudden interest toward the problem seems to be surprising. Previously, is holding a conference this Saturday. The agenda will focus on ethnic relations and human rights. Mr. Boris Tsilevich comments on the event noting that the sudden interest toward the problem seems to be surprising. Previously, "LC""LC" has ignored the problem and blocked several proposals that would extend the rights of non-citizens. The author of the article connects the sudden change in the "LC" policy to the transformation of the party's priorities. has ignored the problem and blocked several proposals that would extend the rights of non-citizens. The author of the article connects the sudden change in the "LC" policy to the transformation of the party's priorities. "LC""LC" has already gained the control over bureaucratic structures and has to gain more votes in the elections to the Seventh Saeima. Mr. Tsilevich believes that has already gained the control over bureaucratic structures and has to gain more votes in the elections to the Seventh Saeima. Mr. Tsilevich believes that "LC""LC", most of its leaders being former high-ranking Communists, does not have any ideological backbone and is acting only to achieve its immediate practical goals. , most of its leaders being former high-ranking Communists, does not have any ideological backbone and is acting only to achieve its immediate practical goals. SMSM

Сен. 17, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

According to statistical data quoted by

According to statistical data quoted by "DIENA", almost every third inhabitant of Daugavpils is a non-citizen (43,000 out of 120,000 inhabitants are non-citizens). Still, the naturalization rate in Daugavpils is one of the highest in Latvia. The local office of the Naturalization Board receives 35 to 50 applications for naturalization monthly. Head of the local office Mr. Bruziks notes that the process has become more stable and the "naturalization curve" has become more even. The Daugavpils office of the Board distributes brochures on Latvian citizenship through schools, trade unions and other local institutions. Potential applicants have an opportunity to meet test board members and their fears are often dispelled after the meetings. Diena

Latvia is introducing the new pattern for its entry visas. The new visas are better protected against fraud and will be processed automatically after the country purchases necessary equipment. A single entry visa is issued for a fee of Ls 6 while a visa allowing to stay in Latvia for one year costs Ls 50.

Latvia is introducing the new pattern for its entry visas. The new visas are better protected against fraud and will be processed automatically after the country purchases necessary equipment. A single entry visa is issued for a fee of Ls 6 while a visa allowing to stay in Latvia for one year costs Ls 50. Dienas Biznes

A meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Ministers of Finance of the EU countries showed that Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Greece are the only countries fully supporting simultaneous talks with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on their admission to the EU. The concept of simultaneous talks is opposed by the Netherlands, Finland, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Portugal and Spain.

A meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Ministers of Finance of the EU countries showed that Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Greece are the only countries fully supporting simultaneous talks with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on their admission to the EU. The concept of simultaneous talks is opposed by the Netherlands, Finland, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Portugal and Spain. Diena

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