Сен. 27, 1997

Press Report

Latvian Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts held a press-conference upon his return from Brussels and Denmark. Mr. Krasts claimed that his talks with EU Commission Chairman Mr. Saunter had proved the problem of non-citizens to be of minor importance. The Latvian Prime-Minister does not believe it could influence the joining of the EU by Latvia. According to Mr. Krasts, European Parliament deputies believe the Latvian legislation to be acceptable since it clearly defines the age groups entitled to obtain citizenship through naturalization. The Prime-Minister mentioned the analysis non-citizens' situation by some Danish independent research group highly praising Latvia's approach to the problem. Mr. Krasts said that he supported the ratification of the Refugee Convention that would apply it to all refugees regardless of whether they entered Latvia from Europe or from the rest of the world. He admitted that his point of view differed from the concept supported by his party (

Latvian Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts held a press-conference upon his return from Brussels and Denmark. Mr. Krasts claimed that his talks with EU Commission Chairman Mr. Saunter had proved the problem of non-citizens to be of minor importance. The Latvian Prime-Minister does not believe it could influence the joining of the EU by Latvia. According to Mr. Krasts, European Parliament deputies believe the Latvian legislation to be acceptable since it clearly defines the age groups entitled to obtain citizenship through naturalization. The Prime-Minister mentioned the analysis non-citizens' situation by some Danish independent research group highly praising Latvia's approach to the problem. Mr. Krasts said that he supported the ratification of the Refugee Convention that would apply it to all refugees regardless of whether they entered Latvia from Europe or from the rest of the world. He admitted that his point of view differed from the concept supported by his party ("Tevzemei un Brivibai"). The Prime-Minister told the press that he would discuss the issue with the "TB" faction. Mr. Krasts said that EU experts would examine the updated statistical information on Latvia's economy. PL, B&B, Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs had a meeting with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Primakov in New-York on September 26. Mr. Primakov said that Russia was developing a new policy toward the Baltic states aimed at establishing long-term, balanced and neighborly relations with the three countries. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the situation of "compatriots" in Latvia and the country's plans of joining NATO. Mr. Primakov said that Russia would expect Latvia to implement OSCE recommendations on non-citizens. Russia would not like those people to repatriate, said Primakov. He believes non-citizens to be loyal to Latvia and able to integrate in the Latvian society. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs suggested to resolve security issues through bilateral talks. Russia also welcomed the participation of Nordic countries and the USA in providing security guarantees to Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said that Latvia adhered to a different security concept and would not consider any alternatives to NATO membership.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs had a meeting with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Evgeny Primakov in New-York on September 26. Mr. Primakov said that Russia was developing a new policy toward the Baltic states aimed at establishing long-term, balanced and neighborly relations with the three countries. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the situation of "compatriots" in Latvia and the country's plans of joining NATO. Mr. Primakov said that Russia would expect Latvia to implement OSCE recommendations on non-citizens. Russia would not like those people to repatriate, said Primakov. He believes non-citizens to be loyal to Latvia and able to integrate in the Latvian society. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs suggested to resolve security issues through bilateral talks. Russia also welcomed the participation of Nordic countries and the USA in providing security guarantees to Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said that Latvia adhered to a different security concept and would not consider any alternatives to NATO membership. Diena

Сен. 26, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

According to anonymous sources referred to by

According to anonymous sources referred to by "CHAS", Latvian Procurator General Janis Skrastins may resign in the nearest future. The possibility of the Procurator General's resignation is connected to the "Latvenergo" scandal (the loss of several million USD as a result of an unlawful deal). According to "CHAS", the Procurator General's Office is facing considerable pressure that slows down the investigation of the case. The newspaper contacted Procurator General's Skrastins who neither confirmed nor dispelled the rumor of his possible resignation. Chas

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") participated in the recent

Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") participated in the recent "Latvijas Cels" conference on the forming of a political nation in Latvia. In an article for "SM" he stresses the lack of a distinctive opinion on the problems of non-citizens and non-Latvians among "Latvijas Cels" leaders. Head of the "LC" faction Andrejs Pantelejevs in his report to the conference formulated several vital questions (Is there a need in increasing the naturalization rate? Should the naturalization quota principle be restored? Should employment restrictions for non-citizens be preserved?) but did not give any answers to them. Mr. Dozortsev explains a sudden interest displayed by "LC" toward the problem of non-citizens and ethnic minorities by the intention to win the votes of non-Latvians in next Saeima elections.

Сен. 25, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in his speech delivered at the Fifty-second Session of the UN General Assembly focused on the reforms implemented by Latvia aimed at overcoming the consequences of occupation. Mr. Birkavs put a special emphasis on the reforms in the human rights domain. In that connection he mentioned the ratification of the European Human Rights Convention. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the human rights situation in the country will be also improved by the ratification of the UN Convention on Refugees and the adoption of the Law on refugees and Asylum-Seekers. Mr. Birkavs pointed to the efforts taken by Latvia to provide broad opportunities for the learning of the Latvian language.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in his speech delivered at the Fifty-second Session of the UN General Assembly focused on the reforms implemented by Latvia aimed at overcoming the consequences of occupation. Mr. Birkavs put a special emphasis on the reforms in the human rights domain. In that connection he mentioned the ratification of the European Human Rights Convention. The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the human rights situation in the country will be also improved by the ratification of the UN Convention on Refugees and the adoption of the Law on refugees and Asylum-Seekers. Mr. Birkavs pointed to the efforts taken by Latvia to provide broad opportunities for the learning of the Latvian language. Diena

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs addressed the

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs addressed the Saeima with a letter on the draft amendments to the Law on the Ratification of the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees. The draft amendments are to be considered by the Saeima today (September 25). Mr. Birkavs calls upon the Saeima deputies to support the draft that would allow to apply the Convention to all refugees irrespective of whether they entered Latvia from Europe or from the rest of the World. The Saeima has already adopted the first reading of the amendments to the Law allowing to apply it to all refugees. Still, the Saeima Human Rights Commission suggested its own variant that postponed the application of the Convention to all refugees until the year 2000. Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs reminds the deputies that the adoption of the draft suggested by the Human Rights Committee would lead to suspension of international aid to a refugee center in Latvia. In addition, such a decision would not allow Latvia to establish a non-visa regime with Sweden and Finland. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs will meet Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov in New-York today (September 25). In his yesterday's speech at the UN General Assembly Mr. Primakov suggested that Russia could provide security guarantees to Baltic states. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs also mentioned the problem of the rights of Russian-speakers in the Baltic countries without focusing on the situation in any of the three states.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs will meet Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov in New-York today (September 25). In his yesterday's speech at the UN General Assembly Mr. Primakov suggested that Russia could provide security guarantees to Baltic states. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs also mentioned the problem of the rights of Russian-speakers in the Baltic countries without focusing on the situation in any of the three states. B&B

A regular Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly will be held next week. The Parliamentary Assembly has considered draft resolutions on human rights situation in CE countries submitted by Russia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Sweden. According to

A regular Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly will be held next week. The Parliamentary Assembly has considered draft resolutions on human rights situation in CE countries submitted by Russia, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Sweden. According to "CHAS", all the drafts mention violation of minority rights in Latvia. Parliamentary Assembly deputies Terry Davis (UK) and Zolt Nemet (Hungary) will visit Latvia to study the situation in the country. SM, Chas

Сен. 24, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

EU Commissioner van den Broek believes that the talks on the admission to the EU should be started with five Central and Eastern European countries that are better prepared for entering the organization. He maintained this point of view during his meeting with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs in New-York. The EU Commissioner does agree that dividing candidate countries into groups would bring about a new division of Europe. In his recent article for

EU Commissioner van den Broek believes that the talks on the admission to the EU should be started with five Central and Eastern European countries that are better prepared for entering the organization. He maintained this point of view during his meeting with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs in New-York. The EU Commissioner does agree that dividing candidate countries into groups would bring about a new division of Europe. In his recent article for "The Financial Times" Mr. van den Broek uses the terms "ins" for the countries already invited for the talks and "pre-ins" for the countries still to be invited to emphasize that the EU will have talks with all candidates at some point. Mr. Birkavs during his meeting with Mr. van den Broek stressed the fast development of Latvia that makes it difficult to draw a certain line while assessing the country's compliance with EU norms. Diena


A "DIENA" journalist interviewed several Russian politicians and Parliament members. All of them showed concern about the slow naturalization of non-citizens in Latvia. Such a reaction is explained by the lack of means and a mechanism for supporting a large community of Russian citizens abroad. The State Duma is drafting a new law on compatriots that focuses mainly on cultural links with Baltic Russians. This shows that Russia is not planning to take any other responsibilities toward the Russian population of the Baltic states. Diena

Participants of the

Participants of the "Latvijas Cels" conference on the forming of political nation in Latvia expressed similar opinions on the naturalization process. All speakers, while suggesting different measures for improving the situation, admitted that the low naturalization rate contradicted the interests of the Latvian state. Diena

Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Richard Samuel in an interview stressed the role of the OSCE in providing unbiased advice to the Government. Mr. Samuel hopes that his stay in Latvia will last longer than six months of his initial appointment.

Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Richard Samuel in an interview stressed the role of the OSCE in providing unbiased advice to the Government. Mr. Samuel hopes that his stay in Latvia will last longer than six months of his initial appointment. Diena

Сен. 23, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts in his article published by

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts in his article published by "DIENA" focuses on the objectives of his upcoming visits to the EU and the NATO Headquarters in Brussels and to Denmark. Mr. Krasts stresses the importance of the visits for a deeper understanding of the motives behind the European Commission recommendations and the decisions made during the Madrid Summit. Mr. Krasts will inform the European Commission and the EU countries about the steps taken by Latvia to facilitate the country's integration in Europe. The Prime-Minister will also try to gain the support of "the common starting line" approach to the admission of new members to the EU. In his article Prime-Minister Krasts pointed to the importance of following common European principles that would require closer co-operation with Estonia and Lithuania and will demand giving up political provincialism. Mr. Krasts singles out political ambitions of Latvian politicians as one of the obstacles to Latvia's integration to Europe. Diena

"Latvijas Cels"

held a conference "Latvia on its Way to the Forming of a Political Nation". The participants of the Conference arrived to the conclusion that the party's passive approach to the issue was a result of the agreement between the governing factions. held a conference "Latvia on its Way to the Forming of a Political Nation". The participants of the Conference arrived to the conclusion that the party's passive approach to the issue was a result of the agreement between the governing factions. "LC""LC" Chairman Valdis Birkavs said that the time had come for the party to work out its concept of the political nation in Latvia. Chairman of the Chairman Valdis Birkavs said that the time had come for the party to work out its concept of the political nation in Latvia. Chairman of the "LC""LC" faction Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that the party should conceive its policy on several issues. faction Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that the party should conceive its policy on several issues. "LC""LC" should set objective naturalization rate criteria, develop a uniform approach to the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens and formulate state obligations in the domain of national cultural autonomy. Mr. Pantelejevs also suggested to analyze the Latvian legislation with regard to its efficiency in preventing ethic conflicts. Still, should set objective naturalization rate criteria, develop a uniform approach to the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens and formulate state obligations in the domain of national cultural autonomy. Mr. Pantelejevs also suggested to analyze the Latvian legislation with regard to its efficiency in preventing ethic conflicts. Still, "LC""LC" Secretary General Juris Lorencs believes that the Citizenship Law should not be amended. He warned against a dramatic rise of the naturalization rate that would "disrupt the stability of the Latvian citizenry." Secretary General Juris Lorencs believes that the Citizenship Law should not be amended. He warned against a dramatic rise of the naturalization rate that would "disrupt the stability of the Latvian citizenry." DienaDiena Former Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee in an interview for

Former Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Charles Magee in an interview for "SM" pointed at tremendous changes that occurred in Latvia during his time in the office. Within those three years the Citizenship Law came into force, the Naturalization Board was established and the Latvian and the Russian governments in co-operation with the OSCE managed to resolve the problem of retired Russian servicemen. Among the most important developments Mr. Magee singled out a tangible improvement of relations between the Mission and the CID. Mr. Magee especially marked courageous steps made by Former Minister of the Interior Turlais to reform the CID. He also praised Mr. Olafs Bruvers for his activities as the Director of the National Human Rights Office. The Mission and the Naturalization Board believe that the Citizenship Law in its present form does not encourage non-citizens to undergo naturalization. Mr. Magee hopes that the next Cabinet will cancel "naturalization windows". He believes the current percentage of non-citizens among Latvia's population to be abnormally high. He sees the main problem in the agreement between the governing factions that would not allow to amend the Citizenship Law. Mr. Magee believes that the OSCE presence in Latvia will be still required during several years to come. When asked about the current language policy, Mr. Magee said that he was aware of the necessity to strengthen the status of the Latvian language. Still, he believes that Russian could be given the status of the second state language at a certain point in the future.

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