Июнь 19, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Latvijas Cels faction K.Libane informed that LC was considering a possibility to summon an extraordinary Saeima plenary meeting to exchange the Saeima Deputy Chairman G.Bojars (Social Democrats ) for a Peoples Party representative K.Greiskalns. This decision was taken basing on the principle that it is better to have a constructive opposition representative in an important post that a destructive position one. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels

representative I.Berzins does not think that the outcome of Presidential election could radically influence the political situation in Latvia. He explains the result of this election as the activity of representative I.Berzins does not think that the outcome of Presidential election could radically influence the political situation in Latvia. He explains the result of this election as the activity of Social DemocratsSocial Democrats who were fulfilling the wish of TB/LNNK. And the voting was not for but against. There parties united against who were fulfilling the wish of TB/LNNK. And the voting was not “for” but “against”. There parties united against Latvijas CelsLatvijas Cels. The position of . The position of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK was clear, but the was clear, but the Social DemocratsSocial Democrats had misunderstood something. When asked about the adoption of the draft language law on July 8, I.Berzins expected that the draft law would be adopted in the more radical version because Latvian had misunderstood something. When asked about the adoption of the draft language law on July 8, I.Berzins expected that the draft law would be adopted in the more radical version because Latvian Social DemocratsSocial Democrats were more social nationalists than social democrats in the Western meaning of this term. were more social nationalists than social democrats in the Western meaning of this term. Bizness & BaltiyaBizness & Baltiya The newly elected President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her first press conference pointed out that she understood how people felt here but still hoped that people living here would be loyal and showed respect to the state. In order to further public integration in Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga considered it to be necessary to preserve the Consultative Council of Nationalities established by G.Ulmanis. In its turn the state language law should protect the rights of the Latvian language, as the same time not endangering Latvia’s movement towards Europe. She had no time to study the last reading of the law, but it could be the first law to be proclaimed by the new President. She also pointed out that she had studied the draft law in February and discovered that in some European countries these laws were even stricter. In her interview to the Latvian Radio she stated that the OSCE High Commissioner who put forward recommendations for amending the draft law, was not the whole Europe. Vaira Vike-Freiberga as well as stated that she would be open for all political parties, and

The newly elected President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in her first press conference pointed out that she understood how people felt here but still hoped that people living here would be loyal and showed respect to the state. In order to further public integration in Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga considered it to be necessary to preserve the Consultative Council of Nationalities established by G.Ulmanis. In its turn the state language law should protect the rights of the Latvian language, as the same time not endangering Latvias movement towards Europe. She had no time to study the last reading of the law, but it could be the first law to be proclaimed by the new President. She also pointed out that she had studied the draft law in February and discovered that in some European countries these laws were even stricter. In her interview to the Latvian Radio she stated that the OSCE High Commissioner who put forward recommendations for amending the draft law, was not the whole Europe. Vaira Vike-Freiberga as well as stated that she would be open for all political parties, and Social Democrats would not be granted any privileges. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize (21.06.99)

SM expresses an opinion that Vaira Vike-Freiberga judging from her education and character, will surprise not only her family members but politicians as well. Already on her first press conference she said that was planning to use the right to summon government meetings and chair them.

SM expresses an opinion that Vaira Vike-Freiberga judging from her education and character, will surprise not only her family members but politicians as well. Already on her first press conference she said that was planning to use the right to summon government meetings and chair them.

The Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science considered and gave their findings on all 80 proposals to the draft language law that was scheduled for the last reading on July 8.


Panorama Latvii, commenting on this, stated that this success was due to the three new Commission members V.Vetra and I.Birzniece from Latvijas Cels and J.Dobelis from TB/LNNK. J.Dobelis left the Commission of Defence and Internal Affairs to intensify attacks on the non-state languages. Despite his activities the Commission managed to consider proposals, majority of them proposed by the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and the Juridical Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.

The statements made by representatives of four political parties give evidences that Latvijas Cels with its arrogance and disregard of other political parties is left alone. TB/LNNK, Peoples Party and Social Democrats hope to maintain their unity in the future if they meet any attempt of LC to influence or split them. Prime Minister V.Kristopans, when asked about the stability of his government, did not give any precise answer, just said that he had no information that the Saeima majority could not support the government. Diena

O.Schipcov in Russian version of Diena states that, judging for mass media circulated in the Russian language, Russian speakers would prefer A.Gorbunovs or R.Pauls as the new President. Now the Latvian population would consist of two parts: people thinking in Latvian and the ones thinking in Russian. Diena

Nine Russian Federation regions have supported the draft law on imposing sanctions against Latvia, scheduled for consideration in the National Council in September. The Council adopted two draft law on Latvia on May 20, 1999. One of them is about sanctions against Latvia and envisages braking any economic relations with it, the other - about protection of Russian compatriots from these sanctions. Neatkariga

Июнь 18, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

After repeated voting, the Saeima deputies with 53 votes for elected the new president of Latvia. It is Vaira Vike-Freiberga, an exile Latvian. She was supported by

After repeated voting, the Saeima deputies with 53 votes for elected the new president of Latvia. It is Vaira Vike-Freiberga, an exile Latvian. She was supported by Peoples Party, Social Democrats and TB/LNNK. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK A.Pozarnovs considers that the election of an independent, no party President could ensure more stability for the government as if in a Latvijas Cels member were elected. But such an outcome of the election might increase strengthening of the influence of Social Democrats in Riga City Council. Prime Minister V.Kristopans announced that if V.Vike-Freiberga were elected and summoned a government meeting, it would be the last day for him in his post. The representatives of three parties supporting the new President, as one of the reasons for this decision names a wish to decrease the possibility of Latvijas Cels dictate in Latvian political life. Nevertheless TB/LNNK does not promise a soon decision on agreeing to accept Social Democrats in the government forming coalition. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs acknowledged that the agreement without LC would leave no impact on stability of the government. Diena

On Wednesday, the Saeima stated that the draft language law was not ready for the final reading and decided to postpone the consideration for July 8. This decision was supported by

On Wednesday, the Saeima stated that the draft language law was not ready for the final reading and decided to postpone the consideration for July 8. This decision was supported by Peoples Party, TB/LNNK, Social Democrats, and New Party. Latvijas Cels and For Human Rights in United Latvia preferred to postpone the consideration for an undefined period of time. Diena

Panorama Latvii

gives the latest information about the naturalisation process (see Russian version of Diena June 16) just adding that during the last week 30 children more received Latvian citizenship through registration. Majority of them reside in Riga.

Июнь 17, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

A day before the Presidential elections no candidate has clear majority support. The only fraction which has not nominated its own candidate - For Human Rights - will give their vote to the candidate of the New Party Raimonds Pauls. Thus, Raimonds Pauls provisionally has 24 votes, Anatolijs Gorbunovs (the Latvian Way) - 21; Vaira Paegle (People’s Party) - 24 votes.

A day before the Presidential elections no candidate has clear majority support. The only fraction which has not nominated its own candidate - For Human Rights - will give their vote to the candidate of the New Party Raimonds Pauls. Thus, Raimonds Pauls provisionally has 24 votes, Anatolijs Gorbunovs (the Latvian Way) - 21; Vaira Paegle (Peoples Party) - 24 votes. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law decided that the combining of the Latvian language examination for graduation with the language examination for naturalisation conducted by the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board, does not comply with the valid legislation. Therefore, the results of the graduation examination will not be taken into consideration when applying for the naturalisation.

Yesterday the Saeima Standing Committee on Implementation of the Citizenship Law decided that the combining of the Latvian language examination for graduation with the language examination for naturalisation conducted by the Ministry of Education and the Naturalisation Board, does not comply with the valid legislation. Therefore, the results of the graduation examination will not be taken into consideration when applying for the naturalisation.

Minister of Education Janis Gaigals and the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane admitted that the combining of two exams had been just an experiment whose results will be analysed to introduce such practice later.

Minister of Education Janis Gaigals and the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane admitted that the combining of two exams had been just an experiment whose results will be analysed to introduce such practice later. Diena

Yesterday at the request of For Fatherland and Freedom, People’s Party and Social Democrats fractions the Saeima Presidium decided to summon an extraordinary session of the Saeima right after the first round of the Presidential elections to decide what to do with the draft language law. It is planned that deputies will ask the Saeima Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science to prepare the draft language law for the 3rd reading by 2 July. The consideration of the draft law might take place on 8 July. (

Yesterday at the request of For Fatherland and Freedom, Peoples Party and Social Democrats fractions the Saeima Presidium decided to summon an extraordinary session of the Saeima right after the first round of the Presidential elections to decide what to do with the draft language law. It is planned that deputies will ask the Saeima Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science to prepare the draft language law for the 3rd reading by 2 July. The consideration of the draft law might take place on 8 July. (Diena and Chas, however, inform that it is already decided that the extraordinary session on draft language law will take place on 8 July).

Yesterday the deputy from Fatherland and Freedom Juris Dobelis was elected to be a member of the Standing Committee on Education.

Yesterday the deputy from Fatherland and Freedom Juris Dobelis was elected to be a member of the Standing Committee on Education.

The issue of the draft language law was considered also at the meeting of the EU and Latvian Associative Committee. Director of the EC Directorate General on Central European Affairs C. Deja (spelling) said that drafting of an alternative draft language law would solve the problems around the law. She admitted that EU will carefully follow the consideration of this law.

The issue of the draft language law was considered also at the meeting of the EU and Latvian Associative Committee. Director of the EC Directorate General on Central European Affairs C. Deja (spelling) said that drafting of an alternative draft language law would solve the problems around the law. She admitted that EU will carefully follow the consideration of this law. Neatkariga

The Riga City Council is looking for premises for Latvian Community of the Russian Culture due the building where the office of the organisation was located has been returned to its former owner.

The Riga City Council is looking for premises for Latvian Community of the Russian Culture due the building where the office of the organisation was located has been returned to its former owner. Diena

Июнь 16, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian MFA announced officially that they understood the reasons for cancelling I.Ivanov’s visit to Latvia and did not see there any hints on Latvian Russian intergovernmental relations. But Dz.Eglitis from

Latvian MFA announced officially that they understood the reasons for cancelling I.Ivanovs visit to Latvia and did not see there any hints on Latvian Russian intergovernmental relations. But Dz.Eglitis from Neatkariga thinks that I.Ivanov does not control the situation in Russia and proves his statement with the events in Kosovo and situation with Kaliningrad region. Neatkariga

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs acknowledged in Palanga that Latvian - Russian relations currently were the most positive as they had been during the last period of time. He pointed out that it would be important for the future visit of I.Ivanov to give a push for activating the “ intergovernmental commission”, signing prepared agreements, as well as planning future co-operation. V.Birkavs also added that the visit of I.Ivanov was not postponed for long.

Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs acknowledged in Palanga that Latvian - Russian relations currently were the most positive as they had been during the last period of time. He pointed out that it would be important for the future visit of I.Ivanov to give a push for activating the intergovernmental commission, signing prepared agreements, as well as planning future co-operation. V.Birkavs also added that the visit of I.Ivanov was not postponed for long. Neatkariga

All leading newspapers write about the coming presidential election, giving different opinion on the candidates.

All leading newspapers write about the coming presidential election, giving different opinion on the candidates. Chas, SM, BB

Politicians have different opinions on the possible development of the situation if the first round gives no result. On Tuesday a consultation of

Politicians have different opinions on the possible development of the situation if the first round gives no result. On Tuesday a consultation of Social Democrats, Latvijas Cels and Peoples Party took place, but their statements after this meeting did not give a clear picture in this respect. Some politicians stand for a neutral president, some think that the president should represent some party. Diena

Meanwhile, Vike-Freiberga, Director of Latvian Institute stated that she would run for the Presidency if she were nominated (there were some discussion about her as a possible candidate.)

Meanwhile, Vike-Freiberga, Director of Latvian Institute stated that she would run for the Presidency if she were nominated (there were some discussion about her as a possible candidate.) Neatkariga,

15.3 000 non-citizens, including 1260 children, have received Latvian citizenship from February 1995, when the process of naturalisation was started in Latvia. The Naturalisation Board informed that 6482 applications are in the process of consideration. From the total amount of applicants Russians constitute 57.6%, Lithuanians and Estonians – 14%, Byelorussians – 10.4%, Poles – 7.1%, Ukrainians – 6.6%, Latvians and Livs – 0.5%. 65.7% of all applicants are women.

15.3 000 non-citizens, including 1260 children, have received Latvian citizenship from February 1995, when the process of naturalisation was started in Latvia. The Naturalisation Board informed that 6482 applications are in the process of consideration. From the total amount of applicants Russians constitute 57.6%, Lithuanians and Estonians – 14%, Byelorussians – 10.4%, Poles – 7.1%, Ukrainians – 6.6%, Latvians and Livs – 0.5%. 65.7% of all applicants are women. Diena (Russian version)

Disregarding the proposal of nationalistically orientated members of the Saeima Commission on Education and Science to prepare the language law for the third reading for today’s extraordinary Saeima meeting, the Commission refused this proposal, but the meeting will take place anyway.

Disregarding the proposal of nationalistically orientated members of the Saeima Commission on Education and Science to prepare the language law for the third reading for todays extraordinary Saeima meeting, the Commission refused this proposal, but the meeting will take place anyway. Panorama Latvii

Not to oppose the EU by refusing to ratify its recommendations concerning the capital punishment and at the same time leaving some space for manoeuvring, the Saeima Commission on Defence and Internal Affairs conceptually agreed on Article 15.1 of the Law on imposing penalties. According to the Commission, as there are some articles in the Criminal Code, providing the capital punishment, they should not be abolished but this sentence should be taken and executed only in the case of war.

Not to oppose the EU by refusing to ratify its recommendations concerning the capital punishment and at the same time leaving some space for manoeuvring, the Saeima Commission on Defence and Internal Affairs conceptually agreed on Article 15.1 of the Law on imposing penalties. According to the Commission, as there are some articles in the Criminal Code, providing the capital punishment, they should not be abolished but this sentence should be taken and executed only in the case of war. Panorama Latvii

Июнь 15, 1999

 Press Review

Press Review

The eight session of the CBSS countries started yesterday in Palanga. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov stated that Russia was ready to co-operate with any Latvian president, and the formation of bilateral relations would depend on the wish of the new President. He pointed out that the most crucial point preventing establishing good relations with Latvia was the limitation of the rights of Russian speakers.

The eight session of the CBSS countries started yesterday in Palanga. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov stated that Russia was ready to co-operate with any Latvian president, and the formation of bilateral relations would depend on the wish of the new President. He pointed out that the most crucial point preventing establishing good relations with Latvia was the limitation of the rights of Russian speakers. Neatkariga

The new language law could be adopted on July 8 after the newly elected President has given the solemn oath. This decision was agreed upon by the leaders of

The new language law could be adopted on July 8 after the newly elected President has given the solemn oath. This decision was agreed upon by the leaders of Social Democrats and TB/LNNK. Neatkariga, Diena

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.Avdeyev said yesterday in Palanga that the visit of I.Ivanov could be organised by this winter. During his meeting with V.Birkavs he assured of Russia’s good will to organise a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. V.Birkavs confirmed that the visit would take place after the crisis in Kosovo was solved.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.Avdeyev said yesterday in Palanga that the visit of I.Ivanov could be organised by this winter. During his meeting with V.Birkavs he assured of Russias good will to organise a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs. V.Birkavs confirmed that the visit would take place after the crisis in Kosovo was solved. Neatkariga


TB/LNNK and Social Democrats think that the most probable possibility is to agree on a neutral President candidate should the election on June 17 give no positive result. Peoples Party does not exclude such a possibility as well. These three political parties together constitute a majority in the Saeima. Diena

If A.Gorbunovs does not win on the first election round,

If A.Gorbunovs does not win on the first election round, Latvijas Cels will summon an extraordinary conference to decide about a new candidate. Majority of the Saeima political parties assure that they will not support A.Gorbunovs or will vote for R.Pauls. There are talks that the next Latvijas Cels candidate could be Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs. Jauna Avize

L.Raihman from LHRC claims that Latvian authorities do not want to ensure human rights, and this time he writes about the obstacles that were put to adopt the regulations on granting citizenship to children of non-citizens born in Latvia after 1991.

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