Июль 8, 1999

Press Review

People’s Party, FF/LNNK and Social Democrats who have a 55 vote majority in the parliament signed an agreement July 7 on joint position in the vote on the Language Law. The parties have agreed to support two articles of the law that do not correspond the OSCE recommendations: one of them requires the state language to be used in all public events, the other provides for all signs, billboards, publicly displayed information to be only in the state language instead of the version suggested by the responsible committee where usage of another language along with the state language was admissible. Latvia’s Way has agreed to support the above position with an exception of the article about the public events. The New Party came up with an announcement suggesting to pass the law over for public discussion and delay the reading at the parliament till autumn. For Human Rights in United Latvia decided not to vote and in the event of passing the law to ask the president to not announce the law. (

Peoples Party, FF/LNNK and Social Democrats who have a 55 vote majority in the parliament signed an agreement July 7 on joint position in the vote on the Language Law. The parties have agreed to support two articles of the law that do not correspond the OSCE recommendations: one of them requires the state language to be used in all public events, the other provides for all signs, billboards, publicly displayed information to be only in the state language instead of the version suggested by the responsible committee where usage of another language along with the state language was admissible. Latvias Way has agreed to support the above position with an exception of the article about the public events. The New Party came up with an announcement suggesting to pass the law over for public discussion and delay the reading at the parliament till autumn. For Human Rights in United Latvia decided not to vote and in the event of passing the law to ask the president to not announce the law. (Diena, Neatkariga)

The comment in

The comment in Chas calls passing the Language Law in the current draft version a serious blow to the just started society integration process.

In an interview to Lauku Avize Vaira Vike-Freiberga stresses the importance of passing the Language Law in the version where nobody could “stick” to legal inconsistencies in it which is why she repeats her approach that the draft law should be sent to Saeima’s Legal Office for reviewing.

In an interview to Lauku Avize Vaira Vike-Freiberga stresses the importance of passing the Language Law in the version where nobody could stick to legal inconsistencies in it which is why she repeats her approach that the draft law should be sent to Saeimas Legal Office for reviewing. Lauku Avize, July 8.

The model of the new government as well as the candidate for prime minister’s position to come either from FF/LNNK or People’s Party is expected to be known by this Friday. Party leaders predict that at the end of the next week the Saeima could vote to confirm the new government.

The model of the new government as well as the candidate for prime ministers position to come either from FF/LNNK or Peoples Party is expected to be known by this Friday. Party leaders predict that at the end of the next week the Saeima could vote to confirm the new government. Chas reports that during the July 7 negotiations it had been almost decided that Gundars Berzins from Peoples Party should become the next prime minister while other papers mention that there are other forces behind the government formation who would like to see Ingrida Udre from the New Party as the head of the government keeping the structure and ministers of the current cabinet. A working group with politicians from Peoples Party, FF/LNNK, New Party, Social Democrats have set to developing the new government declaration. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Jauna Avize, July 7 Rigas Balss

July 7 was the last day for Guntis Ulmanis in the President’s office. He spent the day meeting Saeima’s faction leaders, presenting and signing copies of a photo album depicting moments from his presidency, opening his portrait displayed at the President’s Palace.

July 7 was the last day for Guntis Ulmanis in the Presidents office. He spent the day meeting Saeimas faction leaders, presenting and signing copies of a photo album depicting moments from his presidency, opening his portrait displayed at the Presidents Palace.

Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins admitted that the attempt of bribing during the presidential elections and reported to the Prosecutors’ Office by Juris Bojars is a serious case and it is possible to prove the fact.

Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins admitted that the attempt of bribing during the presidential elections and reported to the Prosecutors Office by Juris Bojars is a serious case and it is possible to prove the fact. Diena after LETA.

Июль 7, 1999

Press Review

The four Latvian parliament factions: FF/LNNK, People’s Party, New Party, Social Democrats will sign an agreement protocol Wednesday, July 7 to formulate their attitude toward the suggested amendments to the Language law. After the July 6 meeting of the above parties and the president-elect Vaira Vike-Freiberga the party representatives said they could support the suggestion of the Saeima’s Legal Office to impose the state language to be used at the meetings only in companies where the state or a local government is the largest shareholder. However, the politicians decided to return to the formulation passed in the draft law’s second reading providing that the state language should be used in all public events since this provision had been successfully implemented and practised under the current law. The factions did not support Freiberga’s proposal to delay reading of the draft law till autumn. Freiberga mentioned that there is always a possibility to send the passed law for a repeated reviewing if there are grounded objections from the EU, however, she added, if the law is passed by a sure parliament majority and there are no serious drawbacks in the law she tended to respect the will of the majority and announce the law.

The four Latvian parliament factions: FF/LNNK, Peoples Party, New Party, Social Democrats will sign an agreement protocol Wednesday, July 7 to formulate their attitude toward the suggested amendments to the Language law. After the July 6 meeting of the above parties and the president-elect Vaira Vike-Freiberga the party representatives said they could support the suggestion of the Saeimas Legal Office to impose the state language to be used at the meetings only in companies where the state or a local government is the largest shareholder. However, the politicians decided to return to the formulation passed in the draft laws second reading providing that the state language should be used in all public events since this provision had been successfully implemented and practised under the current law. The factions did not support Freibergas proposal to delay reading of the draft law till autumn. Freiberga mentioned that there is always a possibility to send the passed law for a repeated reviewing if there are grounded objections from the EU, however, she added, if the law is passed by a sure parliament majority and there are no serious drawbacks in the law she tended to respect the will of the majority and announce the law. Diena columnist fears that the attempts of FF/LNNK to make parts of the draft law tougher may cause problems for the country and confront the president-elect with the parliament. (Diena, Neatkariga)

BB, CM, Panorama Latvii

write about the press conference given by a politician from the left opposition faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Alexander Bartashevich who spoke critically of the current version of the draft law offering to either accept all OSCE recommendations or the suggestions coming from his faction that are more oriented toward the local situation as well as to improve the environment for learning the state language. Other articles in CM and PL express the concern about the decreasing role of the Russian language in the society. write about the press conference given by a politician from the left opposition faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Alexander Bartashevich who spoke critically of the current version of the draft law offering to either accept all OSCE recommendations or the suggestions coming from his faction “that are more oriented toward the local situation” as well as to improve the environment for learning the state language. Other articles in CM and PL express the concern about the decreasing role of the Russian language in the society. People’s Party and FF/LNNK have started official negotiations with Social Democrats and New Party about forming the new government while the relations with Latvia’s Way are still unclear although Latvia’s Way announced July 6 that the best government model would include the three biggest parties. The model will be more clear by this Friday. The new prime minister most likely will be nominated by the newly elected president as July 7 is the last day for Guntis Ulmanis in the office. His personal opinion expressed on Tuesday was that the prime minister should come from a political party and shouldn’t be picked among the former prime ministers. After People’s Party and FF/LNNK, the new government will be small - without the state ministers, also, it has been mentioned that the foreign minister’s office will not be given to Latvia’s Way even if the party will be in the government.

Peoples Party and FF/LNNK have started official negotiations with Social Democrats and New Party about forming the new government while the relations with Latvias Way are still unclear although Latvias Way announced July 6 that the best government model would include the three biggest parties. The model will be more clear by this Friday. The new prime minister most likely will be nominated by the newly elected president as July 7 is the last day for Guntis Ulmanis in the office. His personal opinion expressed on Tuesday was that the prime minister should come from a political party and shouldnt be picked among the former prime ministers. After Peoples Party and FF/LNNK, the new government will be small - without the state ministers, also, it has been mentioned that the foreign ministers office will not be given to Latvias Way even if the party will be in the government.

Июль 6, 1999

Press Review

July 5, the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans announced on an early morning address on the state radio his decision to submit his resignation paper to the President on July 7 explaining that he was forced to resign after a ruling coalition member FF/LNNK signed an agreement with the opposition People’s Party July 3. Politicians from FF/LNNK respond that their move was a reaction to Kristopans’ attempts to throw

July 5, the Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans announced on an early morning address on the state radio his decision to submit his resignation paper to the President on July 7 explaining that he was forced to resign after a ruling coalition member FF/LNNK signed an agreement with the opposition Peoples Party July 3. Politicians from FF/LNNK respond that their move was a reaction to Kristopans attempts to throw Fatherland out of the coalition. The parties have started negotiations about the possible models of the new government with Peoples Party and Fatherland as the key players to be joined either by Social Democrats and the New Party or Latvias Way. The prime minister is said to come from one of the two main parties. CM reports that the new coalition will be right-wing and the Social Democrats may turn not invited. (Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, CM, BB, Chas, Panorama Latvii).

In response to the requests and advice from different European officials to postpone the vote on the final version of the Language law the parliament faction FF/LNNK has decided to support the vote to stay on agenda as they do not consider the inconcrete objections of the foreign institutions as a sufficient reason to delay the vote. Head of the faction said the law could be amended later if the EU presents objections concerning specific articles of the law. Social Democrats and People’s Party expressed a similar position although they are still going to look at the issue July 6 and 7. Latvia’s Way politicians say the law should stay on July 8 agenda but before the vote it should be sent to the Parliament’s Legal Office to get rid of legal contradictions. For Human Rights in United Latvia is in general critical about the law. The New Party will release their stand on Wednesday, July 7. President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview to the national radio July 5 mentioned that the law should be considered after the new government is in place. The president-elect Ms. Freiberga will possibly initiate reviewing of separate articles of the law, she said that Latvia has only two choices - to observe the OSCE recommendations as that is a requirement of the EU legislation or to risk not to be asked to join the EU. Head of the Commission for Education Dzintars Abikis believes that as far as the articles concerning the language in business where OSCE recommendations have not been observed Saeima should support the suggestions coming from the Legal Office and not the version accepted by the commission. (

In response to the requests and advice from different European officials to postpone the vote on the final version of the Language law the parliament faction FF/LNNK has decided to support the vote to stay on agenda as they do not consider the inconcrete objections of the foreign institutions as a sufficient reason to delay the vote. Head of the faction said the law could be amended later if the EU presents objections concerning specific articles of the law. Social Democrats and Peoples Party expressed a similar position although they are still going to look at the issue July 6 and 7. Latvias Way politicians say the law should stay on July 8 agenda but before the vote it should be sent to the Parliaments Legal Office to get rid of legal contradictions. For Human Rights in United Latvia is in general critical about the law. The New Party will release their stand on Wednesday, July 7. President Guntis Ulmanis in an interview to the national radio July 5 mentioned that the law should be considered after the new government is in place. The president-elect Ms. Freiberga will possibly initiate reviewing of separate articles of the law, she said that Latvia has only two choices - to observe the OSCE recommendations as that is a requirement of the EU legislation or to risk not to be asked to join the EU. Head of the Commission for Education Dzintars Abikis believes that as far as the articles concerning the language in business where OSCE recommendations have not been observed Saeima should support the suggestions coming from the Legal Office and not the version accepted by the commission. (Diena)

Russian-language papers

Russian-language papers Chas, BB, CM express their surprise about the Latvian parliamentarians not going to listen to advice offered by the European officials as three parliament parties, ethno-radicals(BB), that makes a majority have decided to support the current version of the law. CM and Chas inform about a rally organized by the Equality movement to take place by the parliament building on the day of the vote to protest to the current version of the law as the draft law does not correspond to the European regulations and can considerably aggravate the situation of non-Latvian population.

Июль 3, 1999

Press Review

All leading newspapers on July 3 write about the July 2 consultations between the People’s party, Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and the Social Democrats about forming a new government. The parlamentarians maintain that the current government’s work is unsatisfactorily and the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans should step down or they are going to initiate a no-confidence vote. The ruling coalition leader Latvia’s Way’s Chairman Andrejs Pantelejevs allows the possibility that the party could work in the opposition and is not likely to work in the government with the recent antagonists Andris Skele from the People’s Party and Juris Bojars from Social Democrats who (along with FF/LNNK), after Pantelejevs, have found common ground as far as the Language Law but might not be able to agree when the vote comes to the budget. (

All leading newspapers on July 3 write about the July 2 consultations between the Peoples party, Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and the Social Democrats about forming a new government. The parlamentarians maintain that the current governments work is unsatisfactorily and the Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans should step down or they are going to initiate a no-confidence vote. The ruling coalition leader Latvias Ways Chairman Andrejs Pantelejevs allows the possibility that the party could work in the opposition and is not likely to work in the government with the recent antagonists Andris Skele from the Peoples Party and Juris Bojars from Social Democrats who (along with FF/LNNK), after Pantelejevs, have found common ground as far as the Language Law but might not be able to agree when the vote comes to the budget. (Diena ). Another current coalition member New Party will decide on participation in negotiations with other parties on Monday, July 5.

Diena, Neatkariga, CM

write about the possible consequences the parliament vote on the Language Law scheduled to take place July 8 may carry as far as Latvias EU accession. write about the possible consequences the parliament vote on the Language Law scheduled to take place July 8 may carry as far as Latvia’s EU accession. NeatkarigaNeatkariga writes that three parliament factions - Peoples Party, FF/LNNK and Social Democrats - have agreed to develop a common position after getting acquainted with the latest suggested amendments submitted by the MPs. Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans expressed his concern about the outcome of the vote as during his visit at the Salzburg forum representatives from all countries had spoken about the language law as an important aspect for Latvias EU accession negotiations. writes that three parliament factions - People’s Party, FF/LNNK and Social Democrats - have agreed to develop a common position after getting acquainted with the latest suggested amendments submitted by the MPs. Latvian Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans expressed his concern about the outcome of the vote as during his visit at the Salzburg forum representatives from all countries had spoken about the language law as an important aspect for Latvia’s EU accession negotiations.


reports on the response to the planned vote from different foreign officials and bodies, like the Danish Foreign Minister, Max van der Stoels office (suggesting to delay the vote till autumn), EU member countries ambassadors to Latvia. reports on the response to the planned vote from different foreign officials and bodies, like the Danish Foreign Minister, Max van der Stoel’s office (suggesting to delay the vote till autumn), EU member countries’ ambassadors to Latvia. The left-leaning MPs quoted by

The left-leaning MPs quoted by CM all stress that passing the language law in the current version will take Latvia away from joining the EU.

Июнь 21, 1999

Press Report

Publicist V.Avotins, describing different conferences on public integration, states that nowhere he could get any theoretical clarity necessary for practical implementation of it. Even scientists themselves have not agreed on a single international definition of integration . In addition politicians understand with it one thing, Russians - something else.

Publicist V.Avotins, describing different conferences on public integration, states that nowhere he could get any theoretical clarity necessary for practical implementation of it. Even scientists themselves have not agreed on a single international definition of integration . In addition politicians understand with it one thing, Russians - something else. Neatkariga

The leader of

The leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars, after consulting with the Board of the party, is ready to address the prosecutors office concerning the offered bride on the day of presidential election. LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs denies such an action. Diena

D.Araja in

D.Araja in Diena writes about the situation in Latvian mass media and states that Latvians and people of other nationalities are separated by different information fields, because the Latvian and Russian mass media reflect events differently. And the main difference between journalists writing in the Latvian and Russian languages lies in the ideological opinions. Diena (Russian version)

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