Фев. 5, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Chairman of Union For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics said that the Union supported election of People’s Party representatives in the parliamentary commission investigating paedophilia scandal because Peoples Party had requested for their support. He added that they would do it even without their request.

The Chairman of Union For Human Rights in United Latvia J.Urbanovics said that the Union supported election of Peoples Party representatives in the parliamentary commission investigating paedophilia scandal because Peoples Party had requested for their support. He added that they would do it even without their request. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins speaking at the academic conference of Latvian University stated that there were still many problems in the EU, reforms had not been implemented and serious arguing was still going on, therefore it was not ready to expand at this moment.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins speaking at the academic conference of Latvian University stated that there were still many problems in the EU, reforms had not been implemented and serious arguing was still going on, therefore it was not ready to expand at this moment. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels Board confirmed the list of persons to start consultations with the New Party on the possibilities of future co-operation.

Latvijas Cels Board confirmed the list of persons to start consultations with the New Party on the possibilities of future co-operation. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

On Tuesday the New Party will have a similar meeting with Peoples Party.

On Tuesday the New Party will have a similar meeting with Peoples Party. Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga (07.02.00)

One of the main questions for the Government forming coalition to keep a stable government is to agree upon the administrative territorial reform. So far TB/LNNK was categorically against speeding up this reform. On its Thursday Board’s meeting TB/LNNK decided not to support establishing of large elected regions. The participants agreed that the reform should be carried out in the time frame stipulated by the law, and the chosen model of 9 regions was not based on any economic research. They also were negative about the state federalisation model. Neatkariga

One of the main questions for the Government forming coalition to keep a stable government is to agree upon the administrative territorial reform. So far TB/LNNK was categorically against speeding up this reform. On its Thursday Boards meeting TB/LNNK decided not to support establishing of large elected regions. The participants agreed that the reform should be carried out in the time frame stipulated by the law, and the chosen model of 9 regions was not based on any economic research. They also were negative about the state federalisation model. Neatkariga

Starting from February 15 all government normative acts and concepts will be available on the Cabinet of Ministers’ Internet page (www.mk.gov.lv). Although the specialists of information openness have expressed a similar request to the Saeima, the expressions of the Speaker prove that it is not considered to be an important issue.

Starting from February 15 all government normative acts and concepts will be available on the Cabinet of Ministers Internet page (www.mk.gov.lv). Although the specialists of information openness have expressed a similar request to the Saeima, the expressions of the Speaker prove that it is not considered to be an important issue. Diena

TV game “Domkrats” where compete teams of Latvian and non-Latvian youngsters had furthered the dialogue among young people. While meeting during the game, they get to know each other, make friends and their friendship continues after the game. This statement was made by one of the producers of this TV game V.Rullis. Still the production group has no research data proving the influence of the game on the process of forming an integrated society.

TV game Domkrats where compete teams of Latvian and non-Latvian youngsters had furthered the dialogue among young people. While meeting during the game, they get to know each other, make friends and their friendship continues after the game. This statement was made by one of the producers of this TV game V.Rullis. Still the production group has no research data proving the influence of the game on the process of forming an integrated society. Diena

Latvian Government is ready to increase its revenue at the expense of non-citizens -. They proposed to introduce a united state fee of 15 Ls for taking the state language test. This fee could raise about 250 000 – 300 000 Ls per year. The Saeima adopted in the first reading the amendments to the law “On state fees and duties” stipulating the introduction of a new system of testing the state language knowledge.

Latvian Government is ready to increase its revenue at the expense of non-citizens -. They proposed to introduce a united state fee of 15 Ls for taking the state language test. This fee could raise about 250 000 – 300 000 Ls per year. The Saeima adopted in the first reading the amendments to the law On state fees and duties stipulating the introduction of a new system of testing the state language knowledge. Chas

Фев. 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The New Party, which is opposition now, will start consultations with the Government forming factions to establish closer co-operation. The leaders of People’s Party and Latvijas Cels are sure that a successful co-operation with New Party is possible, but TB/LNNK in its turn considers that they are looking for a possibility of a new coalition in the case TB/LNNK would not participate in the Government.

The New Party, which is opposition now, will start consultations with the Government forming factions to establish closer co-operation. The leaders of Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels are sure that a successful co-operation with New Party is possible, but TB/LNNK in its turn considers that they are looking for a possibility of a new coalition in the case TB/LNNK would not participate in the Government. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

Diena adds that expansion of the coalition is not planned for the nearest future, Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels just ask the New Party to be loyal partners. Latvijas Cels Chairman A.Pantelejevs said that expansion of the coalition would not be a bad thing, they were ready to give away some minister post, hold by Latvijas Cels, and excluded a possibility to oust TB/LNNK from the coalition.

Diena adds that expansion of the coalition is not planned for the nearest future, Peoples Party and Latvijas Cels just ask the New Party to be loyal partners. Latvijas Cels Chairman A.Pantelejevs said that expansion of the coalition would not be a bad thing, they were ready to give away some minister post, hold by Latvijas Cels, and excluded a possibility to oust TB/LNNK from the coalition.

The sewage treatment plant of former Skrunda Radar Station town has been plundered: electric motors and coloured metals stolen, power transformers demolished, 300 meters of power cable dug out. A former plant worker told a journalist that almost everything had been stolen. According to the information available, until handling over the plant to the National Real Estate agency, the plant was fully operational and its capacity was big enough to purify also Skrunda town waters. The Commandant of the plant told that the two policemen, guarding the plant were not capable to ensure security of it.

The sewage treatment plant of former Skrunda Radar Station town has been plundered: electric motors and coloured metals stolen, power transformers demolished, 300 meters of power cable dug out. A former plant worker told a journalist that almost everything had been stolen. According to the information available, until handling over the plant to the National Real Estate agency, the plant was fully operational and its capacity was big enough to purify also Skrunda town waters. The Commandant of the plant told that the two policemen, guarding the plant were not capable to ensure security of it. Neatkariga

On Thursday Russian Government adopted the basic directions for international humanitarian co-operation with CIS and the Baltic States. Russian Minister of CIS Affairs announced that this co-operation program would be elaborated within three - four months. According to him the problem is of “deliberate seclusion” and mutual distrust, national egoism, ousting of the Russian language from state institutions, as well as decreasing the number of Russian speaking education institutions.

On Thursday Russian Government adopted the basic directions for international humanitarian co-operation with CIS and the Baltic States. Russian Minister of CIS Affairs announced that this co-operation program would be elaborated within three - four months. According to him the problem is of deliberate seclusion and mutual distrust, national egoism, ousting of the Russian language from state institutions, as well as decreasing the number of Russian speaking education institutions. Neatkariga

On Thursday the society of Venspils was presented the new public integration program, elaborated by the City Council. This is the first document of such kind in Latvia. The main goal of the program is to decrease the social and ethnic division, establish a constant dialogue between residents and municipal institutions, further mastering of the Latvian language and culture, as well as ensure preservation of cultural heritage of national minorities.

On Thursday the society of Venspils was presented the new public integration program, elaborated by the City Council. This is the first document of such kind in Latvia. The main goal of the program is to decrease the social and ethnic division, establish a constant dialogue between residents and municipal institutions, further mastering of the Latvian language and culture, as well as ensure preservation of cultural heritage of national minorities. Diena

A.Arkadyev in

A.Arkadyev in Vesti Segodnya writes that Latvijas Cels has always defended their ministers in the Government, but now the situation has changed. The first time they did not stick to this principle was V.Kristopans. Latvijas Cels not only did not defend their Prime Minister but also criticised him. Now it is the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzinss turn. He had always stood for good neighbourly relations with Russia. He has always been very careful in his statements about Czechnya. And contradictory to this, his faction colleagues supported the Saeima announcement of human rights violations in Czechnya. The second time was when K.Libane at the meeting of the PACE in Strasbourg voted for depriving Russia of the right of vote.

Фев. 3, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats expressed an opinion that if the Government forming factions did not agree on the next Director General of the Privatisation Agency, it could be a reason for falling of the Government, the present coalition would have to form the next Cabinet of Ministers, exchanging the Prime Minister. According to Mr.Grinblats TB/LNNK still thinks that instead of J.Naglis the post should be given to a politically neutral person. Latvijas Cels wants to preserve their member J.Naglis but Peoples Party wants to replace him by their representative.

Yesterday the Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats expressed an opinion that if the Government forming factions did not agree on the next Director General of the Privatisation Agency, it could be a reason for falling of the Government, the present coalition would have to form the next Cabinet of Ministers, exchanging the Prime Minister. According to Mr.Grinblats TB/LNNK still thinks that instead of J.Naglis the post should be given to a politically neutral person. Latvijas Cels wants to preserve their member J.Naglis but Peoples Party wants to replace him by their representative. Neatkariga

After long discussions the serious discord in the New Party have been solved, and the Saeima faction will remain united. This statement was made by the Party’s Saeima faction leader S.Udre.

After long discussions the serious discord in the New Party have been solved, and the Saeima faction will remain united. This statement was made by the Partys Saeima faction leader S.Udre. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika

Prime Minister A.Skele considers that there is no reason for instability of the Government and no need to discuss any other possible composition of it. He sad this in his interview to the Latvian Radio

Prime Minister A.Skele considers that there is no reason for instability of the Government and no need to discuss any other possible composition of it. He sad this in his interview to the Latvian Radio. Rigas Balss

State President V.V.Freiberga does not make any forecasts whether the announcements on the possible involvement of some Government representatives in paedophilia scandal could influence the stability of the Government. Also the fight for the post of the Privatisation Agency Director General’s could not influence it.

State President V.V.Freiberga does not make any forecasts whether the announcements on the possible involvement of some Government representatives in paedophilia scandal could influence the stability of the Government. Also the fight for the post of the Privatisation Agency Director Generals could not influence it. Neatkariga

The DCMA requested additional financing of 3230 Ls and support of local governments to solve the current most serious problem of exchanging non-citizen passports. DCMA officials have to visit persons who due to sickness or old age are not able to come to DCMA offices. The number of such persons could be about 1600 or 10% of all non-citizens at the age over 60.

The DCMA requested additional financing of 3230 Ls and support of local governments to solve the current most serious problem of exchanging non-citizen passports. DCMA officials have to visit persons who due to sickness or old age are not able to come to DCMA offices. The number of such persons could be about 1600 or 10% of all non-citizens at the age over 60. Neatkariga

Russian MP representing the block “Unity” N.Botka thinks that the victory of V.Putin at the presidential election in Russia could be in favour of Russian speakers in Latvia. He is sure that V.Putin will be elected the President of Russia, and in this case N.Botka is ready to be very active in supporting his compatriots in Latvia. And he hopes that Putin will change Russian policy concerning their compatriots outside Russia.

Russian MP representing the block Unity N.Botka thinks that the victory of V.Putin at the presidential election in Russia could be in favour of Russian speakers in Latvia. He is sure that V.Putin will be elected the President of Russia, and in this case N.Botka is ready to be very active in supporting his compatriots in Latvia. And he hopes that Putin will change Russian policy concerning their compatriots outside Russia. Vesti Segodnya

V.Popov in

V.Popov in Vesti Segodnya describes the discussion of integration problems financed by Soros Foundation Latvia. Among the 30 people present were Latvian MPs who were almost unanimous in their opinion about the role of the Russian language – if anybody loves it, that means this person does not love Latvia. And the majority of Latvian peoples minds have been clouded by these politicians.

S.Sudda, a permanent resident of Latvia, left the country for Israel to live with his wife and daughter. He even took Israeli citizenship. In May 1999 he returned to Latvia with two valid passports – Israelian and former USSR passport with a Residents Register stamp in it. So he went to Jurmala DCMA office to exchange his red passport assuming that as a holder of former USSR passport he is a Latvian non-citizen. In June he received a non-citizen passport and went to DCMA Central office to get a PRP. And it turned out that he should get the PRP in his Israelian passport but not to receive a non-citizen passport. As a result he was inflicted an administrative penalty for this. The next step was withdrawal of his non-citizen passport and an order to leave Latvia.

S.Sudda, a permanent resident of Latvia, left the country for Israel to live with his wife and daughter. He even took Israeli citizenship. In May 1999 he returned to Latvia with two valid passports – Israelian and former USSR passport with a Residents Register stamp in it. So he went to Jurmala DCMA office to exchange his red passport assuming that as a holder of former USSR passport he is a Latvian non-citizen. In June he received a non-citizen passport and went to DCMA Central office to get a PRP. And it turned out that he should get the PRP in his Israelian passport but not to receive a non-citizen passport. As a result he was inflicted an administrative penalty for this. The next step was withdrawal of his non-citizen passport and an order to leave Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Фев. 2, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

In the discussions of three leading parties a tendency was observed that the representatives of Peoples Party make a pressure on TB/LNNK to keep J.Naglis as the Head of the Privatisation Agency. People’s Party is ready to do more than Latvijas Cels whose member J.Naglis is. According to one version the real reason for this is the position of TB/LNNK to replace Naglis. People’s Party lately had consultations with the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and New Party, and it could prove that a new model of A.Skele’s government is under construction, leaving TB/LNNK outside the coalition.

In the discussions of three leading parties a tendency was observed that the representatives of Peoples Party make a pressure on TB/LNNK to keep J.Naglis as the Head of the Privatisation Agency. Peoples Party is ready to do more than Latvijas Cels whose member J.Naglis is. According to one version the real reason for this is the position of TB/LNNK to replace Naglis. Peoples Party lately had consultations with the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and New Party, and it could prove that a new model of A.Skeles government is under construction, leaving TB/LNNK outside the coalition. Neatkariga,

TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats admitted a possibility that if the candidate, proposed by Minister of Economics V.Makarovs, would not be adopted there was a possibility to achieve the dismissal of the Minister from his post.

TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats admitted a possibility that if the candidate, proposed by Minister of Economics V.Makarovs, would not be adopted there was a possibility to achieve the dismissal of the Minister from his post. Diena

Today Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to visit Norway to discuss the political and economical co-operation of both countries.

Today Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins is going to visit Norway to discuss the political and economical co-operation of both countries. Neatkariga

The Commission on the CIS matters and Compatriots of the Russian National Council started to prepare in the third reading the draft law on imposing sanctions on Latvia for violating the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots. And some other com-missions started to become active in this field. Thus, N.Bezborodov from MPs group “Russian Regions” warned Russian society of his intention to submit for discussion a question on a serious necessity to reconsider the whole complex of political and economic relations with Latvia and Estonia.

The Commission on the CIS matters and Compatriots of the Russian National Council started to prepare in the third reading the draft law on imposing sanctions on Latvia for violating the rights of Russian citizens and compatriots. And some other com-missions started to become active in this field. Thus, N.Bezborodov from MPs group Russian Regions warned Russian society of his intention to submit for discussion a question on a serious necessity to reconsider the whole complex of political and economic relations with Latvia and Estonia. Vesti Segodnya

Answering to this I.Berzins announced that one should not overestimate the role of Russian National Council, and President and the Government have more possibilities to form Russia’s foreign policy. In an interview to the Latvian Radio I.Berzins acknowledged that Russian President and Government had more possibilities to establish good relations or make a pressure on some country. The Minister repeated that until Presidential election nothing would change in Latvian – Russian relations.

Answering to this I.Berzins announced that one should not overestimate the role of Russian National Council, and President and the Government have more possibilities to form Russias foreign policy. In an interview to the Latvian Radio I.Berzins acknowledged that Russian President and Government had more possibilities to establish good relations or make a pressure on some country. The Minister repeated that until Presidential election nothing would change in Latvian – Russian relations. Neatkariga

The Saeima faction Latvijas Cels deputy H.Soldatyonoka after discussions with the leaders of the party and faction decided not to leave the faction and continue her work in the faction.

The Saeima faction Latvijas Cels deputy H.Soldatyonoka after discussions with the leaders of the party and faction decided not to leave the faction and continue her work in the faction. Neatkariga

Although the leaders of the New Party do not anticipate breaking up of the party, the existing contradictions could damage the unity of the Saeima faction and turn the party to an unreliable coalition partner. The Chairman of the Board A.Slesers denies that changes in the composition of the Board were made after his agreement with Prime Minister A.Skele to have to 2 minister posts in the Government. The Party Chairman R.Pauls acknowledged that there were two camps in the Party. On Tuesday the Saeima faction leader S.Dreimane refused to act in the Board and replace I.Udre who had left the board. Also the Party Press Secretary D.Balode decided to quit her post due to moral reasons.

Although the leaders of the New Party do not anticipate breaking up of the party, the existing contradictions could damage the unity of the Saeima faction and turn the party to an unreliable coalition partner. The Chairman of the Board A.Slesers denies that changes in the composition of the Board were made after his agreement with Prime Minister A.Skele to have to 2 minister posts in the Government. The Party Chairman R.Pauls acknowledged that there were two camps in the Party. On Tuesday the Saeima faction leader S.Dreimane refused to act in the Board and replace I.Udre who had left the board. Also the Party Press Secretary D.Balode decided to quit her post due to moral reasons. Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika

On Thursday the Saeima will have to discuss once more whether to include in the Saeima Commission investigating paedophilia case representatives of Peoples Party. The Chairman of this Commission J.Adamsons said that it could be possible only in the Saeima would prolong the authority of the Commission that terminated on February 15.

On Thursday the Saeima will have to discuss once more whether to include in the Saeima Commission investigating paedophilia case representatives of Peoples Party. The Chairman of this Commission J.Adamsons said that it could be possible only in the Saeima would prolong the authority of the Commission that terminated on February 15. Diena

Ukrainian Government decided to expand the usage of the Ukrainian language and decrease the usage of the Russian language in some different spheres. The draft decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On additional steps to enlarge the functions of the Ukrainian – state language” was accepted by the Presidential Language Policy Council.

Ukrainian Government decided to expand the usage of the Ukrainian language and decrease the usage of the Russian language in some different spheres. The draft decree of the Cabinet of Ministers On additional steps to enlarge the functions of the Ukrainian – state language was accepted by the Presidential Language Policy Council. Diena

S.Belugina in

S.Belugina in Vesti Segodnya writes about the Lithuanian experience in solving national minorities issues basing it on the presentations of Lithuanian experts at the seminar organised in Liepaja Integration through culture and education. Comparing it with the situation in Liepaja, she states that Latvian authorities practice policy discriminating part of the local society – national minorities.

The first political opinion poll of 2000 showed that the belief in political parties represented in the Saeima was falling. Comparing to the situation in December, the most popular – Peoples Party lost 0.8% supporters, TB/LNNK – 0.3%, Latvijas Cels – 1.6%. Only Social Democrats increased their popularity for 1.8%.

The first political opinion poll of 2000 showed that the belief in political parties represented in the Saeima was falling. Comparing to the situation in December, the most popular – Peoples Party lost 0.8% supporters, TB/LNNK – 0.3%, Latvijas Cels – 1.6%. Only Social Democrats increased their popularity for 1.8%. Respublika

Yesterday Russian Ambassador to Estonia A.Gluhov made an announcement in which he advised not to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Tartus Peace Treaty. “It was a treaty between Bolshevistic Russia and Estonia, in which the Government of Lenin recognised the independence of former Province and handed over to the newly formed state part of Russian territories of Pskov Region and Narva (Zanarovye).

Yesterday Russian Ambassador to Estonia A.Gluhov made an announcement in which he advised not to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Tartus Peace Treaty. It was a treaty between Bolshevistic Russia and Estonia, in which the Government of Lenin recognised the independence of former Province and handed over to the newly formed state part of Russian territories of Pskov Region and Narva (Zanarovye). Bizness & Baltiya

Political scientist A.Vasilyev writes about the situation within Latvijas Cels and states that the last half a year was not lucky for it. They lost the post of the Prime Minister, then barely made into the Government. Now the mutiny of the younger generation party member – H.Soldatyonova, the decision of former Prime Minister V.Kristopans to leave active politics and the fight with Peoples Party to keep J.Naglis as the head of the Privatisation Agency. He finds that all talks about breaking up the Party to be over exaggerated.

Political scientist A.Vasilyev writes about the situation within Latvijas Cels and states that the last half a year was not lucky for it. They lost the post of the Prime Minister, then barely made into the Government. Now the mutiny of the younger generation party member – H.Soldatyonova, the decision of former Prime Minister V.Kristopans to leave active politics and the fight with Peoples Party to keep J.Naglis as the head of the Privatisation Agency. He finds that all talks about breaking up the Party to be over exaggerated. Bizness & Baltiya

Янв. 31, 2000

Press Report

Chairwoman of the Central State Language Testing Commission Ieva Zuicena accuses the Naturalization Board of attempts to take over the language testing from the commissions currently with local governments. She claims that the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane has spread wrong information saying that the commissions do not exist any more.

Chairwoman of the Central State Language Testing Commission Ieva Zuicena accuses the Naturalization Board of attempts to take over the language testing from the commissions currently with local governments. She claims that the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane has spread wrong information saying that the commissions do not exist any more. Neatkariga

During the congress of the New Party that took place January 29 the need for new initiatives was claimed so the congress heard the suggestion to have Latvia as a federation after the model 4+Riga instead of a unitarian state. Also, the congress officially supported granting passive municipal election rights to non-citizens. Also, the party is considering initiating a referendum on privatization of Latvenergo, the state-owned electricity utility.

During the congress of the New Party that took place January 29 the need for new initiatives was claimed so the congress heard the suggestion to have Latvia as a federation after the model 4+Riga instead of a unitarian state. Also, the congress officially supported granting passive municipal election rights to non-citizens. Also, the party is considering initiating a referendum on privatization of Latvenergo, the state-owned electricity utility. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

In December of 1999 Monch Publishing Group in Bonn has released a special edition of the magazine NATO’s Nations on the Baltic countries

In December of 1999 Monch Publishing Group in Bonn has released a special edition of the magazine NATOs Nations on the Baltic countries Getting Ready for NATO: the Baltic States.

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