Фев. 17, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

“Co-operation between the OSCE and Latvian has developed successfully and the goals Mission in general have been achieved.” This acknowledgement was made by the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia during his meeting with Prime Minister A.Skele. In the next phase of co-operation special attention should be paid to facilitation of the public integration process and the Latvian language training, concluded the participants of the meeting. The Mission Head acknowledged that Latvia had achieved a considerable progress in the sphere of public integration, as well as in improving legislation to further the development of these processes. A.Skele pointed out that all Latvian governments since restoration of independence were consistent in implementing public integration policy. He voiced his conviction that the co-operation among the state institutions, Government and the OSCE Mission to Latvia would be successful also in the future.

Co-operation between the OSCE and Latvian has developed successfully and the goals Mission in general have been achieved. This acknowledgement was made by the Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia during his meeting with Prime Minister A.Skele. In the next phase of co-operation special attention should be paid to facilitation of the public integration process and the Latvian language training, concluded the participants of the meeting. The Mission Head acknowledged that Latvia had achieved a considerable progress in the sphere of public integration, as well as in improving legislation to further the development of these processes. A.Skele pointed out that all Latvian governments since restoration of independence were consistent in implementing public integration policy. He voiced his conviction that the co-operation among the state institutions, Government and the OSCE Mission to Latvia would be successful also in the future. Neatkariga, Diena

Ther Union of Latvian Local Governments adopted a resolution where it is stated that, if the Government supported establishing of appointed regional governments, a referendum should be organised. The Union was categorically against the attempt of the Government forming factions to replace elected regional governments by appointed ones. Neatkariga

Ther Union of Latvian Local Governments adopted a resolution where it is stated that, if the Government supported establishing of appointed regional governments, a referendum should be organised. The Union was categorically against the attempt of the Government forming factions to replace elected regional governments by appointed ones. Neatkariga

Minister of Economics Makarovs announced yesterday that he did not support expansion of the Privatisation Agency by a representative of People’s Party. And he also sent an official warning to the present Director General J.Naglis that his contract would not be prolonged. As

Minister of Economics Makarovs announced yesterday that he did not support expansion of the Privatisation Agency by a representative of Peoples Party. And he also sent an official warning to the present Director General J.Naglis that his contract would not be prolonged. As Neatkariga wrote, there was an intensive discussion among the ruling parties on keeping Naglis in this position. Neatkariga

News agency BNS informs that Russian National Council will likely take the final decision on imposing economic sanctions on Latvia. According to the information received from the very legislators, this question is on the agenda in February.

Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Russian special services assure that in some Latvian cities exist special posts where volunteers for fighting in Czechnya are recruited. The say that an assistant to a Saeima MP, who is managing the parliamentary support group for Czechnya, selects volunteers in Rezekne. Latvian MFA refused this information as groundless. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

The newspaper

Respublika got hold of the text of a draft law On ceasing activities or abolishing the enterprises, institutions and organisations that served as cover for foreign secret services that was discussed in a Saeima Commission. Journalists found this draft law illiterate and lacking any logic. Strange as it is the only secret services named are the ones of the former USSR.

The Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia circulated an announcement yesterday on the program Strategy on Integration in EU adopted by the Saeima. In their announcement MPs say that ruling Latvian politicians have at least two faces – one for internal use, second for showing abroad. So far this phenomenon expressed itself as hiding from the population what we were thought about and what the European Council, its commissioners and other international organisations expected us to do. When discussing the Program, the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia objected to Article 2.6 While creating an integrated society, the state has to ensure transition to the tuition in the state language in all state financed educational institutions. This thesis does not conform to any international standards. In the English translation this sentence was changed into Education should become one of priorities on the state policy. Panorama Latvii

The High Commissioner Max van der Stoel is visiting Moscow at the beginning of the next week. According to the information received by the newspaper Vesti Segodnya, Russian MFA plans to direct the attention of the Commissioner to the language situation in Latvia – language intervention of the state in private businesses, that contradicts to international standards binding to Latvia. Russian diplomats intend to speak about a whole system of discriminatory laws existing in Latvia and directed against Russian speakers. They will also speak about the trial of the Soviet guerrilla man V.Kononov.

Фев. 16, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

President’s Press Secretary A.Rozenberga confirmed the decision to award former Russian President B.Yeltsin with Latvian Three Star Decoration for his personal participation and support in restoration of statehood of Latvia.

Presidents Press Secretary A.Rozenberga confirmed the decision to award former Russian President B.Yeltsin with Latvian Three Star Decoration for his personal participation and support in restoration of statehood of Latvia. Neatkariga, Diena Jauna Avize, Chas, Respublika,

The Chairman of the Union of Latvian Local Governments A.Jaunsleinis considers that the proposal of TB/LNNK to establish an appointed regional administration could be explained with the wish of ruling parties to divide among themselves financial resources of EU Structural Funds.

The Chairman of the Union of Latvian Local Governments A.Jaunsleinis considers that the proposal of TB/LNNK to establish an appointed regional administration could be explained with the wish of ruling parties to divide among themselves financial resources of EU Structural Funds. Neatkariga

The Minister of Justice V.Birkavs did not punish the Head of State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa although she exceeded her authority when sending letters to the heads of Latvian local governments with a request to take a decision by October 10, 1999 on abolishing regional state language testing commissions. In her letter Dz.Hirsa pointed out that the commissions in Riga, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Liepaja, Rezekne and Venspils. The conditions allow to make a conclusion that the Head was not punished due to kindness of the Minister of Justice but because her action was advantageous to V.Birkavs.

The Minister of Justice V.Birkavs did not punish the Head of State Language Centre Dz.Hirsa although she exceeded her authority when sending letters to the heads of Latvian local governments with a request to take a decision by October 10, 1999 on abolishing regional state language testing commissions. In her letter Dz.Hirsa pointed out that the commissions in Riga, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Liepaja, Rezekne and Venspils. The conditions allow to make a conclusion that the Head was not punished due to kindness of the Minister of Justice but because her action was advantageous to V.Birkavs. Neatkariga

Today experts from 6 countries are arriving to Latvia to discuss the questions concerning war crimes and evaluate the evidences in Kalejs’s case.

Today experts from 6 countries are arriving to Latvia to discuss the questions concerning war crimes and evaluate the evidences in Kalejss case. Neatkariga

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov expressed his repentance that Russia and Byelorussia were not invited to the international meeting of experts on war crimes. According to A.Udaltsov “besides Latvia, Latvian punitive units left the most bloody traces.”

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov expressed his repentance that Russia and Byelorussia were not invited to the international meeting of experts on war crimes. According to A.Udaltsov besides Latvia, Latvian punitive units left the most bloody traces. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party expressed her support to the idea to organise a population opinion poll on Latvia‘s moving towards joining EU.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party expressed her support to the idea to organise a population opinion poll on Latvia‘s moving towards joining EU. Neatkariga

Riga Secondary School No 20 introduced society with its achievements bilingual education. They have chosen the bilingual education program where the Latvian language is taught starting from the first class.

Riga Secondary School No 20 introduced society with its achievements bilingual education. They have chosen the bilingual education program where the Latvian language is taught starting from the first class. Neatkariga

The Minister of Interior M.Seglins passed a decree appointing his deputy M.Bicevskis as a temporary Head of the DCMA.

The Minister of Interior M.Seglins passed a decree appointing his deputy M.Bicevskis as a temporary Head of the DCMA. Diena

Estonian political elite has come to a decision that it is necessary to make major amendments to the constitution of Estonia. They are necessary let Estonia could join EU.

Estonian political elite has come to a decision that it is necessary to make major amendments to the constitution of Estonia. They are necessary let Estonia could join EU. Diena

Riga resident R.Abolins decided to give up his Latvian citizenship protesting against the absence of rights and social defencelessness of workers.

Riga resident R.Abolins decided to give up his Latvian citizenship protesting against the absence of rights and social defencelessness of workers. Rigas Balss

The consultations of the New Party with different Saeima factions seem more and more strange. At their last meeting with Social Democrats were present neither the leader of the Party R.Pauls nor the Saeima faction Head S.Dreimane.

The consultations of the New Party with different Saeima factions seem more and more strange. At their last meeting with Social Democrats were present neither the leader of the Party R.Pauls nor the Saeima faction Head S.Dreimane. Chas

S.Mellupe writes about the situation when many tourists from Latvia ask for political asylum in GB. It could lead to abolishment of no-visa agreement.

S.Mellupe writes about the situation when many tourists from Latvia ask for political asylum in GB. It could lead to abolishment of no-visa agreement. Chas

Фев. 15, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

Today in Brussels will start an official negotiation with Latvia on joining EU.

Today in Brussels will start an official negotiation with Latvia on joining EU. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize

Riga City Council TB/LNNK faction decided to postpone for one more week the decision on forming a coalition with the Social Democrats.

Riga City Council TB/LNNK faction decided to postpone for one more week the decision on forming a coalition with the Social Democrats. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika

The Chairman of the Union of Local Governments A.Jaunsleinis considers that the political parties have already thought about establishing appointed regional governments and now are just using a possibility to realise this idea. Such administration model would endanger development of democracy in Latvia by decreasing the possibility for voters to control the activities of such regions.

Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika

Peoples Party decided to soften its position on the Privatisation Agency Head. Their spokesman G.Berzins announced that Party considered that the Director General could represent some other party, but their representative should be in the PA Board. In his turn Latvijas Cels Chairman A.Pantelejevs announced that all the signs showed that J.Naglis would continue fulfilling his duties as the PA Director General.


Yesterday the Minister of Interior M.Seglins signed the application of the DCMA Head I.Zitars with a request to transfer him to the position of the Deputy Head. But for the post of the Head is announced a competition.


Russian Prosecutor General Office confirmed yesterday that it had timely sent a written request to participate in the international hearing of Kalejss case and stated that had not received an invitation on purpose. At the same time Latvian Prosecutor General Office has information about 10 Latvians who could be guilty of similar war crimes. The are residing outside Latvia and probably escaped their punishment because being turned into KGB agents. Chas

MP from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Ya.Pliner sent letters to the President and Prime Minister with a call to increase budgetary financing for development of Russian culture and education in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Yesterday was solemnly opened the Grebneva border-crossing checkpoint. Among the present were Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov, EU Ambassador G.Weiss, Finance Minister E.Krastins and other officials.

Yesterday was solemnly opened the Grebneva border-crossing checkpoint. Among the present were Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov, EU Ambassador G.Weiss, Finance Minister E.Krastins and other officials. Latvijas Vestnesis

Фев. 14, 2000

Press Report

Several political scientists consider that the latest activities of the New Party are just an attempt to justify its existence, as well its failure to join the ruling coalition.

Several political scientists consider that the latest activities of the New Party are just an attempt to justify its existence, as well its failure to join the ruling coalition. Neatkariga

I.Klinsane-Berzina writes it is possible that today the stability of A.Skele’s Government will be decided. Should TB/LNNK and Social Democrats factions of Riga City Council sign a draft protocol on co-operation it could considerably change the balance of power also in the Government.

I.Klinsane-Berzina writes it is possible that today the stability of A.Skeles Government will be decided. Should TB/LNNK and Social Democrats factions of Riga City Council sign a draft protocol on co-operation it could considerably change the balance of power also in the Government. Neatkariga

After half a year when the Government approved the concept of the regional reform planning to establish 9 elected regions, the Government forming factions have almost agreed on a completely different regional model – four regions + Riga.

After half a year when the Government approved the concept of the regional reform planning to establish 9 elected regions, the Government forming factions have almost agreed on a completely different regional model – four regions + Riga. Diena

For developing the Lithuanian children education in Latvia the Director of Lithuanian elementary School A.Treija was awarded with Lithuanian decoration of the Great Ruler Gedimin. This decoration will be handed to her by the Lithuanian President V.Adamkus on February 16.

For developing the Lithuanian children education in Latvia the Director of Lithuanian elementary School A.Treija was awarded with Lithuanian decoration of the Great Ruler Gedimin. This decoration will be handed to her by the Lithuanian President V.Adamkus on February 16. Diena, Jauna Avize

Latvian political parties are not united about the proposal of the New Party to organise a public opinion poll about Latvia’s joining EU. Peoples’ Party supports this, Latvijas Cels doubts it, but the Central Elections Commission is sceptical about it because Latvian legislation does not provide for organisation of a consultative opinion poll.

Latvian political parties are not united about the proposal of the New Party to organise a public opinion poll about Latvias joining EU. Peoples Party supports this, Latvijas Cels doubts it, but the Central Elections Commission is sceptical about it because Latvian legislation does not provide for organisation of a consultative opinion poll. Jauna Avize

On February 15 EU will start negotiations with 6 candidate states on joining EU, among them is also Latvia.

On February 15 EU will start negotiations with 6 candidate states on joining EU, among them is also Latvia. Respublika

Daugavpils City Party calls to start collecting signatures for granting non-citizens the right of vote in municipal elections. A.Vidauskis, mayor of Daugavpils said that they planned to start this action after several weeks.

Daugavpils City Party calls to start collecting signatures for granting non-citizens the right of vote in municipal elections. A.Vidauskis, mayor of Daugavpils said that they planned to start this action after several weeks. Chas

Tomorrow Riga Central District Court will start hearing of the case of Riga City Council deputy Yu.Zhuravlyov. The authorities suspect Mr.Zhuravlyov of falsifying the documents basing on which he got Latvian citizenship. The outcome of this case could be depriving the Council Deputy of Latvian citizenship.

Tomorrow Riga Central District Court will start hearing of the case of Riga City Council deputy Yu.Zhuravlyov. The authorities suspect Mr.Zhuravlyov of falsifying the documents basing on which he got Latvian citizenship. The outcome of this case could be depriving the Council Deputy of Latvian citizenship. Vesti Segodnya

Фев. 12, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

USA Deputy State Secretary S.Talbot announced at the conference “USA and the Baltic Charter” that integration of the Baltic States in western structures corresponded to the interests of the USA.

USA Deputy State Secretary S.Talbot announced at the conference USA and the Baltic Charter that integration of the Baltic States in western structures corresponded to the interests of the USA. Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika (14.02.2000)

Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK met to discuss the current relations between these parties and future co-operation. K.Libane from Latvijas Cels informed that this meeting was a consultative one. One of the topics was the TB/LNNK position on J.Naglis – Director of the Privatisation Agency, but according to an unofficial information the parties could not find a common opinion on it.

Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK met to discuss the current relations between these parties and future co-operation. K.Libane from Latvijas Cels informed that this meeting was a consultative one. One of the topics was the TB/LNNK position on J.Naglis – Director of the Privatisation Agency, but according to an unofficial information the parties could not find a common opinion on it. Neatkariga

National Human Rights Office published their finding that Latvia had not violated human rights by sentencing V.Kononov, A.Novik, and M.Farbtuh for war crimes.

National Human Rights Office published their finding that Latvia had not violated human rights by sentencing V.Kononov, A.Novik, and M.Farbtuh for war crimes. Neatkariga, Chas

G.Ignatane, Advisor to the Minister of Education informed that the reorganisation of the Ministry of Education and Science could start in March. She pointed out that nobody was talking about exact persons, yet and could not give any figures how many officials would be dismissed.

G.Ignatane, Advisor to the Minister of Education informed that the reorganisation of the Ministry of Education and Science could start in March. She pointed out that nobody was talking about exact persons, yet and could not give any figures how many officials would be dismissed. Neatkariga

The representatives of Social Democrats made a public statement yesterday that at the front lines of all political collisions, taking place in Riga City Council, stood the team of A.Skele that was interested to saw discord between Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and TB/LNNK.

The representatives of Social Democrats made a public statement yesterday that at the front lines of all political collisions, taking place in Riga City Council, stood the team of A.Skele that was interested to saw discord between Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and TB/LNNK. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

Approximation of the positions of Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK decreases a possibility of an overturn in the Riga City Council, although Social Democrats consider that – if TB/LNNK will refuse to sign an agreement on starting negotiations in order to establish a new coalition in Riga City Council, then Social Democrats will not be able to consider TB/LNNK as loyal co-operation partners. It would open a chance to oust TB/LNNK from the Government.

Approximation of the positions of Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK decreases a possibility of an overturn in the Riga City Council, although Social Democrats consider that – if TB/LNNK will refuse to sign an agreement on starting negotiations in order to establish a new coalition in Riga City Council, then Social Democrats will not be able to consider TB/LNNK as loyal co-operation partners. It would open a chance to oust TB/LNNK from the Government. Diena, Respublika(14.02.2000)

The leader of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats rushed to reaffirm that no document would be signed without the knowledge of Latvijas Cels.

The leader of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats rushed to reaffirm that no document would be signed without the knowledge of Latvijas Cels. Chas

One of the leaders of Latvian Jewish community G.Krupnikov tells

One of the leaders of Latvian Jewish community G.Krupnikov tells Diena about the international conference on Holocaust in Stockholm, the speech given by Latvian President and activities of S.Vizentahl Centre.

Lauku Avize

published the address speech of the EC President R.Prodi to Latvian Saeima. published the address speech of the EC President R.Prodi to Latvian Saeima.

Vesti Segodnya

writes about the new idea of Latvian politicians to grant Russian President B.Yeltsin the decoration of Three Stars and gives reasons why Yeltsin could refuse accepting this decoration. writes about the new idea of Latvian politicians to grant Russian President B.Yeltsin the decoration of Three Stars and gives reasons why Yeltsin could refuse accepting this decoration. Co-ordination Council of the Russian speaking Community in Latvia stood up to defend the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen, whose mandate the CBSS decided to reconsider. They sent an open letter to the Chairman of CBSS K.Vollebaek asking not to abolish this position.

Co-ordination Council of the Russian speaking Community in Latvia stood up to defend the CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen, whose mandate the CBSS decided to reconsider. They sent an open letter to the Chairman of CBSS K.Vollebaek asking not to abolish this position. Chas

On Wednesday the prosecutors from different countries who dealt with the case of K.Kalejs will gather in Riga. 8 people will represent Latvia. According to unofficial information Russian prosecutors were not allowed to come to this meeting.

On Wednesday the prosecutors from different countries who dealt with the case of K.Kalejs will gather in Riga. 8 people will represent Latvia. According to unofficial information Russian prosecutors were not allowed to come to this meeting. Chas

The Naturalisation Board organised an open door day to commemorate its five year anniversary. Among the visitors were the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs, the USA Ambassador to Latvia J.Holmes, other diplomats and officials.

The Naturalisation Board organised an open door day to commemorate its five year anniversary. Among the visitors were the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs, the USA Ambassador to Latvia J.Holmes, other diplomats and officials. Chas

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