Март 21, 2000

 Press Review

Press Review

Riga District Court yesterday delayed hearing of the criminal case against the radical right-wing group Perkonkrusts (Thundercross). The members of the group appeared before the court after the attempt to blow up the Victory Monument. A small group of supporters gathered outside the court building. Some of them were distributing leaflets with information that the closest task of Perkonkrusts is overturning the current government and building the state of Latvians.

Riga District Court yesterday delayed hearing of the criminal case against the radical right-wing group Perkonkrusts (Thundercross). The members of the group appeared before the court after the attempt to blow up the Victory Monument. A small group of supporters gathered outside the court building. Some of them were distributing leaflets with information that the closest task of Perkonkrusts is overturning the current government and building the state of Latvians. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Head of the Russian State Duma’s Commission for CIS matters and contacts with compatriates Boris Pastuhov during the yesterday’s meeting with the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss noted that introducing economic sanctions against Latvia is not the most efficient and necessary step for improving the relations between the countries.

Head of the Russian State Dumas Commission for CIS matters and contacts with compatriates Boris Pastuhov during the yesterdays meeting with the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss noted that introducing economic sanctions against Latvia is not the most efficient and necessary step for improving the relations between the countries. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Vesti (give a more detailed report on the meeting).

Russia has decided to turn attention of the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Commission to the human rights violations in the Baltic countries, especially Latvia.

Russia has decided to turn attention of the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Commission to the human rights violations in the Baltic countries, especially Latvia. Neatkariga, Respublika

The request to the government to consider accepting 100 refugees from Chechnya in Latvia was forwarded to the Foreign Ministry. The ministry’s spokesperson informed that a week will be needed to consider the request and develop the government’s position.

The request to the government to consider accepting 100 refugees from Chechnya in Latvia was forwarded to the Foreign Ministry. The ministrys spokesperson informed that a week will be needed to consider the request and develop the governments position. Jauna Avize, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

March 22 the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will meet the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov to discuss the bilateral relations and other topical issues. The meeting was initiated by the Russian ambassador.

March 22 the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga will meet the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov to discuss the bilateral relations and other topical issues. The meeting was initiated by the Russian ambassador. Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Latvian MPs from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia are invited for consultations to the Russian State Duma on March 28, a day before Duma is scheduled to have the third reading of the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia. Last week leader of the Latvia’s Socialist Party Alfreds Rubiks met Russian officials calling to not support the sanctions.

Latvian MPs from the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia are invited for consultations to the Russian State Duma on March 28, a day before Duma is scheduled to have the third reading of the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia. Last week leader of the Latvias Socialist Party Alfreds Rubiks met Russian officials calling to not support the sanctions. Diena

The Russian Embassy to Latvia has asked the government’s permission to set up another polling station in Riga – at Skonto sports hall – as they expect big activity of the Russian citizens at the presidential elections this Sunday. This is the first time when a polling station is being arranged outside the territory of the Russian Embassy or consulate.

The Russian Embassy to Latvia has asked the governments permission to set up another polling station in Riga – at Skonto sports hall – as they expect big activity of the Russian citizens at the presidential elections this Sunday. This is the first time when a polling station is being arranged outside the territory of the Russian Embassy or consulate. Diena

The Constitutional Court will consider whether the restrictions for the former KGB officers and members of the forbidden organizations to stand for elections comply with the Constitution. Diena

The Constitutional Court will consider whether the restrictions for the former KGB officers and members of the forbidden organizations to stand for elections comply with the Constitution. Diena

The appeal case of the former red partisan Vasily Kononov will be considered by the Latvian Supreme Court on April 13.

The appeal case of the former red partisan Vasily Kononov will be considered by the Latvian Supreme Court on April 13.

Results of a sociological survey in Estonia show that four fifth of the residents see Russia as a potential source of threat for the independent Estonia. 49% said Russia is a certain source of threat, 17% said Russia is very dangerous to Estonia.

Results of a sociological survey in Estonia show that four fifth of the residents see Russia as a potential source of threat for the independent Estonia. 49% said Russia is a certain source of threat, 17% said Russia is very dangerous to Estonia. Neatkariga, Respublika

Март 20, 2000

Press Report

Latvian Foreign Ministry has rejected the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry which says that “nationalism in Latvia is entering a phase of open apology of Nazism”. The statement followed announcements made by Latvian Foreign Minister during the visit in Washington where he had tried to imagine that Washington understands Latvia’s equal approach to people who on the opposite sides during the WW2.

Latvian Foreign Ministry has rejected the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry which says that nationalism in Latvia is entering a phase of open apology of Nazism. The statement followed announcements made by Latvian Foreign Minister during the visit in Washington where he had tried to imagine that Washington understands Latvias equal approach to people who on the opposite sides during the WW2. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Russian Embassy to Latvia has arranged 5 polling stations for the March 26th presidential elections: in Riga at Russian Embassy, Social Ensurance Department and Skonto sports hall, in consulates in Liepaja and Daugavpils

Russian Embassy to Latvia has arranged 5 polling stations for the March 26th presidential elections: in Riga at Russian Embassy, Social Ensurance Department and Skonto sports hall, in consulates in Liepaja and Daugavpils. Diena

All Russian-language papers publish an address of the Russian Ambassador inviting to participate in the elections.

All Russian-language papers publish an address of the Russian Ambassador inviting to participate in the elections.

The local government has decided to start a research work on the territory of the former Skrunda Radar Station to see whether it is possible to establish a place where to dump hazardous waste there to be used for roughly 20 years.

The local government has decided to start a research work on the territory of the former Skrunda Radar Station to see whether it is possible to establish a place where to dump hazardous waste there to be used for roughly 20 years. Diena

Today, Riga District Court will look at the criminal case against the non-registered ultra-radical organization Perkonkrusts (Thundercross). Vesti notes that this is a possibility for Latvia to wash off Nazism.

Today, Riga District Court will look at the criminal case against the non-registered ultra-radical organization Perkonkrusts (Thundercross). Vesti notes that this is a possibility for Latvia to wash off Nazism. Vesti, Panorama Latvii


interviews Boris Tsilevich about the impressions he got at the conference on national diversity recently held in Riga. Deputy Chairman of the Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Urbanovics informed the press that a conference on relations between Latvia and Russia will be held in Riga in May.

Deputy Chairman of the Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia Janis Urbanovics informed the press that a conference on relations between Latvia and Russia will be held in Riga in May. Chas

Март 18, 2000

Press Review

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins met the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov last Friday. Udaltsov handed over the letter from the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. In the letter, Ivanov once again reminds Russia’s position that persons who fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition should be under the state’s protection while the Nazi criminals and their henchmen should be tried. Berzins and Udaltsov discussed the legionary commemoration events and statements made concerning these events.

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins met the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov last Friday. Udaltsov handed over the letter from the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. In the letter, Ivanov once again reminds Russias position that persons who fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition should be under the states protection while the Nazi criminals and their henchmen should be tried. Berzins and Udaltsov discussed the legionary commemoration events and statements made concerning these events. Neatkariga, Diena

An independent UNDP evaluation mission visited Latvia last week and they found that the Program has managed to successfully attract cooperation partners and financially support important fields, like society integration, human rights, NGOs, reduction of poverty. However, in the nearest 3-5 years the government of Latvia should gradually take over financing of the projects. Diena, Neatkariga

An independent UNDP evaluation mission visited Latvia last week and they found that the Program has managed to successfully attract cooperation partners and financially support important fields, like society integration, human rights, NGOs, reduction of poverty. However, in the nearest 3-5 years the government of Latvia should gradually take over financing of the projects. Diena, Neatkariga

CBSS (Council of Baltic Sea States) Human Rights Commissioner Ole Espersen believes that the problem of ethnic minorities is not solved in Latvia. In his opinion, this issue will be discussed soon in negotiations about Latvia’s and Estonia’s EU accession. As an example, Espersen mentioned the situation in Latvia when non-citizens are not allowed to take part in elections. Diena, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

CBSS (Council of Baltic Sea States) Human Rights Commissioner Ole Espersen believes that the problem of ethnic minorities is not solved in Latvia. In his opinion, this issue will be discussed soon in negotiations about Latvias and Estonias EU accession. As an example, Espersen mentioned the situation in Latvia when non-citizens are not allowed to take part in elections. Diena, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

Since 1997, Latvia’s residents have submitted 44 claims to the European Human Rights Court. Of these claims, 15 were recognized as within the Court’s competence. It is planned that the Court may start looking at the cases from Latvia early next year. Most often the claims are about violation of the 6th, 5th, 8th and 10th articles.

Since 1997, Latvias residents have submitted 44 claims to the European Human Rights Court. Of these claims, 15 were recognized as within the Courts competence. It is planned that the Court may start looking at the cases from Latvia early next year. Most often the claims are about violation of the 6th, 5th, 8th and 10th articles. Neatkariga

In the interview to

In the interview to Vesti the Russian deputies from Yedinstvo faction said they are not ready to support the draft law on introducing economic sanctions against Latvia as the move will not help to improve the situation of their compatriates in Latvia.

Март 17, 2000

Press Review

More than two thousand people yesterday in downtown Riga participated in legionary commemoration procession. The peaceful event was only disturbed by sharp exchange of words between the participants of the procession (in Russian-language papers called ex-nazis) and those who rallied against the procession (anti-fascists). One legion veteran suffered a heart attack. The state officials did not participate in the event, roughly 20 MPs from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and People’s Party attended the event although the majority of the Saeima did not support introducing the break during the regular Thursday session. In response to the event the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that it sees the event as attempts of certain Latvia’s political forces to revise the results of the WW2. The president of Latvia believes that March 16 as a day of commemoration was wrongly picked and there are enough other days to remember the killed Latvian soldiers.

More than two thousand people yesterday in downtown Riga participated in legionary commemoration procession. The peaceful event was only disturbed by sharp exchange of words between the participants of the procession (in Russian-language papers called ex-nazis) and those who rallied against the procession (anti-fascists). One legion veteran suffered a heart attack. The state officials did not participate in the event, roughly 20 MPs from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK and Peoples Party attended the event although the majority of the Saeima did not support introducing the break during the regular Thursday session. In response to the event the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that it sees the event as attempts of certain Latvias political forces to revise the results of the WW2. The president of Latvia believes that March 16 as a day of commemoration was wrongly picked and there are enough other days to remember the killed Latvian soldiers. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

In an interview on Latvian TV Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that people who have committed crimes in the name of occupation regimes should be tried and Latvia should not wait longer to do that. She reminded that the Soviet side committed enough terrible things and people here should not feel happy that the Red Army entered Latvia or that it won the WW2. After the end of the war the whole Eastern Europe was left under power of the Stalinist terror.

In an interview on Latvian TV Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that people who have committed crimes in the name of occupation regimes should be tried and Latvia should not wait longer to do that. She reminded that the Soviet side committed enough terrible things and people here should not feel happy that the Red Army entered Latvia or that it won the WW2. After the end of the war the whole Eastern Europe was left under power of the Stalinist terror. Neatkariga, Vesti

State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Ministry Maris Riekstins announced yesterday that Latvia cannot accept the current Russian policy toward Latvia. He said that it would be in the interests of Russia to finally recognize the occupation of the Baltic states and repressions against the civilian population jointly planned by the USSR and Nazi Germany.

State Secretary of the Latvian Foreign Ministry Maris Riekstins announced yesterday that Latvia cannot accept the current Russian policy toward Latvia. He said that it would be in the interests of Russia to finally recognize the occupation of the Baltic states and repressions against the civilian population jointly planned by the USSR and Nazi Germany. Diena

The Council of the Russian State Duma ruled yesterday that the Duma will have the third reading of the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia March 29.

The Council of the Russian State Duma ruled yesterday that the Duma will have the third reading of the draft law on economic sanctions against Latvia March 29. Diena

Yesterday, the Saeima supported passing over to commissions the draft law allowing all former KGB and other special Soviet service staff members and agents to report on their past to the Constitution Defense Office, in the opposite case their names will be published in the official paper Latvijas Vestnesis and they will be forbidden to take certain positions.

Yesterday, the Saeima supported passing over to commissions the draft law allowing all former KGB and other special Soviet service staff members and agents to report on their past to the Constitution Defense Office, in the opposite case their names will be published in the official paper Latvijas Vestnesis and they will be forbidden to take certain positions. Vesti

More than 40 deputies of the European Council Parliamentary Assembly from the Socialists and Liberal Democrats suggested that the EC countries introduce visa-free regime for Latvian and Estonian non-citizens. From Latvia, the suggestion was signed by the left-wing MP Boriss Cilevics and Social Democrat Gundars Bojars.

More than 40 deputies of the European Council Parliamentary Assembly from the Socialists and Liberal Democrats suggested that the EC countries introduce visa-free regime for Latvian and Estonian non-citizens. From Latvia, the suggestion was signed by the left-wing MP Boriss Cilevics and Social Democrat Gundars Bojars. Diena

After information provided by the DCMA, 20 stateless persons are registered in Latvia. During the last month 8 people, all of them former USSR citizens, obtained the status.

After information provided by the DCMA, 20 stateless persons are registered in Latvia. During the last month 8 people, all of them former USSR citizens, obtained the status. Jauna Avize

Март 16, 2000


Press Review

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Skele during their weekly Wednesday meeting agreed that after the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration day was moved from March 16 to November 11, March 16 is a commemoration day only for individual people and their families.

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Skele during their weekly Wednesday meeting agreed that after the Latvian Soldiers Commemoration day was moved from March 16 to November 11, March 16 is a commemoration day only for individual people and their families. Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins thinks that there is no ground for the publications on the eve of March 16 in foreign newspapers as the government and the parliament have done everything so that there was no reason to reproach Latvia. The parliament abolished March 16 as an official commemoration day. “We condemn the crimes that were committed during the WW2 and our position is not different from that of the EU countries and the US.

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins thinks that there is no ground for the publications on the eve of March 16 in foreign newspapers as the government and the parliament have done everything so that there was no reason to reproach Latvia. The parliament abolished March 16 as an official commemoration day. We condemn the crimes that were committed during the WW2 and our position is not different from that of the EU countries and the US. Respublika, Diena, Panorama Latvii

After the project prepared by the Interior Ministry and confirmed by the government the new machine-readable passports for Latvian citizens will be made without spending the state budget money. The winner of the tender for making the passports will have to make part of the passports in advance and the money will be earned back at issuing the passports to citizens. Interior Ministry plans that this year the first lot of 250,000 passports should be ready.

After the project prepared by the Interior Ministry and confirmed by the government the new machine-readable passports for Latvian citizens will be made without spending the state budget money. The winner of the tender for making the passports will have to make part of the passports in advance and the money will be earned back at issuing the passports to citizens. Interior Ministry plans that this year the first lot of 250,000 passports should be ready. Diena

Ministry of Education and Science had the regular Russian language contest for Russian as the foreign language.

Ministry of Education and Science had the regular Russian language contest for Russian as the foreign language. Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

Vladimir Putin in his answer to the US Congress who had expressed its concern about the signs of anti-Semitism and religious intolerance in Russia, asked the congressmen to pay attention to the countries “where along with tolerance to the fomer Nazis anti-fascist veterans are being prosecuted”.

Vladimir Putin in his answer to the US Congress who had expressed its concern about the signs of anti-Semitism and religious intolerance in Russia, asked the congressmen to pay attention to the countries where along with tolerance to the fomer Nazis anti-fascist veterans are being prosecuted. Vesti

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins hopes that Russia will show understanding and only then decide the issue of introducing sanctions against Latvia. Berzins noted that by sanctions Russia will first of all harm the Russian population in Latvia.

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins hopes that Russia will show understanding and only then decide the issue of introducing sanctions against Latvia. Berzins noted that by sanctions Russia will first of all harm the Russian population in Latvia. Chas

Saeima’s Foreign Commission will convene on March 21for a meeting to discuss Latvia’s strategy after the presidential elections in Russia. Also, the commission wants to find out what international agreements will be violated if Russia introduces the economic sanctions.

Saeimas Foreign Commission will convene on March 21for a meeting to discuss Latvias strategy after the presidential elections in Russia. Also, the commission wants to find out what international agreements will be violated if Russia introduces the economic sanctions. Chas

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