Март 27, 2000

Press Report

In the Russian presidential elections in Latvia activity of the Russian citizens was higher than last year - by the Sunday afternoon roughly 10,000 out of total of 50,000 had passed their votes which is about 19% (compared to 13.5% last year). After

In the Russian presidential elections in Latvia activity of the Russian citizens was higher than last year - by the Sunday afternoon roughly 10,000 out of total of 50,000 had passed their votes which is about 19% (compared to 13.5% last year). After Diena, in the three election points in Riga no violations were observed. After the answers of the interviewed voters, there was an equal number of Putins and Zyuganovs supporters. Outside the election point at Skonto hall the voters were invited to sign a letter addressed to international organizations asking to influence the Latvian government to allow non-citizens who have lived at least five years in Latvia to take part in municipal elections. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti, Chas, Panorama Latvii

On the occasion of March 25 Commemoration Day President of Latvia made a speech where she warned that the danger of neo-communism is as big as that of neo-nazism. She called Europe and other countries of the world not to be ignorant toward the threats that rise hostility between nations

On the occasion of March 25 Commemoration Day President of Latvia made a speech where she warned that the danger of neo-communism is as big as that of neo-nazism. She called Europe and other countries of the world not to be ignorant toward the threats that rise hostility between nations. Diena, Chas

Latvian Saeima Speaker Janis Straume sent a letter to his Russian counterpart Genady Seleznyov asking to recognize Latvia’s success in democracy, lawfulness and human rights. Straume points out the referendum on the citizenship issue and the work in society integration.

Latvian Saeima Speaker Janis Straume sent a letter to his Russian counterpart Genady Seleznyov asking to recognize Latvias success in democracy, lawfulness and human rights. Straume points out the referendum on the citizenship issue and the work in society integration. Diena, Respublika

Russian Foreign Ministry has called as another provocation the recent move of the Latvian Saeima. During the Thursday’s session Latvian MP in the first reading supported the draft amendments to the law on Holidays and Commemoration Days to state that June 17 should be marked as the Occupation Commemoration Day.

Russian Foreign Ministry has called as another provocation the recent move of the Latvian Saeima. During the Thursdays session Latvian MP in the first reading supported the draft amendments to the law on Holidays and Commemoration Days to state that June 17 should be marked as the Occupation Commemoration Day. Diena

Latvian MPs – Social Democrat Juris Bojars and Ingrida Udre from the New Party visited Moscow on a private visit last week. They met politicians and businessmen. Bojars met the leader of the Russian All-nation Union Sergey Baburin who is known for hostile expressions toward Latvia.

Latvian MPs – Social Democrat Juris Bojars and Ingrida Udre from the New Party visited Moscow on a private visit last week. They met politicians and businessmen. Bojars met the leader of the Russian All-nation Union Sergey Baburin who is known for hostile expressions toward Latvia. Diena, Chas

Latvia’s Way and the New Party have decided to start negotiations on cooperation at the coming municipal elections – setting up joint election lists for the elections as well as the possible coalition after the elections. It is known that Latvia’s Way will go with its own list to the Riga City Council.

Latvias Way and the New Party have decided to start negotiations on cooperation at the coming municipal elections – setting up joint election lists for the elections as well as the possible coalition after the elections. It is known that Latvias Way will go with its own list to the Riga City Council. Diena

Latvian Foreign Ministry’s State Secretary Maris Riekstins visited Washington on a previously non-planned visit last Friday. Riekstins met American officials to discuss the diplomatic action plan aimed at neutralizing the propaganda started by Russia against Latvia.

Latvian Foreign Ministrys State Secretary Maris Riekstins visited Washington on a previously non-planned visit last Friday. Riekstins met American officials to discuss the diplomatic action plan aimed at neutralizing the propaganda started by Russia against Latvia. Diena, Jauna Avize

Diena publishes interview with the Estonian Foreign Minister Mr. Ilves on his opinion on the current Latvian – Russian relations. First of all, he explains Russias actions by inability of this country to admit that the Baltic countries are independent and are making their own sovereign decisions on joining the EU and NATO. Ilves mentions that the role of the OSCE Mission to Latvia is to tell the truth about the actual situation in the country.

Март 25, 2000

Press Review

Last Friday in Jelgava and on Saturday in Jekabpils and Jurmala Russian citizens could pass their votes for the new Russian president in the mobile election boxes.

Last Friday in Jelgava and on Saturday in Jekabpils and Jurmala Russian citizens could pass their votes for the new Russian president in the mobile election boxes. Neatkariga, Vesti

Chas informs that after updating the voters lists in Kurzeme, the district of the Russian consulate in Liepaja, it turned out the number has dropped by 40% (from about 10,000 registered to actually 6300). Many had left Latvia without notifying the consulate. During the meeting of the Russian Security Council scheduled to discuss the concept of Russias foreign policy the acting President of Russia Vladimir Putin last Friday called to a more aggressive protection of the Russian citizens who live in the Baltic countries. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Diena, Vesti

Right before the March 25 – Genocide Victims Commemoration Day – the book “The Policy of Occupation Powers in Latvia 1939-1991” was published in English and Russian. The book includes 300 historical documents as an evidence to the activities of occupation powers in Latvia. This is an attempt to explain the historical events to foreigners and non-Latvians in Latvia.

Right before the March 25 – Genocide Victims Commemoration Day – the book The Policy of Occupation Powers in Latvia 1939-1991 was published in English and Russian. The book includes 300 historical documents as an evidence to the activities of occupation powers in Latvia. This is an attempt to explain the historical events to foreigners and non-Latvians in Latvia. Diena

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that the Constitution needs to be amended so that Latvia could have the referendum on joining the EU.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that the Constitution needs to be amended so that Latvia could have the referendum on joining the EU. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

The board of the government coalition faction Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has called the ruling parties to make changes to the Coalition Agreement to develop mechanisms allowing for coordination of positions and reaching unanimous passing of decisions.

The board of the government coalition faction Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has called the ruling parties to make changes to the Coalition Agreement to develop mechanisms allowing for coordination of positions and reaching unanimous passing of decisions. Neatkariga

The necessary 10, 000 signatures were collected by the end of Friday. The signatures are collected to initiate a national referendum on keeping the national electricity facility Latvenergo as a united state-owned enterprise.

The necessary 10, 000 signatures were collected by the end of Friday. The signatures are collected to initiate a national referendum on keeping the national electricity facility Latvenergo as a united state-owned enterprise. Neatkariga

Март 24, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

The Saeima has conceptually supported establishing June 17 as the commemoration day of occupation of the Republic of Latvia. Only the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia voted against this decision.

The Saeima has conceptually supported establishing June 17 as the commemoration day of occupation of the Republic of Latvia. Only the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia voted against this decision. Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

US diplomats handed over to Russian diplomats the answer to the letter of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs to US State Secretary M.Albright where it was stated that the USA supported investigation of all war crimes disregarding the side offenders fought.

US diplomats handed over to Russian diplomats the answer to the letter of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs to US State Secretary M.Albright where it was stated that the USA supported investigation of all war crimes disregarding the side offenders fought. Neatkariga

Russian Presidential election in Latvia starts today. The first election poll will be opened today in Jelgava, tomorrow in Jekabpils and Jurmala but on Sunday in Riga, Liepaja and Daugavpils.

Russian Presidential election in Latvia starts today. The first election poll will be opened today in Jelgava, tomorrow in Jekabpils and Jurmala but on Sunday in Riga, Liepaja and Daugavpils. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas

The Constitutional Court judge A.Endzins initiated a court case on conformity of the Saeima election law to Latvian Constitution and European Convention on Basic Human Rights and Freedoms. The application was handed in by 23 opposition deputies who asked to evaluate the ban to vote for persons who after January 13, 1991 were members of prohibited in Latvia organisations.

The Constitutional Court judge A.Endzins initiated a court case on conformity of the Saeima election law to Latvian Constitution and European Convention on Basic Human Rights and Freedoms. The application was handed in by 23 opposition deputies who asked to evaluate the ban to vote for persons who after January 13, 1991 were members of prohibited in Latvia organisations. Neatkariga

Prime Minister A.Skele said yesterday that Latvia would follow EU policy and did not plan to receive refugees from Chechnya.

Prime Minister A.Skele said yesterday that Latvia would follow EU policy and did not plan to receive refugees from Chechnya. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika, Chas

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov hoped that Latvian – Russian relations could improve after the Presidential election in Russia.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov hoped that Latvian – Russian relations could improve after the Presidential election in Russia. Diena

A.Udaltsov made a sensational statement saying that Latvian statistics decreased the commodity turnover between Russia and Latvia for several times. According to the data of Russian Statistics Board the amount of last year had been decreased for 48% but his year – for 250 – 300%. This allows to draw a conclusion that Russia occupies not the 5th place as it is shown by Latvian experts and some politicians but is the main trade partner of Latvia.

A.Udaltsov made a sensational statement saying that Latvian statistics decreased the commodity turnover between Russia and Latvia for several times. According to the data of Russian Statistics Board the amount of last year had been decreased for 48% but his year – for 250 – 300%. This allows to draw a conclusion that Russia occupies not the 5th place as it is shown by Latvian experts and some politicians but is the main trade partner of Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

A.Udaltsov also thought that it was rather likely that the Russian National Council would adopt sanctions against Latvia, but he found this step as too heavy and clumsy artillery. Still he was sure that the law would not come into force. If it still happened and the federal authorities would have to implement the sanctions, they would go for a very long time, even after the reasons for those sanctions had disappeared.

A.Udaltsov also thought that it was rather likely that the Russian National Council would adopt sanctions against Latvia, but he found this step as too heavy and clumsy artillery. Still he was sure that the law would not come into force. If it still happened and the federal authorities would have to implement the sanctions, they would go for a very long time, even after the reasons for those sanctions had disappeared. Chas

Russian Embassy in Latvia Diena delayed issuing visa to OSCE Latvian delegation Head deputy H.Demakova who was to go to Moscow to observe Russian Presidential election. In the morning Ms. Demakova was refused to be issued a visa; the Embassy grounded this decision by the fact that Russian MFA had not given confirmation for issuing the visa. But later in the day the visa was issued. Jauna Avize

Russian Embassy in Latvia Diena delayed issuing visa to OSCE Latvian delegation Head deputy H.Demakova who was to go to Moscow to observe Russian Presidential election. In the morning Ms. Demakova was refused to be issued a visa; the Embassy grounded this decision by the fact that Russian MFA had not given confirmation for issuing the visa. But later in the day the visa was issued. Jauna Avize

The Council of Russian Citizens published a call to Russian citizens residing in Latvia to come to the election polls and elect the President.

The Council of Russian Citizens published a call to Russian citizens residing in Latvia to come to the election polls and elect the President. Vesti Segodnya

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga organised a press conference for Russian writing journalists where she answered the questions on the participants. V.V.Freiberga told about the existing lingual situation in Canada, expressed her conviction that non-citizens would receive the right of vote in the municipal election after 4 years.

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga organised a press conference for Russian writing journalists where she answered the questions on the participants. V.V.Freiberga told about the existing lingual situation in Canada, expressed her conviction that non-citizens would receive the right of vote in the municipal election after 4 years. Vesti Segodnya

Representatives of faction For Human Rights in United Latvia received an invitation of the Chairman of the Commission on Relations with Compatriots Abroad of the Russian National Council to discuss the issues of Russian – Latvia co-operation. The leader of the faction J.Jurkans answered the questions of Panorama Latvii journalist. He supposed that the discussion could be about the consequences of the sanctions. J.Jurkans hopped that the sanctions would no be imposed because they would effect also Russia.

Representatives of faction For Human Rights in United Latvia received an invitation of the Chairman of the Commission on Relations with Compatriots Abroad of the Russian National Council to discuss the issues of Russian – Latvia co-operation. The leader of the faction J.Jurkans answered the questions of Panorama Latvii journalist. He supposed that the discussion could be about the consequences of the sanctions. J.Jurkans hopped that the sanctions would no be imposed because they would effect also Russia. Panorama Latvii

Март 23, 2000

Press Report

Diena Ambassador: Latvian – Russian relations are on the critical limit
Neatkariga Relations with Russia approach the critical limit
Vesti Segodnya Are Latvia and Russia ready to forget the former offences?
Chas Latvia and Russia on the dangerous limit
Respublika Russian day of the Latvian President

The highest officials of the state are worried about the current situation in Latvian – Russian relations. Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov frankly acknowledged to the President V.V.Freiberga that the relations between the two countries had reached a dangerous limit. After this meeting A.Udaltsov stated that he was worried about the bilateral relations. Both officials agreed that active steps should be taken to stop this tendency. Therefore obstacles preventing improvement of relations should be realised. A.Udaltsov pointed out that both countries spoke more about the past, but it was necessary to turn to the future let we never became hostages of the past. He also said that Latvian and Russian people have no claims against each other, but unfortunately some politicians tried to manipulate with the public opinion. As a result there were unpleasant situations for both countries that, according to A.Udaltsov could have more serious consequences – not only political, but also economical. The diplomat confirmed that Russian MFA was against imposing sanctions and together with the Government they tried to block this intention. When speaking about the announcements of his countrymen about a possibility to kidnap the Latvian Ambassador or use nuclear weapons against Latvia, A.Udaltsov characterised them as “irresponsible talk”.

The highest officials of the state are worried about the current situation in Latvian – Russian relations. Russian Ambassador to Latvia A.Udaltsov frankly acknowledged to the President V.V.Freiberga that the relations between the two countries had reached a dangerous limit. After this meeting A.Udaltsov stated that he was worried about the bilateral relations. Both officials agreed that active steps should be taken to stop this tendency. Therefore obstacles preventing improvement of relations should be realised. A.Udaltsov pointed out that both countries spoke more about the past, but it was necessary to turn to the future let we never became hostages of the past. He also said that Latvian and Russian people have no claims against each other, but unfortunately some politicians tried to manipulate with the public opinion. As a result there were unpleasant situations for both countries that, according to A.Udaltsov could have more serious consequences – not only political, but also economical. The diplomat confirmed that Russian MFA was against imposing sanctions and together with the Government they tried to block this intention. When speaking about the announcements of his countrymen about a possibility to kidnap the Latvian Ambassador or use nuclear weapons against Latvia, A.Udaltsov characterised them as irresponsible talk.

According to the Press Secretary of the President, V.V.Freiberga had pointed out her wish let the relations between both countries develop pragmatically and in a constructive way. (Latvian newspapers

According to the Press Secretary of the President, V.V.Freiberga had pointed out her wish let the relations between both countries develop pragmatically and in a constructive way. (Latvian newspapers Diena, Neatkariga)

The President found positive the very fact of this meeting, because it was a dialog, and it was always a beginning of mutual understanding.

The President found positive the very fact of this meeting, because it was a dialog, and it was always a beginning of mutual understanding.

Answering to the questions of the Russian speaking newspaper

Answering to the questions of the Russian speaking newspaper Chas the President said that she was glad that both parties – Latvia and Russia – were ready to take steps to overcome stagnation in Latvian – Russian relations. Both interlocutors were united in the opinion that the relations between both countries were in some kind of cul-de-sack (Mr. Udaltsov called this stage a dangerous one). The Ambassador laid special emphasis on the point that Russian Government was against imposing sanctions.

The President expressed a hope that in the Russian Parliament would dominate those powers that were against imposing those sanctions. (Russian speaking

The President expressed a hope that in the Russian Parliament would dominate those powers that were against imposing those sanctions. (Russian speaking Respublika, Panorama Latvii )

On Wednesday Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss visited the Chairman of the National Council (Duma) CIS Affairs Commission B.Pastuhov and explained that those sanctions were not the most necessary step because they could worsen bilateral relations.

On Wednesday Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss visited the Chairman of the National Council (Duma) CIS Affairs Commission B.Pastuhov and explained that those sanctions were not the most necessary step because they could worsen bilateral relations.

Latvian – Russian relations were discussed also during the meeting of the President and Prime Minister A.Skele. The Prime Minister pointed out that they both were worried about the statements concerning Latvia made by high Russian officials. They came to a conclusion that Latvia should be able to explain other states that she had no problems with Russia, but Russia had a few problems trying to find answers to the questions arising after the break down of the USSR.

Latvian – Russian relations were discussed also during the meeting of the President and Prime Minister A.Skele. The Prime Minister pointed out that they both were worried about the statements concerning Latvia made by high Russian officials. They came to a conclusion that Latvia should be able to explain other states that she had no problems with Russia, but Russia had a few problems trying to find answers to the questions arising after the break down of the USSR.

During today’s meeting with the Prime Minister A.Skele, Minister of Justice Birkavs has planned to discuss the reorganisation of the State Language Centre. V.Birkavs tries to achieve that the language testing process would be temporarily handed over from the municipal commissions to the Naturalisation Board. As the newspaper

During todays meeting with the Prime Minister A.Skele, Minister of Justice Birkavs has planned to discuss the reorganisation of the State Language Centre. V.Birkavs tries to achieve that the language testing process would be temporarily handed over from the municipal commissions to the Naturalisation Board. As the newspaper Neatkariga wrote that this action was attempted to be carried out by not informing the responsible institutions and deceiving other officials. The State Language Centre is under reorganisation because it is planned to establish a united State Language Testing Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science by September 2000. Thus under the Centre would be also the language testing that is currently carried out by 20 municipal commissions. The Minister has already criticised the work of these commissions several times it is difficult to understand his wish to abolish these institutions and hand over the function to the Naturalisation Board right now – a few moths before the State Language Testing Centre is established. Some time ago the Minister tried to persuade the Commission on Implementation of the Citizenship law about the necessity of such a step, assuring that he had agreed upon it with the Minister of Education M.Vitols. But Mr.Vitols told Neatkariga that he had been misled.

EC Delegation to Latvia Head G.Veiss during a meeting with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins was positive about Latvian achievements in public integration process. Discussing Latvian – Russian relations, I.Berzins pointed out that it was in the interests of both countries to establish good neighbourly relations and solve problems though a constructive dialog.

EC Delegation to Latvia Head G.Veiss during a meeting with Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins was positive about Latvian achievements in public integration process. Discussing Latvian – Russian relations, I.Berzins pointed out that it was in the interests of both countries to establish good neighbourly relations and solve problems though a constructive dialog. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika [

To elaborate the co-operation strategy between NGOs and state institutions to informing the society and determining national priorities while preparing for Latvia’s joining EU, European Movement in Latvia is organising this week a wide seminar on European affairs “Strategy from negotiation talks to the referendum”.

To elaborate the co-operation strategy between NGOs and state institutions to informing the society and determining national priorities while preparing for Latvias joining EU, European Movement in Latvia is organising this week a wide seminar on European affairs Strategy from negotiation talks to the referendum. Neatkariga

On March 1, 2000 in Latvia there were 1116 000 people actively seeking some job, and 109 100 were registered as unemployed – 9.1% of all economically active population.

On March 1, 2000 in Latvia there were 1116 000 people actively seeking some job, and 109 100 were registered as unemployed – 9.1% of all economically active population. Neatkariga

Despite the fact that the Government had prolonged the term for exchanging non-citizen passports and allocated some financing for this process, many non-citizen do not rush to get a new passport. Therefore the forecast of the DCMA that on March 31 there could be about 35 000 residents of Latvia without any valid ID, there could be 39 000 of such persons. Although the deadline is approaching, the number of weekly applications stays in the average level of 1430. To further the exchange process the DCMA officials visit old age and handicapped people at their homes. The persons, who will live with not valid ID after March 31, could receive a 25 LS fine.

Despite the fact that the Government had prolonged the term for exchanging non-citizen passports and allocated some financing for this process, many non-citizen do not rush to get a new passport. Therefore the forecast of the DCMA that on March 31 there could be about 35 000 residents of Latvia without any valid ID, there could be 39 000 of such persons. Although the deadline is approaching, the number of weekly applications stays in the average level of 1430. To further the exchange process the DCMA officials visit old age and handicapped people at their homes. The persons, who will live with not valid ID after March 31, could receive a 25 LS fine. Diena

The Council of Latvian Students came out with a call to the Minister of Education M.Vitols to step down. The Ministry of Education and Science decided yesterday to suggest at the Government meeting to start financing of higher education reform not this by the next school year.

The Council of Latvian Students came out with a call to the Minister of Education M.Vitols to step down. The Ministry of Education and Science decided yesterday to suggest at the Government meeting to start financing of higher education reform not this by the next school year. Rigas Balss

Today the Saeima is deciding whether to include in the calendar of national commemoratin days June 17 as the commemoration day of occupation of Latvia.

Today the Saeima is deciding whether to include in the calendar of national commemoratin days June 17 as the commemoration day of occupation of Latvia. la, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian human rights activist B.Cilevich, a member of Latvian delegation to the PACE, came forwards with an initiative to collect signatures of the PACE members under his letter to the PACE with a request to ensure the right of locomotion of non-citizens, i.e. introducing no-visa regime also for them. Several parliamentarians already signed this letter. If the initiative received support of the PACE Commission, corresponding recommendations would be sent to Latvia and Estonia.

Vesti Segodnya

Март 22, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

The representatives of Latvian MFA informed that the Ministry had prepared a contraction plan should the Russian sanctions against Latvia were adopted. No more details were given. Still Latvia considers that imposing of the sanctions would be disadvantageous for both countries, and after some time they would have to be abolished anyway.

The representatives of Latvian MFA informed that the Ministry had prepared a contraction plan should the Russian sanctions against Latvia were adopted. No more details were given. Still Latvia considers that imposing of the sanctions would be disadvantageous for both countries, and after some time they would have to be abolished anyway. Neatkariga, Diena

Describing the closed meeting of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission,

Describing the closed meeting of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Commission, Vesti Segodnya writes that some deputies tried to blame the MFA for failing to find a key for a normal dialogue with Russia. The leaders of the Ministry defended themselves by saying that Russia had been persuading a very hostile policy towards Latvia. The main critic of the Ministry was J.Jurkans (For Human Rights in United Latvia) who said that the Ministry failed to do its homework – solve the problems of public integration, observing the rights of national minorities.

G.Pommere in

G.Pommere in Chas states that in reality both the representatives of MFA and the Commission found only one way to fight the sanctions- in the case of imposing such, Latvia should remind Russia all international agreement she violated by this step. But I.Berzins continued to consider these sanctions as a consequence of pre-election campaign.

D.Lemesonoks in

D.Lemesonoks in Neatkariga analyses Latvian – Russian diplomatic relations and the influence of the events of March 16 and the trials of former guerrilla men. Of course, these relations exist just formally, but it is doubtful that Russian party has any wish to develop them. Latvians are exploited in interests of Russian internal policy. It is easier to tell stories about Nazism raising its head in the Baltic and how Moscow is standing up to defend her compatriots than to explain how those tiny mosquitoes can survive without their own oil, diamonds, internal wars, hyperinflation of national currencies and join EU.

The population census in Latvia will start in 9 days and proceed for the whole month. The information will be collected on the situation after March 31, 2000. Residents will have to answer 33 questions about themselves and their household.

The population census in Latvia will start in 9 days and proceed for the whole month. The information will be collected on the situation after March 31, 2000. Residents will have to answer 33 questions about themselves and their household. Neatkariga

Latvian President is going to meet the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov today to discuss Latvian – Russian bilateral relations. The meeting will take place upon the initiative of the Russian diplomat. There is no detailed information about the issues to be discussed, but it is possible that the high officials could discuss Russian criticism of the events of March 16. Latvia has refused this criticism and called Russia to admit the fact of occupation of the Baltic States. Neatkariga

Latvian President is going to meet the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov today to discuss Latvian – Russian bilateral relations. The meeting will take place upon the initiative of the Russian diplomat. There is no detailed information about the issues to be discussed, but it is possible that the high officials could discuss Russian criticism of the events of March 16. Latvia has refused this criticism and called Russia to admit the fact of occupation of the Baltic States. Neatkariga

The major attention during the UN Human rights Commission annual session, taking place in Geneva, will be paid to human rights violations in China and Russia. Russian representatives who have to face criticism plan to attract the attention of the international community to as they call it “alarming human rights situation” in Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio stated that these Russian reprimands did not correspond to the real situation in Latvia. Latvian position on human rights issues corresponded to the position voiced by the EU and OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel.

The major attention during the UN Human rights Commission annual session, taking place in Geneva, will be paid to human rights violations in China and Russia. Russian representatives who have to face criticism plan to attract the attention of the international community to as they call it alarming human rights situation in Latvia. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in an interview to the Latvian Radio stated that these Russian reprimands did not correspond to the real situation in Latvia. Latvian position on human rights issues corresponded to the position voiced by the EU and OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel. Diena

The politicians of the leading coalition anticipate a short peace period in the coalition after the discussions between the President and the leaders of Latvijas Cels and People’s Party. Although the President had called to arrange the coalition, in her critical evaluations one could head the doubt about the possibility to do it. The reason for it could be the not publicised and different interests of the parties in the process of privatisation. Should the parties be not able to find some compromise on major economic issues and continue watching each other with distrust, trying to choke each others interests, the life span of the Government could not be long.

The politicians of the leading coalition anticipate a short peace period in the coalition after the discussions between the President and the leaders of Latvijas Cels and Peoples Party. Although the President had called to arrange the coalition, in her critical evaluations one could head the doubt about the possibility to do it. The reason for it could be the not publicised and different interests of the parties in the process of privatisation. Should the parties be not able to find some compromise on major economic issues and continue watching each other with distrust, trying to choke each others interests, the life span of the Government could not be long. Diena

Due to the fact that Latvian MFA had not done the necessary formalities, Latvian parliamentarians did not receive an invitation to be present during Russian presidential election.

Due to the fact that Latvian MFA had not done the necessary formalities, Latvian parliamentarians did not receive an invitation to be present during Russian presidential election. Respublika

Chas writes that it was Russia who did not include Latvia in the list of observer states. The only Latvian representative at the election will be H.Demakova, but not as a representative of the Saeima but as a member of the OSCE delegation.

A.Gilman published an open letter to the Latvian President asking her to pay attention to several situations where international experience concerning national minority languages is different to Latvian policy – e.g. prohibition to use any other language in advertisements, but the Latvian language.

A.Gilman published an open letter to the Latvian President asking her to pay attention to several situations where international experience concerning national minority languages is different to Latvian policy – e.g. prohibition to use any other language in advertisements, but the Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Not so long ago Russian authorities accused Latvian Embassy in Moscow of having business offices in the premises of the Embassy. Latvian Embassy in Washington is more skilful – it helps Latvian traders to sell their goods to Americans via Internet.

Not so long ago Russian authorities accused Latvian Embassy in Moscow of having business offices in the premises of the Embassy. Latvian Embassy in Washington is more skilful – it helps Latvian traders to sell their goods to Americans via Internet. Vesti Segodnya

Riga City Council deputy S.Dolgopolov (Peoples Harmony Party) at the regular Council meting accused the City officials of having double standards – they allowed the march of former Nazi legionnaires on March 16 but at the same time refused a permit to organise a public event to commemorate 200 anniversary of Puskhin at the monument of Rainis (very centre of Riga).

Riga City Council deputy S.Dolgopolov (Peoples Harmony Party) at the regular Council meting accused the City officials of having double standards – they allowed the march of former Nazi legionnaires on March 16 but at the same time refused a permit to organise a public event to commemorate 200 anniversary of Puskhin at the monument of Rainis (very centre of Riga). Panorama Latvii

Russian radical left wing organisation “Officers’ Union” plans to boycott Russian presidential election and has established a committee to defend red guerrilla man V.Kononov. They have already held several pickets in Russia and will continue their activities until Kononov is released. Panorama

Russian radical left wing organisation Officers Union plans to boycott Russian presidential election and has established a committee to defend red guerrilla man V.Kononov. They have already held several pickets in Russia and will continue their activities until Kononov is released. Panorama Latvii

Russian left wing radical, the leader of the movement Workers Russia V.Ampilov has threatened to kidnap the Latvian Ambassador I.Daudiss and to organise a guerrilla men unit named after V.Kononov should Latvia not release him and cease to persecute other Soviet veterans. Latvian MFA requested Russia to ensure safe working conditions for Latvian diplomats.

Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas
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