Янв. 8, 2001

Press Report

Australian Court will consider the request of Latvia to extradite K.Kalejs on January 25. But this might not be the final decision because K.Kalejs has the right to appeal this decision.

Australian Court will consider the request of Latvia to extradite K.Kalejs on January 25. But this might not be the final decision because K.Kalejs has the right to appeal this decision. Diena, Panorama Latvii

According to an unofficial information from the Riga City Council it seems that the Council could have to operate without the Major for some time. All the major political forces have named their candidates and would insist on their candidates to this post. According to the present Riga City Council regulations, after the Election Commission Head announces the election results from the City Council Sittings hall rostrum, the authority of the previous Council and its Chairman expires automatically.

According to an unofficial information from the Riga City Council it seems that the Council could have to operate without the Major for some time. All the major political forces have named their candidates and would insist on their candidates to this post. According to the present Riga City Council regulations, after the Election Commission Head announces the election results from the City Council Sittings hall rostrum, the authority of the previous Council and its Chairman expires automatically. Neatkariga

A bilingual education evaluation seminar took place in Daugavpils where participated trainers from the Latgale Region. In December 18 groups completed a training courses where the bilingual tuition methodology mastered Russian schools’ teachers of Geography, Biology, History and other subjects. The main problem in such courses was the different state language knowledge level of participants, but during the training self-confidence of teachers grew and they started speaking Latvian although with errors.

A bilingual education evaluation seminar took place in Daugavpils where participated trainers from the Latgale Region. In December 18 groups completed a training courses where the bilingual tuition methodology mastered Russian schools teachers of Geography, Biology, History and other subjects. The main problem in such courses was the different state language knowledge level of participants, but during the training self-confidence of teachers grew and they started speaking Latvian although with errors. Neatkariga

Last weekend Latgale Office of the LLTP organised a discussion on democracy in Latvia and Latvia in Europe with an aim to find out what problems worried youngsters most of all. The participants could express their opinion on culture of inter-ethnic communication, language as a means of integration, process of naturalisation in Latvia, it’s future prospects. Although most of participants spoke Latvian, an opinion was expressed that a second state language should be introduced in Latvia. S.Kucina, Latgale Office Head was surprised that youngsters worried less about themselves, but more about their parents who had problems with mastering the state language.

Last weekend Latgale Office of the LLTP organised a discussion on democracy in Latvia and Latvia in Europe with an aim to find out what problems worried youngsters most of all. The participants could express their opinion on culture of inter-ethnic communication, language as a means of integration, process of naturalisation in Latvia, its future prospects. Although most of participants spoke Latvian, an opinion was expressed that a second state language should be introduced in Latvia. S.Kucina, Latgale Office Head was surprised that youngsters worried less about themselves, but more about their parents who had problems with mastering the state language. Neatkariga

Prime Ministers of the Baltic States will meet in Riga on their regular meeting on February 8.

Prime Ministers of the Baltic States will meet in Riga on their regular meeting on February 8. Jauna Avize

On Tuesday the government will decide about granting financing to Latvian Embassy in Moscow to establish security and fire alarm systems. MFA in its letter to the government stated that these issues were closely linked with state security taking into consideration the recent acts of vandalism against Latvian embassies in Moscow, St.Petersburg and Pskov.

On Tuesday the government will decide about granting financing to Latvian Embassy in Moscow to establish security and fire alarm systems. MFA in its letter to the government stated that these issues were closely linked with state security taking into consideration the recent acts of vandalism against Latvian embassies in Moscow, St.Petersburg and Pskov. Jauna Avize

Latvian Farmers’ Party hopes to persuade the former president G.Ulmanis to candidate in their Riga City Council election list. Ulmanis has not confirmed his agreement to candidate yet, but has not given a negative answer as well.

Latvian Farmers Party hopes to persuade the former president G.Ulmanis to candidate in their Riga City Council election list. Ulmanis has not confirmed his agreement to candidate yet, but has not given a negative answer as well. Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

In Moscow has finally been prepared the program for the Congress of Compatriots that is planned for April 2001.

In Moscow has finally been prepared the program for the Congress of Compatriots that is planned for April 2001. Panorama Latvii

On Saturday took place the congress of People’s Party that adopted party’s lists for local government election. Former Minister of Economics E.Krastins was named as the candidate for the post of Riga Mayor.

On Saturday took place the congress of Peoples Party that adopted partys lists for local government election. Former Minister of Economics E.Krastins was named as the candidate for the post of Riga Mayor. Panorama Latvii, Jauna Avize


published the full text of Russian Federation address to the residents of the Baltic States on introducing a visa regime for non-citizens of these countries. published the full text of Russian Federation address to the residents of the Baltic States on introducing a visa regime for non-citizens of these countries. 

Янв. 6, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian political parties Latvian Way and Latvian Democratic Party have started their pre-election campaigns by selecting their candidates for Riga City mayor. Latvian Way has chosen A.Poca, but Latvian Democratic Party – A.Ameriks.

Latvian political parties Latvian Way and Latvian Democratic Party have started their pre-election campaigns by selecting their candidates for Riga City mayor. Latvian Way has chosen A.Poca, but Latvian Democratic Party – A.Ameriks. Diena, Neatkariga adds that there will be 3 engines in the Latvian Way list – A.Poca, former Criminal Police Head A.Blonskis and the Deputy Chairman of Riga City Council J.Visockis.

Latvian non-citizens who have in their passport a valid stamp for eased border crossing procedure with Russia will be able to enter this country with no visa until the validity of the stamp expires. This agreement was reached between the Latvian Borderguards administration and Russian Federation Borderguarding Service. According to LB information some stamps could be valid until March.

Latvian non-citizens who have in their passport a valid stamp for eased border crossing procedure with Russia will be able to enter this country with no visa until the validity of the stamp expires. This agreement was reached between the Latvian Borderguards administration and Russian Federation Borderguarding Service. According to LB information some stamps could be valid until March. Diena

Chas writes that the official price for a non-citizen visa will be 8 but for multi-entry visa – 16 USD.

In order to start a discussion on establishing a popularly elected president, as well as on changing the Saeima election system by introducing the mixed one, Latvian Social Democratic Party plans to submit corresponding amendments to the Satversme. The final decision has to be made by the Latvian Social Democratic Party Council. If it is positive, the Party plans to submit the amendments until the local government election in March.

In order to start a discussion on establishing a popularly elected president, as well as on changing the Saeima election system by introducing the mixed one, Latvian Social Democratic Party plans to submit corresponding amendments to the Satversme. The final decision has to be made by the Latvian Social Democratic Party Council. If it is positive, the Party plans to submit the amendments until the local government election in March. Neatkariga

The draft law “On financing of political parties from the state budget “ prepared by the Ministry of Justice envisages that parties would receive 0.5 Ls for every vote they got in the Saeima election. According to this draft financing for the next four years until the next Saeima election will receive those parties that overcame 3% barrier and political unions with more that 5% of votes.

The draft law On financing of political parties from the state budget prepared by the Ministry of Justice envisages that parties would receive 0.5 Ls for every vote they got in the Saeima election. According to this draft financing for the next four years until the next Saeima election will receive those parties that overcame 3% barrier and political unions with more that 5% of votes. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

Soon Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will visit Moscow but not as the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs. He will represent the Council of Europe.

Soon Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will visit Moscow but not as the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs. He will represent the Council of Europe. Chas

Янв. 5, 2001

Press Report

Press Report


gives comments on Russian politician S.Shahraj article Relations between Russia and Latvia – Bermuda triangle. S.Shahraj sees Baltic countries serving as a bridge between Russia and Western countries in the field of economic relations and therefore Russia should invest more of the state funds in the Baltic States. In regard to political issues from the point of view of Russian politician the only solution in problems concerning citizenship is that Russians residing in Latvia have achieve the status of a national minority in the country. gives comments on Russian politician S.Shahraj article “Relations between Russia and Latvia – Bermuda triangle”. S.Shahraj sees Baltic countries serving as a bridge between Russia and Western countries in the field of economic relations and therefore Russia should invest more of the state funds in the Baltic States. In regard to political issues from the point of view of Russian politician the only solution in problems concerning citizenship is that Russians residing in Latvia have achieve the status of a national minority in the country.


gives its thoughts about the choice of people who recently have acquired citizenship in municipal elections. Since the last Saeima elections 24 000 people have been naturalised – it is not a very big number to bring in any important changes in political power dislocation, however, quite big to see the situation in a domestic policy and integration. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that there is no party for one unified society in Latvia. gives its thoughts about the choice of people who recently have acquired citizenship in municipal elections. Since the last Saeima elections 24 000 people have been naturalised – it is not a very big number to bring in any important changes in political power dislocation, however, quite big to see the situation in a domestic policy and integration. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that there is no party for one unified society in Latvia.

Vesti Segodnja

draws attention of the readers to the fact that the State Language Law has been effective for almost half a year and although it does not prohibit the usage of other languages on the sign boards it is almost impossible to find any in other languages but Latvian. Latvian Human Rights Committee chairman L. Raihman says that when they informed entrepreneurs that it is allowed to write on the sign boards also in other language not only Latvian, the response of the business people were that there are no laws for language inspectors. draws attention of the readers to the fact that the State Language Law has been effective for almost half a year and although it does not prohibit the usage of other languages on the sign boards it is almost impossible to find any in other languages but Latvian. Latvian Human Rights Committee chairman L. Raihman says that when they informed entrepreneurs that it is allowed to write on the sign boards also in other language not only Latvian, the response of the business people were that “there are no laws for language inspectors”. In January people who want to take state language proficiency examination are denied this possibility because the previous procedure of the examination has been changed. Up to the year of 2001, examination committees established at municipalities were eligible to carry out examination of applicants language proficiency. The new procedure says that instead of municipal committees the examination has to be carried out by state committees. However, the new committees are not established yet.

In January people who want to take state language proficiency examination are denied this possibility because the previous procedure of the examination has been changed. Up to the year of 2001, examination committees established at municipalities were eligible to carry out examination of applicants language proficiency. The new procedure says that instead of municipal committees the examination has to be carried out by state committees. However, the new committees are not established yet. Panorama Latvii

The head of Consular Department of Russia’s Embassy in Latvia demands

The head of Consular Department of Russias Embassy in Latvia demands Panorama Latvii to recall the whole publication about firing some employees of this Department. The article was about 4 employees of Consular Department of Russias Embassy – 3 citizens of Russia and 1 non-citizen – who were fired not accordingly with the Labour Law of Latvia. The newspaper turned for an advice to the lawyer and according to his opinion the newspaper has not broken any regulations or norms. Panorama Latvii.

Янв. 4, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The Washington Times

says that Russia has located nuclear weapons in one of its military bases in the Baltic Sea region. Russias Baltic Sea Navy press secretary says, it could be a political provocation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia does not have any information about Russias decision to locate nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad, besides the Ministry does not see the reason why Russia should change its decision. says that Russia has located nuclear weapons in one of its military bases in the Baltic Sea region. Russia’s Baltic Sea Navy press secretary says, “it could be a political provocation”. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia does not have any information about Russia’s decision to locate nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad, besides the Ministry does not see the reason why Russia should change its decision. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Jauna, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, ChasNeatkariga, Lauku Avize, Jauna, Respublika, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

Saeimas faction For Human Rights in the United Latvia, which is constituted of 3 political organisations, cannot come to an agreement regarding one common list of the candidates for municipal elections as well as the candidates for the post of the City mayor.

Neatkariga, Jauna

Russias newspaper Argumenti i Fakti interviews famous musician and also Saeimas deputy R.Pauls. He is a young, vivid and interesting person. These are hard times for him, but I hope he will be able to do something for Russia, says R.Pauls about Russias President. In his opinion the most difficult issue between the two countries is the issue regarding non-citizens. He also mentions that his wife who is Russian and comes from Odes has passed all naturalisation examinations in order to become a citizen of Latvia. Lauku Avize

Panorama Latvii

provided opportunity to its readers to call the newspaper and ask questions to the former chairman of Latvias Communist Party and current leader of the Socialistic Party A.Rubiks. People asked about the activities of the Socialistic Party in the Saeima. When asked about the perspectives of Latvia, A.Rubiks says that the only solution is the change of states leadership in Saeimas election in 2002. In regard to naturalisation issues A.Rubiks sees 2 goals to be achieved – 1) examinations passed in Latvian and history after secondary school should be considered as fulfilment of naturalisation requirements; 2) the spouse of a citizen should acquire the status of a citizen after 5 or more years in a marriage. provided opportunity to its readers to call the newspaper and ask questions to the former chairman of Latvia’s Communist Party and current leader of the Socialistic Party A.Rubiks. People asked about the activities of the Socialistic Party in the Saeima. When asked about the perspectives of Latvia, A.Rubiks says that the only solution is the change of state’s leadership in Saeima’s election in 2002. In regard to naturalisation issues A.Rubiks sees 2 goals to be achieved – 1) examinations passed in Latvian and history after secondary school should be considered as fulfilment of naturalisation requirements; 2) the spouse of a citizen should acquire the status of a citizen after 5 or more years in a marriage.

Vesti Segodnja

announces that the citizenship of Russia becomes more popular among the people of Latvia. In 1999 1200 persons became the citizens of Russia, however, in 9 months in 2000 already 1600 persons have received Russian citizenship and according to the representative of Russias embassy during last months of the year 2000 they received 100 applications a day. announces that the citizenship of Russia becomes more popular among the people of Latvia. In 1999 1200 persons became the citizens of Russia, however, in 9 months in 2000 already 1600 persons have received Russian citizenship and according to the representative of Russia’s embassy during last months of the year 2000 they received 100 applications a day.

Lauku Avize

and and DienaDiena interviews the new Sweden ambassador to Latvia T.Bertelman. interviews the new Sweden ambassador to Latvia T.Bertelman.

Янв. 3, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The ruling political organisation “Latvijai un Ventspilij” in Ventspils did not let Diena journalist to be present at organisation’s meeting. The chairman A.Lembergs announced that “the presence of

The ruling political organisation Latvijai un Ventspilij in Ventspils did not let Diena journalist to be present at organisations meeting. The chairman A.Lembergs announced that the presence of Diena journalist is not desired and made the journalist leave the building, thus violating the law regarding public organisations. Diena

Yesterday the National Television and Radio Council applied to the Court with the claim to annul the licence of the broadcasting station “Biznes&Baltija;”, as serious violations has been stated in the performance of the station, such as inadequate proportion of broadcasting time in a foreign language of a total broadcasting time and airing of the commercials in Russian during the broadcast of programmes in Latvian.

Yesterday the National Television and Radio Council applied to the Court with the claim to annul the licence of the broadcasting station Biznes&Baltija, as serious violations has been stated in the performance of the station, such as inadequate proportion of broadcasting time in a foreign language of a total broadcasting time and airing of the commercials in Russian during the broadcast of programmes in Latvian. Diena, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

gives brief analyses of performances of some Latvian Prime Ministers according to their New Years speeches. The current Prime Minister is assessed positively as in his speech he never mixed up 2 terms Latvians and the people of Latvia, paid special attention to naturalisation issues, was brave enough to say that we need good relations with Russia and have our share in Russias market. gives brief analyses of performances of some Latvian Prime Ministers according to their New Year’s speeches. The current Prime Minister is assessed positively as in his speech he “never mixed up 2 terms “Latvians” and “the people of Latvia”, paid special attention to naturalisation issues, was brave enough to say that we need good relations with Russia and have our share in Russia’s market”. Latvia’s chances to become a member of the EU sooner than it is expected have not improved because Sweden became the presiding state of the EU, thinks

Latvias chances to become a member of the EU sooner than it is expected have not improved because Sweden became the presiding state of the EU, thinks Vesti Segodnja journalist. It is more profitable for European countries to co-operate with Russia rather that be in the opposition to it.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes an article with the headline Who lives better – a Russian or Latvian pensioner?. According to the article – living conditions for pensioners in Russia are better. publishes an article with the headline “Who lives better – a Russian or Latvian pensioner?”. According to the article – living conditions for pensioners in Russia are better.


publishes an article concerning the introduction of the system when the people of Latvia elect the President. publishes an article concerning the introduction of the system when the people of Latvia elect the President.
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