Фев. 6, 2012

  • Representative of NGO Native Language: referendum in the beginning of the revival of ethnic Russian residents
A representative of the Zatler’s Reforms Part Viktors Makarovs at a discussion on inter-ethnic relations organised by news agency LETA stated that on 19 February – the next day after the referendum – residents who do not support introduction of the second state language will wake up with the sense of satisfaction. Those residents, who supported the initiative, in their turn, will be disappointed in their leaders who asserted that it is possible to achieve something.  Representative of the Russian NGO “Native Language” Illarions Girs, in his turn, stated that up-coming referendum is only beginning of the revival of ethnic Russian residents. According to Mr. Girs the referendum does not promote split of the society because the society is already split. As reported, the referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia will be conducted on 18 February.

A representative of the Zatlers Reforms Part Viktors Makarovs at a discussion on inter-ethnic relations organised by news agency LETA stated that on 19 February – the next day after the referendum – residents who do not support introduction of the second state language will wake up with the sense of satisfaction. Those residents, who supported the initiative, in their turn, will be disappointed in their leaders who asserted that it is possible to achieve something. Representative of the Russian NGO Native Language Illarions Girs, in his turn, stated that up-coming referendum is only beginning of the revival of ethnic Russian residents. According to Mr. Girs the referendum does not promote split of the society because the society is already split. As reported, the referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia will be conducted on 18 February. Chas

Фев. 3, 2012

  • Saeima adopted a statement On Latvian Languages State Role
  • The new Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks: in reality, Latvian political elite does not want integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia
  • 3,000 applications for residence permit received from foreign citizens in 2011
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article about increase of hate speech addressed to ethnic Russian residents
Yesterday, the Saeima adopted a statement “On Latvian Language’s State Role.” According to the statement, Latvian as the only state language is one of the milestones of the Constitution of Latvia and it is inseparable from Latvian identity, Latvian essence, its establishment and meaning of existence. The MPs state that Latvia is the only country where Latvian language and culture can exist and develop. The MPs call all Latvian citizens to take part in the national referendum and to support Latvian language as the only state language. The deputies of the Concord centre did not take part in the voting for the adoption of the statement.

Yesterday, the Saeima adopted a statement On Latvian Languages State Role. According to the statement, Latvian as the only state language is one of the milestones of the Constitution of Latvia and it is inseparable from Latvian identity, Latvian essence, its establishment and meaning of existence. The MPs state that Latvia is the only country where Latvian language and culture can exist and develop. The MPs call all Latvian citizens to take part in the national referendum and to support Latvian language as the only state language. The deputies of the Concord centre did not take part in the voting for the adoption of the statement. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

The new Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks in his interview to

The new Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks in his interview to www.politika.lv stated that in reality, Latvian political elite does not want integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia. According to Mr Muiznieks, part of the politicians wants assimilation, the other part wants deportations, and the other part wants integration but does not know what it is. At the same time, Mr Muiznieks believes that there are some positive moments in Latvian situation, for instance, the fact that during last 20 years ethnic non-Latvians sufficiently improved their Latvian language proficiency.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvia received 3,000 applications for residence permits from foreign citizens in 2011. This is twice more than in 2010. The majority of applicants are from Russia – 1,345 and Ukraine – 484.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvia received 3,000 applications for residence permits from foreign citizens in 2011. This is twice more than in 2010. The majority of applicants are from Russia – 1,345 and Ukraine – 484. Chas

Vesti Segodnya prints an article about increase of hate speech addressed to ethnic Russian residents of Latvia. According to the newspaper, on the threshold of the referendum on granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia many ethnic Latvian residents, politicians, representatives of various organisations express their enmity of the fact that Russian residents demand for widening of their rights. And the fact that part of ethnic Russian residents arrived to Latvia during Soviet times is used as the main argument to justify their enmity. The newspaper, also reminds about the spread of xenophobia prior and tragic events during the WWII, when the German minority was expelled, and some ethnic Latvians participated in extermination of Jews.

Фев. 1, 2012

Saeimas Legal Committee supported proposal on granting Latvian citizenship to children of Latvian non-citizens by application of one of the parents

  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins decided to take part in the referendum on 18 February
  • NGO Native Language asked international organisations to send human rights specialists to observe the discussions around the referendum

The Saeima’s Legal Committee supported the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating granting Latvian citizenship to children of Latvian non-citizens by application of one of the parents. At present, both parents should agree that the child is granted citizenship. The MPs also supported the proposal that non-citizen parents should permanently live in Latvia at least five years in order for their children to be grated citizenship.

The Saeimas Legal Committee supported the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating granting Latvian citizenship to children of Latvian non-citizens by application of one of the parents. At present, both parents should agree that the child is granted citizenship. The MPs also supported the proposal that non-citizen parents should permanently live in Latvia at least five years in order for their children to be grated citizenship. Chas

The President of Latvia Andris Berzins decided to take part in the referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of official in Latvia, although earlier the President stated that he will not take part in it. The President stated that all Latvian citizens have common future therefore they should defend Latvian language. Yesterday, also the representatives of  Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical Lutheran churches called Latvian citizens to take part in the referendum in to vote against the initiative.

The President of Latvia Andris Berzins decided to take part in the referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of official in Latvia, although earlier the President stated that he will not take part in it. The President stated that all Latvian citizens have common future therefore they should defend Latvian language. Yesterday, also the representatives of Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical Lutheran churches called Latvian citizens to take part in the referendum in to vote against the initiative. Neatkariga, Diena

An NGO “Native Language” appealed to a number of international organisations such as the OSCE, the PACE, and the UN asking to send to Latvia human rights specialists in order to observe the discussions around the up-coming referendum on granting Russian language status of a state language. According to the leader of the NGO Vladimirs Lindermans, the specialists in human rights should see that Latvia tells untruth to the international organisation that there are no problems.

An NGO Native Language appealed to a number of international organisations such as the OSCE, the PACE, and the UN asking to send to Latvia human rights specialists in order to observe the discussions around the up-coming referendum on granting Russian language status of a state language. According to the leader of the NGO Vladimirs Lindermans, the specialists in human rights should see that Latvia tells untruth to the international organisation that there are no problems. Chas

Янв. 31, 2012

President of Latvia Andris Berzins: the up-coming referendum is a consequence of political instability and economic problems
  • Opinion poll: Russian language will not become state language in Latvia no matter the results of the referendum
  • The President of Latvia Andris Berzins sent an open letter to the Saeima’s Speaker Solvita Aboltina, the Prime Minister Valdis Dombovskis and the Parliament’s factions criticizing principles of good governance in Latvia. The President called the MPs to search for common issues among political parties and among ethnic minorities living in the country. The President stated that there is lack of constructive co-operation between the political parties and it hinders development of the state. The President stated that the up-coming referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia is a consequence of political instability and economic problems.

    The President of Latvia Andris Berzins sent an open letter to the Saeimas Speaker Solvita Aboltina, the Prime Minister Valdis Dombovskis and the Parliaments factions criticizing principles of good governance in Latvia. The President called the MPs to search for common issues among political parties and among ethnic minorities living in the country. The President stated that there is lack of constructive co-operation between the political parties and it hinders development of the state. The President stated that the up-coming referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia is a consequence of political instability and economic problems. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

    According to an opinion poll conducted by the web site of the newspaper

    According to an opinion poll conducted by the web site of the newspaper Chas on the possible results of the referendum, the majority of respondents believe that Russian language will not become state language in Latvia no matter the results of the referendum. 31% of the respondents believe that the referendum will change nothing, 27% believe that Russian will not become state language even if majority of citizens will support the referendum, 23% believe that Russian will become state language, and 19% believe that there are issues in the country which are more important than language issues. As reported, the national referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia will be conducted on 18 February.

    Янв. 30, 2012

    • LAShOR conducted a festival of Russian culture and education in Latvia
    • ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga: citizens who care about Latvian should vote against the initiative at the referendum on 18 February

    Chas and Vesti Segodnya report about the closing events of a festival of Russian culture and education in Latvia conducted by Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction (LAShOR). Various events and competitions among students, teachers and schools got conducted since the beginning of December 2011. The festival is conducted in Latvia for the 12th year.

    Diena prints an interview with the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Commenting the up-coming national referendum on the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia, Mrs Vike-Freiberga states that everyone who cares about Latvian language should take part in the referendum and vote against the initiative. Mrs Vike-Freiberga believes that this referendum is a reference point for another Russias propaganda campaign against Latvia.

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