Март 8, 2012

  • State language inspector working in Daugavpils: people around 40 years of age face the biggest problems with Latvian language proficiency
According to a state language inspector working in Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia), people around 40 years of age or who were born in the beginning of 70-ies face the biggest problems with Latvian language proficiency. One of the reasons for that is that Latvian language learning at Russian schools during those years was very poor. At the same time, young people in the age of 23-25 years have no problems with state language. The most frequent state language violations are in the area of services.

According to a state language inspector working in Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia), people around 40 years of age or who were born in the beginning of 70-ies face the biggest problems with Latvian language proficiency. One of the reasons for that is that Latvian language learning at Russian schools during those years was very poor. At the same time, young people in the age of 23-25 years have no problems with state language. The most frequent state language violations are in the area of services. Latvijas Avize


Март 7, 2012

  • Riga City Council banned all the events on 16 March
  • Diena prints an article on children non-citizens
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the judge of the European Court of Human Rights Inta Ziemele
  • Saeimas subcommittee on statist education discussed education in ethnic minority schools
Yesterday, the Riga City Council banned all the events on 16 March (un-official commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires) in the centre of Riga. Several applications were submitted to the City Council for public events on this day from those who wanted to commemorate legionnaires by procession as well as by those who wanted to protest against such procession. The City Council based its decision on conclusions of the Security Police about possible incidents during the events. Most likely the decision will be appealed in the court. As reported, last year the City Council also banned all the events on 16 March, however, the court allowed all the events.

Yesterday, the Riga City Council banned all the events on 16 March (un-official commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires) in the centre of Riga. Several applications were submitted to the City Council for public events on this day from those who wanted to commemorate legionnaires by procession as well as by those who wanted to protest against such procession. The City Council based its decision on conclusions of the Security Police about possible incidents during the events. Most likely the decision will be appealed in the court. As reported, last year the City Council also banned all the events on 16 March, however, the court allowed all the events. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Diena reports that 13,500 children born in the families of Latvian non-citizens could have become Latvian citizens if their parents would only submitted application to register their child as citizen. The reasons why parents do not register their children as citizens in the majority of cases is the belief that the children who born in Latvia should be registered as citizens automatically and lack of knowledge about such option. Part of the parents face difficulties to receive agreement from both parents for childs registration as it is required by legal acts. Presently, the Saeima discusses how to relief the process of registration of a child as Latvian citizen and one of the proposals is that it would be enough with agreement of only one childs parent. The Zatlers Reforms Party also proposed to register all children born in Latvia as citizens automatically, however the Saeimas Legal Committee refused it.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the judge of the European Court of Human Rights Inta Ziemele. Mrs Ziemele believes that the results of the national referendum on the status of Russian language in Latvia clearly showed that the majority of citizens that the identity of the Latvian state with Latvian language as the only state language remains and will remain the same as in the times of foundation of Latvia as independent state. Mrs Ziemele also believes that in 1918 only nation of ethnic Latvians needed to have Latvia as independent state. Ethnic minorities who lived in Latvia did not need Latvian Republic. But Latvian politicians being very democratic evaluated that it will be impossible to exist without inclusion of ethnic groups which live in the territory of Latvia historically, and therefore, proclaimed Latvia as inclusive state.

The Saeima’s subcommittee on statist education discussed education in ethnic minority schools. Head of the subcommittee Raivis Dzintars (nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM) believes that it is disturbing that many young people who graduated Latvian schools voted for Russian language as a state language at national referendum and regularly attend the events of 9 May (Victory over Fascism Day). Mr Dzintars believes that reasons for that should be searched in the education system and how students are taught in minority schools especially about history of Latvia. It was also suggested to reprimand those teachers whose students participate in Victory over Fascism commemoration.

The Saeimas subcommittee on statist education discussed education in ethnic minority schools. Head of the subcommittee Raivis Dzintars (nationalists union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM) believes that it is disturbing that many young people who graduated Latvian schools voted for Russian language as a state language at national referendum and regularly attend the events of 9 May (Victory over Fascism Day). Mr Dzintars believes that reasons for that should be searched in the education system and how students are taught in minority schools especially about history of Latvia. It was also suggested to reprimand those teachers whose students participate in Victory over Fascism commemoration. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Март 6, 2012

  • Ministry of Education and Science will conduct a discussion about transition of all pre-school education into Latvian language
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews lecturer Andrejs Berdnikovs
  • Psychologist: activity of residents around the referendum is caused by fear of changes by ethnic Latvians
The council of cooperation of coalition’s parties asked the Ministry of Education and Science to conduct a discussion between the experts and parents about transition of all pre-school education into Latvian language. As reported, such draft amendments were proposed by the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM. The Minister of Education Roberts Kilis expressed his caution about the proposals arguing that for such changes there should be several preconditions – specially prepared stuff of kindergartens and attitude of families. The Minister believes it is important to evaluate whether the initiative would promote or hinder the children’s development.

The council of cooperation of coalitions parties asked the Ministry of Education and Science to conduct a discussion between the experts and parents about transition of all pre-school education into Latvian language. As reported, such draft amendments were proposed by the nationalists union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM. The Minister of Education Roberts Kilis expressed his caution about the proposals arguing that for such changes there should be several preconditions – specially prepared stuff of kindergartens and attitude of families. The Minister believes it is important to evaluate whether the initiative would promote or hinder the childrens development. Chas, Diena

Vesti Segodnya interviews the lecturer of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Latvia, ex-advisor of the Minister of Culture on integration issues Andrejs Berdnikovs. Mr Berdnikovs believes that ethnic Latvians and Russian speakers should cooperate in order to promote the integration process, however, it is not easy to find common issues which would gain support of both parties. Mr Berdnikovs believes that such cooperation could be established trough discussion on citizenship issues. Mr Berdnikovs considers that position of ethnic Latvians regarding widening rights for non-citizens or even granting citizenship automatically to non-citizens is not so strict as in the language issues and the dialogue in this area is possible.

A psychologist Nikolajs Serbakovs interviewed by

A psychologist Nikolajs Serbakovs interviewed by Telegraf believes that high activity of Latvian residents around the referendum on the status of Russian language in Latvia is caused by fear of changes by ethnic Latvians. The psychologist believes that the there are no ethnic tensions on daily level because people find a common language when necessary. However, the problem arises on ideological level as part of the residents including the elite of society has emotional problems which block communication and dialogue.

Март 5, 2012

Newspapers report about a conference Latvian Citizenship in XXI century
  • Daugavpils City Council granted LVL 10,000 for Latvian language courses
  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins: strength of Latvia is in its diversity
  • Students of Latvian and Russian language schools discussed ways how to consolidate the society
  • Neatkariga prints an article about integration and kindergartens in Riga
  • An international conference “Latvian Citizenship in XXI century” was held in Riga on 2 March. Latvian and foreign experts and politicians discussed the modernisation of the Citizenship Law. One of the main discussions’ issues was the dual citizenship. The Saeima’s Speaker Solvita Aboltina stated that citizenship has not only legal value, but also political and emotional value. And this means that a citizen should be loyal towards the state, respect its traditions, history, language and culture. At the same time, Mrs Aboltina believes that the state policy should be aimed at increase of the number of citizens and their descendants, therefore, it is important to allow dual citizenship for Latvians living abroad. Some politicians stated that Latvia should differentiate between countries, thus excluding its potential citizens in Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia from the right to a dual citizenship. Head of the Saeima’s Legal Committee, MP Ilma Cepane stated that dual citizenship should be allowed only with countries members of the EU, the NATO and the European Free Trade Association.

    An international conference Latvian Citizenship in XXI century was held in Riga on 2 March. Latvian and foreign experts and politicians discussed the modernisation of the Citizenship Law. One of the main discussions issues was the dual citizenship. The Saeimas Speaker Solvita Aboltina stated that citizenship has not only legal value, but also political and emotional value. And this means that a citizen should be loyal towards the state, respect its traditions, history, language and culture. At the same time, Mrs Aboltina believes that the state policy should be aimed at increase of the number of citizens and their descendants, therefore, it is important to allow dual citizenship for Latvians living abroad. Some politicians stated that Latvia should differentiate between countries, thus excluding its potential citizens in Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia from the right to a dual citizenship. Head of the Saeimas Legal Committee, MP Ilma Cepane stated that dual citizenship should be allowed only with countries members of the EU, the NATO and the European Free Trade Association. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

    The Daugavpils City Council granted LVL 10,000 for Latvian language courses for the city residents. It is planned that the courses will start in the middle of March.

    The Daugavpils City Council granted LVL 10,000 for Latvian language courses for the city residents. It is planned that the courses will start in the middle of March. Chas

    The President of Latvia Andris Berzins in an interview with

    The President of Latvia Andris Berzins in an interview with Chas states that Latvia was established as multiethnic state and the strength of the state is in its diversity and it should be preserved. The President also criticizes the politicians who speculate with the results of the referendum on the status of Russian language in such way raising their ratings. The President believes that the fact that a person has voted for the amendments granting Russian status of a state language at the referendum is not an indicator of his/her disloyalty.

    The political parties the Concord Centre and the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM conducted a meeting with students of Latvian and Russian language schools discussing ways how to consolidate the society. By the end of the discussion, the students made several proposals such as conduction of common events for ethnic Latvians and Russian speakers, promotion of common informative space, decrease of politicians’ influence on mass media content, and others.

    The political parties the Concord Centre and the nationalists union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM conducted a meeting with students of Latvian and Russian language schools discussing ways how to consolidate the society. By the end of the discussion, the students made several proposals such as conduction of common events for ethnic Latvians and Russian speakers, promotion of common informative space, decrease of politicians influence on mass media content, and others. Diena

    Neatkariga prints an article about integration and kindergartens in Riga. Commenting a proposal of the nationalists union All for Latvia!/FF-LNIM to set that education in all kindergarten should be only in Latvian language, the Mayor of Riga Nils Usakovs states the local government cannot force parents to give children to kindergartens with Latvian language of instructions. The Mayor believes that the best way of integration is mixed groups where children are taught in both Latvian and Russian languages. In Riga, there are 32 such groups. According to interviewed representatives of Rigas kindergartens, so-called Russian language kindergartens already provide many lessons and various events for children in Latvian language.

    Март 2, 2012

    • Saeima repeatedly refused the proposal to grant the Orthodox Christmas the status of a bank-holiday
    • State Language Centre receives complaints on violations of the State language Law more frequently
    • Diena interviews state language inspector in Daugavpils
    • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Minister of Culture Zanete Jaunzeme-Grende about integration issues

    Yesterday, the Saeima repeatedly refused the proposal of the Concord Centre to grant the Orthodox and Old Believers Christmas (7 January) the status of a bank-holiday. 46 MPs voted against the proposal, 43 voted for, one MP abstained from the voting, four MPs did not take part in it. After the voting, members of the Concord Centre blamed the MP, leader of the Zatlers Reforms Party Valdis Zatlers in double-facedness because two weeks ago he stated that he supports granting the 7 January status of a public holiday. However, neither Mr Zatlers nor other members of the party supported the proposal. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

    According to the State Language Centre (SLC), during the two first months of 2012, it has received more complaints on violations of the State Language Law than usually. During January and February of 2012, the SLC received 140 written and 54 oral complaints which is 1,5 times more than during the same period in 2011. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

    Diena interviews state language inspector in Daugavpils (city in the eastern part of Latvia.) According to the inspector, the most frequent violations of the State Language Law in the city are insufficient usage of Latvian language at work in state and municipal institutions and insufficient usage of Latvian in communication.

    Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Minister of Culture Zanete Jaunzeme-Grende about integration issues. The Minister believes that the biggest problem of integration in Latvia is in the different historical memory among Latvian residents. Therefore, it is very important that history subject in all Latvian schools has common content. The Minister also believes that at present the environment for integration is very aggressive and only by showing respect towards each other it is possible to change it.

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