Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Дек. 19, 2005

  • Baltic Forum held a discussion on aspects of integration
The public organization “Baltic Forum” held a discussion on the aspects of integration. Different integration experts, deputies of the Saeima, representatives of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL in its Russian acronym) and the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Language Schools took part in the discussion to develop new ideas and find compromises. A representative of the OKROL stated that a dialogue between Latvians and Russian might take place if only the existence of the two communities – Russians and Latvians – are formally established and recognized. However, independent deputy of the Saeima Aleksandrs Kirsteins (known for his nationalistic viewpoints) stated that there will never be a two-community state in Latvia. Another member of the OKROL stated that the government should not ignore wishes of non-Latvians, and Latvians must think about public conciliation and compromise with Russians. A member of the radical nationalistic organization “All for Latvia” replied that Latvia will remain a national state and there can not be any compromises with Russians while there are two contradicting understandings of the national history.

The public organization Baltic Forum held a discussion on the aspects of integration. Different integration experts, deputies of the Saeima, representatives of the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia (OKROL in its Russian acronym) and the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian Language Schools took part in the discussion to develop new ideas and find compromises. A representative of the OKROL stated that a dialogue between Latvians and Russian might take place if only the existence of the two communities – Russians and Latvians – are formally established and recognized. However, independent deputy of the Saeima Aleksandrs Kirsteins (known for his nationalistic viewpoints) stated that there will never be a two-community state in Latvia. Another member of the OKROL stated that the government should not ignore wishes of non-Latvians, and Latvians must think about public conciliation and compromise with Russians. A member of the radical nationalistic organization All for Latvia replied that Latvia will remain a national state and there can not be any compromises with Russians while there are two contradicting understandings of the national history. Latvijas Avize

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  • Integration Monitor - daily Latvian press digest on minority and social integration issues


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