Integration monitor

Integration monitor is a daily Latvian press digest on ethnic minority and society integration issues. The Monitor reviews the biggest Latvian dailies: Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga (in Latvian language), Vesti Segodnya (in Russian language). In specific cases other information sources are used. Latvian Centre for Human Rights is not responsible for information published by the media.

Дек. 14, 2005

  • Naturalisation Board develops draft amendments to the Citizenship Law
  • Prosecutor reverses the judgement in the bribery case of former employees of the Naturalisation Board
The Naturalisation Board has developed the draw amendments to the Citizenship Law. The draft amendments foresee a number of changes. According to the draft amendments, a naturalisation applicant who would fail to come to naturalisation exams without notification and justified reason two times in a row, will be denied the grant of citizenship. A representative of the Naturalisation Board motivates the amendments by unserious attitude of a number of applicants towards naturalisation – “last year only, 1,200 persons failed to come to exams and did not provide any notification,” said the representative.

The Naturalisation Board has developed the draw amendments to the Citizenship Law. The draft amendments foresee a number of changes. According to the draft amendments, a naturalisation applicant who would fail to come to naturalisation exams without notification and justified reason two times in a row, will be denied the grant of citizenship. A representative of the Naturalisation Board motivates the amendments by unserious attitude of a number of applicants towards naturalisation – last year only, 1,200 persons failed to come to exams and did not provide any notification, said the representative. Chas

The Public Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has abolished the ruling in the bribery case of two ex-staff workers of the Naturalisation Board. As reported, the Court charged the two accused with four years and one and a half year of conventional imprisonment for receiving bribes for helping to receive Latvian citizenship. A representative of the Prosecutor General Office stated that the Prosecutor believes that the accused should be sentenced to actual imprisonment in this case.

The Public Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court has abolished the ruling in the bribery case of two ex-staff workers of the Naturalisation Board. As reported, the Court charged the two accused with four years and one and a half year of conventional imprisonment for receiving bribes for helping to receive Latvian citizenship. A representative of the Prosecutor General Office stated that the Prosecutor believes that the accused should be sentenced to actual imprisonment in this case. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

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