
Consultative/ advisory bodies for immigrants. National policy brief - LATVIA

 Consultative/ advisory bodies for immigrants. National policy brief - LATVIA

The National policy brief is prepared in the framework of a project „Fostering political participation and policy involvement of migrants in 9 Central and Eastern EU countries” (Agreement No. HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/ CFP/4234) supported by the European Commission's Fund fo the Integration of Third Country Nationals. The project is co-funded by the European Union Goal Encourage political participation of third country nationals through national and local level consultative bodies on integration, thus giving them an opportunity to elaborate, implement and monitor matters directly affecting them.

Published : 2014-09-18

Electoral participation of third-country nationals. National policy brief - LATVIA

Electoral participation of third-country nationals.  National policy brief - LATVIA

The National policy brief is prepared in the framework of o project „Fostering political participation and policy involvement of migrants in 9 Central and Eastern EU countries” (Agreement No. HOME/2013/EIFX/CA/ CFP/4234) supported by the European Commission's Fund fo the Integration of Third Country Nationals. The project is co-funded by the European Union. Goal Promote political participation, which is based on the principle of equal opportunities, of the permanently staying third country nationals, including non-citizens, through initiating discussion on electoral rights and facilitating the naturalisation process.

Published : 2014-07-16