March 13, 1997

Press Report


The Saeima Committee on Education and Culture suggested to amend the procedure of granting Latvian citizenship for an outstanding service to the country. Committee members believe that the notion of "an outstanding service" should be withdrawn from the law and citizenship should be granted by the President. Head of the Committee Dzintars Abikis told the press that corresponding amendments should be introduced into the Citizenship Law because of heated arguments over each candidate for citizenship in the Saeima. Chairman of the Saeima Human Rights Committee Antons Seiksts also believes that the procedure should be changed since candidates often prove to be "merely financial supporters of a political party". Mr. Seiksts suggests drafting a clear explanation of the term "an outstanding service" to be included in the Citizenship Law. Although "Tevzemei un Brivibai" opposes granting of citizenship for an outstanding service, it will not support amending the Citizenship Law. "TB" deputy Aigars Jirgens says that the faction is against any changes to the Citizenship Law that might serve as a precedent for a more profound amending of the Law. Mr. Jirgens believes granting of citizenship to few persons for an outstanding service to Latvia to be "a lesser evil than creating a situation when thousands would obtain the right for extraordinary naturalization" as a result of amending the Citizenship Law. Diena, B&B


The Saeima Committee for Human Rights and Social Issues declined proposal by deputy Vladlen Dozortsev ("Peoples' Harmony") on granting non-citizens the right to work as lawyers. Chairman of the Committee Anton Seiksts told the press that the restriction set by the legislation in force did not contradict international human rights conventions. Neatkariga

Deputy-Chairman of the

Deputy-Chairman of the Duma Committe for the Affairs of the CIS and Compatriots Abroad Vyacheslav Igrunov ("Yabloko" - "Apple") took part in the drafting of the Law "On Compatriots". According to Mr. Igrunov, the Committee worked its own draft that contradicts several international and Russian legal norms. He does not believe that the draft law would be passed by the Council of the Federation and by the President. In an interview for "SM" Mr. Igrunov said that he saw no evidence of a noticeable improvement in non-citizens' situation in Latvia. The "Yabloko" faction strongly objects to NATO enlargement and to the joining of NATO by the Baltic states in particular believing it to be a threat to stability in Europe. Mr. Igrunov confirms that the entire political spectrum represented in the Russian Duma saw NATO enlargement as a challenge to Russia. SM

March 12, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

The Ministry of Justice is investigating the refusal of judges in Daugavpils to consider Vidavsky's case. Two judges of the Daugavpils City Court are suspected in deliberately postponing the hearing of Mayor Vidavsky's case. Mr. Vidavsky was accused of unlawfully running for a second term in office being a former active Communist party member. He is suspected in taking part in the Plenary Session of the Latvian communist Party on January 14, 1991. According to the law, individuals who were Communist Party members after January 13, 1991, do not have the right to run for posts in self-governments. Mr. Vidavsky believes the law to be absurd and claims that he participated in the Plenary Session on January 13 and not on January 14. Vidavsky's case should have been considered by the court before the start of local elections. Still, one of the judges fell ill while the other one said that being Vidavsky's supporter he could not take the case.

The Ministry of Justice is investigating the refusal of judges in Daugavpils to consider Vidavsky's case. Two judges of the Daugavpils City Court are suspected in deliberately postponing the hearing of Mayor Vidavsky's case. Mr. Vidavsky was accused of unlawfully running for a second term in office being a former active Communist party member. He is suspected in taking part in the Plenary Session of the Latvian communist Party on January 14, 1991. According to the law, individuals who were Communist Party members after January 13, 1991, do not have the right to run for posts in self-governments. Mr. Vidavsky believes the law to be absurd and claims that he participated in the Plenary Session on January 13 and not on January 14. Vidavsky's case should have been considered by the court before the start of local elections. Still, one of the judges fell ill while the other one said that being Vidavsky's supporter he could not take the case. Diena

Prime-Minister Skele, several Cabinet members and Ministry of the Interior officials will discuss the reinforcement of Latvia's Eastern border today at the Ministry. Yesterday the Government supported Minister of the Interior Turlais' plan of reinforcing Latvia's border that would require around 15 million Lats for its implementation. According to Turlais, considerable improvement was required since the Eastern border of the country will become the European Union border as well.

Prime-Minister Skele, several Cabinet members and Ministry of the Interior officials will discuss the reinforcement of Latvia's Eastern border today at the Ministry. Yesterday the Government supported Minister of the Interior Turlais' plan of reinforcing Latvia's border that would require around 15 million Lats for its implementation. According to Turlais, considerable improvement was required since the Eastern border of the country will become the European Union border as well. Neatkariga

SIPRI (a Swedish international research institute) experts believe that Russia could agree to former Warsaw Pact countries joining NATO. Still, Russia will never agree to the Baltic states and other former USSR republics joining the bloc.

SIPRI (a Swedish international research institute) experts believe that Russia could agree to former Warsaw Pact countries joining NATO. Still, Russia will never agree to the Baltic states and other former USSR republics joining the bloc. Diena

March 11, 1997

Press Report

56.8% of voters participated in the local elections last weekend (March 9). Social Democrats took the majority of seats in the Daugavpils City Council. A Daugavpils Court judge refused to consider Vidavsky's case explaining that he voted for Vidavsky in previous elections. Vidavsky is accused of being an active member of the National Salvation Committee in 1991. In his interview for

56.8% of voters participated in the local elections last weekend (March 9). Social Democrats took the majority of seats in the Daugavpils City Council. A Daugavpils Court judge refused to consider Vidavsky's case explaining that he voted for Vidavsky in previous elections. Vidavsky is accused of being an active member of the National Salvation Committee in 1991. In his interview for "SM" Vidavsky denies the fact. 9 out of 15 seats in the Liepaja City Council were taken by candidates from the joint list of "Latvijas Cels", the Union of Christian Democrats, the Christian People's Party and the Farmers' Union. The seats were divided among political parties almost equally in Jelgava, Rezekne and Jurmala. Voters were to choose from a single list of candidates ("For Ventspils") in Ventspils. The Latvian Social-Democratic Party and the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers' Party gained 11 out of 60 seats in the Riga City Council. The two Social-Democratic parties still may remain in opposition in the Riga City Council if "Tevzemei un Brivibai" (10 seats), "Latvijas Cels" (9 seats), "Saimnieks" (5 seats), the Farmers' Union and LNNK (3 seats each) and the Greens (2 seats) manage to form a coalition. The rest of the seats are taken by "Equal Rights" (3), the National Progress Party, and "People's Harmony", Zigerist's party and the Russian Party (2 seats each). Diena, SM

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said that recent steps taken by Russia and Latvia mark a positive development of relations between the two countries. At his yesterday's press-conference Mr. Birkavs stressed that political aspect of co-operation between Latvia and Russia still lacked stability. He expressed hope that remaining former Russian servicemen would be withdrawn from Latvia before 15 May 1997 according to the agreement between the two countries. 800 former Russian servicemen retired after February 1992 have applied for permanent residence permits. 570 of them have been already issued with the permits.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs said that recent steps taken by Russia and Latvia mark a positive development of relations between the two countries. At his yesterday's press-conference Mr. Birkavs stressed that political aspect of co-operation between Latvia and Russia still lacked stability. He expressed hope that remaining former Russian servicemen would be withdrawn from Latvia before 15 May 1997 according to the agreement between the two countries. 800 former Russian servicemen retired after February 1992 have applied for permanent residence permits. 570 of them have been already issued with the permits. Diena, LV

According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, talks between Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov and NATO Secretary General Solana gave "positive" results. Still, certain problems remained unresolved, says the statement by the Ministry. Last Friday Mr. Primakov told the press that Russia still objected to NATO enlargement while NATO representatives say that Russia and NATO are working on certain documents that would provide guarantees of Russia's security.

According to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, talks between Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov and NATO Secretary General Solana gave "positive" results. Still, certain problems remained unresolved, says the statement by the Ministry. Last Friday Mr. Primakov told the press that Russia still objected to NATO enlargement while NATO representatives say that Russia and NATO are working on certain documents that would provide guarantees of Russia's security. Diena, Neatkariga

March 10, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

According to preliminary results of self-government elections held last weekend, the largest number of votes was won by "Tevzemei un Brivibai", the Social Democrats (a joint list of candidates representing the Latvian Social-Democratic Party and the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers="" Party),

According to preliminary results of self-government elections held last weekend, the largest number of votes was won by "Tevzemei un Brivibai", the Social Democrats (a joint list of candidates representing the Latvian Social-Democratic Party and the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers="" Party), ALatvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks". The Social Democrats were more successful in the local elections this year. The official results of the elections are expected in seven days. Diena, B&B

The Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Workers' Party will sue Prime-Minister Skele for offensive statements made while addressing the people of Latvia on the national TV last Thursday. The Prime-Minister said that the Social-Democrats were headed by former KGB officers and Communist leaders while members of the two parties would have welcomed Soviet tanks. Skele in his speech called upon voters not to support left-wing parties in local elections.

The Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Workers' Party will sue Prime-Minister Skele for offensive statements made while addressing the people of Latvia on the national TV last Thursday. The Prime-Minister said that the Social-Democrats were headed by former KGB officers and Communist leaders while members of the two parties would have welcomed Soviet tanks. Skele in his speech called upon voters not to support left-wing parties in local elections. Diena

According to

According to "The Washington Post", Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov during his meeting with NATO representatives demanded guarantees of not admitting former USSR republics to NATO. Russia's demands also include a ten-year moratorium on NATO enlargement after its first stage is accomplished in 1999. SM

Boris Tsilevich believes that building an "ethnic state" instead of a political nation impedes Latvia's development as a European country. Tsilevich points at the low percentage of non-Latvians in the Saeima (10%) and among government officials and civil servants. Tsilevich notes that citizenship is viewed as a mechanism for safeguarding the rule of ethnic Latvians. He points at the fact that the Human Rights Bureau "gave ambiguous assessment" of the Cabinet of Ministers regulations requiring that all applicants for unemployment benefits should have passed a test in the state language.

Boris Tsilevich believes that building an "ethnic state" instead of a political nation impedes Latvia's development as a European country. Tsilevich points at the low percentage of non-Latvians in the Saeima (10%) and among government officials and civil servants. Tsilevich notes that citizenship is viewed as a mechanism for safeguarding the rule of ethnic Latvians. He points at the fact that the Human Rights Bureau "gave ambiguous assessment" of the Cabinet of Ministers regulations requiring that all applicants for unemployment benefits should have passed a test in the state language. SM

March 8, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

According to preliminary results of self-government elections held last weekend, the largest number of votes was won by "Tevzemei un Brivibai", the Social Democrats (a joint list of candidates representing the Latvian Social-Democratic Party and the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers="" Party),

According to preliminary results of self-government elections held last weekend, the largest number of votes was won by "Tevzemei un Brivibai", the Social Democrats (a joint list of candidates representing the Latvian Social-Democratic Party and the Latvian Social-Democratic Workers="" Party), ALatvijas Cels" and "Saimnieks". The Social Democrats were more successful in the local elections this year. The official results of the elections are expected in seven days. Diena, B&B

The Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Workers' Party will sue Prime-Minister Skele for offensive statements made while addressing the people of Latvia on the national TV last Thursday. The Prime-Minister said that the Social-Democrats were headed by former KGB officers and Communist leaders while members of the two parties would have welcomed Soviet tanks. Skele in his speech called upon voters not to support left-wing parties in local elections.

The Social Democratic Party and the Social Democratic Workers' Party will sue Prime-Minister Skele for offensive statements made while addressing the people of Latvia on the national TV last Thursday. The Prime-Minister said that the Social-Democrats were headed by former KGB officers and Communist leaders while members of the two parties would have welcomed Soviet tanks. Skele in his speech called upon voters not to support left-wing parties in local elections. Diena

According to

According to "The Washington Post", Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov during his meeting with NATO representatives demanded guarantees of not admitting former USSR republics to NATO. Russia's demands also include a ten-year moratorium on NATO enlargement after its first stage is accomplished in 1999. SM

Boris Tsilevich believes that building an "ethnic state" instead of a political nation impedes Latvia's development as a European country. Tsilevich points at the low percentage of non-Latvians in the Saeima (10%) and among government officials and civil servants. Tsilevich notes that citizenship is viewed as a mechanism for safeguarding the rule of ethnic Latvians. He points at the fact that the Human Rights Bureau "gave ambiguous assessment" of the Cabinet of Ministers regulations requiring that all applicants for unemployment benefits should have passed a test in the state language.

Boris Tsilevich believes that building an "ethnic state" instead of a political nation impedes Latvia's development as a European country. Tsilevich points at the low percentage of non-Latvians in the Saeima (10%) and among government officials and civil servants. Tsilevich notes that citizenship is viewed as a mechanism for safeguarding the rule of ethnic Latvians. He points at the fact that the Human Rights Bureau "gave ambiguous assessment" of the Cabinet of Ministers regulations requiring that all applicants for unemployment benefits should have passed a test in the state language. SM

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