March 26, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

President Ulmanis said that Boris Yeltsin's recent assessment of Latvia's annexation by the USSR was "a note of hope". The Latvian President believes the Baltic states to be the most sensitive point in the European security system. Therefore, Russia could contribute to the forming of the joint security system by recognizing the right of the Baltic states to choose their security model.

President Ulmanis said that Boris Yeltsin's recent assessment of Latvia's annexation by the USSR was "a note of hope". The Latvian President believes the Baltic states to be the most sensitive point in the European security system. Therefore, Russia could contribute to the forming of the joint security system by recognizing the right of the Baltic states to choose their security model. Diena

Yesterday Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs informed the press that Latvia was ready to initial the border agreement with Russia after delimitation maps were prepared. The sides will start working on the maps and will proceed with the talks on April 22 in Moscow.

Yesterday Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs informed the press that Latvia was ready to initial the border agreement with Russia after delimitation maps were prepared. The sides will start working on the maps and will proceed with the talks on April 22 in Moscow. Diena

The CID will start distributing application forms for the issuance of new non-citizens' passports in the beginning of April. The forms will be available at post-offices and at local CID offices. Applicants will be able to fill out the forms both in Latvian and Russian. Passports will be issued within twenty dates from the day of submission of an application. Applicants are requested to used the services of photo studios licensed by the CID. According to Deputy-Head of the CID Passport Department Dzintra Peneze, first passports will be issued on April 10. The new non-citizen's passport has been recognized by the US, Estonia and Lithuania. Holders of new passports will not need visas for entering Lithuania and Estonia. Russia has not officially recognized the new passports yet.

The CID will start distributing application forms for the issuance of new non-citizens' passports in the beginning of April. The forms will be available at post-offices and at local CID offices. Applicants will be able to fill out the forms both in Latvian and Russian. Passports will be issued within twenty dates from the day of submission of an application. Applicants are requested to used the services of photo studios licensed by the CID. According to Deputy-Head of the CID Passport Department Dzintra Peneze, first passports will be issued on April 10. The new non-citizen's passport has been recognized by the US, Estonia and Lithuania. Holders of new passports will not need visas for entering Lithuania and Estonia. Russia has not officially recognized the new passports yet. Diena, B&B

Andris Berzins of

Andris Berzins of "Latvijas Cels" was elected Mayor of Riga yesterday. Other two candidates were Andris Argalis ("Tevzemei un Brivibai") and Janis Gulbis (the Social Democrats). Diena

March 25, 1997

Press Review

Prime-Minister Skele believes that leaving Latvia outside NATO and the European Union may lead to confrontation between the West and Russia. During his meeting with German bankers the Prime-Minister stressed the inadmissibility of creating "gray zones" in Europe. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Andrejs Pildegovics, while commenting on President Yeltsin's statements made in Helsinki, said that Latvia would not accept unilateral or bilateral security guarantees seeing NATO membership as the only way of maintaining its security. Mr. Pildegovics noted that Latvia welcomed Yeltsin's assessment of Latvia's annexation by the USSR. (The Russian President told the press that Russia had to guarantee security of the Baltic states to dispel their concern about the possibility of a repeated occupation. Mr. Yeltsin also noted that Russia should not only complain about restrictions of the rights of Russian speakers but should also focus on establishing closer relations with the Baltic States.

Prime-Minister Skele believes that leaving Latvia outside NATO and the European Union may lead to confrontation between the West and Russia. During his meeting with German bankers the Prime-Minister stressed the inadmissibility of creating "gray zones" in Europe. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press-Secretary Andrejs Pildegovics, while commenting on President Yeltsin's statements made in Helsinki, said that Latvia would not accept unilateral or bilateral security guarantees seeing NATO membership as the only way of maintaining its security. Mr. Pildegovics noted that Latvia welcomed Yeltsin's assessment of Latvia's annexation by the USSR. (The Russian President told the press that Russia had to guarantee security of the Baltic states to dispel their concern about the possibility of a repeated occupation. Mr. Yeltsin also noted that Russia should not only complain about restrictions of the rights of Russian speakers but should also focus on establishing closer relations with the Baltic States. Diena

The Kiskis family was expelled from Holland after applying to the Latvian Embassy for a document confirming that the family members were not citizens of Latvia. The document was required for obtaining permanent residence permits. Instead of issuing the document the Embassy misinformed the Dutch Immigration Police claiming that the family intended to return to Latvia. The Kiskises, while staying in Holland, lost their

The Kiskis family was expelled from Holland after applying to the Latvian Embassy for a document confirming that the family members were not citizens of Latvia. The document was required for obtaining permanent residence permits. Instead of issuing the document the Embassy misinformed the Dutch Immigration Police claiming that the family intended to return to Latvia. The Kiskises, while staying in Holland, lost their "propiska" in Latvia. They applied to the Liepaja City authorities for an apartment. Although the family lived in Liepaja before leaving for Holland, the city authorities refused to provide them with a suitable apartment. The Olaine refugee camp authorities refused to give them a temporary shelter, since all members of the family had personal codes in their passports. In their interview for "SM" the Kiskises complained about the lack of assistance form Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs and from OSCE, UN and Human Rights Bureau representatives. SM

The Daugavpils City Court suspended consideration of Mayor Vidavsky's case due to the lack of sufficient proofs of Mr. Vidavsky's active membership in the Communist Party after January 13, 1991. The Procurator General's Office has the right to demand a review of the case by the Latgale District Court within ten days.

The Daugavpils City Court suspended consideration of Mayor Vidavsky's case due to the lack of sufficient proofs of Mr. Vidavsky's active membership in the Communist Party after January 13, 1991. The Procurator General's Office has the right to demand a review of the case by the Latgale District Court within ten days. Diena, B&B

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima voted for suspending the immunity of independent deputy Krisbergs. The deputy is accused of illegal financial transactions and fraud. B&B

Latvia paid a part of its debt to the UN and regained its right to vote at the General Assembly. Diena

Latvia paid a part of its debt to the UN and regained its right to vote at the General Assembly. Diena

March 24, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

President Yeltsin told the press that Russia would guarantee security of the three Baltic states. While touching upon the results of his meeting with President Clinton, the Russian President noted that the parties "still had different opinions on admission of former USSR republics to NATO". Member of the Russian President's Council Sergey Karaganov told

President Yeltsin told the press that Russia would guarantee security of the three Baltic states. While touching upon the results of his meeting with President Clinton, the Russian President noted that the parties "still had different opinions on admission of former USSR republics to NATO". Member of the Russian President's Council Sergey Karaganov told "DIENA" that Russia would prefer Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to follow Finland's example in their security policy. The US agreed not to deploy nuclear arms on the territory of new members of the bloc and to support the joining of international economic institutions by Russia. Observers point out that no binding documents were signed during the summit. Diena

Last Saturday Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the border agreement with Estonia would be signed only after Estonia stops discriminating Russian-speakers. "We only want Estonia to take into consideration OSCE recommendations," said Primakov.

Last Saturday Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that the border agreement with Estonia would be signed only after Estonia stops discriminating Russian-speakers. "We only want Estonia to take into consideration OSCE recommendations," said Primakov. Duma Deputy-Speaker Alexander Shohin told the press that Russia could use economic sanctions against Baltic states as a response to discrimination of Russian-speakers. Diena

Another round of border talks between Russia and Latvia was accomplished early in the morning on Saturday. The parties drafted an agreement on the state border and, according to Head of the Latvian Delegation Aivars Vovers, will settle technical issues during the next round of talks in April. Head of the Russian Delegation Mr. Chizhov in an interview for

Another round of border talks between Russia and Latvia was accomplished early in the morning on Saturday. The parties drafted an agreement on the state border and, according to Head of the Latvian Delegation Aivars Vovers, will settle technical issues during the next round of talks in April. Head of the Russian Delegation Mr. Chizhov in an interview for "SM" said that the problem of Russian-speakers should not be connected to the border agreement.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in an interview for

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in an interview for "Radio Biznes i Baltiya" said that he believed Latvia could resolve the problem of Russian-speakers. He stressed that Latvia="s" integration into European community required introducing internationally accepted "principles of relations between its inhabitants." B&B

Today the Daugavpils City Court is expected to end the hearing of Mr. Vidavsky's case. If recognized guilty, Vidavsky will have to resign from the post of Mayor. Last Friday hundreds of his supporters picketed the court in Daugavpils and carried the Mayor from the court room to his office.

Today the Daugavpils City Court is expected to end the hearing of Mr. Vidavsky's case. If recognized guilty, Vidavsky will have to resign from the post of Mayor. Last Friday hundreds of his supporters picketed the court in Daugavpils and carried the Mayor from the court room to his office. Diena, SM

March 21, 1997

Press Report

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima declined amendments to the Citizenship Law drafted by the Saeima Committee on Education and Science. According to the amendments, the President would be given the right to suggest candidates to be granted citizenship for an outstanding service to Latvia. The candidates were to be supported by a the Saeima. "Tevzemei un Brivibai" faction did not agree to bringing any amendments to the Citizenship Law and to extending the powers of the President. Neatkariga

According to Danish newspaper

According to Danish newspaper "B.T.", the Danish Prime-Minister's chancellory crossed out a period from the Queen's speech delivered at a dinner on March 18. The part of the speech crossed out said that Denmark supported the joining of NATO by the Baltic countries. President Ulmanis refused to comment on the issue at a press-conference. Diena

Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Sergey Yastrzhembsky said that issues related to the Baltic states would not be on the agenda of the Helsinki summit. Mr. Yastrzhembsky stressed that Yeltsin's meeting with President Clinton was not directed against third parties. "We will not decide the fate of independent countries behind their backs," said the Press-Secretary. Spokesmen for American and Russian sides at the meeting say that reaching a definite agreement on NATO enlargement was not among the objectives of the summit.

Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Sergey Yastrzhembsky said that issues related to the Baltic states would not be on the agenda of the Helsinki summit. Mr. Yastrzhembsky stressed that Yeltsin's meeting with President Clinton was not directed against third parties. "We will not decide the fate of independent countries behind their backs," said the Press-Secretary. Spokesmen for American and Russian sides at the meeting say that reaching a definite agreement on NATO enlargement was not among the objectives of the summit. Diena

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the recent parade of the SS Legion veterans in Riga and an act of vandalism against the Monument to the Liberators of Riga.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the recent parade of the SS Legion veterans in Riga and an act of vandalism against the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. SM

The Riga City Council decided to reorganize the Riga Experimental Polish School. According to the city authorities, the school does not meet standard requirements and will be merged with the Polish Secondary School. Still, the Union of Latvia's Poles believes that the reorganization means the closure of the school.

The Riga City Council decided to reorganize the Riga Experimental Polish School. According to the city authorities, the school does not meet standard requirements and will be merged with the Polish Secondary School. Still, the Union of Latvia's Poles believes that the reorganization means the closure of the school. Diena

March 20, 1997

Press Report

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that Danish Prime-Minister Rasmussen promised assistance in resolving the problems impeding Latvia's joining of the European Union. Mr. Birkavs said that he was concerned about the lack of clear prospects for Latvia's admission to the European Union. The Danish side confirmed that it would further support the joining of NATO by Latvia.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Birkavs told the press that Danish Prime-Minister Rasmussen promised assistance in resolving the problems impeding Latvia's joining of the European Union. Mr. Birkavs said that he was concerned about the lack of clear prospects for Latvia's admission to the European Union. The Danish side confirmed that it would further support the joining of NATO by Latvia. Diena

Most analysts forecast the Helsinki summit to end without any tangible results. Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky told

Most analysts forecast the Helsinki summit to end without any tangible results. Yeltsin's Press-Secretary Yastrzhembsky told "DIENA" that the President could agree to Russia and NATO providing joint security guarantees to the Baltic states. Recent Yeltsin's interviews show that he will demand strict guarantees of non-deployment of nuclear arms and anti-missile systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Russia may also demand reviewing the agreement on conventional arms. Diena

Latvia will conclude agreements with Sweden, Norway and Iceland on illegal immigration. Such agreements have been already concluded with Denmark and Finland.

Latvia will conclude agreements with Sweden, Norway and Iceland on illegal immigration. Such agreements have been already concluded with Denmark and Finland. Diena

After April 7 the CID will accept photos of applicants for citizens' and non-citizens' passports produced only by certified studios. According to CID Deputy-Director Andris Leins, the procedure of certification will not be complicated or time- consuming. The CID will set strict requirements to the quality of photos.

After April 7 the CID will accept photos of applicants for citizens' and non-citizens' passports produced only by certified studios. According to CID Deputy-Director Andris Leins, the procedure of certification will not be complicated or time- consuming. The CID will set strict requirements to the quality of photos. B&B

Member of the Moscow "Helsinki Group" and the President's Committee on Human Rights Nikolay Monahov in an interview for

Member of the Moscow "Helsinki Group" and the President's Committee on Human Rights Nikolay Monahov in an interview for "Panorama Latvii" said that the Committee received huge numbers of letters from Latvia on human rights violations. Mr. Monahov, a former dissident, believes that observance of human rights in Russia may be provided only through strengthening state power. PL

Tomorrow (March 21) the Daugavpils City court will consider Aleksey Vidavsky's case. Vidavky, recently elected Mayor of Daugavpils, is accused of active participation in the activities of the Communist Party before 13 January 1991. He will have to leave his post if the fact is confirmed by the court.

Tomorrow (March 21) the Daugavpils City court will consider Aleksey Vidavsky's case. Vidavky, recently elected Mayor of Daugavpils, is accused of active participation in the activities of the Communist Party before 13 January 1991. He will have to leave his post if the fact is confirmed by the court. B&B

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