Oct. 6, 1999

Press Report

Preliminary results of the signature collecting campaign show that referendum on Pension Law amendments will be held as more than one tenth of the voters have signed. Preliminary figures are 183,231 (184,569 in

Preliminary results of the signature collecting campaign show that referendum on Pension Law amendments will be held as more than one tenth of the voters have signed. Preliminary figures are 183,231 (184,569 in Neatkariga) or 13.7% of the voters. Official data will be released October 11. Referendum should take place in November or December. Diena, other national dailies


runs an article about the goals and results of the Latvian Language Training Program and the study about the attitude of Russian school students, their parents and teachers toward Latvia and Latvian language. runs an article about the goals and results of the Latvian Language Training Program and the study about the attitude of Russian school students, their parents and teachers toward Latvia and Latvian language. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that Latvia has made its effort to improve the relations between Latvia and Russia. The reasons for periodical pressure coming from Russia both in economics and politics should be looked for in Russia itself. She made the statement during her visit in Ventspils.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that Latvia has made its effort to improve the relations between Latvia and Russia. The reasons for periodical pressure coming from Russia both in economics and politics should be looked for in Russia itself. She made the statement during her visit in Ventspils. Neatkariga

The former students of the liquidated Riga Aviation University, now students of Riga Technical University are having almost all lectures in Russian which is a violation of the Language Law. Chancellor of the University has promised that lectures will be conducted in Latvian in near future.

The former students of the liquidated Riga Aviation University, now students of Riga Technical University are having almost all lectures in Russian which is a violation of the Language Law. Chancellor of the University has promised that lectures will be conducted in Latvian in near future. Neatkariga

Saeima's Commission for Social and Labor Affairs yesterday did not support submitting of the new Pension Law amendments to the Saeima as the opposition wanted to find out additional information about them as well as to see the results of signature collecting campaign.

Saeima's Commission for Social and Labor Affairs yesterday did not support submitting of the new Pension Law amendments to the Saeima as the opposition wanted to find out additional information about them as well as to see the results of signature collecting campaign. Diena

Latvian government postponed for two weeks considering of the issue of whether to allow the Latvian language exam taken by graduates in non-Latvian schools to be counted for naturalization test.

Latvian government postponed for two weeks considering of the issue of whether to allow the Latvian language exam taken by graduates in non-Latvian schools to be counted for naturalization test. BB

Oct. 5, 1999

Press Report

The activity of voters during the last days of collecting signatures in support of starting the referendum on Pension Law amendments will decide whether the referendum will be held. People were queuing on Monday in several polling stations in Riga. Public opinion survey states that roughly 40% of citizens would vote against amendments and 11% would vote for keeping them.

The activity of voters during the last days of collecting signatures in support of starting the referendum on Pension Law amendments will decide whether the referendum will be held. People were queuing on Monday in several polling stations in Riga. Public opinion survey states that roughly 40% of citizens would vote against amendments and 11% would vote for keeping them. Diena, Neatkariga

Board of Citizenship and Migration Matters a new concept of the person's place of residence but due to financial reasons is not submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. Under the concept the residents are supposed to declare their permanent place of residence , the Board will administrate the process to ensure entering of precise data, municipalities are to take responsibility for persons who cannot or do not declare.

Neatkariga Yesterday during the meeting of Estonian and Lithuanian presidents in Tallinn they stated that the Baltic Countries should maintain mutual solidarity. Lennart Meri noted that competition between the Baltic Countries concerning the rights to join NATO and the EU could seriously damage relations between Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Yesterday during the meeting of Estonian and Lithuanian presidents in Tallinn they stated that the Baltic Countries should maintain mutual solidarity. Lennart Meri noted that competition between the Baltic Countries concerning the rights to join NATO and the EU could seriously damage relations between Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Neatkariga

Delegation of the Polish Seim on Monday visited the Board of Naturalization. After data provided by the Board the activity of Poles in getting Latvian citizenship is higher than among other ethnic groups. Insufficient knowledge of Latvian language was mentioned as the most serious obstacle. The Polish representatives suggested that the language could be taught in Polish schools.

Delegation of the Polish Seim on Monday visited the Board of Naturalization. After data provided by the Board the activity of Poles in getting Latvian citizenship is higher than among other ethnic groups. Insufficient knowledge of Latvian language was mentioned as the most serious obstacle. The Polish representatives suggested that the language could be taught in Polish schools. Diena

After the information provided by the Latvian Committee for Human Rights more than three thousand visitors turned for help there. Every tenth application was connected with potential extradiction from Latvia, 1685 complaints concerning accomodationproblems. 95% of the visitors were from Riga.

After the information provided by the Latvian Committee for Human Rights more than three thousand visitors turned for help there. Every tenth application was connected with potential extradiction from Latvia, 1685 complaints concerning accomodationproblems. 95% of the visitors were from Riga. Vesti Segodna

Sept. 30, 1999

Press Report

Saeima’s interfaction working group yesterday agreed on new amendments to the Pension Law to be submitted to the Saeima on September 30. The new amendments provide for a slower increase in pension age and the rights for all working pensioners to get pensions up to 60 lats.

Saeimas interfaction working group yesterday agreed on new amendments to the Pension Law to be submitted to the Saeima on September 30. The new amendments provide for a slower increase in pension age and the rights for all working pensioners to get pensions up to 60 lats. Neatkariga, Diena, Lauku Avize

In response to the results of the study released by Eurostat about the low living level in Latvia Latvian politicians and experts say that there are many poor people in Latvia, especially in Latgale but on the other hand - Latvia is a dynamically developing country and it was not correct to use data of 1996. Foreign Ministry has expressed incomprehension with the practise of using old statistics as Latvia regularly delivers the latest statistics to the EU.

In response to the results of the study released by Eurostat about the low living level in Latvia Latvian politicians and experts say that there are many poor people in Latvia, especially in Latgale but on the other hand - Latvia is a dynamically developing country and it was not correct to use data of 1996. Foreign Ministry has expressed incomprehension with the practise of using old statistics as Latvia regularly delivers the latest statistics to the EU. Neatkariga

The report

The report Russia and the Baltics developed by Russias Foreign and Defence Policy Council and presented by a member of the council Igor Yurgen yesterday in Riga does not forecast a considerable improvement of the relations between Russia and Latvia while there is a possibility for active cooperation in economics. Yurgen commented that Russian diplomacy would be satisfied to see neutral Baltic countries integrated in the EU but a soon NATO integration would be considered by Russia as a growing threat of war. Diena, Neatkariga

Vesti Segodna runs an inteview with Igor Yurgen.

Vesti Segodna runs an inteview with Igor Yurgen.

Vesti Segodna

comments on the discussion supported by the Latvian Foreign Ministry concerning the usefulness of having the commissioner of CBSS for ethnic minorities. Also, the newspaper has asked the opinions of several MPs on this issue. Antons Seiksts from Latvias Way thinks that the initiatives started by Mr. Ole Espersen often duplicate those raised by the OSCE High Commissioner and that the OSCE mandate is more clear. comments on the discussion supported by the Latvian Foreign Ministry concerning the usefulness of having the commissioner of CBSS for ethnic minorities. Also, the newspaper has asked the opinions of several MPs on this issue. Antons Seiksts from Latvia’s Way thinks that the initiatives started by Mr. Ole Espersen often duplicate those raised by the OSCE High Commissioner and that the OSCE mandate is more clear. Participants of the seminar on developing the model of cultural autonomy of ethnic minorities in Latvia think that respective regulations on ethnic autonomy should be drafted as this is the only way how to prove other nations living in Latvia that the goal of society integration is not assimilation. Diena

Participants of the seminar on developing the model of cultural autonomy of ethnic minorities in Latvia think that respective regulations on ethnic autonomy should be drafted as this is the only way how to prove other nations living in Latvia that the goal of society integration is not assimilation. Diena


runs an article on the current results of bi-lingual instruction started in non-Latvian schools. Director of the Latvian Language Training State Program Aija Priedite thinks that the shift to the above system will be slow, gradual and difficult as teachers are not prepared and there is a lack of teaching aids. runs an article on the current results of bi-lingual instruction started in non-Latvian schools. Director of the Latvian Language Training State Program Aija Priedite thinks that the shift to the above system will be slow, gradual and difficult as teachers are not prepared and there is a lack of teaching aids.

Sept. 29, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen, continuing his visit to Latvia, discusses the rights of non-citizens – the right to vote in municipal elections with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. I.Berzins motivated his position that non-citizens do not need a special permission to participate in a municipal election due to the amendments to the citizenship law – every non-citizen, residing legally on the territory of Latvia, who knows the Latvian language – has a right to become a citizen. I.Berzins also pointed out that the opinion of O.Esperson on the integration processes was not so significant as the position of the OSCE HC Max van der Stoel.

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen, continuing his visit to Latvia, discusses the rights of non-citizens – the right to vote in municipal elections with the Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins. I.Berzins motivated his position that non-citizens do not need a special permission to participate in a municipal election due to the amendments to the citizenship law – every non-citizen, residing legally on the territory of Latvia, who knows the Latvian language – has a right to become a citizen. I.Berzins also pointed out that the opinion of O.Esperson on the integration processes was not so significant as the position of the OSCE HC Max van der Stoel. Neatkariga

The level of GNP per one inhabitant in Latvia is the lowest among all the EU candidate states, concerning purchasing power – 26% of the EU average. These data ere published in the research of EU Statistics Office on GNO in Central European regions.

The level of GNP per one inhabitant in Latvia is the lowest among all the EU candidate states, concerning purchasing power – 26% of the EU average. These data ere published in the research of EU Statistics Office on GNO in Central European regions. Diena

On Tuesday the Government adopted in principle the concept of Public Integrration Program where the four main goals and directions were – furthering of public participation and political integration, social and regional integration of the society, education, language and culture policy and information. The only objections against this program had the ministers representing TB/LNNL.

On Tuesday the Government adopted in principle the concept of Public Integrration Program where the four main goals and directions were – furthering of public participation and political integration, social and regional integration of the society, education, language and culture policy and information. The only objections against this program had the ministers representing TB/LNNL. Diena

In the same newspaper N.Locmele explains why this program is so important for Latvia.

In the same newspaper N.Locmele explains why this program is so important for Latvia. Diena

Several donor states – Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, USA had granted 500 000 USD for the Latvian language Training Program to organise free of charge Latvian language training for representatives of different professions – national minority teachers, policemen and nurses and physicians, told

Several donor states – Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, USA had granted 500 000 USD for the Latvian language Training Program to organise free of charge Latvian language training for representatives of different professions – national minority teachers, policemen and nurses and physicians, told Diena NLLTP Director A.Priedite.

Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in a interview to the Latvian Radio said that before the Helsinki Summit meeting many different unpleasant surprises could face Latvia. They would come up in Latvian and foreign press. The aim of such surprises would be – to postpone the beginning of the negotiation on Latvia’s joining EU. But I.Berzins was sure that the negotiations would start anyway.

Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in a interview to the Latvian Radio said that before the Helsinki Summit meeting many different unpleasant surprises could face Latvia. They would come up in Latvian and foreign press. The aim of such surprises would be – to postpone the beginning of the negotiation on Latvias joining EU. But I.Berzins was sure that the negotiations would start anyway. Chas

Sept. 28, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian fishing ships are ready to block Liepaja and Venspils ports preventing any ship to enter them or leave in the case the government ratifies the see border agreement with Lithuania. Liepaja Mayor A.Lembers has sent a letter in the name of Transit Business Association to the Prime Minister asking to take all steps possible to prevent such an action.

Latvian fishing ships are ready to block Liepaja and Venspils ports preventing any ship to enter them or leave in the case the government ratifies the see border agreement with Lithuania. Liepaja Mayor A.Lembers has sent a letter in the name of Transit Business Association to the Prime Minister asking to take all steps possible to prevent such an action. Neatkariga

The Chairman of the Peoples Party Saeima faction G.Berzins informed that the party called its coalition partners to name as a priority in the next year budget the salary increase for teachers. PP consider that the planned amount of 6.24 million Ls is not enough therefore a possibility should be found to increase teachers salaries already by January 1, 2000.

Neatkariga, Chas

Prime Minister A.Skele announced on Monday at during the meeting with city mayors that the government would be ready to reconsider the concept of regional reform and discussing the proposal to establish four districts instead of planned nine. Diena

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen met yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume. The Commissioner praised the democratic processes taking place in Latvia. While discussing integration process J.Straume informed his guest about the work on the Language law and the consultations with the OSCE experts. Mr. Straume hoped that the law would be adopted on December 9.

CBSS Commissioner O.Espersen met yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume. The Commissioner praised the democratic processes taking place in Latvia. While discussing integration process J.Straume informed his guest about the work on the Language law and the consultations with the OSCE experts. Mr. Straume hoped that the law would be adopted on December 9. Latvijas Vestnesis, Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

writes about the amendments adopted by the Latvian government to introduce changes in recording the data in non-citizen passports. Amendments to the regulations determine that the information on the passport owner should be recorded in the Latvian language in accordance with international agreements and Latvian language standards.writes about the amendments adopted by the Latvian government to introduce changes in recording the data in non-citizen passports. Amendments to the regulations determine that the information on the passport owner should be recorded in the Latvian language in accordance with international agreements and Latvian language standards.

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