Oct. 18, 1999

Press Report

Yesterday the representatives of LC A.Pantelejevs and TB/LNNK M.Grinblats told journalists about their opinion on the future of the Government. A.Pantelejevs said that LC did not see any other possible coalition but stated that the TB/LNNK faction was not sure about it. LC would refrain from any talks about the instability of the Government. M.Grinblats answered that TB/NNK was not naďve and were ready for everything. He told that the faction had already started consultations on several issues, for example with Social Democrats.

Yesterday the representatives of LC A.Pantelejevs and TB/LNNK M.Grinblats told journalists about their opinion on the future of the Government. A.Pantelejevs said that LC did not see any other possible coalition but stated that the TB/LNNK faction was not sure about it. LC would refrain from any talks about the instability of the Government. M.Grinblats answered that TB/NNK was not naďve and were ready for everything. He told that the faction had already started consultations on several issues, for example with Social Democrats. Chas

Bizness & Baltiya writes that the fight for the posts in the councils of huge Latvian enterprises gets tougher day by day, and LC together with TB/LNNK retreat under the pressure of the third coalition partner - Peoples Party. And this is a very serious thing, because it is mostly up to these councils to choose the strategic investor and the model of privatisation. The final decision to appoint the representatives to these councils belongs to the Privatisation Agency. And the parties try to get their representatives in the Council of the Privatisation Agency.

Bizness & Baltiya writes that the fight for the posts in the councils of huge Latvian enterprises gets tougher day by day, and LC together with TB/LNNK retreat under the pressure of the third coalition partner - Peoples Party. And this is a very serious thing, because it is mostly up to these councils to choose the strategic investor and the model of privatisation. The final decision to appoint the representatives to these councils belongs to the Privatisation Agency. And the parties try to get their representatives in the Council of the Privatisation Agency.

The leaders of EU countries came to a unanimous opinion to invite six countries, including Latvia to negotiations on joining EU with. The final decision will be taken during the Helsinki summit.

The leaders of EU countries came to a unanimous opinion to invite six countries, including Latvia to negotiations on joining EU with. The final decision will be taken during the Helsinki summit. Diena

National Council of Russian Federation might adopt the draft law on imposing sanctions against Latvia by the end of October. The document is ready for the second reading and might be submitted to the Council within two, three days.

National Council of Russian Federation might adopt the draft law on imposing sanctions against Latvia by the end of October. The document is ready for the second reading and might be submitted to the Council within two, three days. Vesti Segodnya

T.Zhdanok, former MP of the Saeima, participated in the regular OSCE conference and informed the participants about the violations of human rights and the rights of national minorities. She stated that there existed 80 differences in the rights of citizens and non-citizens of Latvia. Speaking about naturalisation in Latvia, she said that there were about 10 000 retired people who in 1990 – 1991 were participants of different organisations of old age people (she forgot to mention that these were organisations that fought against the independent Latvia by any means possible

T.Zhdanok, former MP of the Saeima, participated in the regular OSCE conference and informed the participants about the violations of human rights and the rights of national minorities. She stated that there existed 80 differences in the rights of citizens and non-citizens of Latvia. Speaking about naturalisation in Latvia, she said that there were about 10 000 retired people who in 1990 – 1991 were participants of different organisations of old age people (she forgot to mention that these were organisations that fought against the independent Latvia by any means possible GG). If the speed of naturalisation would keep the same, the last non-citizens would be naturalised after 50 years. Vesti Segodnya

Oct. 16, 1999

 Press Report

Press Report

Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins told the newspaper Diena about his visit to Brussels and the meeting with EU Commissioner G.Verheugen. During this meeting Mr.Verheugen had stated that he had no intention to visit Latvia in the nearest future because there were no problems in Latvia. But the Minister acknowledged the existence of such problems in Latvia, Latvian government knew about them and tried to solve them. Mr.Berzins also about the Government’s future activities plan.

Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins told the newspaper Diena about his visit to Brussels and the meeting with EU Commissioner G.Verheugen. During this meeting Mr.Verheugen had stated that he had no intention to visit Latvia in the nearest future because there were no problems in Latvia. But the Minister acknowledged the existence of such problems in Latvia, Latvian government knew about them and tried to solve them. Mr.Berzins also about the Governments future activities plan. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Ambassador of Russia A.Udaltsov visited the President of Latvia. This was the first meeting of both officials. Speaking about the relations between Latvia and Russia the President expressed a hope for a development of a fruitful dialogue. The officials also discussed the activities of the Intergovernmental Commission. Ms. Freiberga acknowledged the existence of problems and expressed a hope that the Commission would restart its activities both on the level of delegations Heads and the working groups.

Yesterday the Ambassador of Russia A.Udaltsov visited the President of Latvia. This was the first meeting of both officials. Speaking about the relations between Latvia and Russia the President expressed a hope for a development of a fruitful dialogue. The officials also discussed the activities of the Intergovernmental Commission. Ms. Freiberga acknowledged the existence of problems and expressed a hope that the Commission would restart its activities both on the level of delegations Heads and the working groups. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Chairman of the Saeima support group for Chechnya, MP J.Vidins sent a letter to the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel where he invited the Commissioner to visit Chechnya and to see the genocide of Russia against the Chechen people.

The Chairman of the Saeima support group for Chechnya, MP J.Vidins sent a letter to the OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel where he invited the Commissioner to visit Chechnya and to see the genocide of Russia against the Chechen people. Rigas Balss (15 October)

The supplement of Neatkariga “Mes” published a large article on Skrunda Radar Station to mark the handing over the territory of the already non-existent Station. The handing over is planned for October 21.

The supplement of Neatkariga Mes published a large article on Skrunda Radar Station to mark the handing over the territory of the already non-existent Station. The handing over is planned for October 21.


Oct. 15, 1999

Press Report

All papers focus on the report on progress of EU candidate countries released by the European Commission. Head of the European Commission delegation in Latvia in a press conference yesterday expressed his belief that Latvia and Malta could catch up with the first group candiadtes in the accession negotiations. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins thinks that the report is objective as all the latest information was delivered to the authors of the report. He was satisfied with the prospects for Latvia to move forward with its own speed.

All papers focus on the report on progress of EU candidate countries released by the European Commission. Head of the European Commission delegation in Latvia in a press conference yesterday expressed his belief that Latvia and Malta could catch up with the first group candiadtes in the accession negotiations. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins thinks that the report is objective as all the latest information was delivered to the authors of the report. He was satisfied with the prospects for Latvia to move forward with its own speed. Diena, Neatkariga, BB, Chas, Jauna Avize

Yesterday the Saeima supported in principal the new softer amendments to the Pension Law. It is planned to pass them as a speedy bill on November 4, before the date scheduled for referendum. These amendments provide for a gradual shift to the pension age of 62 for men and women and for the working pensioners to have the salary and keep the pension up to 60 lats.

Yesterday the Saeima supported in principal the new softer amendments to the Pension Law. It is planned to pass them as a speedy bill on November 4, before the date scheduled for referendum. These amendments provide for a gradual shift to the pension age of 62 for men and women and for the working pensioners to have the salary and keep the pension up to 60 lats. Diena, Neatkariga, BB, Jauna Avize

An event to celebrate passing over of the territory of Skrunda radar station to Latvia will be held October 21. During the event Latvia and Russia will sign the passing over document with participation of members of the joint Skrunda committee and Skrunda Mayor.

An event to celebrate passing over of the territory of Skrunda radar station to Latvia will be held October 21. During the event Latvia and Russia will sign the passing over document with participation of members of the joint Skrunda committee and Skrunda Mayor. Rigas Balss, Oct. 14

Latvian MP Juris Vidins, head of the parliamentarian support group for Chechnya, sent a letter to OSCE High Commissioner asking to pay attention to genocide of Chechen people in Russia.

Latvian MP Juris Vidins, head of the parliamentarian support group for Chechnya, sent a letter to OSCE High Commissioner asking to pay attention to genocide of Chechen people in Russia. Diena

Oct. 14, 1999

Press Report

People's Party and Fartherland and Freedom/LNNK during the yesterday's meeting agreed that the concept of Integration Program needs several changes to be entered thus it cannot be passed by the government on October 19 as planned earlier. TB/LNNK ministers submitted 34 objections regarding the concept suggesting to stress the Soviet occupation and colonization as the main cause of integration problems. Both parties agreed not to support the suggestion to consider the centralized secondary school exam as the naturalization test. Both parties will not agree to the president's suggestion to allow a foreign language along with Latvian to be placed in public signs and information.

People's Party and Fartherland and Freedom/LNNK during the yesterday's meeting agreed that the concept of Integration Program needs several changes to be entered thus it cannot be passed by the government on October 19 as planned earlier. TB/LNNK ministers submitted 34 objections regarding the concept suggesting to stress the Soviet occupation and colonization as the main cause of integration problems. Both parties agreed not to support the suggestion to consider the centralized secondary school exam as the naturalization test. Both parties will not agree to the president's suggestion to allow a foreign language along with Latvian to be placed in public signs and information. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Diena runs a longer article about the results of naturalization after abolishing the age window system. During the 11 months since abolishing the age restructions almost as many people have applied for naturalization (13,031) as during the four years since naturalization was started in 1995.

Diena runs a longer article about the results of naturalization after abolishing the age window system. During the 11 months since abolishing the age restructions almost as many people have applied for naturalization (13,031) as during the four years since naturalization was started in 1995.

The idea of making public the KGB files suggested by the People's Party and FF/LNNK has not been supported by other parliament factions yet. However, Latvia's Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins expressed very strong support for this move and suggested that along with that restrictions for former KGB collaborators to be elected should be abolished. The president advised to have a public discussion about the desired result of the move.

The idea of making public the KGB files suggested by the People's Party and FF/LNNK has not been supported by other parliament factions yet. However, Latvia's Prosecutor General Janis Skrastins expressed very strong support for this move and suggested that along with that restrictions for former KGB collaborators to be elected should be abolished. The president advised to have a public discussion about the desired result of the move. Diena, Neatkariga

Latvia has been nominated by the European Commission among the six second group countries to join the EU accession negotiations. European Commission has supported the strategy allowing for the more successful applicants to move forward faster than other countries.

Latvia has been nominated by the European Commission among the six second group countries to join the EU accession negotiations. European Commission has supported the strategy allowing for the more successful applicants to move forward faster than other countries. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas,

The association of Latvia's Jews in the US is ready to grant the support for Latvia's commission of historians for the research of the facts of history connected with Holocaust .

The association of Latvia's Jews in the US is ready to grant the support for Latvia's commission of historians for the research of the facts of history connected with Holocaust .

Oct. 13, 1999

Press Report

Referendum on Pension Law amendments will take place November 13. The decision was made by a majority vote of the Central Election Commission yesterday. 822,750 lats were allotted for financing of the referendum. Representatives of the ruling factions supported the above date as they want to have clarity in the issue as soon as possible before passing the next year’s budget. Diena, Neatkariga

Referendum on Pension Law amendments will take place November 13. The decision was made by a majority vote of the Central Election Commission yesterday. 822,750 lats were allotted for financing of the referendum. Representatives of the ruling factions supported the above date as they want to have clarity in the issue as soon as possible before passing the next years budget. Diena, Neatkariga

During the yesterday’s meeting People’s Party and Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK agreed on issues, like starting the work on draft law providing for making public the information on people who co-operated with KGB. Also, both parties have assigned their government ministers to deal with the draft concept of Society Integration in Latvia. Both parties agreed to cooperate in the issues related to the Language Law and naturalization exams. Neatkariga, Diena, Russian Diena

During the yesterdays meeting Peoples Party and Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK agreed on issues, like starting the work on draft law providing for making public the information on people who co-operated with KGB. Also, both parties have assigned their government ministers to deal with the draft concept of Society Integration in Latvia. Both parties agreed to cooperate in the issues related to the Language Law and naturalization exams. Neatkariga, Diena, Russian Diena

An official of the European Commission told the Diena reporter in Brussels that the report of European Commission on the progress of EU candidate countries to be released on Wednesday is most likely to directly advise the member countries to invite four countries - Latvia, Malta, Lithuania and Slovakia - to the accession negotiations. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins after meeting the EU enlargement commissioner yesterday told Diena that his optimism about the possibility for Latvia to get invited to accession negotiations has grown.

An official of the European Commission told the Diena reporter in Brussels that the report of European Commission on the progress of EU candidate countries to be released on Wednesday is most likely to directly advise the member countries to invite four countries - Latvia, Malta, Lithuania and Slovakia - to the accession negotiations. Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins after meeting the EU enlargement commissioner yesterday told Diena that his optimism about the possibility for Latvia to get invited to accession negotiations has grown.

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