March 8, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers rejected the draft decision of the Minister of Economics on proposing E.Jansons for the post of the Director General of the Privatisation Agency. Before the ministers started to discuss other candidates, the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs announced that from the legal point of view the term of J.Naglis had not expired, therefore the Government could not adopt a new decree on appointing a new Director General.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers rejected the draft decision of the Minister of Economics on proposing E.Jansons for the post of the Director General of the Privatisation Agency. Before the ministers started to discuss other candidates, the Minister of Justice V.Birkavs announced that from the legal point of view the term of J.Naglis had not expired, therefore the Government could not adopt a new decree on appointing a new Director General. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika

The representatives of the Riga City Council ruling coalition Union Centrs named yesterday the possible candidates for the Council government should the political balance in the Council change. According to their opinion the main troublemakers were the Union TB/LNNK who were preparing to get into the council.

The representatives of the Riga City Council ruling coalition Union Centrs named yesterday the possible candidates for the Council government should the political balance in the Council change. According to their opinion the main troublemakers were the Union TB/LNNK who were preparing to get into the council. Neatkariga, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met the US Acting State Secretary S.Talbout and discussed the NATO expansion issues. Special attention was paid to the questions of social and political issues – attitude towards historical events, investigation of war crimes and crimes against mankind.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met the US Acting State Secretary S.Talbout and discussed the NATO expansion issues. Special attention was paid to the questions of social and political issues – attitude towards historical events, investigation of war crimes and crimes against mankind. Neatkariga

Yesterday the Prime Minister A.Skele changed his Press Secretary U.Salna for J.Liepnieks, who already held this post some time ago.

Yesterday the Prime Minister A.Skele changed his Press Secretary U.Salna for J.Liepnieks, who already held this post some time ago. Neatkariga, Diena

Diena published a material where it is stated that residents often address courts complaining about illegal activities of the DCMA officials. In 1999 there were 240 such court hearings. In 89 cases the actions of the officials were found illegal but in 151 – the officials were right. In January and February 2000 there were 28 cases in the court and in 6 of them DCMA officials turned out to be guilty. The Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis told Diena that this number of complains indicated that the work of officials were not of the highest standards.

Diena published a material where it is stated that residents often address courts complaining about illegal activities of the DCMA officials. In 1999 there were 240 such court hearings. In 89 cases the actions of the officials were found illegal but in 151 – the officials were right. In January and February 2000 there were 28 cases in the court and in 6 of them DCMA officials turned out to be guilty. The Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis told Diena that this number of complains indicated that the work of officials were not of the highest standards. Diena

The representatives of TB/LNNK and People’s Party do not consider that the criticism expressed at the conference of Latvijas Cels could effect the stability of the Government. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats told the press that TB/LNNK and LC still had many things in common and there was no reason to doubt the stability of the Government. The Chairman of People’s Party G.Berzins found the LC expressions as “very sharp, but having some grounds”.

The representatives of TB/LNNK and Peoples Party do not consider that the criticism expressed at the conference of Latvijas Cels could effect the stability of the Government. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats told the press that TB/LNNK and LC still had many things in common and there was no reason to doubt the stability of the Government. The Chairman of Peoples Party G.Berzins found the LC expressions as very sharp, but having some grounds. Rigas Balss

Vesti Segodnya analyses the announcement made the Acting President of Russia V.Putin about a possibility that Russia could join NATO. Does it mean that Russia would not oppose the Baltic States to join this organisation? It is not so. The announcement was just a hypothetical assumption, because before to raise the issue of Russia joining NATO, this organisation should fulfil a set of conditions stated by Russia.

N.Sevidova did a research how is the language situation among middle age businessman in Latvia, how well they know the state and foreign languages. These people feel the necessity to know languages and paid a lot of efforts to master them.

N.Sevidova did a research how is the language situation among middle age businessman in Latvia, how well they know the state and foreign languages. These people feel the necessity to know languages and paid a lot of efforts to master them. Vesti Segodnya

March 7, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the Government received a draft decree of the Minister of Economics Makarovs about proposing E.Jansons for the post of the Director General of the Privatisation Agency. Thus the Minister has rejected the proposal of Latvijas Cels to keep the present Director J.Naglis. Naglis’s term ends on March 15, but the Government has to decide on the next candidate already today. Neatkariga, Diena

Yesterday the Government received a draft decree of the Minister of Economics Makarovs about proposing E.Jansons for the post of the Director General of the Privatisation Agency. Thus the Minister has rejected the proposal of Latvijas Cels to keep the present Director J.Naglis. Nagliss term ends on March 15, but the Government has to decide on the next candidate already today. Neatkariga, Diena

Social Democrats are considering a possibility to express distrust towards the Finance Minister E.Krastins, but they will take the decision after consultations with the other opposition factions. Neatkariga

Social Democrats are considering a possibility to express distrust towards the Finance Minister E.Krastins, but they will take the decision after consultations with the other opposition factions. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins during the meeting with the USA Deputy State Secretary S.Talbout discussed the questions of NATO expansion and bilateral relations of both countries. Neatkariga

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins during the meeting with the USA Deputy State Secretary S.Talbout discussed the questions of NATO expansion and bilateral relations of both countries. Neatkariga

The left parties block and Social Democrats will address the Constitutional Court to repeal the restriction of election right at municipal elections for former KGB officers and members of banned organisations. They find this restriction anti-constitutional. 23 deputies of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party signed two applications and plan to submit them to the Satversme Court on Wednesday

The left parties block and Social Democrats will address the Constitutional Court to repeal the restriction of election right at municipal elections for former KGB officers and members of banned organisations. They find this restriction anti-constitutional. 23 deputies of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia and Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party signed two applications and plan to submit them to the Satversme Court on Wednesday. Neatkariga, Respublika, Chas

The Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis informed that soon an international tender would be announced on printing the new Latvian citizen passports. They will be only a travel document, and the deadline for starting issuing them is January 1, 2001. For internal use ID cards will be prepared. According to calculations, printing and issuing of the new passports could cost about 3,5 million LVL. People will have to pay 10 LVL for the new document, but the Government has not assigned money for the new passports, therefore expenses could be covered by this state fee. Diena

The Acting Head of the DCMA M.Bicevskis informed that soon an international tender would be announced on printing the new Latvian citizen passports. They will be only a travel document, and the deadline for starting issuing them is January 1, 2001. For internal use ID cards will be prepared. According to calculations, printing and issuing of the new passports could cost about 3,5 million LVL. People will have to pay 10 LVL for the new document, but the Government has not assigned money for the new passports, therefore expenses could be covered by this state fee. Diena

In the nearest future the DCMA officials will start visiting at home those old age and disabled persons who are not capable to go to the DCMA offices to submit their documents for exchanging their former USSR passports. The Government has assigned more than 3000 LVL for this purpose. So far about 10% non-citizens have not expressed a wish to exchange their passports. In December 5000 applications were received, but his year only 1700. By March 31 the number of people who would not have submitted an application could be about 35 000. Still M.Bicevskis does not think that the term should be prolonged.

In the nearest future the DCMA officials will start visiting at home those old age and disabled persons who are not capable to go to the DCMA offices to submit their documents for exchanging their former USSR passports. The Government has assigned more than 3000 LVL for this purpose. So far about 10% non-citizens have not expressed a wish to exchange their passports. In December 5000 applications were received, but his year only 1700. By March 31 the number of people who would not have submitted an application could be about 35 000. Still M.Bicevskis does not think that the term should be prolonged. Diena, Lauku Avize , Respublika, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Latvijas Vestnesis

published the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers On action that could further the exchange of former USSR passports hold by Latvian non-citizen for Latvian non-citizen passports charging the Minister of Interior M.Seglins to address local governments to assist their non-citizens in exchanging their passports, the Finance Ministry to assign money to the Interior Ministry to ensure that the DCMA officials could visit those non-citizens who are not able to go to DCMA offices. published the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers “On action that could further the exchange of former USSR passports hold by Latvian non-citizen for Latvian non-citizen passports” charging the Minister of Interior M.Seglins to address local governments to assist their non-citizens in exchanging their passports, the Finance Ministry to assign money to the Interior Ministry to ensure that the DCMA officials could visit those non-citizens who are not able to go to DCMA offices. Yesterday at the sitting of the Commission on European Affairs an opinion was voiced that in the current year Latvia would not receive financing from EU in the framework of pre-structural funds of PHARE, SAPARD and ISPA. The main reason for this was the low quality of projects.

Yesterday at the sitting of the Commission on European Affairs an opinion was voiced that in the current year Latvia would not receive financing from EU in the framework of pre-structural funds of PHARE, SAPARD and ISPA. The main reason for this was the low quality of projects. Respublika

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers supported the draft decree of the Government on resigning from the temporary agreement between the Governments of Latvia and Russia on simplifying the border crossing procedure between those two countries for the residents of border areas.

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers supported the draft decree of the Government on resigning from the temporary agreement between the Governments of Latvia and Russia on simplifying the border crossing procedure between those two countries for the residents of border areas. Panorama Latvii

Daugavpils Section of Russian Community in Latvia are considering a possibility to organise a picket to demand for Russian children a possibility to receive education in their mother tongue.

Daugavpils Section of Russian Community in Latvia are considering a possibility to organise a picket to demand for Russian children a possibility to receive education in their mother tongue. Panorama Latvii

N.Bindyukov, member of the Russian National Council Commission on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots told

N.Bindyukov, member of the Russian National Council Commission on CIS Affairs and Relations with Compatriots told Panorama Latvii about the situation with the draft law on imposing sanctions against Latvia. The Commission found the draft law almost ready and forwarded it to the Council for consideration.

March 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday at about 4 am. an attack on the Latvian Embassy in Moscow took place. One window was broken, walls sprayed with black paint. The suspected for carrying out this attack are National Bolsheviks.

Yesterday at about 4 am. an attack on the Latvian Embassy in Moscow took place. One window was broken, walls sprayed with black paint. The suspected for carrying out this attack are National Bolsheviks. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Jauna Avize

The faction of Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party consider a possibility to ask for resignation of the Minister of Finances E.Krastins connecting it with his refusal to give state guarantees for Venspils Free Port to get a credit from European Investment Bank.

The faction of Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party consider a possibility to ask for resignation of the Minister of Finances E.Krastins connecting it with his refusal to give state guarantees for Venspils Free Port to get a credit from European Investment Bank. Neatkariga

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre finds that attempts to limit freedom of speech, long detention of underage people and disability of the Government to grant enough financing for integration programs were the most essential human rights violations in Latvia last year. It was stated in the report on the most actual human rights problems, prepared by this centre.

Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre finds that attempts to limit freedom of speech, long detention of underage people and disability of the Government to grant enough financing for integration programs were the most essential human rights violations in Latvia last year. It was stated in the report on the most actual human rights problems, prepared by this centre. Neatkariga, Diena

Riga City Mayor A.Berzins stated that municipality election was too close to take a hasty decision on the necessity to change the coalition in the City Council.

Riga City Mayor A.Berzins stated that municipality election was too close to take a hasty decision on the necessity to change the coalition in the City Council. Neatkariga, Diena (06.03.2000)

In the publication of the Jamestown Foundation Monitor a conclusion is made that in the current Latvian – Russian relations one could feel influence of KGB. The conclusion was made basing on the sharp reaction of Moscow to the trials of V.Kononov and Ye.Savenko.

In the publication of the Jamestown Foundation Monitor a conclusion is made that in the current Latvian – Russian relations one could feel influence of KGB. The conclusion was made basing on the sharp reaction of Moscow to the trials of V.Kononov and Ye.Savenko. Neatkariga, Diena (06.03.2000)

Only one month is left until the validity term of non-citizen passports expires in Latvia. According the DCMA estimation about 30 000 non-citizens could stay without any valid ID. To further the exchange of these passports, the DCMA requested a help also from local governments. At this week sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers the Minister of Interior M.Seglins was charged to call city, regional and local governments to help the non-citizens to submit the documents for exchanging their passports and receive non-citizen passports.

Only one month is left until the validity term of non-citizen passports expires in Latvia. According the DCMA estimation about 30 000 non-citizens could stay without any valid ID. To further the exchange of these passports, the DCMA requested a help also from local governments. At this week sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers the Minister of Interior M.Seglins was charged to call city, regional and local governments to help the non-citizens to submit the documents for exchanging their passports and receive non-citizen passports. Neatkariga

Despite a heavy snowstorm several hundred non-citizens gathered in Riga centre in a protest action demanding the election right in municipal election. This action was officially announced as the meeting of MPs from the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia.

Despite a heavy snowstorm several hundred non-citizens gathered in Riga centre in a protest action demanding the election right in municipal election. This action was officially announced as the meeting of MPs from the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnya

published the last part of the article about the Soviet guerrilla man V.Kononov who is now under a trial for war crimes, He is characterised as a brave fighter during WW II and good militia man in the after war period. published the last part of the article about the Soviet guerrilla man V.Kononov who is now under a trial for war crimes, He is characterised as a brave fighter during WW II and good militia man in the after war period. At the conference

At the conference LC and regional reform in Latvia the party formulated their policy concerning the territorial reform in Latvia. They think that regional governments should be elected according to the international charters binding for Latvia, and the authoritarian attempts of Peoples Party to establish appointed regional governments are not acceptable. Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Cels is going to change their tactics and the position in the Government because they do not want to be just “ forest attendants”. This statement was made by the Party Chairman A.Pantelejevs. LC considers the present coalition an optimal one at this Saeima, but it is not an end in itself.

Latvijas Cels is going to change their tactics and the position in the Government because they do not want to be just forest attendants. This statement was made by the Party Chairman A.Pantelejevs. LC considers the present coalition an optimal one at this Saeima, but it is not an end in itself. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

M.Krautmanis, commenting this statement, writes that LC is seriously worried because they feel that they are remaining losers more and more. Now they plan to start a “new life” and demand their share of power.

M.Krautmanis, commenting this statement, writes that LC is seriously worried because they feel that they are remaining losers more and more. Now they plan to start a new life and demand their share of power. Neatkariga

LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs said that the Party would not take any decisions about the membership of E.Inkens and V.Birkavs while the court proceedings were not completed.

LC Chairman A.Pantelejevs said that the Party would not take any decisions about the membership of E.Inkens and V.Birkavs while the court proceedings were not completed. Diena

While visiting the Russian folk tradition day the Latvian President V.V.Freiberga pointed out the Latvia was concerned not only about the Latvian nation but also about the national minorities residing in Latvia.

While visiting the Russian folk tradition day the Latvian President V.V.Freiberga pointed out the Latvia was concerned not only about the Latvian nation but also about the national minorities residing in Latvia. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

An official opening ceremony of the Japanese Embassy in Riga will take place on March 8. Unofficially it started its activities on January 20.

An official opening ceremony of the Japanese Embassy in Riga will take place on March 8. Unofficially it started its activities on January 20. Jauna Avize

PACE President L.R.Johnson is coming on an introductory visit to Latvia this week. During the visit he will have meeting with the President, Prime Minister, the Saeima Speaker and other high officials. Jauna Avize

PACE President L.R.Johnson is coming on an introductory visit to Latvia this week. During the visit he will have meeting with the President, Prime Minister, the Saeima Speaker and other high officials. Jauna Avize

During the meeting of foreign ministers of EU countries and Russian Federation, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov accused Latvia of persecuting Soviet guerrilla man Kononov. B.Frank in

During the meeting of foreign ministers of EU countries and Russian Federation, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Ivanov accused Latvia of persecuting Soviet guerrilla man Kononov. B.Frank in Vesti Segodnya, analysing this situation, writes that the revision of the consequences of the WW II could become the most important obstacle to improving Russian – Latvian relations.

Quite recently the Saeima sent to Commissions for consideration an amendment to the law “On the Status of former USSR citizens”. The essence of this amendment is to create conditions under which it would be possible to deprive a non-citizen of his/her “violet” passport of a non-citizen. One of the articles stipulates that, if a non-citizen provided false information for receiving a passport, the passport should be taken away, and the procedure of depriving shall be elaborated by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Quite recently the Saeima sent to Commissions for consideration an amendment to the law On the Status of former USSR citizens. The essence of this amendment is to create conditions under which it would be possible to deprive a non-citizen of his/her violet passport of a non-citizen. One of the articles stipulates that, if a non-citizen provided false information for receiving a passport, the passport should be taken away, and the procedure of depriving shall be elaborated by the Cabinet of Ministers. Vesti Segodnya

The Head of the DCMA Passport Section Dz.Peneze and Acting Head of the DCMA confirmed that due to the low activity of the holders of former USSR passports, about 6 – 7 % of those people would not exchange their passports. Some of them are not physically able to go to a DCMA office to exchange their passport. There are about 1300 such people in Riga and a lot in the province. To solve this problem the Government granted some money to allow officials to visit these people at their homes. One more problem for the DCMA is the exchange of citizen passports. It is necessary within one month to announce a tender for printing the new citizen passports.

The Head of the DCMA Passport Section Dz.Peneze and Acting Head of the DCMA confirmed that due to the low activity of the holders of former USSR passports, about 6 – 7 % of those people would not exchange their passports. Some of them are not physically able to go to a DCMA office to exchange their passport. There are about 1300 such people in Riga and a lot in the province. To solve this problem the Government granted some money to allow officials to visit these people at their homes. One more problem for the DCMA is the exchange of citizen passports. It is necessary within one month to announce a tender for printing the new citizen passports. Panorama Latvii

March 3, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

The activity of non-citizens applying for the new Latvian passports to replace the old USSR passports is falling. After estimates of the Latvian DCMA, 35,000 or 6-7% of non-citizens may stay without valid identity documents when the deadline – March 31 comes. As of February 25, 47.1 thousand or 8% of non-citizens had not exchanged their passports.

The activity of non-citizens applying for the new Latvian passports to replace the old USSR passports is falling. After estimates of the Latvian DCMA, 35,000 or 6-7% of non-citizens may stay without valid identity documents when the deadline – March 31 comes. As of February 25, 47.1 thousand or 8% of non-citizens had not exchanged their passports. Diena

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins has sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the OSCE member states to inform them that Russia has started a misleading information campaign about the events in Latvia.

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins has sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the OSCE member states to inform them that Russia has started a misleading information campaign about the events in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

Russian Consul in Liepaja Valery Polyakov tries to explain and define more precisely the idea of the statement in support to the former KGB investigator Savenko currently undergoing a trial in Liepaja. He implies that at least during the post-war period Savenko was fairly fighting the remains of Hitlerism in Latvia.

Russian Consul in Liepaja Valery Polyakov tries to explain and define more precisely the idea of the statement in support to the former KGB investigator Savenko currently undergoing a trial in Liepaja. He implies that at least during the post-war period Savenko was fairly fighting the remains of Hitlerism in Latvia.

In her answer to the statement Latvian President Freiberga explains that the genocide case is a criminal case and is not connected with ideology.

In her answer to the statement Latvian President Freiberga explains that the genocide case is a criminal case and is not connected with ideology. Chas

The National Radio and TV Board will submit a claim to the court on stopping the activities of the TV channel

The National Radio and TV Board will submit a claim to the court on stopping the activities of the TV channel TV Riga. Last year the activities of the station were temporarily held because of not observing the language requirement, then, because of the debts. As no improvement could be observed, the decision was made to submit the claim. Neatkariga

In connection with March 3 as the anniversary of the referendum in 1991 about the support of the residents to independent Latvia “ before the society was divided in citizens and non-citizens”

In connection with March 3 as the anniversary of the referendum in 1991 about the support of the residents to independent Latvia before the society was divided in citizens and non-citizens Chas asks a question to Latvian politicians whether the current non-citizens regret the support they expressed then.


writes about March 3 as the second anniversary of the pensioner rally by the Riga City Council and the beginning of war between Latvia and Russia. Politicians are asked to tell their opinion why it was not possible to improve the relations between the two countries. writes about March 3 as the second anniversary of the pensioner rally by the Riga City Council and the beginning of “war” between Latvia and Russia. Politicians are asked to tell their opinion why it was not possible to improve the relations between the two countries. Janis Adamsons, an MP from the Social Democrats faction, currently waiting for a court statement on whether he was collaborating with KGB, received a statement from the Russian Federal Security Service saying that he was an officer of the Soviet border guard forces but not a staff member of KGB.

Janis Adamsons, an MP from the Social Democrats faction, currently waiting for a court statement on whether he was collaborating with KGB, received a statement from the Russian Federal Security Service saying that he was an officer of the Soviet border guard forces but not a staff member of KGB. Respublika

March 2, 2000

Press Review

TB/LNNK is not ready to terminate the coalition agreement in Riga City Council, it rather wants to persuade the representatives of Latvia’s Way about the need to extend the coalition with participation of Social Democrats. Riga Mayor Andris Berzins allowed the beginning of negotiations about the changes in coalition only if some of the current partners leave the coalition.

TB/LNNK is not ready to terminate the coalition agreement in Riga City Council, it rather wants to persuade the representatives of Latvias Way about the need to extend the coalition with participation of Social Democrats. Riga Mayor Andris Berzins allowed the beginning of negotiations about the changes in coalition only if some of the current partners leave the coalition. Diena, Neatkariga

In February, compared to January, TB/LNNK popularity rating increased by 3.7% thus placing the party as the third most popular after People’s Party and Social Democrats.

In February, compared to January, TB/LNNK popularity rating increased by 3.7% thus placing the party as the third most popular after Peoples Party and Social Democrats. Diena, Chas

Chairman of the Supreme Court Andris Gulans has picked the new candidate for the position of the Prosecutor General to be offered to the Saeima for approval.

Chairman of the Supreme Court Andris Gulans has picked the new candidate for the position of the Prosecutor General to be offered to the Saeima for approval. Diena

Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday harshly criticized Latvia from trying the former KGB investigator Yevgeny Savenko. Savenko is accused of taking part in genocide against the residents of Latvia who were recognized as enemies to the communist regime. Savenko has allegedly signed fictitious testimonies and other procedural papers that lead to false sentences for more than 60 residents of Latvia. At the court session Savenko apologized “in the name of the Russian people for the pain caused” to two victims. Savenko’s supporter from the Socialist party reproached for that.

Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday harshly criticized Latvia from trying the former KGB investigator Yevgeny Savenko. Savenko is accused of taking part in genocide against the residents of Latvia who were recognized as enemies to the communist regime. Savenko has allegedly signed fictitious testimonies and other procedural papers that lead to false sentences for more than 60 residents of Latvia. At the court session Savenko apologized in the name of the Russian people for the pain caused to two victims. Savenkos supporter from the Socialist party reproached for that. Diena, Chas, Jauna Avize

As a response to Russia’s request to the OSCE Mission to Latvia to take Kononov’s case under its control, Latvian Foreign Ministry has called it interference into the judiciary procedure. OSCE spokesperson in Vienna told BNS on the phone that the mission does not deal with individual cases, its mandate is limited to participation in addressing the issues of citizenship and integration. In order to expand the mandate, a request from the Latvian government and a decision of the OSCE Permanent Council would be needed.

As a response to Russias request to the OSCE Mission to Latvia to take Kononovs case under its control, Latvian Foreign Ministry has called it interference into the judiciary procedure. OSCE spokesperson in Vienna told BNS on the phone that the mission does not deal with individual cases, its mandate is limited to participation in addressing the issues of citizenship and integration. In order to expand the mandate, a request from the Latvian government and a decision of the OSCE Permanent Council would be needed. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

Commenting on the part of the report by US State Department on human rights situation pointing out Russia’s violence in Chechnya, Russian Foreign Ministry once again accuses Latvia and Estonia of violation the rights of Russian speakers.

Commenting on the part of the report by US State Department on human rights situation pointing out Russias violence in Chechnya, Russian Foreign Ministry once again accuses Latvia and Estonia of violation the rights of Russian speakers. Neatkariga

In an interview to

In an interview to Vesti Alexander Pereligin, advisor to the mayor of Moscow, assures the readers that the mayor will defend Kononov till the end. In case the Supreme Court will leave the previous sentence in force, they promise to turn to the European Court in Strasbourg. Pereligin mentions that the statement released by Vladimir Putin about Kononov was a signal to all executive bodies, to all subjects of the Federation what should be the reaction to events taking place in Latvia.

Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii publish announcements inviting to a meeting with the MPs from For Human Rights in United Latvia on March 3 at 17:00 in Esplanade. March 3 is the anniversary of the referendum for independence of Latvia that took place in 1991 when the future non-citizens used their right of vote for the last time. In 1998 pensioners rallied at by the Riga City council to protest the rates of utility payments and police force was used to free the way for traffic. The rally will be in support to municipal election rights for non-citizens, against liquidation of Russian schools and against the language terror. The slogan of the rally is “ We demand the responsibility of the state power before the people”. The different mentioned organizers are the Latvian Committee for Human Rights, movement Equality, Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia.

Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii publish announcements inviting to a meeting with the MPs from For Human Rights in United Latvia on March 3 at 17:00 in Esplanade. March 3 is the anniversary of the referendum for independence of Latvia that took place in 1991 when the future non-citizens used their right of vote for the last time. In 1998 pensioners rallied at by the Riga City council to protest the rates of utility payments and police force was used to free the way for traffic. The rally will be in support to municipal election rights for non-citizens, against liquidation of Russian schools and against the language terror. The slogan of the rally is We demand the responsibility of the state power before the people. The different mentioned organizers are the Latvian Committee for Human Rights, movement Equality, Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia.

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