Nov. 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Under the heading “The OSCE Always Ready to Help” Chas gives information about mission’s trip to Liepaja. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia P.Semneby had meetings with the Mayor of Liepaja and other officials. About 15 visitors wanted to discuss their problems with mission members. Besides these meetings, the ambassador P.Semneby with his colleagues met with General Consul of Russia in Liepaja

Under the heading The OSCE Always Ready to Help Chas gives information about missions trip to Liepaja. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia P.Semneby had meetings with the Mayor of Liepaja and other officials. About 15 visitors wanted to discuss their problems with mission members. Besides these meetings, the ambassador P.Semneby with his colleagues met with General Consul of Russia in Liepaja. Chas

Local Liepaja newspaper

Local Liepaja newspaper Rita Ekspresis informs on the OSCE Mission to Latvia visit to Liepaja.

The Mayor of Liepaja U.Sesks stressed that one of the biggest problems is insufficient funding for language learning courses, in his opinion the courses should be free of charge. The ambassador promised to put this question for revision of the high officials of the OSCE. Other fields of interests of the ambassador were possibilities of non-citizens to participate in processes at municipalities and the course of reforms in school system.

The Mayor of Liepaja U.Sesks stressed that one of the biggest problems is insufficient funding for language learning courses, in his opinion the courses should be free of charge. The ambassador promised to put this question for revision of the high officials of the OSCE. Other fields of interests of the ambassador were possibilities of non-citizens to participate in processes at municipalities and the course of reforms in school system.

There was bomb explosion in the editorial office of the newspaper

There was bomb explosion in the editorial office of the newspaper Kapital Latgalii in Daugavpils. People working for newspaper explains that with the recent publications on political powers and links the event with the upcoming municipal elections. Diena, Jauna, Rigas Balss, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika, Chas

Latvia’s Progress Report adopted by the EC on Wednesday could be characterised as positive on the whole; however, the EC points out the spheres, which should be improved. Implementation changes in state administrative capacity is the most serious challenge for Latvia. In regard to society integration poor Latvian language skills and fees are mentioned as main obstacles in faster decrease of the number of non-citizens. The EC indicates that the practice to combine secondary school examination in the Latvian language with naturalisation examination has not become a usual one. In regard to the State Language law, formally it seems acceptable to the EC, however, it is too strict and gives possibility for subjective interpretation. The law and regulations should be implemented with the sense and only so far as it is in legitimate interests of society.

Latvias Progress Report adopted by the EC on Wednesday could be characterised as positive on the whole; however, the EC points out the spheres, which should be improved. Implementation changes in state administrative capacity is the most serious challenge for Latvia. In regard to society integration poor Latvian language skills and fees are mentioned as main obstacles in faster decrease of the number of non-citizens. The EC indicates that the practice to combine secondary school examination in the Latvian language with naturalisation examination has not become a usual one. In regard to the State Language law, formally it seems acceptable to the EC, however, it is too strict and gives possibility for subjective interpretation. The law and regulations should be implemented with the sense and only so far as it is in legitimate interests of society. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Respublika, Chas

European countries express bigger support to Latvia’s acceptance to the NATO. In all West European countries the number of supporters exceeds 50%.

European countries express bigger support to Latvias acceptance to the NATO. In all West European countries the number of supporters exceeds 50%. Diena

As of this week Latvia becomes a governing country of the EC. During its presidency Latvia will pay attention to five main priorities. Besides usual duties and responsibilities, Latvia has planned to have serious culture programme. In December EC campaign “Europe – Common Heritage” is planned to take place in Riga; in April the conference “Small Languages in the Beginning of XXI Century” will be organised and in May international conference “Democracy on the Turn of XXI Century” will be held in Riga.

As of this week Latvia becomes a governing country of the EC. During its presidency Latvia will pay attention to five main priorities. Besides usual duties and responsibilities, Latvia has planned to have serious culture programme. In December EC campaign Europe – Common Heritage is planned to take place in Riga; in April the conference Small Languages in the Beginning of XXI Century will be organised and in May international conference Democracy on the Turn of XXI Century will be held in Riga. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.Riekstins and British Minister for European Affairs Keith Vaz have made an agreement between the two countries on special co-operation plan which would be aimed to Latvia’s preparation for the EU. K.Vaz noted that Latvia already has reached serious progress and appraisals in such fields as legal system improvement and society integration are founded.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs M.Riekstins and British Minister for European Affairs Keith Vaz have made an agreement between the two countries on special co-operation plan which would be aimed to Latvias preparation for the EU. K.Vaz noted that Latvia already has reached serious progress and appraisals in such fields as legal system improvement and society integration are founded. Neatkariga, Respublika

Austrian newspaper “Die Press” publishes the article “Latvians and Nazis: Black Shadow of Waffen SS over Riga” where the author of the article express his surprise on the presence of Latvia’s Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis at the ceremony of the unveiling the statue honouring soldiers who died while serving in a Latvian unit of the German Army.

Austrian newspaper Die Press publishes the article Latvians and Nazis: Black Shadow of Waffen SS over Riga where the author of the article express his surprise on the presence of Latvias Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis at the ceremony of the unveiling the statue honouring soldiers who died while serving in a Latvian unit of the German Army. Neatkariga

Chas interviews the President V.Vike-Freiberga who has been in this post for 500 days. Chas gives very positive evaluation to her diplomatic skills. The President was asked a very wide range of questions - regarding corruption of politicians, cases of Kalejs and Konovs, society integration, Russia, state image and her personal life. The President does not think that integrated society in Latvia is utopia, in her opinion, people can be unified in their loyalty to the state and if she could she would congratulate every person who acquires Latvian citizenship. The President hopes to have an open dialogue on the relations of Russia and Latvia with the President of Russia and there is no objections from Latvia’s side to have the meeting with Russia’s President.

Chas interviews the President V.Vike-Freiberga who has been in this post for 500 days. Chas gives very positive evaluation to her diplomatic skills. The President was asked a very wide range of questions - regarding corruption of politicians, cases of Kalejs and Konovs, society integration, Russia, state image and her personal life. The President does not think that integrated society in Latvia is utopia, in her opinion, people can be unified in their loyalty to the state and if she could she would congratulate every person who acquires Latvian citizenship. The President hopes to have an open dialogue on the relations of Russia and Latvia with the President of Russia and there is no objections from Latvias side to have the meeting with Russias President.

Nov. 8, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

According to the data collected at the last people counting the number of Latvia's residents has decreased for 10,9% (291 thousand). At the moment of the counting March this year the total number of Latvia's residents was 2 375 000. The proportion of Latvians has increased up to 57,6%, the proportion of Polish people and Lithuanians has increased, too. The proportion of Russians has decreased from 34% in 1989 to 29,6% in 2000.

According to the data collected at the last people counting the number of Latvia's residents has decreased for 10,9% (291 thousand). At the moment of the counting March this year the total number of Latvia's residents was 2 375 000. The proportion of Latvians has increased up to 57,6%, the proportion of Polish people and Lithuanians has increased, too. The proportion of Russians has decreased from 34% in 1989 to 29,6% in 2000.

62% of all residents said that their native tongue is Latvian and 36,1% said that their native tongue is Russian; 21% of residents – over the age of 60. The cities having the biggest Russians proportion are Daugavpils (55,2%), Rezekne (50,7%) and Riga (43,8%).

62% of all residents said that their native tongue is Latvian and 36,1% said that their native tongue is Russian; 21% of residents – over the age of 60. The cities having the biggest Russians proportion are Daugavpils (55,2%), Rezekne (50,7%) and Riga (43,8%). Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika, Latvijas Vestnesis

Week state administration capacity, slow progress in improving judicial system, corruption, delayed privatisation of big companies are some of the spheres for which Latvia will receive critical comments from the EC in the new progress report on Wednesday, confirms competent sources of the EU. However, Latvia has made a good progress on the whole and could be one of the countries, which has chances to finish accessions talks during the year 2002. In the section of political criteria the EC will require to foster society integration, by expanding possibilities to learn Latvian, and promote naturalisation of non-citizens. It also will be mentioned that Latvia has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Minorities. The Naturalisation Board considers that no serious reproaches should be devoted to naturalisation, as the number of naturalised persons has increased for 28% this year. The advise regarding the language was also taken into account: 870 applicants to citizenship participated in language learning courses free of charge and it is planned with the support of the UNDP and the OSCE to give such possibility to 2000 non-citizens next year.

Week state administration capacity, slow progress in improving judicial system, corruption, delayed privatisation of big companies are some of the spheres for which Latvia will receive critical comments from the EC in the new progress report on Wednesday, confirms competent sources of the EU. However, Latvia has made a good progress on the whole and could be one of the countries, which has chances to finish accessions talks during the year 2002. In the section of political criteria the EC will require to foster society integration, by expanding possibilities to learn Latvian, and promote naturalisation of non-citizens. It also will be mentioned that Latvia has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of Minorities. The Naturalisation Board considers that no serious reproaches should be devoted to naturalisation, as the number of naturalised persons has increased for 28% this year. The advise regarding the language was also taken into account: 870 applicants to citizenship participated in language learning courses free of charge and it is planned with the support of the UNDP and the OSCE to give such possibility to 2000 non-citizens next year. Diena, Neatkariga

Yesterday people (about 100) who celebrated the anniversary of the Socialistic Revolution gathered at the Victory Monument and in front of the Government building where in former times the monument to Lenin was situated. Police will call the organisers to account for these meetings, as they were not organised with the permission of the City Council.

Yesterday people (about 100) who celebrated the anniversary of the Socialistic Revolution gathered at the Victory Monument and in front of the Government building where in former times the monument to Lenin was situated. Police will call the organisers to account for these meetings, as they were not organised with the permission of the City Council. Diena, Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

British Minister for European Affairs Keith Vaz is visiting Latvia. The Minister will have meetings with officials, business people and representatives of NGO’s and will take part in the opening of the British embassy website.

British Minister for European Affairs Keith Vaz is visiting Latvia. The Minister will have meetings with officials, business people and representatives of NGOs and will take part in the opening of the British embassy website. Diena, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

Yesterday the President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga went to two rural districts of Latvia where she had meetings with the head of municipalities, entrepreneurs and interested people

Yesterday the President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga went to two rural districts of Latvia where she had meetings with the head of municipalities, entrepreneurs and interested people. Jauna, Vesti Segodnja

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the draft of Society Integration Fund. To create the fund LVL 25000 is necessary to be invested in fund’s equity, as well as funding for salaries, social taxes, which all together comes to LVL 94980.

The Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the draft of Society Integration Fund. To create the fund LVL 25000 is necessary to be invested in funds equity, as well as funding for salaries, social taxes, which all together comes to LVL 94980. Diena

On Tuesday the Nordic State Council decided not to launch talks on the accession of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to the Nordic State Council.

On Tuesday the Nordic State Council decided not to launch talks on the accession of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to the Nordic State Council. Neatkariga

Almost half of the residents of Latvia (58,1%) has experienced bureaucracy at state institutions, however, only 13% of them have made complaints about that. People are not satisfied also with the way and amount of provided information, the work and attitude of civil officers.

Almost half of the residents of Latvia (58,1%) has experienced bureaucracy at state institutions, however, only 13% of them have made complaints about that. People are not satisfied also with the way and amount of provided information, the work and attitude of civil officers. Jauna

Vesti Segodnja

gives their comments on Presidents interview on the BBC in the article Inexperienced Shame of Latvias Policy. The article characterises the behaviour and responses of the President during the interview as very unsure and unconvincing. The newspaper comes to conclusion that Latvias policy is for inner use only and it could not be explained to any civilised country. gives their comments on President’s interview on the BBC in the article “Inexperienced Shame of Latvia’s Policy”. The article characterises the behaviour and responses of the President during the interview as very unsure and unconvincing. The newspaper comes to conclusion that “Latvia’s policy is for “inner use only” and it could not be explained to any civilised country”.

Nov. 7, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

President’s interview for BBC Hard Talk with Tim Sebastian makes the headlines in the newspapers.

Presidents interview for BBC Hard Talk with Tim Sebastian makes the headlines in the newspapers.

On Monday in her interview for Latvia’s radio the President said, “I hope I was able to refute all his reproaches”. She said that the interview was rather hard, as journalist’s interviewing style was very aggressive.

On Monday in her interview for Latvias radio the President said, I hope I was able to refute all his reproaches. She said that the interview was rather hard, as journalists interviewing style was very aggressive.

Diena , Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

comments that the President all the time had to justify herself or the country. comments that the President all the time had to justify herself or the country.


gives only the excerpt of the interview without any comments. gives only the excerpt of the interview without any comments. Vesti Segodnja gives some comments on the interview. When the President regarding legionaries meetings said that “all people have assembly rights, including the former soldiers of Waffen SS, however, these are not official events”

Vesti Segodnja gives some comments on the interview. When the President regarding legionaries meetings said that all people have assembly rights, including the former soldiers of Waffen SS, however, these are not official events Vesti Segodnja does not agree with that as in the opinion of the article the event in which the Minister of Defence and soldiers in uniforms take part could not be called otherwise but official. The newspaper also refutes the President regarding her wish to the people of Latvia – the President expressed her wish only to Latvians, forgetting that there are also other nationalities in Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

comments Presidents response about the question on former soldiers of Waffen SS in Latvia using words from the commercial on chewing gums sometimes it is better to chew than talk. The article thinks that the President looked very unsure, however, any professional politician has to look as a winner at any situation. The President follows this golden rule, however, the positions, which she had to defend, were so week, that we as human beings could only feel sorry for the President. comments President’s response about the question on former soldiers of Waffen SS in Latvia using words from the commercial on chewing gums “sometimes it is better to chew than talk”. The article thinks that the President looked very unsure, however, “any professional politician has to look as a winner at any situation. The President follows this golden rule, however, the positions, which she had to defend, were so week, that we as human beings could only feel sorry for the President”.


gives a positive evaluation to Presidents ability to control herself and pays more attention to the fact that the BBC broadcasts only such materials about Latvia, which have negative shading. gives a positive evaluation to President’s ability to control herself and pays more attention to the fact that the BBC broadcasts only such materials about Latvia, which have negative shading. During her interview for Latvia’s Radio the President V.Vike-Freiberga announced that she would be ready to meet with the President of Russia on the official level whenever comes the possibility.

During her interview for Latvias Radio the President V.Vike-Freiberga announced that she would be ready to meet with the President of Russia on the official level whenever comes the possibility. Diena, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja

The role of the Russian language can become stronger in Tallinn. The ruling coalition in the City Council is ready to accept the requirement of the Russian deputies to admit Russian as a communication language in the city, as in order to keep its positions the ruling party has to ask the Russian union “The People’s Choice” to join the coalition and Russian as a communication language is one of the requirements.

The role of the Russian language can become stronger in Tallinn. The ruling coalition in the City Council is ready to accept the requirement of the Russian deputies to admit Russian as a communication language in the city, as in order to keep its positions the ruling party has to ask the Russian union The Peoples Choice to join the coalition and Russian as a communication language is one of the requirements. Diena

Only one application was received to the announced opening for the post of the director of the State Language Centre and it was the application of the present director Dz.Hirsha. Yesterday was the deadline for applying to this post.

Only one application was received to the announced opening for the post of the director of the State Language Centre and it was the application of the present director Dz.Hirsha. Yesterday was the deadline for applying to this post. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii.

In the response to the press conference organised by Latvia’s Support Association to Schools with Education in the Russian Language the Ministry of Education and Science came up with the statement protesting against the organisation of the conference for the Russian students’ parents. In its statement the Ministry says that Latvia’s legislation guarantees education in minority languages for students, however,

In the response to the press conference organised by Latvias Support Association to Schools with Education in the Russian Language the Ministry of Education and Science came up with the statement protesting against the organisation of the conference for the Russian students parents. In its statement the Ministry says that Latvias legislation guarantees education in minority languages for students, however, Chas says that the term guarantee is not used in the regulations. The Parents Conference will take place anyway.

According to the pool data more than 70% people of Latvia think that the Government does not respect the opinion of society.

According to the pool data more than 70% people of Latvia think that the Government does not respect the opinion of society. Chas

The Union of Latvia’s Communists will celebrate the anniversary of October’s Revolution at the Victory Monument. However, this event is not co-ordinated with the City Council. The leader of the organisation A.Lebedev announced that his organisation had never asked any permits and would not do it in the future.

The Union of Latvias Communists will celebrate the anniversary of Octobers Revolution at the Victory Monument. However, this event is not co-ordinated with the City Council. The leader of the organisation A.Lebedev announced that his organisation had never asked any permits and would not do it in the future. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Nov. 6, 2000


Press Report

FF/LNNK party congress took place on Saturday. The chairman of the party M.Grinblats invited the members of the party to follow the changes and realise national policy adequate to the present situation.

FF/LNNK party congress took place on Saturday. The chairman of the party M.Grinblats invited the members of the party to follow the changes and realise national policy adequate to the present situation. Diena, Jauna

Vesti Segodnja finds many common traits between the speeches of M.Grinblats and Russia’s President V.Putin. They both talked about the elimination of influence of economic groups on politics and both politicians talked about that in the presence of these economic groups.

Vesti Segodnja finds many common traits between the speeches of M.Grinblats and Russias President V.Putin. They both talked about the elimination of influence of economic groups on politics and both politicians talked about that in the presence of these economic groups. Chas

Sunday the monument to the legionaries of II World War was opened in Lestene. The Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis, many representatives of the Saeima, FF/LNNK and former legionaries and their relatives participated in the event.

Sunday the monument to the legionaries of II World War was opened in Lestene. The Minister of Defence G.V.Kristovskis, many representatives of the Saeima, FF/LNNK and former legionaries and their relatives participated in the event. Diena, Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnja gives rather ironic and negative comments on the event. The most of criticism is given to the speech of FF/LNNK deputy J.Dobelis who said that “..the battle still goes on. The wheel of naturalisation keeps turning – people who are not loyal to our country become its citizen”.

Vesti Segodnja gives rather ironic and negative comments on the event. The most of criticism is given to the speech of FF/LNNK deputy J.Dobelis who said that ..the battle still goes on. The wheel of naturalisation keeps turning – people who are not loyal to our country become its citizen. Chas, Panorama Latvii

Today BBC broadcasts the interview with the President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga for the television program “Hard Talk with Tim Sebastian”. The interview will be in the air at 14.30, 18.30 and 21.30.

Today BBC broadcasts the interview with the President of Latvia V.Vike-Freiberga for the television program Hard Talk with Tim Sebastian. The interview will be in the air at 14.30, 18.30 and 21.30. Jauna, Neatkariga

The State Language Inspection has started its work and as first results are discovery of several violations of the State Language Law in the amusement park organised at the Railway station. The organisers followed the directions of the State Language Inspection and eliminated the violations in three days.

The State Language Inspection has started its work and as first results are discovery of several violations of the State Language Law in the amusement park organised at the Railway station. The organisers followed the directions of the State Language Inspection and eliminated the violations in three days. Jauna.

“The stability of our state depends on the stability of our party”, announced Latvia’s Way chairman A.Pantelejevs at the conference of the party. The chairman also stressed the importance of co-operation with the biggest coalition partners FF/LNNK and People’s Party.

The stability of our state depends on the stability of our party, announced Latvias Way chairman A.Pantelejevs at the conference of the party. The chairman also stressed the importance of co-operation with the biggest coalition partners FF/LNNK and Peoples Party. Neatkariga

Chas informs that absence of the chairman of Latvia’s Way faction leader K.Libane and delay of the Prime Minister for the conference is the prove for discord in the elite of the party.

Chas informs that absence of the chairman of Latvias Way faction leader K.Libane and delay of the Prime Minister for the conference is the prove for discord in the elite of the party.

On the request of Russia the meeting of intergovernmental committees has been postponed. It was planned to sign 6 intergovernmental agreements during this meeting. Russia informed Latvia that it needs some additional time to include the necessary experts in this committee.

On the request of Russia the meeting of intergovernmental committees has been postponed. It was planned to sign 6 intergovernmental agreements during this meeting. Russia informed Latvia that it needs some additional time to include the necessary experts in this committee. Neatkariga


publishes an article on the relations between the state and minorities. The head of the naturalisation Board E.Aldermane says that the state has to develop specific action plan for work with minorities, the attitude of the state has to be clearly defined. The state is reproached for not being able to establish the dialogue with minorities on the institutional level. publishes an article on the relations between the state and minorities. The head of the naturalisation Board E.Aldermane says that the state has to develop specific action plan for work with minorities, the attitude of the state has to be clearly defined. The state is reproached for not being able to establish the dialogue with minorities on the institutional level. Russian Community in Latvia (RCL) announced that “In regard to the State Language Law the authorities did not consider necessary to establish a dialogue with the representatives of Russian community and ignored national interests of Russians residing in Latvia. And in these circumstances the RCL does not see any other way out as to support the idea of non-violent civil resistance”.

Russian Community in Latvia (RCL) announced that In regard to the State Language Law the authorities did not consider necessary to establish a dialogue with the representatives of Russian community and ignored national interests of Russians residing in Latvia. And in these circumstances the RCL does not see any other way out as to support the idea of non-violent civil resistance. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii.

Nov. 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia has problems with the implementation of the norms and principles included in the Convention on the European Human Rights Court into Latvia’s judicial system. The European Human Rights Court has received more than 140 applications from Latvia, 80 of them are registered, however, none is yet accepted for the revision of the court.

Latvia has problems with the implementation of the norms and principles included in the Convention on the European Human Rights Court into Latvias judicial system. The European Human Rights Court has received more than 140 applications from Latvia, 80 of them are registered, however, none is yet accepted for the revision of the court. Diena

After examination of work done by the ministries, it has been discovered that about 400 tasks determined in the regulations and other normative acts have not been fulfilled. The Prime Minister A.Berzins did not want to disclose which ministry and sphere is behind with work the most. The reason why almost half of these unfulfilled tasks are not done is the rush in legislation process and very common is the situation when the Parliament cannot find a solution when developing normative acts and solves a problem with including the phrase “in the procedure provided for by the Cabinet of Ministers” and the ministries do not have a clue what this means.

After examination of work done by the ministries, it has been discovered that about 400 tasks determined in the regulations and other normative acts have not been fulfilled. The Prime Minister A.Berzins did not want to disclose which ministry and sphere is behind with work the most. The reason why almost half of these unfulfilled tasks are not done is the rush in legislation process and very common is the situation when the Parliament cannot find a solution when developing normative acts and solves a problem with including the phrase in the procedure provided for by the Cabinet of Ministers and the ministries do not have a clue what this means. Diena, Neatkariga

In the framework of the support program the Ministry of Nationality Affairs of Russia has allocated LVL 156 thousand for Russians residing abroad. Participation of 40 teachers from Latvia, 25 from Lithuania and 35 from Estonia are in professional courses in Russia are financed from this money. 179,2 thousand lats are allocated for the purchase of school books in Russian for Russian schools in the CIS and Baltic States. 123,2 thousand lats are given for subscription to Russia’s newspapers for veterans of work and II World War residing in the CIS and Baltic States.

In the framework of the support program the Ministry of Nationality Affairs of Russia has allocated LVL 156 thousand for Russians residing abroad. Participation of 40 teachers from Latvia, 25 from Lithuania and 35 from Estonia are in professional courses in Russia are financed from this money. 179,2 thousand lats are allocated for the purchase of school books in Russian for Russian schools in the CIS and Baltic States. 123,2 thousand lats are given for subscription to Russias newspapers for veterans of work and II World War residing in the CIS and Baltic States. Diena, Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

takes the possibility of the fact that Latvia will be a governing country of the EU next week to give its negative comments on the observance of human rights in Latvia. The newspaper states that Latvia does not observe the principle norms of the Convention on Human Rights. takes the possibility of the fact that Latvia will be a governing country of the EU next week to give its negative comments on the observance of human rights in Latvia. The newspaper states that Latvia does not observe the principle norms of the Convention on Human Rights.

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