Dec. 5, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

On Thursday the leaders of the largest faction of European Parliament – European People’s Party and European Union of Democrats are coming to Riga for a two day sitting to learn about Latvian opinion on the processes going on in Russia and their tendencies of development as well as to evaluate conformity of Latvian internal policy and economic situation to EU admission standards.

On Thursday the leaders of the largest faction of European Parliament – European Peoples Party and European Union of Democrats are coming to Riga for a two day sitting to learn about Latvian opinion on the processes going on in Russia and their tendencies of development as well as to evaluate conformity of Latvian internal policy and economic situation to EU admission standards. Diena

During the last five years the number of non-citizens in Latvia decreased for almost 200 000. This tendency remains and the Naturalisation Board experts think that at the time when Latvia is accepted to EU there will be no more than 300 – 400 000 non-citizens. Although this seems a pleasant fact but in reality more and more people prefer citizenship of some other country, especially Russian. The first data on non-citizens were collected in 1995 when their number was 735 966. On November 24, 2000 in Latvia lived 554 239. During 5 years Latvian citizenship received 61 330 (almost 38 000 though the process of naturalisation, the rest just registered their status as a citizen). Naturalisation Board Deputy Head J.Kahanovics foresees that from the present non-citizens about 200 000 would choose Latvian citizenship.

During the last five years the number of non-citizens in Latvia decreased for almost 200 000. This tendency remains and the Naturalisation Board experts think that at the time when Latvia is accepted to EU there will be no more than 300 – 400 000 non-citizens. Although this seems a pleasant fact but in reality more and more people prefer citizenship of some other country, especially Russian. The first data on non-citizens were collected in 1995 when their number was 735 966. On November 24, 2000 in Latvia lived 554 239. During 5 years Latvian citizenship received 61 330 (almost 38 000 though the process of naturalisation, the rest just registered their status as a citizen). Naturalisation Board Deputy Head J.Kahanovics foresees that from the present non-citizens about 200 000 would choose Latvian citizenship. Neatkariga

More and more parents in Latvia chose to send their children not only to Latvian but also to national minority schools. The number of such schools has increased to 8. Now in Latvia work Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Jewish and Byelorussian schools. Some of them, by gradual increasing of students’ number, are able to offer not only elementary but also secondary education.

More and more parents in Latvia chose to send their children not only to Latvian but also to national minority schools. The number of such schools has increased to 8. Now in Latvia work Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Jewish and Byelorussian schools. Some of them, by gradual increasing of students number, are able to offer not only elementary but also secondary education. Neatkariga writes about the situation in some of such schools – Riga Ukrainian Secondary School, Riga Polish and Lithuanian Elementary Schools and Riga Jewish Secondary School. Neatkariga


Newspaper Lauku Avize interviewed the new Director of the Public Integration Department within the Ministry of Justice V.Antoniskis. Mr.Antoniskis sees the tasks of his Department to explain Latvian people disregarding their national and political belonging what is going on in Latvia and to involve them in the life of the state. He thinks that so far there was a lack of explanation therefore people quite often do not understand activities of state administration.

Russian Embassy in Latvia sums up and analyses the information on Latvian radio stations broadcasting in the Russian language. This is due to the problems that face such radio stations as Biznes & Baltiya and Radio Mix FM. After the analysis is done, the Embassy will explain its position on this issue.

Russian Embassy in Latvia sums up and analyses the information on Latvian radio stations broadcasting in the Russian language. This is due to the problems that face such radio stations as Biznes & Baltiya and Radio Mix FM. After the analysis is done, the Embassy will explain its position on this issue. Respublika

A woman – Russia citizen gave birth to a baby in Latvian city Rezekne and later resigned from it. Now it is not clear what will be the first place of residence of this baby. The mother has a temporary residence permit in Latvia, and therefore according to Latvian legislation it is not permissible to register the very fact of birth and the baby may not be sent to any orphanage.

A woman – Russia citizen gave birth to a baby in Latvian city Rezekne and later resigned from it. Now it is not clear what will be the first place of residence of this baby. The mother has a temporary residence permit in Latvia, and therefore according to Latvian legislation it is not permissible to register the very fact of birth and the baby may not be sent to any orphanage. Panorama Latvii

Russian Embassy in Latvia addressed Latvian Prosecutor’s General office with a request to ensure the necessary legal defence for Russian National Bolsheviks accused of terrorism in Latvia. Prosecutor of Riga Court District J.Drobisevskis told journalists that at the moment these people were defended by solicitors provided by the Latvian State according to the legislation and he thought that this request was due to the fact that detained persons had a right to ask the Embassy for assistance.

Russian Embassy in Latvia addressed Latvian Prosecutors General office with a request to ensure the necessary legal defence for Russian National Bolsheviks accused of terrorism in Latvia. Prosecutor of Riga Court District J.Drobisevskis told journalists that at the moment these people were defended by solicitors provided by the Latvian State according to the legislation and he thought that this request was due to the fact that detained persons had a right to ask the Embassy for assistance. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

interviewed the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane. E.Aldermane thinks that Latvia is the home country for all people living here – citizens and non-citizens, Latvians, Russians, Jewish, etc. She is worried about this big number of non-citizens in Latvia and thinks that naturalisation process could go faster. One of the reasons for this low speed is lack of state language knowledge. The Naturalisation Board has organised a testing – any person may come to the local Naturalisation Board office and test his level of the state language knowledge. This is connected with a large project of the Board to assist people in mastering the Latvian language.

Dec. 4, 2000

Press Report

The number of non-citizens in Latvia is decreasing slowly but steadily and the Naturalisation Board foresees that at the end of this year their number could be less than 550 000. One of the main reasons for this decrease is acquiring of citizenship, but in order to make non-citizens more active in this respect the Naturalisation Board will organise on December 6 an Information Day. During this day all interested will be able to consult specialists on the process on naturalisation, a ceremony of the solemn oath of receiving Latvian citizenship will take place and there will be also a possibility to test one’s knowledge in a naturalisation exam to find out its content and level of difficulty. Diena

The number of non-citizens in Latvia is decreasing slowly but steadily and the Naturalisation Board foresees that at the end of this year their number could be less than 550 000. One of the main reasons for this decrease is acquiring of citizenship, but in order to make non-citizens more active in this respect the Naturalisation Board will organise on December 6 an Information Day. During this day all interested will be able to consult specialists on the process on naturalisation, a ceremony of the solemn oath of receiving Latvian citizenship will take place and there will be also a possibility to test ones knowledge in a naturalisation exam to find out its content and level of difficulty. Diena

On Saturday evening National Bolsheviks Party organised a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. About 60 members put up a slogan with the main demand of this picket “Freedom to the heroes” – those party members who had been arrested in Latvia for illegal crossing of Latvian border and hooliganism on the St. Peter’s tower in Riga.

On Saturday evening National Bolsheviks Party organised a picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow. About 60 members put up a slogan with the main demand of this picket Freedom to the heroes – those party members who had been arrested in Latvia for illegal crossing of Latvian border and hooliganism on the St. Peters tower in Riga. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

At the regular congress of Latvian Socialist Party A.Rubiks was re-elected the Chairman of the party. The Party plans to make A.Rubiks more politically active nominating him to the post of the Managing Director of Riga City Council. Socialists together with People’s Harmony Party and Movement Equality agreed to support S.Dimanis as a candidate for the post of Riga Mayor.

At the regular congress of Latvian Socialist Party A.Rubiks was re-elected the Chairman of the party. The Party plans to make A.Rubiks more politically active nominating him to the post of the Managing Director of Riga City Council. Socialists together with Peoples Harmony Party and Movement Equality agreed to support S.Dimanis as a candidate for the post of Riga Mayor. Diena, Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

The Council of the Union FF/LNNK in a closed meeting adopted their list for local government election in Riga, Jelgava and Rezekne and nominated their representative A.Argalis to the post of Riga Mayor.

The Council of the Union FF/LNNK in a closed meeting adopted their list for local government election in Riga, Jelgava and Rezekne and nominated their representative A.Argalis to the post of Riga Mayor. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Lm Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on a working visit to Italy on December 3-6. He has planned meetings with the Italian Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of EU Affairs.

Lm Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on a working visit to Italy on December 3-6. He has planned meetings with the Italian Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of EU Affairs. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya

The newspaper Neatkariga interviewed Russian National Council deputy, Russian Federation Communist Party member V.Nikitin who is active in the Council’s Committee on CIS and Compatriots’ Affairs and leads the deputies’ group for co-operation with Latvian Saeima. V.Nikitin told the journalist about establishing this group. The group stands for the idea that relations should be established on mutual respect and profit, forgetting old offences. The group has showed an initiative inviting their Latvian colleagues to visit Russia in 2001.

The newspaper Neatkariga interviewed Russian National Council deputy, Russian Federation Communist Party member V.Nikitin who is active in the Councils Committee on CIS and Compatriots Affairs and leads the deputies group for co-operation with Latvian Saeima. V.Nikitin told the journalist about establishing this group. The group stands for the idea that relations should be established on mutual respect and profit, forgetting old offences. The group has showed an initiative inviting their Latvian colleagues to visit Russia in 2001. Neatkariga

International Affairs Committee of the Russian National Council in a closed meeting discussed Russia’s relations with the Baltic States. Journalists were not allowed to this meeting. Several days before this meeting the leader of the Council’s Committee on CIS and Compatriots’ Affairs B.Pastuhov announced that Russia should stop exporting goods through Latvia and construct its own ports on the Baltic Sea.

International Affairs Committee of the Russian National Council in a closed meeting discussed Russias relations with the Baltic States. Journalists were not allowed to this meeting. Several days before this meeting the leader of the Councils Committee on CIS and Compatriots Affairs B.Pastuhov announced that Russia should stop exporting goods through Latvia and construct its own ports on the Baltic Sea. Jauna Avize

On December 31, 2000 expires the validity term of Latvian – Russian agreement on non-visa regime for Latvian non-citizens but here is no information on the future arrangement of this procedure. The newspaper

On December 31, 2000 expires the validity term of Latvian – Russian agreement on non-visa regime for Latvian non-citizens but here is no information on the future arrangement of this procedure. The newspaper Respublika tried to contact Russian Embassy in Riga but in vein.

This week the National Council on TV and Radio has to send to court a request to stop broadcasting of radio station Biznes & Baltiya that retranslates the popular Russian radio station “Russkoye Radio”. The official reason for it is serious violations of the Law on TV and radio broadcasting.” Mainly – violations of the Latvian language law, violations in the procedure of changing the format of broadcasting and hidden advertisement of alcoholic beverages. The Council members informed that they would pay serious attention also to other radio stations broadcasting in the Russian language. The newspaper explains these attacks with “big money” because B & B thanks to a cunning idea to retranslate one of the most popular Russian radio stations spoiled plans of major Latvian radio stations.

This week the National Council on TV and Radio has to send to court a request to stop broadcasting of radio station Biznes & Baltiya that retranslates the popular Russian radio station Russkoye Radio. The official reason for it is serious violations of the Law on TV and radio broadcasting. Mainly – violations of the Latvian language law, violations in the procedure of changing the format of broadcasting and hidden advertisement of alcoholic beverages. The Council members informed that they would pay serious attention also to other radio stations broadcasting in the Russian language. The newspaper explains these attacks with big money because B & B thanks to a cunning idea to retranslate one of the most popular Russian radio stations spoiled plans of major Latvian radio stations. Respublika

Dec. 2, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

While several state institutions fight so they could be the basis for establishing the new ministry of Regional Development, the government once more postponed the decision of this question. In their turn local governments wish this ministry not to become the place of distributing centralised financing, let regions themselves also could decide about the EU money meant for regional development. Neatkariga

While several state institutions fight so they could be the basis for establishing the new ministry of Regional Development, the government once more postponed the decision of this question. In their turn local governments wish this ministry not to become the place of distributing centralised financing, let regions themselves also could decide about the EU money meant for regional development. Neatkariga

Although the Latvian Way Party congress is taking place within a week, there is no united opinion in party sections on the most suitable candidate for the post of the Chairman. Even more – there are some talks about a possible split between Riga and Daugavpils sections. Riga City faction stands for the Prime Minister A.Berzins as the possible candidate for the Party Chairman but in Daugavpils section members support the present Chairman A.Pantelejevs. Neatkariga

Although the Latvian Way Party congress is taking place within a week, there is no united opinion in party sections on the most suitable candidate for the post of the Chairman. Even more – there are some talks about a possible split between Riga and Daugavpils sections. Riga City faction stands for the Prime Minister A.Berzins as the possible candidate for the Party Chairman but in Daugavpils section members support the present Chairman A.Pantelejevs. Neatkariga

The first meeting of the Baltic States and Russia working group took place in Riga. Representatives of four countries agreed that such meeting would take place 4 times a year basing on a rotation principle. It was decided that the working group could co-ordinate co-operation for concrete operations.

The first meeting of the Baltic States and Russia working group took place in Riga. Representatives of four countries agreed that such meeting would take place 4 times a year basing on a rotation principle. It was decided that the working group could co-ordinate co-operation for concrete operations. Neatkariga

Upon an initiative of Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in Riga on December 15 will take place a meeting of the Presidents of Baltic States. One of the most important questions of discussion will be EU expansion.

Upon an initiative of Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga in Riga on December 15 will take place a meeting of the Presidents of Baltic States. One of the most important questions of discussion will be EU expansion. Neatkariga

Latvian language Training Program reported on their two years activities and organised in Reiterna House an attractive multicultural fair. The event was opened by a discussion “Latvian youngsters of the road to united society” where young people tried to come to a conclusion what this “united society” really meant. A teacher from a Russian school said that one of the main reasons for the possible gap between Latvian and Russian youngsters could be the fact that Latvians did not want to refer this integration to themselves.

Latvian language Training Program reported on their two years activities and organised in Reiterna House an attractive multicultural fair. The event was opened by a discussion Latvian youngsters of the road to united society where young people tried to come to a conclusion what this united society really meant. A teacher from a Russian school said that one of the main reasons for the possible gap between Latvian and Russian youngsters could be the fact that Latvians did not want to refer this integration to themselves. Neatkariga

Diena writes that Latvian Socialist party has about 2000 members and it is the largest political organisation in the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia. But its activities are inconspicuous, and also its leader A.Rubiks does not seem very active. Most likely he will keep his post after this congress. It seems that also his deputies M.Bekasov and F.Strogonov will remain in their posts, and the Party does not plan to make any changes in Party’s program and statutes.

Diena writes that Latvian Socialist party has about 2000 members and it is the largest political organisation in the Union For Human Rights in United Latvia. But its activities are inconspicuous, and also its leader A.Rubiks does not seem very active. Most likely he will keep his post after this congress. It seems that also his deputies M.Bekasov and F.Strogonov will remain in their posts, and the Party does not plan to make any changes in Partys program and statutes. Diena


interviewed A.Rubiks about the future of Latvian Socialist Party. Mr.Rubiks told that the Party had no intention to change its program and also spoke about their plans for Riga City Council election.

Nov. 30, 2000

 Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday was the last day of President’s V.Vike-Freiberga visit to Brussels. The President is very satisfied with the visit and the general opinion about Latvia given to her by high EU officials. Today’s is the first day of President’s visit to Finland.

Yesterday was the last day of Presidents V.Vike-Freiberga visit to Brussels. The President is very satisfied with the visit and the general opinion about Latvia given to her by high EU officials. Todays is the first day of Presidents visit to Finland. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

On Wednesday Prime Minister A.Berzins launched the biggest anti-corruption campaign in the history of Latvia. The total expenses of the campaign will amount to LVL 2 million and it is financed by EU Phare programme. The main activities of this campaign are to provide information to public about problems related to corruption, issue bulletins and place advertisements on the streets of Riga. The main target audience of the campaign will be young people.

On Wednesday Prime Minister A.Berzins launched the biggest anti-corruption campaign in the history of Latvia. The total expenses of the campaign will amount to LVL 2 million and it is financed by EU Phare programme. The main activities of this campaign are to provide information to public about problems related to corruption, issue bulletins and place advertisements on the streets of Riga. The main target audience of the campaign will be young people. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas

The prosecutor office charges all three national bolshevists, detained for “occupation” of St.Peter church, with terrorism and illegal border passing. They could be sentenced to 15-20 years in jail.

The prosecutor office charges all three national bolshevists, detained for occupation of St.Peter church, with terrorism and illegal border passing. They could be sentenced to 15-20 years in jail. Diena, Chas, Respublika

On Wednesday the working group, headed by the Minister of Justice I.Labucka and which has to develop amendments to the Constitution till 1 March, 2001, agreed to include new the voting procedure for Latvia’s people. Respective amendments are planned to be entered to the law on the People Voting and the law on Initiating the Law.

On Wednesday the working group, headed by the Minister of Justice I.Labucka and which has to develop amendments to the Constitution till 1 March, 2001, agreed to include new the voting procedure for Latvias people. Respective amendments are planned to be entered to the law on the People Voting and the law on Initiating the Law. Diena, Neatkariga

Saeima Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs insists on an urgent meeting with the President mainly because of the necessity to discuss the case of Kalejs (ratification of the agreement on delivering war felons with Australia). According to the information provided the President agreed to have a meeting, however, not in the Saeima, as the deputies proposed it, but in her palace. The committee member J.Jurkans says “the meetings taking place at the residency are mostly not very effective. However, we have real serious problems with our domestic policy – and very often these problems are caused by the President herself”.

Saeima Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs insists on an urgent meeting with the President mainly because of the necessity to discuss the case of Kalejs (ratification of the agreement on delivering war felons with Australia). According to the information provided the President agreed to have a meeting, however, not in the Saeima, as the deputies proposed it, but in her palace. The committee member J.Jurkans says the meetings taking place at the residency are mostly not very effective. However, we have real serious problems with our domestic policy – and very often these problems are caused by the President herself. Vesti Segodnja

On 6 December from 10 am to 2 PM Naturalisation Board invites people attend the open door day event at Naturalisation Board. During this day interested people will have a possibility to ask all kind of questions to the officials of Naturalisation Board. The possibility will be offered to test their knowledge by taking trial tests for naturalisation, after the tests people receive the analysis of the omitted mistakes and suggestions regarding the fields of improvement. These tests will not have legal power. It is hoped that the President will take part in the event.

On 6 December from 10 am to 2 PM Naturalisation Board invites people attend the open door day event at Naturalisation Board. During this day interested people will have a possibility to ask all kind of questions to the officials of Naturalisation Board. The possibility will be offered to test their knowledge by taking trial tests for naturalisation, after the tests people receive the analysis of the omitted mistakes and suggestions regarding the fields of improvement. These tests will not have legal power. It is hoped that the President will take part in the event. Chas

Today the Saeima reviews the draft of the state budget for the year 2001 in the second final reading.

Today the Saeima reviews the draft of the state budget for the year 2001 in the second final reading. Jauna, Diena, Respublika

Neatkariga continues to provide information about problems in paying extra allowances to the teachers of Latvian or bilingual teachers working at minority schools. As amount of extra allowances are to be determined according to the qualification of the teacher and teaching quality, it is up to the school board decide the amount of the pay to be paid to an individual teacher.

Neatkariga continues to provide information about problems in paying extra allowances to the teachers of Latvian or bilingual teachers working at minority schools. As amount of extra allowances are to be determined according to the qualification of the teacher and teaching quality, it is up to the school board decide the amount of the pay to be paid to an individual teacher.

In the context of upcoming municipal elections

In the context of upcoming municipal elections Lauku Avize publishes an interview with State Central Electorate chairman A.Cimdars where he gives more detailed information about the difference between municipal and parliamentarian elections and what has been done to make participation at the election more available.

FHRUL faction Saeima deputy, M.Mitrafanov informs about the try to enter amendments to the Law on the Complaints and Applications Submission Procedure in the relation to the new Law on the State Language. As the Language Law sets out that written communication with civil officers has to be exclusively in Latvian, FHRUL proposed that people complaints and applications could be presented in an oral form in any language and then put down by a civil officer in Latvian. The proposal was turned down.

FHRUL faction Saeima deputy, M.Mitrafanov informs about the try to enter amendments to the Law on the Complaints and Applications Submission Procedure in the relation to the new Law on the State Language. As the Language Law sets out that written communication with civil officers has to be exclusively in Latvian, FHRUL proposed that people complaints and applications could be presented in an oral form in any language and then put down by a civil officer in Latvian. The proposal was turned down. Panorama Latvii


Nov. 29, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

NATO Secretary-General George Robertson considers the publicly voiced support to Lithuania and other countries to join the NATO unjust and not reasoned for this moment. This statement was announced after G.Robertson meeting with Latvia’s President.

NATO Secretary-General George Robertson considers the publicly voiced support to Lithuania and other countries to join the NATO unjust and not reasoned for this moment. This statement was announced after G.Robertson meeting with Latvias President. Diena

The Government adopted the regulations, which set the fee of LVL 15 to be paid if a person wants to refuse from the citizenship of Latvia or renew its registration. People falling in groups of the indigent have to pay LVL 5 instead of 15.

The Government adopted the regulations, which set the fee of LVL 15 to be paid if a person wants to refuse from the citizenship of Latvia or renew its registration. People falling in groups of the indigent have to pay LVL 5 instead of 15. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja

The EC voiced that it does not agree with the way Latvia’s Government distributed PHARE funds for social and economic equalisation for the year of 2001 and has informed the Prime Minister on this matter.

The EC voiced that it does not agree with the way Latvias Government distributed PHARE funds for social and economic equalisation for the year of 2001 and has informed the Prime Minister on this matter. Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

discuss the National Programme on Latvian Language Learning. The author of article states that the state has set the examination of language proficiency as its priority instead of paying all attention to ensure learning process of the state language. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers was about to review the framework report of the MoES On the Further Development of State Language Proficiency Examination System, however, revision was postponed for a week. In this report MoES proposes to establish a new institution which would be in charge of all issues regarding Latvian language proficiency examination. The newspaper gives the amounts of money necessary to establish such institution and heavily doubts the usefulness for such expenditures. discuss the National Programme on Latvian Language Learning. The author of article states that the state has set the examination of language proficiency as its priority instead of paying all attention to ensure learning process of the state language. Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers was about to review the framework report of the MoES “On the Further Development of State Language Proficiency Examination System”, however, revision was postponed for a week. In this report MoES proposes to establish a new institution which would be in charge of all issues regarding Latvian language proficiency examination. The newspaper gives the amounts of money necessary to establish such institution and heavily doubts the usefulness for such expenditures. In the framework report “On the Further Development of State Language Proficiency Examination System” the article on possibility to combine a centralised examination in Latvian at school with tests determined in the Laws on the State Language and Citizenship was included.

In the framework report On the Further Development of State Language Proficiency Examination System the article on possibility to combine a centralised examination in Latvian at school with tests determined in the Laws on the State Language and Citizenship was included.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in the interview for Latvia’s radio said that in the sitting of OSCE Council of Ministers Latvia did not receive any criticism and was named as an example for other countries.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins in the interview for Latvias radio said that in the sitting of OSCE Council of Ministers Latvia did not receive any criticism and was named as an example for other countries. Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

discusses the proposal of FF/LNNK deputy Dz.Kudums to introduce mandatory military training as a part of civic education at schools. discusses the proposal of FF/LNNK deputy Dz.Kudums to introduce mandatory military training as a part of civic education at schools. The Government of Austria adopted the decision to take responsibility for exploitation of people from the occupied territories during World War II – an extra ordinary allowance will be paid to people, who at the moment of deportation were the citizens of the USSR, were brought to Austria from Latvia, Lithuania and Russia and now live in the republics of the former USSR, but Byelorussia, Moldova, Ukraine and Estonia.

The Government of Austria adopted the decision to take responsibility for exploitation of people from the occupied territories during World War II – an extra ordinary allowance will be paid to people, who at the moment of deportation were the citizens of the USSR, were brought to Austria from Latvia, Lithuania and Russia and now live in the republics of the former USSR, but Byelorussia, Moldova, Ukraine and Estonia. Chas


draws the attention of the readers to the fact that two very close persons to the President – State Chancellery head M.Bondars and Presidents Advisor I.Vaidere – are named as FF/LNNK candidates for the municipal elections. draws the attention of the readers to the fact that two very close persons to the President – State Chancellery head M.Bondars and President’s Advisor I.Vaidere – are named as FF/LNNK candidates for the municipal elections. The Chairman of Latvia’s Democratic Party A.Ameriks took part in the Conference for the Parents of Russian Students. Respublika publishes his opinions about the current situation in education. The lack of professional teachers is the main obstacle to ensure good education.

The Chairman of Latvias Democratic Party A.Ameriks took part in the Conference for the Parents of Russian Students. Respublika publishes his opinions about the current situation in education. The lack of professional teachers is the main obstacle to ensure good education. Respublika


discusses with the only moderator of news in Russian on Latvian Television V.Novodvorskij the possibility to have Russian television channel in Latvia. As very often the only obstacle to create such channel is money, however, there is also a lack of journalists who would be able to work for Russian audience on a high intellectual level. discusses with the only moderator of news in Russian on Latvian Television V.Novodvorskij the possibility to have Russian television channel in Latvia. As very often the only obstacle to create such channel is money, however, there is also a lack of journalists who would be able to work for Russian audience on a high intellectual level.


publishes and interview with UN Secretary-Generals Special Envoy for the Balkans Carl Bildt. The situation in Balkans, integration problems there and in Latvia, Latvia and Russia in the context of the EU, NATO were among the questions discussed in the interview. publishes and interview with UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Balkans Carl Bildt. The situation in Balkans, integration problems there and in Latvia, Latvia and Russia in the context of the EU, NATO were among the questions discussed in the interview.
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