July 19, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Draft protocol of co-operation between Riga and Moscow sets out as priorities expansion of contacts in the areas of education, research, culture, sports and tourism as well as co-operation between media. The draft protocol made public by the Riga city council envisages promotion of co-operation of city council of both cities and delegation exchange, stipulating that each delegation may comprise no more than seven people and each party pays for plane tickets for its delegation. The draft protocol also envisages exchange of experience in developing draft legislation aimed at improving self-government system as well as economic and budget policy issues at the level of city legislation. The draft protocol offered by Moscow has been sent to Riga city council factions that should submit their proposals for co-operation. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars Wednesday reiterated talking to reporters the protocol will be prepared for signing without delay but concrete terms have not been specified. Previously he described the protocol as declarative therefore the Riga city council should include concrete issues into it. The co-operation protocol with Moscow city government could be signed at the end of the year when Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov is expected arriving on a visit in Riga. With Moscow city council the protocol could be signed even earlier.

Draft protocol of co-operation between Riga and Moscow sets out as priorities expansion of contacts in the areas of education, research, culture, sports and tourism as well as co-operation between media. The draft protocol made public by the Riga city council envisages promotion of co-operation of city council of both cities and delegation exchange, stipulating that each delegation may comprise no more than seven people and each party pays for plane tickets for its delegation. The draft protocol also envisages exchange of experience in developing draft legislation aimed at improving self-government system as well as economic and budget policy issues at the level of city legislation. The draft protocol offered by Moscow has been sent to Riga city council factions that should submit their proposals for co-operation. Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars Wednesday reiterated talking to reporters the protocol will be prepared for signing without delay but concrete terms have not been specified. Previously he described the protocol as declarative therefore the Riga city council should include concrete issues into it. The co-operation protocol with Moscow city government could be signed at the end of the year when Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov is expected arriving on a visit in Riga. With Moscow city council the protocol could be signed even earlier. Diena

Wednesday the Constitutional Court initiated the first case in this court in Latvia on a claim by a private individual, contesting compliance to the Constitution of norms under the state language law and government regulations on spelling names and surnames in documents. Constitutional Court Chairman Aivars Endzins told BNS the claimant so far has contested at all court instances of the general jurisdiction the decision of the Citizenship and Migration Department to make Latvian spelling Mencena of the surname Mentzen. All general jurisdiction courts had turned down her complaint. Juta Mentzen-Mencena said in her claim to the court the state language law and corresponding government regulations on spelling names and surnames in documents do not comply with the provision under the Constitution on inviolability of privacy. The claim also cites two court judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. The court panel requested the parliament and government provide response on

Wednesday the Constitutional Court initiated the first case in this court in Latvia on a claim by a private individual, contesting compliance to the Constitution of norms under the state language law and government regulations on spelling names and surnames in documents. Constitutional Court Chairman Aivars Endzins told BNS the claimant so far has contested at all court instances of the general jurisdiction the decision of the Citizenship and Migration Department to make Latvian spelling Mencena of the surname Mentzen. All general jurisdiction courts had turned down her complaint. Juta Mentzen-Mencena said in her claim to the court the state language law and corresponding government regulations on spelling names and surnames in documents do not comply with the provision under the Constitution on inviolability of privacy. The claim also cites two court judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. The court panel requested the parliament and government provide response on

the matter by Sept. 3. Under recent amendments to the law on Constitutional Court, in effect since July 1, the circle of persons entitled to filing a claim with the court was expanded so to embrace private individuals. Private individuals can turn to the Constitutional Court only in the event their rights guaranteed under the constitution have been violated as well as all possibilities of appeal at the general jurisdiction courts have been exhausted. So far several dozens of residents have used the possibility to file the claim with the Constitutional Court but most of them do not fall into the court's competence for various reasons. The amendments also allow general jurisdiction courts to turn to the Constitutional Court if they, during consideration of a case, come across a norm not complying with the constitution. Also entitled to turn to the Constitutional Court are justices of Land Book register. The amendments also have expanded possibilities of local authorities and National Human Rights Office.

the matter by Sept. 3. Under recent amendments to the law on Constitutional Court, in effect since July 1, the circle of persons entitled to filing a claim with the court was expanded so to embrace private individuals. Private individuals can turn to the Constitutional Court only in the event their rights guaranteed under the constitution have been violated as well as all possibilities of appeal at the general jurisdiction courts have been exhausted. So far several dozens of residents have used the possibility to file the claim with the Constitutional Court but most of them do not fall into the court's competence for various reasons. The amendments also allow general jurisdiction courts to turn to the Constitutional Court if they, during consideration of a case, come across a norm not complying with the constitution. Also entitled to turn to the Constitutional Court are justices of Land Book register. The amendments also have expanded possibilities of local authorities and National Human Rights Office. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Respublika, Chas

Note: On a related point, the Mission is now reviewing a regulation being considered by the Cabinet of Ministers which provides a style guide (codex) for the transcription of names into Latvian from other languages. It is not clear if this draft regulation would supplement or replace the regulations being challenged in the Court case noted above.


interviews Riga City Council mayor G.Bojars. In G.Bojars opinion he is contributing to the stability of political situation in the country as he is not taking measures just to make himself popular but he is implementing long-term development programmes. Once again G.Bojars stresses that his political views and activities are not always in compliance with the views of his father J.Bojars, Social Democrats Party chairperson.

Weekly Russian newspaper Subbota interviews OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby on the role and activities of the OSCE Mission in Latvia.

July 18, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The Latvian Company Register has again refused to register an extreme and radical Liepaja City organisation, officially under the name of Russian National Unity in Latvia, as documentation is still insufficient and the organisation’s name is also still the same as another located in Russia. The Company Register reports that the so-called Barkashovtsi group has still not changed its name, the same as an anti-Latvian organisation in Russia, which was also a reason for previously refusing the application. The Latvian Company Register reports that the organisation in Russia is an extreme radical organisation working against the sovereignty of Latvia.

The Latvian Company Register has again refused to register an extreme and radical Liepaja City organisation, officially under the name of Russian National Unity in Latvia, as documentation is still insufficient and the organisations name is also still the same as another located in Russia. The Company Register reports that the so-called Barkashovtsi group has still not changed its name, the same as an anti-Latvian organisation in Russia, which was also a reason for previously refusing the application. The Latvian Company Register reports that the organisation in Russia is an extreme radical organisation working against the sovereignty of Latvia. Respublika

Yesterday publishing house Vieda director A.Garda announced that the book “We do not Give Latvia to Anyone” has been re-published.

Yesterday publishing house Vieda director A.Garda announced that the book We do not Give Latvia to Anyone has been re-published. Vesti Segodnja writes Garda keeps propagating hatred between the nations although the official institutions – the Prime Minister, the heads of Latvian top security agencies, General Prosecutor Office, as well as Russia and OSCE – had expressed their disapproving opinion about the book and essay contest.

Yesterday the Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnovs admitted that the work at singing agreements with Russia has stopped. The stumbling stone is the requirement to re-calculate pensions for non-citizens. The Ministry of Welfare was charged to carry out calculations whether the gains from other agreements with Russia would cover the losses generated by the re-calculation of pensions, however, neither the ministry nor ruling coalition seems to be in a hurry.

Yesterday the Minister of Welfare A.Pozharnovs admitted that the work at singing agreements with Russia has stopped. The stumbling stone is the requirement to re-calculate pensions for non-citizens. The Ministry of Welfare was charged to carry out calculations whether the gains from other agreements with Russia would cover the losses generated by the re-calculation of pensions, however, neither the ministry nor ruling coalition seems to be in a hurry. Chas, Respublika


publishes an article about the Russian Party and talks with its leader M.Gavrilovs. The Party has 400 members and its ideology is based on the fundamental value of Russian culture – orthodoxy. I am very disappointed that Latvians Russians associate with such persons as T.Zhdanok, A.Rubiks and J.Jurkans. These people are cosmopolitans and internationalists and they protect the rights of Russian-speakers, not Russians. M.Gavrilovs considers that FHRUL should be blamed for having 2 disintegrated communities in Latvia. publishes an article about the Russian Party and talks with its leader M.Gavrilovs. The Party has 400 members and its ideology is based on the fundamental value of Russian culture – orthodoxy. “I am very disappointed that Latvians Russians associate with such persons as T.Zhdanok, A.Rubiks and J.Jurkans. These people are cosmopolitans and internationalists and they protect the rights of Russian-speakers, not Russians”. M.Gavrilovs considers that FHRUL should be blamed for having 2 disintegrated communities in Latvia.

July 17, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The newspaper

The newspaper Chas has carried out Internet survey asking what status the Russian language should have in Latvia. Almost a half of the respondents (333) say that Russian should have the status of the official language. In this respect Chas also interviews Latvian Association for Supporting Schools with the Russian Language of Tuition (LASSRLT) chairperson I.Pimenovs about his proposed bilingual education model which main principle is to study Latvian mainly at the Latvian language classes at non-Latvian schools. When asked why the Saeima does not support his ideas, I.Pimenovs explains that with upcoming 8th Saeima election.

Jelgava is the second city in Latvia, which follows Ventspils model on the involvement of non-citizens in municipal affairs by establishing the Advisory Council in Non-citizen Affairs. The committee was established last week and this week it will take a decision on the best mechanism. In September the Commission will launch its operations. The Commission is headed by the City Council mayor A.Ravinsh and it will have 9 members representing state and municipal institutions and 4-5 representatives of national cultural associations. Jelgava City Council will use Ventspils’ model as a base, however, will search for their own solutions. In the decree on the establishment of the Council it is said that the Council is founded on the basis of Society Integration Programme and its purpose is to co-ordinate activities of state, municipal institutions and NGOs, as well as involve non-citizens in municipal affairs. The first activity of the Council will be the seminar which will take place in September and among the participants will be the representatives of the Naturalisation Board, local authorities, National Programme of Learning State Language, as well as N.Muizhnieks and E.Vebers have agreed to take part at the seminar.

Jelgava is the second city in Latvia, which follows Ventspils model on the involvement of non-citizens in municipal affairs by establishing the Advisory Council in Non-citizen Affairs. The committee was established last week and this week it will take a decision on the best mechanism. In September the Commission will launch its operations. The Commission is headed by the City Council mayor A.Ravinsh and it will have 9 members representing state and municipal institutions and 4-5 representatives of national cultural associations. Jelgava City Council will use Ventspils model as a base, however, will search for their own solutions. In the decree on the establishment of the Council it is said that the Council is founded on the basis of Society Integration Programme and its purpose is to co-ordinate activities of state, municipal institutions and NGOs, as well as involve non-citizens in municipal affairs. The first activity of the Council will be the seminar which will take place in September and among the participants will be the representatives of the Naturalisation Board, local authorities, National Programme of Learning State Language, as well as N.Muizhnieks and E.Vebers have agreed to take part at the seminar. Chas

Valmiera Secondary School No 1 – the only Russian school in the town – is under the threat of closing. School parents committee turned to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education and Culture chairperson Dz.Abikis with the request to find a possibility to keep the school. Dz.Abikis said in his response “..taking into account the composition of nationalities in Valmiera, it is very likely that in the very close future in this area will be only Latvian schools. And it will not result in discrimination toward your children – it will be them an advantage when they continue their education. Your language and culture you can preserve in families, associations of culture, Sunday schools”.

Valmiera Secondary School No 1 – the only Russian school in the town – is under the threat of closing. School parents committee turned to the Saeima Standing Committee on Education and Culture chairperson Dz.Abikis with the request to find a possibility to keep the school. Dz.Abikis said in his response ..taking into account the composition of nationalities in Valmiera, it is very likely that in the very close future in this area will be only Latvian schools. And it will not result in discrimination toward your children – it will be them an advantage when they continue their education. Your language and culture you can preserve in families, associations of culture, Sunday schools. Respublika

Draft regulations on “Spelling Code of Proper Names” has been submitted to the Government. The draft rather specifically covers the rules for conjugation and spelling of foreign names in the Latvian language.

Draft regulations on Spelling Code of Proper Names has been submitted to the Government. The draft rather specifically covers the rules for conjugation and spelling of foreign names in the Latvian language. Respublika

Former Russian ambassador to Latvia believes admission of the Baltic states to NATO is unacceptable for Russia. Alexander Udaltsev said in an interview to Russian language Bizness & Baltija newspaper: "Our position concerning inclusion of the Baltic states in NATO is unchanged, we regard such a development as unacceptable for Russia". He said "as I understand, in Latvia itself the attitude towards accession to NATO is not unanimous". "If a large part of the population does not support such a step, then, probably, there are grounds to think about it," said Udaltsev who currently is head of the second European department at the Russian Foreign Ministry. He believes the relations between Latvia and Russia should be solved as a complex and as the most important issues are regarded rights of Russian speakers in Latvia, education in Russian language and situation of war veterans. "[Russian] president [Vladimir Putin] in the meeting [with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga] set out our priorities clearly enough -- rights of Latvia's Russian speakers, education in Russian language and the situation of war veterans," he said. "By outlining these themes and naming them clearly enough we were expecting that further on will follow work in these directions -- the problems will be solved and the questions will be closed. For us it always was and will remain the main precondition to develop our relations in all directions. But, unfortunately, these themes remain open," said Udaltsev. "Yes, we have noticed that naturalisation fee has been reduced, that school examination of Latvian language in certain cases is taken into account in citizenship acquiring. Of course, we hail these decisions and voiced a hope in a Foreign Ministry statement that these are not separate facts but a trend," he said. But he added, "nevertheless, it can not be forgotten that these questions were overripe, they were to be solved already a long time ago". Moreover, he underscored, "we understand that these decisions will not solve problems of mass of non-citizens". The Baltic States hope to get the invitation to join NATO in the alliance summit in Prague in 2002.

Former Russian ambassador to Latvia believes admission of the Baltic states to NATO is unacceptable for Russia. Alexander Udaltsev said in an interview to Russian language Bizness & Baltija newspaper: "Our position concerning inclusion of the Baltic states in NATO is unchanged, we regard such a development as unacceptable for Russia". He said "as I understand, in Latvia itself the attitude towards accession to NATO is not unanimous". "If a large part of the population does not support such a step, then, probably, there are grounds to think about it," said Udaltsev who currently is head of the second European department at the Russian Foreign Ministry. He believes the relations between Latvia and Russia should be solved as a complex and as the most important issues are regarded rights of Russian speakers in Latvia, education in Russian language and situation of war veterans. "[Russian] president [Vladimir Putin] in the meeting [with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga] set out our priorities clearly enough -- rights of Latvia's Russian speakers, education in Russian language and the situation of war veterans," he said. "By outlining these themes and naming them clearly enough we were expecting that further on will follow work in these directions -- the problems will be solved and the questions will be closed. For us it always was and will remain the main precondition to develop our relations in all directions. But, unfortunately, these themes remain open," said Udaltsev. "Yes, we have noticed that naturalisation fee has been reduced, that school examination of Latvian language in certain cases is taken into account in citizenship acquiring. Of course, we hail these decisions and voiced a hope in a Foreign Ministry statement that these are not separate facts but a trend," he said. But he added, "nevertheless, it can not be forgotten that these questions were overripe, they were to be solved already a long time ago". Moreover, he underscored, "we understand that these decisions will not solve problems of mass of non-citizens". The Baltic States hope to get the invitation to join NATO in the alliance summit in Prague in 2002. BNS

July 16, 2001


Press Report

The Latvian embassy in Russia has received a response from the Russian Foreign Ministry to Latvia's note about two acts of vandalism perpetrated against the embassy early in May, embassy official reported. Embassy adviser and temporary charge d'affaires Hardijs Baumanis said Russia in the note, dated June 15, reported to the embassy that one person has been detained who smeared the embassy building Apr. 30 and two persons have been detained over the act of vandalism on May 5. The note said the Russian police have opened criminal cases that will determine the degree of guilt and compensation of loss.

The Latvian embassy in Russia has received a response from the Russian Foreign Ministry to Latvia's note about two acts of vandalism perpetrated against the embassy early in May, embassy official reported. Embassy adviser and temporary charge d'affaires Hardijs Baumanis said Russia in the note, dated June 15, reported to the embassy that one person has been detained who smeared the embassy building Apr. 30 and two persons have been detained over the act of vandalism on May 5. The note said the Russian police have opened criminal cases that will determine the degree of guilt and compensation of loss. Neatkariga

Dr. economy R.Karnitis when talking about Latvia’s National Development Plan says that although she is very big nationalist she cannot understand Latvian politicians who claim themselves national radicals as they work against the interests of Latvians. R.Karnite says “We have to involve in public affairs those non-citizens who consider that they do not have rights to influence the situation in the country. I do not understand those politicians who say that Russians and other nationalities have to return to their ethnic countries”.

Dr. economy R.Karnitis when talking about Latvias National Development Plan says that although she is very big nationalist she cannot understand Latvian politicians who claim themselves national radicals as they work against the interests of Latvians. R.Karnite says We have to involve in public affairs those non-citizens who consider that they do not have rights to influence the situation in the country. I do not understand those politicians who say that Russians and other nationalities have to return to their ethnic countries. Chas

July 14, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

“Mission leader of the Organisation for Co-operation and Security in Europe in Latvia, Peter Semneby, considers the recent controversial Vieda essay contest and book titled We Will Give Latvia to No One, slandered by Russia earlier this week, an embodiment of the author's bad taste, and Russia's reaction - too sharp. Semneby told BNS that he personally considers the Vieda book of selected essays "bad taste", but said that it is in no case promoting national hatred. "Its content is even appalling, but not hateful," said the mission leader. He state the OSCE view that the book expresses in no way the views of Latvian officials and that there is no need to exaggerate its importance, especially because integration of minorities is one of the Latvian government priorities. Asked as to how Semneby assesses the Russian Foreign Ministry's sharp reaction in demanding international organisations to evaluate the issue, Semneby said that these are unnecessary exaggerations. He also said "some claims" don't even fit the book's content. "We don't believe that it would be an issue worth any special attention," said Semneby, explaining that the OSCE has grown interested in the case, due to the discussion arisen by the public. Semneby also corrected that information on the investigation carried out by the Constitutional Protection Office, Latvia's top security body, was asked for not by the OSCE Secretary General, but by the OSCE mission in Latvia. Nevertheless, OSCE mission deputy Neil Brennan told BNS that the report was later passed higher on to the OSCE.

Mission leader of the Organisation for Co-operation and Security in Europe in Latvia, Peter Semneby, considers the recent controversial Vieda essay contest and book titled We Will Give Latvia to No One, slandered by Russia earlier this week, an embodiment of the author's bad taste, and Russia's reaction - too sharp. Semneby told BNS that he personally considers the Vieda book of selected essays "bad taste", but said that it is in no case promoting national hatred. "Its content is even appalling, but not hateful," said the mission leader. He state the OSCE view that the book expresses in no way the views of Latvian officials and that there is no need to exaggerate its importance, especially because integration of minorities is one of the Latvian government priorities. Asked as to how Semneby assesses the Russian Foreign Ministry's sharp reaction in demanding international organisations to evaluate the issue, Semneby said that these are unnecessary exaggerations. He also said "some claims" don't even fit the book's content. "We don't believe that it would be an issue worth any special attention," said Semneby, explaining that the OSCE has grown interested in the case, due to the discussion arisen by the public. Semneby also corrected that information on the investigation carried out by the Constitutional Protection Office, Latvia's top security body, was asked for not by the OSCE Secretary General, but by the OSCE mission in Latvia. Nevertheless, OSCE mission deputy Neil Brennan told BNS that the report was later passed higher on to the OSCE.

As the OSCE became interested in the Vieda contest only to find out the facts and not to research or evaluate in any way, the organisation will not be giving any official announcement, said the mission leader Semneby. The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier this week called on international organisations to assess the Vieda contest and book published thereafter, stating that the contest themes were "openly chauvinistic" and "Russophobic" while the book was full of racist and fascist statements laying grounds for ethnic cleansing. Russia also voiced concerns over authorities making no obstacles for the propagation of racism and national hatred. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also states that the controversial essay contest is "the efforts of a small group to attract attention in a time when Latvia's European and transatlantic integration is strengthening, with no support for such efforts in the Latvian society. It is therefore not understandable as to why other countries may have to express any comments on this case." In late March the Vieda publishing house announced an essay contest four young people promising cash prizes, deemed as balancing on the edge of promoting national hatred by the press. Youths were urged to write about a number of controversial topics on extreme nationalism and the honouring of national partizans and legions, as well as against the European Union and selling Latvian property to foreigners, the need to drive Russians away from Latvia, claimed to be colonialists, etc. On June 12 Vieda presented a book containing over 70 selected essays from the contest, titled - We Will Give Latvia to No One. The book is expected to be handed to a number of high officials.

As the OSCE became interested in the Vieda contest only to find out the facts and not to research or evaluate in any way, the organisation will not be giving any official announcement, said the mission leader Semneby. The Russian Foreign Ministry earlier this week called on international organisations to assess the Vieda contest and book published thereafter, stating that the contest themes were "openly chauvinistic" and "Russophobic" while the book was full of racist and fascist statements laying grounds for ethnic cleansing. Russia also voiced concerns over authorities making no obstacles for the propagation of racism and national hatred. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also states that the controversial essay contest is "the efforts of a small group to attract attention in a time when Latvia's European and transatlantic integration is strengthening, with no support for such efforts in the Latvian society. It is therefore not understandable as to why other countries may have to express any comments on this case." In late March the Vieda publishing house announced an essay contest four young people promising cash prizes, deemed as balancing on the edge of promoting national hatred by the press. Youths were urged to write about a number of controversial topics on extreme nationalism and the honouring of national partizans and legions, as well as against the European Union and selling Latvian property to foreigners, the need to drive Russians away from Latvia, claimed to be colonialists, etc. On June 12 Vieda presented a book containing over 70 selected essays from the contest, titled - We Will Give Latvia to No One. The book is expected to be handed to a number of high officials. BNS, Delfi, Diena

Russian newspaper Vesti Segodnja provides the comments on the opinions expressed by OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby. The newspaper writes, Has Mr.Semneby read the opus by A.Garda? And if he had read it, then whether it was in original language or in translation made by A.Garda? In any case, the paper sugests that OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby has some problems in being able to judge/assess the situation. Obviously, he forgot what happened 30 years ago in Miami, and completely does not see what is happening now in Britain. But actually individually expressed opinions served as the ground for the above mentioned events.

The article on the views of the OSCE Mission to Latvia head P.Semneby about Vieda book was published also on Saturday in the internet portal

Delfi where it received 68 comments. The main and rather sharp discussion took place among a Latvian and a few Russians, where Russians express very negative attitude about the book and blames OSCE for being blind. Two main opinions prevail among Latvians: one - the expression of P.Semneby bad taste in regard to the book is considered as too neutral and another – it was a perfect way to show that such organisations as OSCE do not get involved in the affairs of such small importance.

State Language Centre inspectors have established no progress in the language skills of Daugavpils City Council mayor R.Eigims. The last examination took place 3 months ago and then the inspectors established that his speaking ability corresponds to the highest proficiency level III, degree A, however, his writing skills correspond to II level, degree B. The decision of the State Language Centre on the correspondence of R.Eigims language skills to his post will be announced on 18 July. Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas

The Ministry of Education and Science decided that 9 graders of non-Latvian schools who passed the examination in the Latvian language this year will receive a note about the corresponding language proficiency level required to get a job. However, the results cannot be used for naturalisation purposes and it is impossible to receive the highest language proficiency level, even if students have received grades 9-10 in Latvian language exam.

The Ministry of Education and Science decided that 9 graders of non-Latvian schools who passed the examination in the Latvian language this year will receive a note about the corresponding language proficiency level required to get a job. However, the results cannot be used for naturalisation purposes and it is impossible to receive the highest language proficiency level, even if students have received grades 9-10 in Latvian language exam. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Chas


interviews Society Integration Department of the Ministry of Justice head V.Antonishkis. A part of the interview is devoted to the issues concerning Society Integration Foundation. V.Antonish It was established more for the needs of foreign donators than for Latvia, then he talks about the structure of the Foundation and its functions. In regard to society integration problems he says that he does not agree with the view that a person experiences one or another problem because of his/her nationality, but it is more to do with social discrimination in Latvia. He also does not see a necessity to establish an individual ministry, which would deal with nationality issues. interviews Society Integration Department of the Ministry of Justice head V.Antonishkis. A part of the interview is devoted to the issues concerning Society Integration Foundation. V.Antonish “It was established more for the needs of foreign donators than for Latvia”, then he talks about the structure of the Foundation and its functions. In regard to society integration problems he says that he does not agree with the view that a person experiences one or another problem because of his/her nationality, but it is more to do with social discrimination in Latvia. He also does not see a necessity to establish an individual ministry, which would deal with nationality issues. 
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