
Prevention of Torture

Project „Monitoring Human Rights and Prevention of Torture in Closed Institutions: Prisons, Police Cells and Mental Health Care Institutions in Baltic Countries” implemented from 23 April 2003 to 23 July 2006 in partnership with the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry (the Netherlands) regional office in Lithuania, and the Mental Disability Advocacy Centre in Hungary.

Published : 2007-01-03

RAXEN network

Since 2003 the LCHRES serves as a European Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia (RAXEN) National Focal point. RAXEN network is a core activity of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), which had been established by the EU 1997 and is based in Vienna, Auistria.

Published : 2004-04-21

Strengthening the Anti-Discrimination Work of the LCHRES

The project, which aims to contribute to the promotion of the implementation of anti-discrimination in Latvia and to strengthen the anti-discrimination capacity of Latvian NGOs is financed by the Netherlands Finance Ministry (MATRA) and implemented by the LCHRES in partnership with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC). The project implementation period is from August 2003 till August 2006.

Published : 2004-04-15