

“A European Approach to Multicultural Citizenship: Legal, Political and Educational Challenges” (project acronym EMILIE) is an interdisciplinary project which examines the migration and integration experiences of nine EU Member States and attempts to respond to the so-called ‘crisis of multiculturalism’ currently affecting Europe. 

Published : 2007-03-28

RAXEN network

Since 2003 the LCHRES serves as a European Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia (RAXEN) National Focal point. RAXEN network is a core activity of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), which had been established by the EU 1997 and is based in Vienna, Auistria.

Published : 2007-03-02

Combating Hate Crime

LCHR in collaboration with Czech Helsinki Committee implements a project „Combating Hate Crime in Latvia and the Czech Republic: Legislation, Police Practice and the Role of NGOs” addressing the issue of ineffective policing of hate crime in Latvia and the Czech Republic.

Published : 2007-01-21

Latvia – Equal in Diversity

The anti-discrimination projects „Latvia – Equal in Diversity I” and „Latvia – Equal in Diversity II” are administered by the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and implemented in collaboration with several partner organisations, including the Latvian Centre for Human Rights.

Published : 2007-01-16

Strengthening the Anti-Discrimination Work of the LCHR

Project “Strengthening the Anti-Discrimination Work of the LCHR” was implemented by the LCHR (till 28 December 2005 Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies) in partnership with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee. The long-term objective of the project was to strengthen knowledge, awareness and skills to prevent and combat discrimination in Latvia amongst key target groups in governmental and non-governmental circles.

Published : 2007-01-04