RAXEN network
Since 2003 the LCHRES serves as a European Information Network on Racism and Xenophobia (RAXEN) National Focal point. RAXEN network is a core activity of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), which had been established by the EU 1997 and is based in Vienna, Auistria.
The primary objective of the EUMC is to provide the European Community and its Member States with objective, reliable and comparable data on the phenomena of racism and xenophobia at the European level, in order to help them take measures or formulate courses of action. Working through a network of focal points in each EU Member State, RAXEN is designed to collect data and information on racism and xenophobia and anti-Semitism on the national level. This is done via National Focal Points who are contracted by the EUMC to collect, coordinate, disseminate and exchange national information in close cooperation with the EUMC. On the basis of the national reports the EUMC has initiated comparative European studies which cover the current five priority areas of RAXEN: employment, education, racial violence, housing and legislation.
The LCHRES has collected information on organizations which are active in fighting racism and xenophobia in Latvia since 1995, their activities and publications. The data has been stored in the EUMC database, which is publicly available at the EUMC website http://www.eumc.eu.int/.
Oпубликованный: 2004-04-21