Май 10, 1994

Press Review

According to the Head of the Bureau for the Monitoring of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Upmalis the schedule of the withdrawal attached to the agreements signed on April 30 does not include several army units and military facilities. Mr.Upmalis explained that certain facilities might be included into the schedule as part of army units. The Bureau is expected to hand over the list of the units not included into the schedule to the Headquarters of the North-Western Group and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia.

According to the Head of the Bureau for the Monitoring of the Troop Withdrawal Mr.Upmalis the schedule of the withdrawal attached to the agreements signed on April 30 does not include several army units and military facilities. Mr.Upmalis explained that certain facilities might be included into the schedule as part of army units. The Bureau is expected to hand over the list of the units not included into the schedule to the Headquarters of the North-Western Group and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. Labrit

The "Latvijas Cels" party discussed possible replacement of certain ministers at its meeting on May 9. The replacement may take place after the evaluation of the efficiency of the Cabinet of Ministers during last nine months. The Union of Farmers is getting prepared for the last round of talks with the Government which may determine the future of the governing coalition.

The "Latvijas Cels" party discussed possible replacement of certain ministers at its meeting on May 9. The replacement may take place after the evaluation of the efficiency of the Cabinet of Ministers during last nine months. The Union of Farmers is getting prepared for the last round of talks with the Government which may determine the future of the governing coalition. Diena, Neatkariga

A rally dedicated to the 49-th anniversary of the victory over Fascist Germany in the World War II was held on May 9 in front of the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. It was attended by approximately 5,000 war veterans, their relatives, and supporters. Signatures for the ballot for the representative body of the League of Stateless Individuals were collected during the event.

A rally dedicated to the 49-th anniversary of the victory over Fascist Germany in the World War II was held on May 9 in front of the Monument to the Liberators of Riga. It was attended by approximately 5,000 war veterans, their relatives, and supporters. Signatures for the ballot for the representative body of the League of Stateless Individuals were collected during the event. Diena, Labrit

Mr.Boris Cilevc's article analyzing the restrictions of rights connected with the status of a stateless individual as opposed to a citizen's status is continued in DIENA. The author examines the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Latvia with international norms and agreements. Among the existing contradictions he points out the following:

Mr.Boris Cilevc's article analyzing the restrictions of rights connected with the status of a stateless individual as opposed to a citizen's status is continued in DIENA. The author examines the compliance of the laws of the Republic of Latvia with international norms and agreements. Among the existing contradictions he points out the following:
1. Article 29 of the Constitutional Law guarantees non-citizens the right to freely travel within Latvia but does not give them the right to freely choose the place of residence thus contradicting Paragraph 1 of Article 12 of the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights. 2. The second reading of the Draft Citizenship Law provides naturalization priorities to certain ethnic groups (Gypsies, Jews, Lithuanians, Estonians) thus contradicting Paragraph d)iii of Article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in all its Forms. 3. In accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961 Latvia should grant citizenship to the children of stateless parents if such children were born on the territory of Latvia. This was also confirmed in the report by the Regional European Bureau of the UN Supreme Commissioner on Refugees of July, 1993. Diena

Chairman of Citizenship Commission of the Russian Parliament Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev in his interview for DIENA (Latvian) focused on the main aspects of relations between Russia and Latvia. He pointed out that in accordance with the 1991 agreement between the two countries signed in Tallinn by Yeltsin and Gorbunovs both sides should allow the individuals residing on their territories to freely choose their citizenship. Later that year the Latvian Parliament adopted the decree granting citizenship only to persons who had been residing in Latvia before its occupation by the USSR. Speaking about the steps taken by Russia to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and in Estonia Mr.Mikitayev stressed that Russia would not interfere into the internal affairs of those countries but would support and finance their cultural development and education. He also stressed that the restriction of rights of a big portion of the population disrupts the internal political situation in the two Baltic states. Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev criticized the attempts of forceful assimilation of non-Latvians and non-Estonians and noted that the study of the state languages and integration into the new state system might take a longer time than expected by several politicians in the Baltic states. He mentioned the productive co-operation between his commission and the CSCE and stressed that it had been the CSCE that had made a prominent contribution to facilitating the troop withdrawal. He suggested that the solution of the issue of citizenship lay the foundation for a successful integration of non-Latvians into the new society and expressed hope that the agreements between Russia and Latvia could serve as a basis for the settlement of the existing problems.

Chairman of Citizenship Commission of the Russian Parliament Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev in his interview for DIENA (Latvian) focused on the main aspects of relations between Russia and Latvia. He pointed out that in accordance with the 1991 agreement between the two countries signed in Tallinn by Yeltsin and Gorbunovs both sides should allow the individuals residing on their territories to freely choose their citizenship. Later that year the Latvian Parliament adopted the decree granting citizenship only to persons who had been residing in Latvia before its occupation by the USSR. Speaking about the steps taken by Russia to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia and in Estonia Mr.Mikitayev stressed that Russia would not interfere into the internal affairs of those countries but would support and finance their cultural development and education. He also stressed that the restriction of rights of a big portion of the population disrupts the internal political situation in the two Baltic states. Mr.Abdulah Mikitayev criticized the attempts of forceful assimilation of non-Latvians and non-Estonians and noted that the study of the state languages and integration into the new state system might take a longer time than expected by several politicians in the Baltic states. He mentioned the productive co-operation between his commission and the CSCE and stressed that it had been the CSCE that had made a prominent contribution to facilitating the troop withdrawal. He suggested that the solution of the issue of citizenship lay the foundation for a successful integration of non-Latvians into the new society and expressed hope that the agreements between Russia and Latvia could serve as a basis for the settlement of the existing problems. Diena

Russian Consulate-General has been opened in Liepaja. The main objective of the Consulate is to protect the interests of Russian citizens and organizations and to promote economical co-operation between the two countries. Stateless individuals may apply to the Consulate Russian citizenship. 

Russian Consulate-General has been opened in Liepaja. The main objective of the Consulate is to protect the interests of Russian citizens and organizations and to promote economical co-operation between the two countries. Stateless individuals may apply to the Consulate Russian citizenship.Panorama Latvii

Май 9, 1994

Press Review

The "Latvijas Cels" party held a conference on state security on May 8. Reports were delivered by Prime-Minister Birkavs, Minister of Interior Kristovskis, National Guard Commander Eihmanis, and Deputy-Procurator General Ziedins. Mr.Birkavs stressed the importance of the implementation of the part of the agreement with Russia on the repatriation of pensioned officers. He also admitted that Latvia had no precise data on the number of servicemen distributed in Latvia which is between 7 and 12 thousand. According to the Prime-Minister the Cabinet of Ministers will hold a special meeting next week dedicated to the implementation of the agreements with Russia. He also noted that the completion of the troop withdrawal is possible as early as before July 31. As a priority issue "the fifth column" was mentioned. Another important problem according to Mr.Birkavs is an expanding influence of the organized crime. Several speakers marked the importance of the adoption of the laws on state security on May 5 and the foundation of the Bureau for the Protection of Satversme

The "Latvijas Cels" party held a conference on state security on May 8. Reports were delivered by Prime-Minister Birkavs, Minister of Interior Kristovskis, National Guard Commander Eihmanis, and Deputy-Procurator General Ziedins. Mr.Birkavs stressed the importance of the implementation of the part of the agreement with Russia on the repatriation of pensioned officers. He also admitted that Latvia had no precise data on the number of servicemen distributed in Latvia which is between 7 and 12 thousand. According to the Prime-Minister the Cabinet of Ministers will hold a special meeting next week dedicated to the implementation of the agreements with Russia. He also noted that the completion of the troop withdrawal is possible as early as before July 31. As a priority issue "the fifth column" was mentioned. Another important problem according to Mr.Birkavs is an expanding influence of the organized crime. Several speakers marked the importance of the adoption of the laws on state security on May 5 and the foundation of the Bureau for the Protection of Satversme. Diena

Boris Cilevic analyzes the current status of non-citizens in his article in DIENA. He points out that high ranking government officials often are not informed about the existing situation. The author also points out that new laws and legal acts have been adopted introducing new differences between citizens and non-citizens. These laws include the following:

Boris Cilevic analyzes the current status of non-citizens in his article in DIENA. He points out that high ranking government officials often are not informed about the existing situation. The author also points out that new laws and legal acts have been adopted introducing new differences between citizens and non-citizens. These laws include the following:

1. Amendments to the Law "On the Police" banning non-citizens from any job in the police;

1. Amendments to the Law "On the Police" banning non-citizens from any job in the police;

2. The Law "On State Civil Service" banning non-citizens from the job as a state official;

2. The Law "On State Civil Service" banning non-citizens from the job as a state official;

3. Amendments to the Act "On Private Detective Activities" canceling the issuance of detective licenses to non-citizens.

3. Amendments to the Act "On Private Detective Activities" canceling the issuance of detective licenses to non-citizens.

4. 15 certificates are added for every citizen child born from Dec.31, 92, to 1996. Non-citizens do not receive certificates for new-born children;

4. 15 certificates are added for every citizen child born from Dec.31, 92, to 1996. Non-citizens do not receive certificates for new-born children;

5. Amnesty declared in accordance with the Law "On Amnesty" does not apply to non-citizens.

5. Amnesty declared in accordance with the Law "On Amnesty" does not apply to non-citizens. Diena

Май 7, 1994

Press Review

Prime-Minister Birkavs left for Paris on Sunday to suggest Latvia's ideas for the Stability Pact. Latvia is preparing to join the Pact during the Inauguration Conference in the end of this month. Estonian prime-minister was on a similar visit to Paris last week. Lithuanian premier is planning to visit france next week.

Prime-Minister Birkavs left for Paris on Sunday to suggest Latvia's ideas for the Stability Pact. Latvia is preparing to join the Pact during the Inauguration Conference in the end of this month. Estonian prime-minister was on a similar visit to Paris last week. Lithuanian premier is planning to visit france next week. Diena

Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev and Swedish Prime-Minister Bildt had a meeting in St.Petersburg on May 6. During the meeting both sides agreed that the problem of Russian-speaking population of the Baltic states should be resolved by the entire European community in accordance with the norms of the CSCE and internationally established practice. According to Mr.Koziryev Prime-Minister Bildt agreed to the idea of the establishment of the post of the Commissioner for Ethnic Minorities in the Baltic region.

Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs Koziryev and Swedish Prime-Minister Bildt had a meeting in St.Petersburg on May 6. During the meeting both sides agreed that the problem of Russian-speaking population of the Baltic states should be resolved by the entire European community in accordance with the norms of the CSCE and internationally established practice. According to Mr.Koziryev Prime-Minister Bildt agreed to the idea of the establishment of the post of the Commissioner for Ethnic Minorities in the Baltic region. Diena

SM SEVODNYA reports on the violation of the law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia" by the CID. The newspaper reports on Zhilyayev's case also included into the CSCE Mission files. Mr.Zhilyayev being a resident of Ukraine married a non-citizen resident of Latvia in 1992. On May 2 he was issued with an expulsion order.

SM SEVODNYA reports on the violation of the law "On Foreigners' and Stateless Persons' Entrance to and Stay in the Republic of Latvia" by the CID. The newspaper reports on Zhilyayev's case also included into the CSCE Mission files. Mr.Zhilyayev being a resident of Ukraine married a non-citizen resident of Latvia in 1992. On May 2 he was issued with an expulsion order.

An SM SEVODNYA journalist gives a brief survey of the law on politically repressed, i.e. on the victims of Soviet and Nazi regimes. She points out that non-citizens who were moved from Russia, Byelorussia, and other countries to concentration camps in Latvia during the German occupation or were forcefully sent to work in Latvia or Germany and later stayed in Latvia do not enjoy the right for special benefits provided by the law to the Latvian citizens.

An SM SEVODNYA journalist gives a brief survey of the law on politically repressed, i.e. on the victims of Soviet and Nazi regimes. She points out that non-citizens who were moved from Russia, Byelorussia, and other countries to concentration camps in Latvia during the German occupation or were forcefully sent to work in Latvia or Germany and later stayed in Latvia do not enjoy the right for special benefits provided by the law to the Latvian citizens. SM Segodnya

Май 6, 1994

Press Review

According to Mr.Sergey Zotov the official date of Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin's visit to Latvia has not been named yet. The package of economical agreements to be signed during the visit will be prepared by the end of May. Mr.Zotov also noted that the Russian side has certain withdrawal-related technical issues to be settled with Latvia. The report on the meeting of the presidents issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia emphasizes that "it was stressed during the talks that Russia was still concerned about the status of the Russian-speaking population of Latvia and that the Russian side would protect its rights by appealing to international institutions." It was also stressed in the report that "Boris Yeltsin denounced Stalin's repressions of 1940 and 1949 in Latvia and noted that the people of Russia, and Russians who had suffered from the totalitarian rule cannot be held responsible for the repressions in Latvia."

According to Mr.Sergey Zotov the official date of Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin's visit to Latvia has not been named yet. The package of economical agreements to be signed during the visit will be prepared by the end of May. Mr.Zotov also noted that the Russian side has certain withdrawal-related technical issues to be settled with Latvia. The report on the meeting of the presidents issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia emphasizes that "it was stressed during the talks that Russia was still concerned about the status of the Russian-speaking population of Latvia and that the Russian side would protect its rights by appealing to international institutions." It was also stressed in the report that "Boris Yeltsin denounced Stalin's repressions of 1940 and 1949 in Latvia and noted that the people of Russia, and Russians who had suffered from the totalitarian rule cannot be held responsible for the repressions in Latvia." Diena

Saeima will adopt the law on the use of the KGB documents in 2 weeks. The status of the five deputies accused in collaborating with the KGB will be determined by the regulations for the implementation of the law.

Saeima will adopt the law on the use of the KGB documents in 2 weeks. The status of the five deputies accused in collaborating with the KGB will be determined by the regulations for the implementation of the law. Diena

In the interview for SM SEVODNYA Minister for Human Rights Mr.Olafs Bruveris pointed out main problems existing in this domain. The most burning issue are the "round stamps". Though the CID has recently introduced a 6-month temporary residence permit people are afraid of the permit not being extended. In some cases residence permits are not issued to spouses, children, and parents of Latvian residents which contradicts the international law. Mr.Bruveris said that his task was to inform the government and to analyze the situation while the legislative authorities should find ways of eliminating the problems. He expressed opinion that the current situation did not result from intentional policies of the state. He stressed that politicians should act in accordance with common sense and not be led by passions of the mob. There is an urgent need for developing a pattern for a peaceful and friendly coexistence of different ethnic groups. Mr.Bruveris characterized the concept of "Latvian Latvia" as the state ruled by Latvians where all human rights of non-Latvians were observed.

In the interview for SM SEVODNYA Minister for Human Rights Mr.Olafs Bruveris pointed out main problems existing in this domain. The most burning issue are the "round stamps". Though the CID has recently introduced a 6-month temporary residence permit people are afraid of the permit not being extended. In some cases residence permits are not issued to spouses, children, and parents of Latvian residents which contradicts the international law. Mr.Bruveris said that his task was to inform the government and to analyze the situation while the legislative authorities should find ways of eliminating the problems. He expressed opinion that the current situation did not result from intentional policies of the state. He stressed that politicians should act in accordance with common sense and not be led by passions of the mob. There is an urgent need for developing a pattern for a peaceful and friendly coexistence of different ethnic groups. Mr.Bruveris characterized the concept of "Latvian Latvia" as the state ruled by Latvians where all human rights of non-Latvians were observed. SM Segodnya

Май 5, 1994

Press Review

Prime-Minister Birkavs and the representative of the North-Western Group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Tailakov signed an act on the transfer of the technical documentation on Skrunda radar to the Latvian side on May 4. The documentation will transferred within the period of 2-3 weeks. Today an expert commission is expected to visit the facility. After the evaluation of the facility by the commission the Government will announce a competition for private companies to be contracted for dismantling. The facilities transferred to Latvia will be guarded by the Latvian National Guards, Defence Forces, or police. Russian army will guard the facilities until May 10.

Prime-Minister Birkavs and the representative of the North-Western Group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Tailakov signed an act on the transfer of the technical documentation on Skrunda radar to the Latvian side on May 4. The documentation will transferred within the period of 2-3 weeks. Today an expert commission is expected to visit the facility. After the evaluation of the facility by the commission the Government will announce a competition for private companies to be contracted for dismantling. The facilities transferred to Latvia will be guarded by the Latvian National Guards, Defence Forces, or police. Russian army will guard the facilities until May 10. Diena, Labrit

In his interview for DIENA President Ulmanis pointed out that Russian President Yeltsin had shown his eagerness to solve the troop withdrawal-associated problems. He noted that human rights issues had not been mentioned by the Russian side. Mr.Ulmanis also expressed hope that Russia would acknowledge the occupation of Latvia after the completion of the withdrawal. He stressed that it was extremely important that Russian foreign policies remained stable during the implementation of the agreements. Mr.Ulmanis said that the signing of the agreements had not caused any contradictions between Latvia and other two Baltic states since it was especially important to withdraw Russian troops from Latvia, the country being the strategic center of the North-Western Army Group. Speaking about the upcoming citizenship law President Ulmanis emphasized the importance of its adoption in May. He approved of the existing draft and stressed that in the current situation the law would be supported by the Western community.

In his interview for DIENA President Ulmanis pointed out that Russian President Yeltsin had shown his eagerness to solve the troop withdrawal-associated problems. He noted that human rights issues had not been mentioned by the Russian side. Mr.Ulmanis also expressed hope that Russia would acknowledge the occupation of Latvia after the completion of the withdrawal. He stressed that it was extremely important that Russian foreign policies remained stable during the implementation of the agreements. Mr.Ulmanis said that the signing of the agreements had not caused any contradictions between Latvia and other two Baltic states since it was especially important to withdraw Russian troops from Latvia, the country being the strategic center of the North-Western Army Group. Speaking about the upcoming citizenship law President Ulmanis emphasized the importance of its adoption in May. He approved of the existing draft and stressed that in the current situation the law would be supported by the Western community. Diena

President Ulmanis told the press on May 4 that Lithuania and Estonia had supported the agreements signed in Moscow. The president did not give any specific details on his meeting with the presidents of two other Baltic countries and said that the main issue of the agenda was the situation in the Baltic region after the signing of the agreements between Russia and Latvia.

President Ulmanis told the press on May 4 that Lithuania and Estonia had supported the agreements signed in Moscow. The president did not give any specific details on his meeting with the presidents of two other Baltic countries and said that the main issue of the agenda was the situation in the Baltic region after the signing of the agreements between Russia and Latvia. Diena, Labrit

It is still uncertain whether Saeima will reconsider the decree on the suspension of the mandates of the five deputies accused in collaboration with the KGB. Meanwhile there are rumors of another five names to be announced soon.

It is still uncertain whether Saeima will reconsider the decree on the suspension of the mandates of the five deputies accused in collaboration with the KGB. Meanwhile there are rumors of another five names to be announced soon. Diena

Contradictions grow inside the governing coalition in connection with the second reading of the draft citizenship law worked out by the "Latvijas Cels" fraction. The Farmers' Union has serious objections against the withdrawal of the quota principle from the draft by "Latvijas Cels". The Leader of the Farmers' Union Mr.Rozentals told the DIENA journalists that the fraction supports only the basic draft citizenship law adopted in its first reading since it complies with the Union's political programme. Several "Latvijas Cels" deputies also objected against the naturalization principles introduced into the second reading in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the CSCE. "Latviajs Cels" is continuing to discuss the draft law and is planning to submit it for discussion to other fractions next week. The plenary meeting of Saeima on the second reading of the draft citizenship law is expected to take place after the local elections.

Contradictions grow inside the governing coalition in connection with the second reading of the draft citizenship law worked out by the "Latvijas Cels" fraction. The Farmers' Union has serious objections against the withdrawal of the quota principle from the draft by "Latvijas Cels". The Leader of the Farmers' Union Mr.Rozentals told the DIENA journalists that the fraction supports only the basic draft citizenship law adopted in its first reading since it complies with the Union's political programme. Several "Latvijas Cels" deputies also objected against the naturalization principles introduced into the second reading in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe and the CSCE. "Latviajs Cels" is continuing to discuss the draft law and is planning to submit it for discussion to other fractions next week. The plenary meeting of Saeima on the second reading of the draft citizenship law is expected to take place after the local elections. Diena

In his interview for LABRIT one of the leaders of the League of the Stateless Individuals Mr.Boris Cilevics explained the objectives of the organization and the purpose of poll currently held to elect the board of the league. He said that the board of the league would represent the interests of non-citizens and would not in any manner claim for the role of an alternative government. The list of the candidates for the board includes 22 entries and voters can suggest their own candidates as well. Mr.Cilevics also mentioned his meeting with Minister of Justice Levits. The Ministry of Justice has refused to officially register the League since it is only the citizens of the Latvian Republic who are entitled to the right of being engaged into political activities. Mr.Cilevics stressed the necessity of the alien law defining economical and social rights of non-citizens. The "Equal Rights" fraction criticized the League for the lack of a well-defined program and for attempting to build-up a two-community state in Latvia.

In his interview for LABRIT one of the leaders of the League of the Stateless Individuals Mr.Boris Cilevics explained the objectives of the organization and the purpose of poll currently held to elect the board of the league. He said that the board of the league would represent the interests of non-citizens and would not in any manner claim for the role of an alternative government. The list of the candidates for the board includes 22 entries and voters can suggest their own candidates as well. Mr.Cilevics also mentioned his meeting with Minister of Justice Levits. The Ministry of Justice has refused to officially register the League since it is only the citizens of the Latvian Republic who are entitled to the right of being engaged into political activities. Mr.Cilevics stressed the necessity of the alien law defining economical and social rights of non-citizens. The "Equal Rights" fraction criticized the League for the lack of a well-defined program and for attempting to build-up a two-community state in Latvia. Labrit

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