Апрель 30, 1997

Press Report

Press Report

Last Tuesday Latvia initialed an agreement on a non-visa regime with Norway and an agreement on the return of illegal immigrants. During the meeting the Norwegian side paid special interest to the procedure of the issuance of Latvian citizens' passports and their quality. The agreement will be signed after Latvia adopts the Law on Refugees and ratifies the Convention on Refugees. Latvia has already established a non-visa regime with Denmark and Iceland and initialed similar agreements with other Nordic countries. The agreements will come into force after the adoption of the Law on Refugees.

Last Tuesday Latvia initialed an agreement on a non-visa regime with Norway and an agreement on the return of illegal immigrants. During the meeting the Norwegian side paid special interest to the procedure of the issuance of Latvian citizens' passports and their quality. The agreement will be signed after Latvia adopts the Law on Refugees and ratifies the Convention on Refugees. Latvia has already established a non-visa regime with Denmark and Iceland and initialed similar agreements with other Nordic countries. The agreements will come into force after the adoption of the Law on Refugees. Diena


The Saeima Human Rights Committee adopted the Draft Law on Refugees while the Cabinet of Ministers passed the 1951 Convention on refugees to the Saeima for ratification. Latvia has to ratify the said documents before the European Committee starts to consider potential candidates for European Union membership. Still, some politicians believe that the Law on Refugees cannot be adopted before Latvia resolves the issue of its border with Russia and signs agreements on illegal immigration with Russia and Byelorussia. Such an opinion was expressed by member of the Saeima Defense Committee Janis Adamsons. Neatkariga

According to Deputy-Chairman of the Baltic Council Janis Ritenis, Baltic Council Commissioner Ole Espersen admitted that Latvia was more successful than Estonia in maintaining its relations with neighboring countries. Mr. Ritenis said that the Baltic Council Commissioner did not make any critical remarks after visiting the Naturalization Board, the Human Rights Office and other institutions. Mr. Espersen praised the work of the

According to Deputy-Chairman of the Baltic Council Janis Ritenis, Baltic Council Commissioner Ole Espersen admitted that Latvia was more successful than Estonia in maintaining its relations with neighboring countries. Mr. Ritenis said that the Baltic Council Commissioner did not make any critical remarks after visiting the Naturalization Board, the Human Rights Office and other institutions. Mr. Espersen praised the work of the Satversme Court and noted that Latvia was the only country openly discussing the issue of naturalization.

Natalya Vselenskaya (a common law wife of pop-singer Gallaktionov) was deported to Russia yesterday. According to Mr. Gallaktionov, Russian border-guards have been ordered not to allow N.Vselenskaya to enter the territory of Russia since she does not have a Russian passport. Still, according to Gallaktionov and the CID, she is a Russia citizen. Mr. Gallaktionov told the press that the Immigration Police did not inform her of the expulsion order that was signed by CID Director Zitars already on April 22. Vselenskaya's second husband was a Russian serviceman and has left Latvia. Her father is a retired serviceman legally residing in Latvia (This fact was not mentioned by Head of the Immigration Police Janis Kaudze to

Natalya Vselenskaya (a common law wife of pop-singer Gallaktionov) was deported to Russia yesterday. According to Mr. Gallaktionov, Russian border-guards have been ordered not to allow N.Vselenskaya to enter the territory of Russia since she does not have a Russian passport. Still, according to Gallaktionov and the CID, she is a Russia citizen. Mr. Gallaktionov told the press that the Immigration Police did not inform her of the expulsion order that was signed by CID Director Zitars already on April 22. Vselenskaya's second husband was a Russian serviceman and has left Latvia. Her father is a retired serviceman legally residing in Latvia (This fact was not mentioned by Head of the Immigration Police Janis Kaudze to "NEATKARIGA"). Vselenskaya is a Russian citizens but does not hold a Russian passport. The CID claims that she was denied registration in 1992 and resided in Latvia illegally since then. She was born in 1973 in Herson and moved to Latvia with her mother in 1976. SM, PL, Neatkariga

Апрель 29, 1997

Press Report

According to Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consular Department Mrs. Solvita Mellupe, the recognition of aliens' passports by Russia will be on the agenda of the consular talks between Latvia and Russia. The date of the talks has not been appointed yet. Currently, holders of new aliens' passport cannot enter Russia. The new passport was officially recognized by China last week. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received confirmations of recognition from twenty countries.

According to Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Consular Department Mrs. Solvita Mellupe, the recognition of aliens' passports by Russia will be on the agenda of the consular talks between Latvia and Russia. The date of the talks has not been appointed yet. Currently, holders of new aliens' passport cannot enter Russia. The new passport was officially recognized by China last week. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received confirmations of recognition from twenty countries. Diena

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Satversme Court reviewed its first case. The Court considered Amendments by the Cabinet of Ministers to the Law on Regulating Enterprise in Energy Resources. The Amendments were submitted to the Satversme Court by thirty-five Saeima members. A verdict on the case is expected May 7. Diena

Saeima member Peteris Tabuns (

Saeima member Peteris Tabuns (LNNK) in an article for "DIENA" points at the peculiarities of the demographic situation in Latvia. He stresses that most of non-Latvians have arrived to Latvia during its "colonization". Tabuns argues with the main points of an article by Nils Muiznieks who criticized the nationalists for not understanding the European human rights standards. He claims that European norms cannot be applied to Latvia and that Latvia cannot follow all Western recommendations. Tabuns believes that the West is aware of the real situation in Latvia but is eager to find a solution that would satisfy Russia. The West would not accept Russian-speakers from Latvia and refuses to support repatriation programs. Tabuns warns against giving a large number of non-citizens an opportunity to obtain Latvian citizenship through naturalization. This, according to Tabuns, would lead to Socialists, former Interfront members and "Peoples' Harmony" taking the control of the country. He believes "internationalism, cosmopolitanism, to leave alone communism" to be the ideologies that are most dangerous to Latvia's independence and identity. Diena


made a brief survey of the work of the Russian and Latvian Government Committees on Co-operation. The author focuses on the issue of non-citizens and their status in Latvia. The 1991 Declaration of the State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation granted Russian citizenship to all former USSR and Russian Federation citizens who found themselves outside Russia's borders after the USSR disintegrated. Still, the Russian executive power acted as if those persons were not Russian citizens choosing to use the terms "compatriots abroad" or "Russian-speakers". In 1996 the Russian Constitutional Court recognized such a practice to be in a contradiction with the Constitution. Still, the Russian Government Committee uses the term "compatriots" during its talks with the Latvian side. The author of the article singles out the following basic arguments in favor of the current policy toward non-citizens often used by "certain Latvian politicians":made a brief survey of the work of the Russian and Latvian Government Committees on Co-operation. The author focuses on the issue of non-citizens and their status in Latvia. The 1991 Declaration of the State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation granted Russian citizenship to all former USSR and Russian Federation citizens who found themselves outside Russia's borders after the USSR disintegrated. Still, the Russian executive power acted as if those persons were not Russian citizens choosing to use the terms "compatriots abroad" or "Russian-speakers". In 1996 the Russian Constitutional Court recognized such a practice to be in a contradiction with the Constitution. Still, the Russian Government Committee uses the term "compatriots" during its talks with the Latvian side. The author of the article singles out the following basic arguments in favor of the current policy toward non-citizens often used by "certain Latvian politicians":
- a peculiar demographic situation that has formed in Latvia after its occupation allows it to ignore certain international human rights acts;- a peculiar demographic situation that has formed in Latvia after its occupation allows it to ignore certain international human rights acts;
- several democracies restrict political, social and economic rights of non-citizens;- several democracies restrict political, social and economic rights of non-citizens;
- Latvia, being an independent state, is free to decide on its own legislation;- Latvia, being an independent state, is free to decide on its own legislation;
- international organizations have not discovered any human rights violations in Latvia. - international organizations have not discovered any human rights violations in Latvia. Currently, no-one can forecast whether a large number of non-citizens will choose to take Russian citizenship. The author cites Head of the OSCE Mission Charles Magee who agreed that a hope for obtaining Russian citizenship could be among the reasons for young people being indifferent toward naturalization.

Currently, no-one can forecast whether a large number of non-citizens will choose to take Russian citizenship. The author cites Head of the OSCE Mission Charles Magee who agreed that a hope for obtaining Russian citizenship could be among the reasons for young people being indifferent toward naturalization. SM

Апрель 28, 1997

Press Report

Prime-Minister Skele during his press-conference last Friday said that several important points of the Government Declaration were still not implemented. Among those he mentioned naturalization and the exchange of aliens' passports. Mr. Skele believes that Latvia's population should be informed on naturalization and advantages provided by new aliens' passports. He noted that Russia violates the interests of Russian-speakers by refusing to recognize the new passports. The issue may be put on the agenda of Mr. Skele's meeting with Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin. The date of the meeting has not been appointed yet.

Prime-Minister Skele during his press-conference last Friday said that several important points of the Government Declaration were still not implemented. Among those he mentioned naturalization and the exchange of aliens' passports. Mr. Skele believes that Latvia's population should be informed on naturalization and advantages provided by new aliens' passports. He noted that Russia violates the interests of Russian-speakers by refusing to recognize the new passports. The issue may be put on the agenda of Mr. Skele's meeting with Russian Prime-Minister Chernomyrdin. The date of the meeting has not been appointed yet.


The LNNK Congress voted in favor of the party merging with "Tevzemei un Brivibai". Minister of EU Affairs Aleksandrs Kirsteins and Minister of Defense Andrejs Krastins were among those who voted against the decision. The LNNK and the Greens have eight seats in the Saeima and two members of the party hold the posts of ministers. "TB" has thirteen seats and is represented by four ministers in the Cabinet. According to forecasts, moderate LNNK members may join "Latvijas Cels" or a new party that may be formed by Janis Peters and Raimonds Pauls in the nearest future. B&B

Апрель 26, 1997

Press Report

Last Thursday the US Congress Committee for International Affairs informed the press about a draft bill on NATO enlargement. The draft bill supports the admission of Baltic states to NATO. Latvian Ambassador to the USA Ojars Kalnins told

Last Thursday the US Congress Committee for International Affairs informed the press about a draft bill on NATO enlargement. The draft bill supports the admission of Baltic states to NATO. Latvian Ambassador to the USA Ojars Kalnins told "DIENA" that the draft bill contained a chapter that named the three Baltic states and Romania among potential NATO members. The admission of the three Baltic states to NATO was also supported by the Committee on security and Co-operation in Europe. The Committee considered reports on the human rights situation delivered by Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Polish ambassadors. According to Mr. Kalnins, the Baltic states were not criticized for human rights violations by Committee members. Chairman of the Committee D'Amato positively evaluated the point in the Latvian Ambassador's report that said that Russian-language school outnumbered Latvian schools in Riga. Diena

US Ambassador to Latvia Larry Napper in an interview for

US Ambassador to Latvia Larry Napper in an interview for "DIENA" confirmed that NATO would "leave its doors open" to all potential members. He stressed the role of NATO as a basic element of the European security system along with the OSCE, the latter playing an important role in conflict prevention. Diena

The Union of Latvian Ukrainians issued a statement criticizing the existing laws and regulations on naturalization. The statement points at the fact that only 200 ethnic Ukrainians have obtained citizenship through naturalization. The total number of Ukrainians residing in Latvia is 63.3 thousand. The Union will submit several suggestions on amending the Latvian legislation to the

The Union of Latvian Ukrainians issued a statement criticizing the existing laws and regulations on naturalization. The statement points at the fact that only 200 ethnic Ukrainians have obtained citizenship through naturalization. The total number of Ukrainians residing in Latvia is 63.3 thousand. The Union will submit several suggestions on amending the Latvian legislation to the Saeima, the President and the Head of the Naturalization Board. The suggestions include granting citizenship through registration to all persons born in Latvia, allowing permanent residents who resided in Latvia on May 4, 1990, to undergo naturalization outside "the window mechanism", exempting persons over sixty years of age of naturalization tests and exempting holders of "language certificates" of naturalization language tests.

President Ulmanis told

President Ulmanis told "DIENA" that certain ethnic groups could not be given advantages as for obtaining Latvian citizenship. He noted that Poles who entered Latvia in 1939 and 1940 as refugees were entitled to extraordinary naturalization. Still, he will discuss the status of those who entered the country after 1945 with the Polish President during his visit to Poland. Mr. Ulmanis pointed at the fact that 6,000 Poles having the right to obtain citizenship through naturalization did not exercise the right. President Ulmanis left for Poland today. Diena

The Immigration Police arrested a civil wife of a well-known pop-singer Sergey Gallaktionov. Mr. Gallaktionov at a press-conference explained that his wife Natalya was detained for not having a Register of Inhabitants stamp in her passport. She is kept in custody by the Immigration Police and is not allowed to meet with her husband and lawyers. CID officials explain that Natalya, being a daughter of a Russian serviceman, is to be expelled to Russia. Her father is legally residing in Latvia while Natalya did not receive a Register stamp due to the sickness and death of her child. Riga City Council deputy Normunds Ozolins ("Equal Rights") contacted Minister of Interior Turlais on the case. The Minister promised to investigate the issue.

The Immigration Police arrested a civil wife of a well-known pop-singer Sergey Gallaktionov. Mr. Gallaktionov at a press-conference explained that his wife Natalya was detained for not having a Register of Inhabitants stamp in her passport. She is kept in custody by the Immigration Police and is not allowed to meet with her husband and lawyers. CID officials explain that Natalya, being a daughter of a Russian serviceman, is to be expelled to Russia. Her father is legally residing in Latvia while Natalya did not receive a Register stamp due to the sickness and death of her child. Riga City Council deputy Normunds Ozolins ("Equal Rights") contacted Minister of Interior Turlais on the case. The Minister promised to investigate the issue. SM

Апрель 25, 1997

Press Report

Only 639 sixteen to twenty year-old young people used their right to obtain citizenship through naturalization in 1996. This year slightly more than one hundred applicants between 21 and 26 years of age used this right. The only social group displaying interest toward Latvian citizenship is the so-called yuppies. They see Latvian citizenship as part of establishing their careers. Still, they cannot explain in what way they would benefit from obtaining Latvian citizenship. Many young people would not take citizenship because of the mandatory army service. A large portion of young people does not see any sense in becoming citizens and believe naturalization tests to be a useless waste of time. The Naturalization Board is planning to investigate the reasons of non-citizens' indifference toward naturalization. Last year's research by the Board showed that 63% of young non-citizens would like to take citizenship. Still, most of them remain passive and are not planning to apply for naturalization. According to Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane, the Board is ready to change the naturalization test program in the way that would not contradict the law. Currently, the Board is accomplishing the work on the new program for history tests. The program will focus on modern history and will consist of 150 question with only 18 questions on Latvia's ancient history.

Only 639 sixteen to twenty year-old young people used their right to obtain citizenship through naturalization in 1996. This year slightly more than one hundred applicants between 21 and 26 years of age used this right. The only social group displaying interest toward Latvian citizenship is the so-called yuppies. They see Latvian citizenship as part of establishing their careers. Still, they cannot explain in what way they would benefit from obtaining Latvian citizenship. Many young people would not take citizenship because of the mandatory army service. A large portion of young people does not see any sense in becoming citizens and believe naturalization tests to be a useless waste of time. The Naturalization Board is planning to investigate the reasons of non-citizens' indifference toward naturalization. Last year's research by the Board showed that 63% of young non-citizens would like to take citizenship. Still, most of them remain passive and are not planning to apply for naturalization. According to Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane, the Board is ready to change the naturalization test program in the way that would not contradict the law. Currently, the Board is accomplishing the work on the new program for history tests. The program will focus on modern history and will consist of 150 question with only 18 questions on Latvia's ancient history. Diena

"Tevzemei un Brivibai"

Chairman Maris Grinblats said in a TV interview that his party would never agree to granting Latvian citizenship to Poles residing in Latvia. Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") told Chairman Maris Grinblats said in a TV interview that his party would never agree to granting Latvian citizenship to Poles residing in Latvia. Mr. Vladlen Dozortsev ("People's Harmony") told "SM""SM" that Mr. Grinblats deliberately distorted the very essence of the issue. No-one have suggested granting citizenship to Poles without any exams. The suggestion provided was to grant them the right for extraordinary naturalization. Mr. Grinblats claimed that granting the right for citizenship to a peculiar ethnic group would lead to other ethnic groups demanding the similar advantages. Still, the suggestion supported by the President and the Saeima Human Rights Committee concerned all former citizens of Poland and their descendants irrespective of their ethic origin. Mr. Dozortsev does not believe that the Saeima will be able to adopt any amendments to the Citizenship Law. Amending the Law may lead to another Government crisis. Dozortsev criticizes the President for trying to meet the interests of all parties in his statements. Still, Latvia has no other choice than to change its policy toward non-citizens. Otherwise, it will not be able to join the European Union and will become isolated from the rest of Europe. This, according to Dozortsev, has been proved by EU Commissioner van den Broek's statements made during his recent visit to Latvia. that Mr. Grinblats deliberately distorted the very essence of the issue. No-one have suggested granting citizenship to Poles without any exams. The suggestion provided was to grant them the right for extraordinary naturalization. Mr. Grinblats claimed that granting the right for citizenship to a peculiar ethnic group would lead to other ethnic groups demanding the similar advantages. Still, the suggestion supported by the President and the Saeima Human Rights Committee concerned all former citizens of Poland and their descendants irrespective of their ethic origin. Mr. Dozortsev does not believe that the Saeima will be able to adopt any amendments to the Citizenship Law. Amending the Law may lead to another Government crisis. Dozortsev criticizes the President for trying to meet the interests of all parties in his statements. Still, Latvia has no other choice than to change its policy toward non-citizens. Otherwise, it will not be able to join the European Union and will become isolated from the rest of Europe. This, according to Dozortsev, has been proved by EU Commissioner van den Broek's statements made during his recent visit to Latvia. SMSM Yesterday the Saeima passed draft amendments to the Law on Elections to the Saeima committees. The draft amendments provide for increasing "the barrier" to be passed by coalitions to enter the Saeima in next elections from 5% to 7%. According to the amendments, only the parties registered at least one year before the elections will be allowed to run for seats in the next Saeima. The term may be increased to three years after 2000. Observers believe the amendments to be an attempt to press out smaller parties and show the concern of the major political parties about their political future. New parties are expected to appear this summer, a party established by famous composer Raimonds Pauls and current Ambassador to Russia Janis Peters among them. B&B;

Yesterday the Saeima passed draft amendments to the Law on Elections to the Saeima committees. The draft amendments provide for increasing "the barrier" to be passed by coalitions to enter the Saeima in next elections from 5% to 7%. According to the amendments, only the parties registered at least one year before the elections will be allowed to run for seats in the next Saeima. The term may be increased to three years after 2000. Observers believe the amendments to be an attempt to press out smaller parties and show the concern of the major political parties about their political future. New parties are expected to appear this summer, a party established by famous composer Raimonds Pauls and current Ambassador to Russia Janis Peters among them. B&B

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