Дек. 4, 1997

Press Review

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights Committee voted against submitting the draft of the Second Part of the Satversme ("On Human Rights") to the Saeima. A "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK" representative voted against the consideration of the draft by the Saeima while another "TB"/LNNK representative and a "The Farmers' Union"/"The Union of Christian Democrats" member abstained. The Committee consists of six members. The "TB"/LNNK faction decided not to support the draft claiming the Constitutional Law on Human Rights to be a sufficient guarantee of observance of human rights. The faction suggests to discuss the draft at a meeting of the Coalition Faction Council. Diena

Aigars Jirgens (

Aigars Jirgens ("TB"/LNNK) in his article for "JAUNA AVIZE" stresses that the EU should take into consideration Latvia's peculiar demographic situation that resulted from the decades of occupation. Mr. Jirgens quoted Russian politicians who had openly suggested to press on Latvia through European organizations to change its policy toward non-citizens. He believes that "subjective" statements made by OSCE High Commissioner van der Stoel and CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen cause skepticism toward the EU among Latvian citizens. Such statements also allow non-citizens to hope for easier naturalization tests and to demand giving Russian the status of the second state language. Jauna Avize

In his interviews for Spanish press Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts said that most Russia-speakers did not have Latvian citizenship because they still considered Latvia to be part of Russia. "They are under the influence of Russian mass-media and are still waiting for changes in Latvia's status," said the Prime-Minister in an interview for

In his interviews for Spanish press Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts said that most Russia-speakers did not have Latvian citizenship because they still considered Latvia to be part of Russia. "They are under the influence of Russian mass-media and are still waiting for changes in Latvia's status," said the Prime-Minister in an interview for "El Mondo". SM

Yesterday President Ulmanis had a meeting with Chairman of the

Yesterday President Ulmanis had a meeting with Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Education and Science Dzintars Abikis. They agreed that Latvia needed a new Education Law. Mr. Ulmanis believes that the Law should create a situation when "the knowledge of Latvian was required in all places of residence and during all personal contacts". Still, the President thinks that private enterprises should be allowed to choose a language of communication in special cases. He suggested to achieve a balance between objectives and means of reaching those. Such an approach would exclude any interference of the State into private life, said Mr. Ulmanis.SM

The Council of the Russian Cultural Autonomy addressed the

The Council of the Russian Cultural Autonomy addressed the Saeima with an open letter pointing to contradictions between the draft Language Law and the documents of the OSCE Conference on Human Dimension. The Russian community in Latvia understands the current concern about the development of the Latvian language. Still, the adoption of the new Language Law would lead to a forceful assimilation of a large group of Latvia's inhabitants. SM

Дек. 3, 1997

Press Review

According to the latest statistical data, 50,437 residents of Liepaja are citizens, 42,409 are non-citizens and 400 have citizenship of countries other than Latvia. The city has the lowest naturalization rate in the country. Head of the local Naturalization Board office Juris Abolins believes this to be "psychological heritage of militarism" since Liepaja used to be a major Russian military base. Around thirteen thousand persons left the city with the Russian troops. The Naturalization Board in collaboration with the Center for Ethnic Studies has implemented several programs aimed at informing young non-citizens about the essence of citizenship.

According to the latest statistical data, 50,437 residents of Liepaja are citizens, 42,409 are non-citizens and 400 have citizenship of countries other than Latvia. The city has the lowest naturalization rate in the country. Head of the local Naturalization Board office Juris Abolins believes this to be "psychological heritage of militarism" since Liepaja used to be a major Russian military base. Around thirteen thousand persons left the city with the Russian troops. The Naturalization Board in collaboration with the Center for Ethnic Studies has implemented several programs aimed at informing young non-citizens about the essence of citizenship. Diena

The Cabinet of Ministers decreased the naturalization fee for pensioners, second category invalids and school students to Ls 15. The fee is not to be paid by the politically repressed, by first category invalids, by orphans and by children not supported by their parents. The Head of the Naturalization Board has the right to exempt persons officially recognized to be destitute from the naturalization fee. According to the Naturalization Board, only 4,313 persons have received citizenship through naturalization. Officials working in the area of naturalization believe that naturalization rate would not change even if the fee was decreased to Ls 5.

The Cabinet of Ministers decreased the naturalization fee for pensioners, second category invalids and school students to Ls 15. The fee is not to be paid by the politically repressed, by first category invalids, by orphans and by children not supported by their parents. The Head of the Naturalization Board has the right to exempt persons officially recognized to be destitute from the naturalization fee. According to the Naturalization Board, only 4,313 persons have received citizenship through naturalization. Officials working in the area of naturalization believe that naturalization rate would not change even if the fee was decreased to Ls 5. SM

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima Juridical Committee declined a draft amendment that would allow non-citizens to work as lawyers. The amendment drafted by the Human Rights Committee will be considered at the Saeima plenary session. Member of the Juridical Committee Maris Grinblats ("TB"/LNNK) explained that the amendment would contradict several Latvian laws. B&B, Jauna Avize

Mr. Andrey Vorontsov (Editor of

Mr. Andrey Vorontsov (Editor of "SM SEVODNYA") in an article for "DIENA" welcomes the tendency of recognizing the existence of two communities in Latvia. Mr. Vorontsov does not see any danger in preserving the situation and believes that the two communities can peacefully coexist. He assumes that ethnic relations in the country could be more harmonious if non-Latvians were given political rights in the early nineties. Integration of non-Latvians supported by the Latvian bureaucracy presumes their assimilation. The existing situation leads to negative attitude toward naturalization among the Russian-speaking population. Mr. Vorontsov does not believe naturalization tests to be a real reason for a low naturalization rate. Most of Russian-speakers see Latvia as their native country and are loyal to it. The author warns against trying to oust non-Latvians from the country. Such an attempt may result in an open conflict. He believes that the Russian-speaking community should have its representative institutions that would protect its interests in accordance with the Satversme. Strict Citizenship and Language laws will only press non-Latvians to take Russian citizenship subjecting them to possible political manipulations by Russian radical political forces.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in a brief interview for

Minister of Foreign Affairs Valdis Birkavs in a brief interview for "SM" stressed that it was only Russian security guarantees that Latvia declined. The Latvian side was ready to consider other Russian initiatives and "to take practical steps" toward the signing of the border agreement. Mr. Birkavs criticized "near-sighted politicians and political adventurers" trying to stir ethnic hatred in the country.

Дек. 2, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts accused

Prime-Minister Guntars Krasts accused Agence France-Presse of distorting the contents of his interview for Spanish newspaper El Mundo. The French news agency reported that Mr. Krasts in his interview claimed Russia to be hostile toward the Baltic states. "DIENA" confirms that the original text of the interview does not contain such statements. In his interview Mr. Krasts said that Latvia could not accept security guarantees suggested by Russia and drew a parallel between the recent Russian guarantees and security guarantees imposed on Latvia by the USSR before the Second World War. He also pointed to productive economic relations between the two countries and noted that political relations still required further development.


journalist Sandris Tocs pointed to a contradiction between journalist Sandris Tocs pointed to a contradiction between "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK citizenship policy and Latvia's plans for joining the EU. Now when a member of the party holds the post of a Prime-Minister, the contradiction has become even more evident. The EU is concerned about slow naturalization in Latvia while citizenship policy and Latvia's plans for joining the EU. Now when a member of the party holds the post of a Prime-Minister, the contradiction has become even more evident. The EU is concerned about slow naturalization in Latvia while "TB"/LNNK"TB"/LNNK excludes any possibility of amending the Citizenship Law. Mr. Krasts tries to look more moderate and urged his colleagues to keep to a more democratic and European discussion style. The excludes any possibility of amending the Citizenship Law. Mr. Krasts tries to look more moderate and urged his colleagues to keep to a more democratic and European discussion style. The "DIENA""DIENA" journalist criticizes journalist criticizes "TB"/LNNK "TB"/LNNK for impeding Latvia's integration to Europe and believes that the party will have to finally sacrifice its principles. for impeding Latvia's integration to Europe and believes that the party will have to finally sacrifice its principles. An article in

An article in "SM" points out the following basic tendencies in the strategy used by nationalistic forces in Latvia:
1. Adoption of legal acts and amendments to existing laws that would worsen the situation of non-citizens and create additional psychological stress.
2. Appointment of radical nationalists to self-government institutions.
3. Creating the atmosphere of intolerance toward non-citizens and non-Latvians through the media.
4. Activities aimed at confirming non-citizens' hostility toward Latvia.
The author of the article quotes President Ulmanis who criticized radical nationalists for dividing the society into Latvians and non-Latvians and stressed that there was no alternative to a harmonious society. SM

Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss had a meeting with President Ulmanis yesterday. According to the President's Press-Service, the Ambassador supported a dialogue on naturalization initiated by the President and pointed to its importance for the forming of a harmonious society in Latvia.

Latvian Ambassador to Russia Imants Daudiss had a meeting with President Ulmanis yesterday. According to the President's Press-Service, the Ambassador supported a dialogue on naturalization initiated by the President and pointed to its importance for the forming of a harmonious society in Latvia. SM "JAUNA AVIZE" published statistical data on the number and the status of Russian servicemen currently residing in Latvia. 547 servicemen and their family members are staying in the country in accordance with the agreement on the Skrunda radar. According to the CID, the total number of Russian citizens in Skrunda is 1,255. They will stay in Latvia until September 1998. According to the lists provided by the Russian Embassy, 816 retired servicemen demobilized after 28 January 1992 are still residing in Latvia. The Russian side believes that 202 of these have the right to stay in the country. Only 14 former servicemen were denied permissions to stay in Latvia. Still, the CID is aware of at least fifty other cases when the status of former servicemen is unclear. Some of them may have to leave Latvia. Around twenty families of former Russian servicemen are ready to leave and are waiting for their apartments in Russia that are provided within a US-financed program. Still more former Russian servicemen may be staying in Latvia illegally by having obtained forged documents or by other illegal means. One of the reasons for their desire to stay in Latvia is higher pensions paid by the Russian Government to former servicemen residing abroad.


The "Svenska Dagbladet" on November 26 published Ms Elizabeth Krone's interview with the President. It focused on naturalization in Latvia. The aftermath of the occupation should be done away with also in our minds. Therefore, the President should see to it that Russian-speakers could obtain citizenship more easily despite sharp criticism from the Latvian Parliament. "The State cannot enter the next century while being divided." E.Krone describe the existing Citizenship Law and mention the President's dispute with Prime-Minister G.Krasts. Still, the President stressed the importance of political stability that would not allow to start the discussion immediately. The interview also touches upon G.Ulmanis' childhood and years in exile. Hence, is its title "The Deported Hopes for Reconciliation". Latvijas Vestnesis

Ноя. 28, 1997

Press Review

According to the State Human Rights Office, the Citizenship Law violates the rights of children brought up in orphanages whose birth certificates do not state their parents. Such children either cannot receive citizenship, or are to overcome considerable difficulties while obtaining it. The Human Rights Office has received a complaint from an orphan who is trying to find his mother's birth certificate required to receive Latvian citizenship. The Office believes that the Law subjects orphans to a psychological stress by making them search for their parents who have abandoned them in their early childhood. The Citizenship Law does not allow to give Latvian citizenship to orphans or children abandoned by their parents if their parents were not citizens or if their parents' citizenship is not known. This provision puts the Law into contradiction with the international Convention on Children's Rights acceded by Latvia. The Human Rights Office submitted corresponding draft amendments to the

According to the State Human Rights Office, the Citizenship Law violates the rights of children brought up in orphanages whose birth certificates do not state their parents. Such children either cannot receive citizenship, or are to overcome considerable difficulties while obtaining it. The Human Rights Office has received a complaint from an orphan who is trying to find his mother's birth certificate required to receive Latvian citizenship. The Office believes that the Law subjects orphans to a psychological stress by making them search for their parents who have abandoned them in their early childhood. The Citizenship Law does not allow to give Latvian citizenship to orphans or children abandoned by their parents if their parents were not citizens or if their parents' citizenship is not known. This provision puts the Law into contradiction with the international Convention on Children's Rights acceded by Latvia. The Human Rights Office submitted corresponding draft amendments to the Saeima Human Rights Committee. The amendments provide for granting citizenship to all orphans and abandoned children brought up in Latvia's orphanages. The Committee declined the amendments explaining that the Coalition Agreement did not allow to amend the Citizenship Law. Diena

The Union of Councils Baltic Office informed

The Union of Councils Baltic Office informed "DIENA" about the violation of rights of former concentration camp prisoners. The letter by the American human rights organization refers to numerous cases when non-citizens were refused the status of the politically repressed although they were Nazi concentration camp prisoners during World War II. According to the Union of Councils, 30 thousand non-citizens do not have the status only because they are not citizens of Latvia. A spokesman for the Riga City Council admitted that he was informed about several cases when municipal officials refused to give the status to non-citizens residing in Latvia thus violating the applicable law. The Law provides equal rights for the status to citizens and non-citizens. Diena

The Latvian Human Rights Committee held a press-conference on the problem of illegal residents. Around six thousand persons are residing in Latvia illegally and cannot enjoy any social benefits and cannot not be legally employed. Co-Chairman of the Committee Gennady Kotov informed the press about the most striking cases. The CID has already suggested to issue non-citizens' passports to illegal residents.

The Latvian Human Rights Committee held a press-conference on the problem of illegal residents. Around six thousand persons are residing in Latvia illegally and cannot enjoy any social benefits and cannot not be legally employed. Co-Chairman of the Committee Gennady Kotov informed the press about the most striking cases. The CID has already suggested to issue non-citizens' passports to illegal residents. PL

Yesterday the

Yesterday the Saeima committees received the draft of the Second Part of the Satversme. The document defines human rights on the constitutional level. Peoples Harmony objects to the paragraphs of the draft document that do not allow non-citizens to take part in local elections. Saimnieks also supports the idea of granting the right to non-citizens. Its member Mr. Ernests Jurkans said that the party would raise the issue at the meeting of the Governing coalition factions. SM

Saeima member Janis Urbanovics (

Saeima member Janis Urbanovics (Peoples Harmony) drew a parallel between recent statements by TB/LNNK members and the 1933 events in Germany. He accused Ms. Lace (TB) of stirring ethnic hatred. SM

Ноя. 27, 1997

Press Review

Press Review

Deputy-Secretary General of

Deputy-Secretary General of "Tevzemei un Brivibai"/LNNK Ms. Palmira Lace commented on the recent article by "TB" member Aivars Slucis in "The International Herald Tribune". The article accusing the OSCE High Commissioner of being "an agent of the Russian imperialism" and calling Russian the worlds most brutal nation caused numerous protests from the Russian-language press in Latvia. Ms. Lace in a TV talk-show said that she shared Mr. Slucis' opinion. She promised that the "colonists" would be withdrawn from Latvia by 2002. According to P. Lace, the "colonists" will be pressed to leave the country by more strict Repatriation and Language Laws and by keeping the "naturalization windows" closed. Saeima member Juris Sinka ("TB") suggested that the repatriation of non-citizens could be supported by the Repatriation Foundation established in 1994. He referred to Russian Ambassador Udaltsov, who, according to Mr. Sinka, did not object to repatriation and was aware of the possibility to repatriate 3,000 Russians using the Foundation. The State Human Rights Bureau circulated a statement stressing that the ideas expressed by Ms. Lace contradicted the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights acceded by Latvia. The Pact guarantees the right to chose freely the place of residence to all legal inhabitants of a country. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the

Yesterday the "TB"/LNNK faction called upon the Saeima to hold the second reading of the draft Language Law during the autumn session. The "TB"/LNNK statement says that "organizations disloyal to Latvia" has become more active recently. These "organizations" demand the status of a state language for the Russian. Chairman of the Saeima Committee on Education, Science and Culture Dzintars Abikis told the press that the second reading of the draft Language Law will be held before Christmas. Diena, Chas

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