Апрель 20, 1998

Press Review

According to Latvian Minister of Finances R.Zile, the leaders of International Monetary Fund and World Bank expressed their understanding of the processes taking place in Latvia and regret that Russia was imposing economic sanctions on Latvia at their meeting with this Latvian official.

According to Latvian Minister of Finances R.Zile, the leaders of International Monetary Fund and World Bank expressed their understanding of the processes taking place in Latvia and regret that Russia was imposing economic sanctions on Latvia at their meeting with this Latvian official. Diena


Party Latvijas Cels in its conference on Saturday took a decision to demand G.Krasts to ask for a vote of confidence for himself as a Prime Minister at the next Saeima meeting and rejected a proposal to express clear and undoubted support. It is possible that LC would ask for this vote if G.Krasts does not do it himself. But the faction will not force all its members to support the government, and some deputies have already said that they would not support the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister’s Press Secretary R.Melniks told

Prime Ministers Press Secretary R.Melniks told Diena that Krasts had already asked once for a vote of confidence, and LC and DPS people achieved that it did not take place, and there was no need unless some of the coalition members did not want to overthrow the government.

LC did not want to overthrow the government and loose Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK as a co-operation partner, stressed the conference deputies. But taking such a decision LC indicated that it doubted Krastss possibility to ensure support of the majority after the withdrawal of Saimnieks. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, SM,

The new

The new Peoples Party led by former Prime Minister A.Skele has published its Manifest. The motto of it is to ensure that within eight years two working parents could raise and educate three children. Diena, Neatkariga

Апрель 18, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

On Friday, Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his German colleague K.Kinkel. During this meeting they also discussed Latvian Russian relations. Mr. Kinkel congratulated the steps of Latvian government taken to ease the Naturalisation process for non-citizens, taking into consideration OSCE and EU proposals. “Now it is Russia’s turn to show patience and sense of proportion,” stressed German Minister of Foreign Affairs. V.Birkavs was satisfied with this meeting and said that he had got one more confirmation that Germany was supporting Latvia on its road to EU.

On Friday, Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs V.Birkavs met with his German colleague K.Kinkel. During this meeting they also discussed Latvian Russian relations. Mr. Kinkel congratulated the steps of Latvian government taken to ease the Naturalisation process for non-citizens, taking into consideration OSCE and EU proposals. Now it is Russias turn to show patience and sense of proportion, stressed German Minister of Foreign Affairs. V.Birkavs was satisfied with this meeting and said that he had got one more confirmation that Germany was supporting Latvia on its road to EU. Diena, Jauna Avize

US State Department has congratulated Latvian government proposals concerning Naturalisation of non-citizens and asked the Saeima to adopt those proposals. Latvian State President G.Ulmanis considered those letters of US officials as an evidence to the great meaning of US Baltic Charter, told

US State Department has congratulated Latvian government proposals concerning Naturalisation of non-citizens and asked the Saeima to adopt those proposals. Latvian State President G.Ulmanis considered those letters of US officials as an evidence to the great meaning of US Baltic Charter, told Diena his Press Secretary V.Savicka. Russian MFA considers that the letter of US State Secretary to this Ministry is neither strict or ultimatum. The Speaker of the US State Department J.Rubin announced to the press on Thursday that US State Secretary M.Albright in her letter to Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Primakov had voiced her worries that Russian Latvian problems could not be solved through a dialogue. Russian MFA considers this letter as one of the steps in the dialogue between the heads of the US and Russian foreign policy departments. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Chass alsowrites that Great Britain as the leading state of EU asked the Latvian government to adopt the plan of integration of Russian minority into Latvian society. This was the first time when Europe started to speak not about the problem of non-citizens - citizens but Latvians - non-Latvians. “EU is deeply interested in satisfactory solution in doing away with different attitude when treating non-Latvian citizens of Latvia.” It is also noted in the announcement that the issue of integration has been raised concerning Latvia’s wish to join EU. EU considers it very important that governmental programs would fully correspond to OSCE standards and hopes that Latvian parliament will take quick steps to adopt the decision of the government.

Chass alsowrites that Great Britain as the leading state of EU asked the Latvian government to adopt the plan of integration of Russian minority into Latvian society. This was the first time when Europe started to speak not about the problem of non-citizens - citizens but Latvians - non-Latvians. EU is deeply interested in satisfactory solution in doing away with different attitude when treating non-Latvian citizens of Latvia. It is also noted in the announcement that the issue of integration has been raised concerning Latvias wish to join EU. EU considers it very important that governmental programs would fully correspond to OSCE standards and hopes that Latvian parliament will take quick steps to adopt the decision of the government.

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen are glad for Latvian government intention to amend the Law on Citizenship but would not be satisfied if these amendments would come into force only after one year after their adoption. OSCE High Commissioner during his discussion with Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts said that recent government decisions would undoubtedly further integration of Latvia into EU. Max van der Stoel also hoped that non-citizens would react positively by submitting applications for Naturalisation. He also highly appreciated the intention of the government to take into consideration OSCE recommendations concerning the State Language Law.

OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel and CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen are glad for Latvian government intention to amend the Law on Citizenship but would not be satisfied if these amendments would come into force only after one year after their adoption. OSCE High Commissioner during his discussion with Latvian Prime Minister G.Krasts said that recent government decisions would undoubtedly further integration of Latvia into EU. Max van der Stoel also hoped that non-citizens would react positively by submitting applications for Naturalisation. He also highly appreciated the intention of the government to take into consideration OSCE recommendations concerning the State Language Law.

CBSS Commissioner O.Esperson called these government proposals as a courageous and wise step, taking into consideration the situation in the country. He expressed hope that the government would amendment also other laws to harmonise them with the demands of international conventions. Next week he plans to visit Russia, where he will inform the Parliament members on the things learned in Riga. He would try to use his visit to help to restart the dialogue between Russia and Latvia.

CBSS Commissioner O.Esperson called these government proposals as a courageous and wise step, taking into consideration the situation in the country. He expressed hope that the government would amendment also other laws to harmonise them with the demands of international conventions. Next week he plans to visit Russia, where he will inform the Parliament members on the things learned in Riga. He would try to use his visit to help to restart the dialogue between Russia and Latvia. Diena, Neatkarig, SM, Panorama Latvii

Till the next meeting of the government on April 21, the expert working group has to finish their work on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Now experts are busy, and no comments are made. At the extraordinary meeting of the government, summoned by the State President, a decision was taken to support OSCE recommendations concerning the annulment of Naturalisation windows and granting citizenship to children of non-citizens born in Latvia after restoration of Latvian independence. These amendments are to be submitted to the Saeima till April 23.

Till the next meeting of the government on April 21, the expert working group has to finish their work on amendments to the Law on Citizenship. Now experts are busy, and no comments are made. At the extraordinary meeting of the government, summoned by the State President, a decision was taken to support OSCE recommendations concerning the annulment of Naturalisation windows and granting citizenship to children of non-citizens born in Latvia after restoration of Latvian independence. These amendments are to be submitted to the Saeima till April 23. Neatkariga


Апрель 17, 1998

Press Review

Press Review


Yesterday The New York Times published the information that the US State Secretary Madeleine Albright sent a letter to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevgeny Primakov in which she expressed concern about the dangerous tension in relations between Latvia and Russia, as well as warned against the imposing of economic sanctions. Diena, B&B, SM

At the meeting with press the CBSS Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Ole Espersen praised the Latvia's decision to amend the Citizenship Law and hoped that Russia would appreciate this move. He also said that he would acquaint the Russian officials with his opinion about the developments in Latvia when visiting Moscow. At the meeting with the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis, the Commissioner expressed a hope that the governmental decision to amend the Language Law and the Labor Law Code in accordance with the OSCE recommendations, would be implemented.

At the meeting with press the CBSS Commissioner for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Ole Espersen praised the Latvia's decision to amend the Citizenship Law and hoped that Russia would appreciate this move. He also said that he would acquaint the Russian officials with his opinion about the developments in Latvia when visiting Moscow. At the meeting with the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis, the Commissioner expressed a hope that the governmental decision to amend the Language Law and the Labor Law Code in accordance with the OSCE recommendations, would be implemented. Neatkariga, Diena, SM

Prime Minister started consultations with parties which could participate in formation of the government. Yesterday he met with the representatives of

Prime Minister started consultations with parties which could participate in formation of the government. Yesterday he met with the representatives of the National Reform Party and the Green Party to discuss the possibility of offering the post of the Minister of Economics to this faction. Today the Prime Minister will meet with the Latvijas Cels and the Farmers Union representatives. Kristiana Libane told Chas that the Latvijas Cels has not been asked to nominate its candidates for the vacant ministerial offices. According to Libane, it is a bit strange that Prime Minister consults with the deputies who formerly represented the opposition to the government before talking with the government forming parties. According to the CHAS, there are rumors that the Green Party and the Latvijas Cels might, in fact, not support the Krasts government. Diena

It is not clear how the government is going to implement its decision to support the adoption of the State Language Law in accordance with the international legal norms. On Wednesday at the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers the government expressed the support to the OSCE recommendations concerning the Citizenship Law, Labor Law Code, Language Law. The Saeima Commission on Education and Science believes that the OSCE recommendations could be taken into consideration during the third reading of the draft Language Law which is scheduled for the fall of this year.

It is not clear how the government is going to implement its decision to support the adoption of the State Language Law in accordance with the international legal norms. On Wednesday at the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers the government expressed the support to the OSCE recommendations concerning the Citizenship Law, Labor Law Code, Language Law. The Saeima Commission on Education and Science believes that the OSCE recommendations could be taken into consideration during the third reading of the draft Language Law which is scheduled for the fall of this year. Diena

Valerie Nesterushkin, Representative of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, said that the amendments to the Citizenship was the move in right direction. He also said that it would be desirable that the “specialists on the humanitarian issues” provide the analysis of these amendments, and then it would be possible to asses how they affect the situation in Latvia.

Valerie Nesterushkin, Representative of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry, said that the amendments to the Citizenship was the move in right direction. He also said that it would be desirable that the specialists on the humanitarian issues provide the analysis of these amendments, and then it would be possible to asses how they affect the situation in Latvia. Diena

Yesterday Latvian businessmen sent a letter to the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis in which they asked the parliament to asses the ability of the government to overcome the economic, political and social crisis in the country.

Yesterday Latvian businessmen sent a letter to the Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis in which they asked the parliament to asses the ability of the government to overcome the economic, political and social crisis in the country. B&B

Panorama Latvii informs about the rally on social issues organized by Social Democrats on Saturday in the Doma Square in the Center of Riga City.

Апрель 16, 1998

Press Review

Press Review

Government supported the elimination of the naturalization system in the Citizenship Law and granting of citizenship to children born in Latvia, as it was recommended by the OSCE. The amendments should be presented to the Cabinet for consideration by 21 April, and to the Saeima by 23 April.

Government supported the elimination of the naturalization system in the Citizenship Law and granting of citizenship to children born in Latvia, as it was recommended by the OSCE. The amendments should be presented to the Cabinet for consideration by 21 April, and to the Saeima by 23 April. Diena

National Reform Party decided to support the government of Guntars Krasts. Thus, there are theoretically 54 deputies supporting the present government.

National Reform Party decided to support the government of Guntars Krasts. Thus, there are theoretically 54 deputies supporting the present government. Neatkariga, Diena

Yesterday Prime Minister accepted the official resignation of Deputy State Minister Juris Kaksitis (

Yesterday Prime Minister accepted the official resignation of Deputy State Minister Juris Kaksitis (Saimnieks). Two other ministers - and Juris Celmins (Minister of Education) will resign today while Eriks Zunda (State Minister of Self-Governments) will continue working until Tuesday. After the extraordinary meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers Guntars Krasts said that he will propose the government supporting parties to nominate the candidates for the vacant ministerial posts. Jauna, Neatkariga

Yesterday at the extraordinary meeting the Cabinet of Ministers approved the program a program for overcoming the crisis in the country presented by the Prime Minister. As Guntars Krats told journalists, the program lists specific issues of internal and external politics, and propose the possibilities of solving these problems. The details of the program are not available to the public yet. It is planned to form a crisis management system. The Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis (Saimnieks) said that the government in fact does not have any plans to overcome the crisis. Andrejs Pantelejevs (Latvijas Cels) said that the program lacks the uniformity and presents only various details. At the meeting with journalists State President expressed his opinion about the situation in the country.

Yesterday at the extraordinary meeting the Cabinet of Ministers approved the program a program for overcoming the crisis in the country presented by the Prime Minister. As Guntars Krats told journalists, the program lists specific issues of internal and external politics, and propose the possibilities of solving these problems. The details of the program are not available to the public yet. It is planned to form a crisis management system. The Speaker of the Saeima Alfreds Cepanis (Saimnieks) said that the government in fact does not have any plans to overcome the crisis. Andrejs Pantelejevs (Latvijas Cels) said that the program lacks the uniformity and presents only various details. At the meeting with journalists State President expressed his opinion about the situation in the country. Jauna Avize, Panorama Latvii

Sweden has good relations with Latvia as well as with Russia, and Sweden should not be mediator to improve the relations between these two countries, Swedish Prime Minister Person said yesterday during his one day visit to Latvia. He stressed that the main objective of the visit was to discuss the relations between Latvia and Sweden and and Sweden's assistance for the Latvia's integration into the EU. at the meeting with Guntars Krasts Swedish Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the readiness of the Latvian government to implement the OSCE recommendations.

Sweden has good relations with Latvia as well as with Russia, and Sweden should not be mediator to improve the relations between these two countries, Swedish Prime Minister Person said yesterday during his one day visit to Latvia. He stressed that the main objective of the visit was to discuss the relations between Latvia and Sweden and and Sweden's assistance for the Latvia's integration into the EU. at the meeting with Guntars Krasts Swedish Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the readiness of the Latvian government to implement the OSCE recommendations. Diena, Jauna Avize

Olafs Bruveris, Head of the National Human Rights Office informed journalists about the results of the research on situation of social and economic rights in Latvia. According to Bruvers, in Latvia the social and economic rights are observed only partly, and it might lead to the violation of human rights in future.

Olafs Bruveris, Head of the National Human Rights Office informed journalists about the results of the research on situation of social and economic rights in Latvia. According to Bruvers, in Latvia the social and economic rights are observed only partly, and it might lead to the violation of human rights in future. Panorama Latvii

Chair of the OSCE Bronislaw Geremek (Polish Foreign Minister) thinks that Russia's reaction to the situation in Latvia is exaggerated.

Chair of the OSCE Bronislaw Geremek (Polish Foreign Minister) thinks that Russia's reaction to the situation in Latvia is exaggerated. Diena

In an article for

In an article for Diena, Valdis Birkavs states that there should be a clear program that would provide everybody who legally resides and works in Latvia with a possibility to really affect his/her future. "The responsibility of the state is to help those who want to stay in Latvia, to get integrated into to the society and to assist thsoe who do not want to stay here, to leave the country." Diena

Today the OSCE high Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel and CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen arrive in Latvia to discuss the Latvian legislation issues.

Today the OSCE high Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel and CBSS Commissioner Ole Espersen arrive in Latvia to discuss the Latvian legislation issues. Diena, B&B

Yesterday some eighty directors of the various industris met to discuss the situation realted with the economic sanctions of Russia. They described the politics of the Latvian government as "crime againts its own nation, "and the proposals to re-orantate the industry towards Western markets as "foolish and naive". Participants of the meeting decided to form a work group that will prepare the report about the current situation in industrial sector to be submitted to the State President and the government.

Yesterday some eighty directors of the various industris met to discuss the situation realted with the economic sanctions of Russia. They described the politics of the Latvian government as "crime againts its own nation, "and the proposals to re-orantate the industry towards Western markets as "foolish and naive". Participants of the meeting decided to form a work group that will prepare the report about the current situation in industrial sector to be submitted to the State President and the government. B&B

In an interview for

In an interview for Chas, Aija Priedite Director of the National State Program on Latvian Language Teaching, states that it would take at least ten years for the Latvian language to become a real second language for the Russian speaking population.

Апрель 15, 1998

Press Review

Press Review


The Latvijas Cels Party conference is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 in which it is planned to formulate the party's attitude towards the government of Guntars Krasts, as well as to discuss the terms of the nomination of new candidates for vacant ministerial posts. In a statement distributed by the Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK board and fraction it is said that the Krasts' government should continue working in order to prepare and adopt the program for the stabilization of the situation in the country. Yesterday Ziedonis Cevers, leader of the Democratic Party Saimnieks, told press that the party is ready to take a political responsibility for the formation of a new government. Diena, Dienas Bizness

Yesterday the government forming fraction agreed on the amendments to the Citizenship Law which will be submitted to the Saeima next week. If approved, the amendments will come into force not earlier than one year after their adoption in accordance with the paragraph 4 of Article 14 of the Citizenship Law. The government forming fraction could not agree on complete "opening of the naturalization windows" which is advocated by ambassadors and experts of the EU countries. Instead, they agreed on opening naturalization windows for residents born in Latvia, while the rest of non-citizens will be eligible to naturalization starting the year of 2001. Kristiana Libane, Chair of the

Yesterday the government forming fraction agreed on the amendments to the Citizenship Law which will be submitted to the Saeima next week. If approved, the amendments will come into force not earlier than one year after their adoption in accordance with the paragraph 4 of Article 14 of the Citizenship Law. The government forming fraction could not agree on complete "opening of the naturalization windows" which is advocated by ambassadors and experts of the EU countries. Instead, they agreed on opening naturalization windows for residents born in Latvia, while the rest of non-citizens will be eligible to naturalization starting the year of 2001. Kristiana Libane, Chair of the Latvijas Cels fraction, said that the Latvijas Cels could support the complete opening of naturalization windows, if such a proposal comes from the Prime Minister. All four fractions agreed on the provision granting citizenship to children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991, if one of the parents is the citizen of the former USSR who has no citizenship of any other country, and if he/she after 21 August 1991 permanently resided in Latvia. These children will have rights to obtain the citizenship when they are 16 to 18 years old by submitting an application and proving the Latvian language knowledge. The parties agreed to grant citizenship to persons who Polish citizens on June 17, 1940 and to their descendants, if they have permanently resided in Latvia for not less than five years as of the submission date of their application for naturalization. Andrejs Pantelejevs told press that after adopting the amendment in the first reading in the Saeima, they will be submitted to the European institutions for an expertise. Diena, SM

State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins will meet with the representatives of the United States government, State Department and the National Security Council to discuss the Latvian-Russian relations during his visit to Washington D.C., Press Secretary of the MFA Andrejs Pildegovics told press.

State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins will meet with the representatives of the United States government, State Department and the National Security Council to discuss the Latvian-Russian relations during his visit to Washington D.C., Press Secretary of the MFA Andrejs Pildegovics told press. Diena

The Latvian-Russian relations might be discussed at the meeting of the Russian and EU Co-operation Council in Brussels next week.

The Latvian-Russian relations might be discussed at the meeting of the Russian and EU Co-operation Council in Brussels next week. Diena

Yesterday the news agency Interfax reported that the planned visit of the Latvian Prime Minister Guntars Krasts to the United States on 15 -25 April was cancelled upon the initiative of the White House which regards the Latvian government’s position as "noticeably Russophobic." Besides, the American side did not believe that Krasts’ government survive, Interfax informed.

Yesterday the news agency Interfax reported that the planned visit of the Latvian Prime Minister Guntars Krasts to the United States on 15 -25 April was cancelled upon the initiative of the White House which regards the Latvian governments position as "noticeably Russophobic." Besides, the American side did not believe that Krasts government survive, Interfax informed. Chas

Referring to the comments of the Latvian authorities about the effects of the economic sanctions on the Russian speaking population in Latvia, Representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Valerie Nesterushkin said that the Russian government cannot comment how these sanctions would affect Latvian population, since “it is the internal affair of Latvia to estimate the gains and losses.”

Referring to the comments of the Latvian authorities about the effects of the economic sanctions on the Russian speaking population in Latvia, Representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Valerie Nesterushkin said that the Russian government cannot comment how these sanctions would affect Latvian population, since it is the internal affair of Latvia to estimate the gains and losses. SM

Jauna Avize publishes an open letter of employees of the company "VEF - KT" to the State President in which they urge politicians start a constructive dialogue with Russia. Jauna Avize

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