Авг. 20, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister A.Skele announced at the meeting of the educators that the government and the Ministry of Education and Science would take care let pupil every could receive elementary education at his parish. At the same time the Minister of Education and Science S.Golde informed that there were amendments to the general education law elaborated establishing the minimal number of pupils in a class, including elementary school as well.

Prime Minister A.Skele announced at the meeting of the educators that the government and the Ministry of Education and Science would take care let pupil every could receive elementary education at his parish. At the same time the Minister of Education and Science S.Golde informed that there were amendments to the general education law elaborated establishing the minimal number of pupils in a class, including elementary school as well. Neatkariga

The Chairman of Central Election Commission informed that 32 posts to collect signatures for proposing the referendum on the pension law would be opened abroad.

The Chairman of Central Election Commission informed that 32 posts to collect signatures for proposing the referendum on the pension law would be opened abroad. Neatkariga

Minister of Education and Science S.Golde informed that according to the data of school boards and National Education Inspection there were about 2500 irreplaceable teachers of retirement age and may be the next year these people could retire because the government wished to increase the salaries of teachers for one teaching load by January 1, 2000 let young teachers come to schools. The salary would be almost doubled - up to 130 Ls for one load. The total amount of money necessary could be 70 million Ls. Also the Prime Minister expressed his understanding of this issue and said that the problem should be solved during the next year.

Minister of Education and Science S.Golde informed that according to the data of school boards and National Education Inspection there were about 2500 irreplaceable teachers of retirement age and may be the next year these people could retire because the government wished to increase the salaries of teachers for one teaching load by January 1, 2000 let young teachers come to schools. The salary would be almost doubled - up to 130 Ls for one load. The total amount of money necessary could be 70 million Ls. Also the Prime Minister expressed his understanding of this issue and said that the problem should be solved during the next year. Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Polish Ambassador to Latvia J.Bratkevich, meeting with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, acknowledged that although the current situation at Polish schools in Latvia was good, he would like it to be better, and Latvia state institutions could help more in this respect. The Ambassador pointed out that the furniture, used at these schools was old , therefore resources were necessary to exchange them for new, and the Latvian state could grant one time subsidy for this purpose. He did not name an exact sum but just wanted the Saeima to support these schools with a political decision.

Rigas Balss (19.08.99)

A.Yelkin in Panorama Latvii writes about the fate of the Language Law linking it with the referendum on the pension law. Latvijas Cels and TB/LNNK stand for adopting the Language Law at the beginning of the next year let it do not disturb the talks on Latvia joining EU. Then why is Peoples Party now more radical than the rest of the coalition members - PP want to kindle the nationalistic feelings of the population thus achieving their primary goal of this time to adopt the amendments to the pensions law because if there is a referendum, the 650 000 Latvian pensioners, majority of whom are citizens, would vote against the amendments and it would mean the end of Skele government. Panorama Latvii

Авг. 19, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

The Chairman of Saeima faction TB/LNNK A.Pozarnovs accused Prime Minister A.Skele of violating the government forming coalition agreement by not informing the faction leaders about the fact that the government planned to discuss the composition of the high school reorganization commission.

The Chairman of Saeima faction TB/LNNK A.Pozarnovs accused Prime Minister A.Skele of violating the government forming coalition agreement by not informing the faction leaders about the fact that the government planned to discuss the composition of the high school reorganization commission. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

The government forming coalition faction does not have a united opinion on the time when the Language Law should be adopted. K.Libane from

The government forming coalition faction does not have a united opinion on the time when the Language Law should be adopted. K.Libane from Latvijas Cels told the journalist that she stood for a rather long term to submit proposals, because this is the last time when we can adopt a harmonised law corresponding to international norms. A.Pozarnovs from TB/LNNK pointed out that the best time for adopting the law could be the beginning of the next year. G.Berzins from Peoples Party thinks that the law should be adopted this November. Neatkariga, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis’s personal opinion is that the law should be adopted already in November this year because only the two articles the President had objections to should be discussed by the Saeima.

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikiss personal opinion is that the law should be adopted already in November this year because only the two articles the President had objections to should be discussed by the Saeima. Diena

Yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume announced amendments to the state budget of 1999 envisaging a decrease of the revenues part for 60 million lats.

Yesterday the Saeima Speaker J.Straume announced amendments to the state budget of 1999 envisaging a decrease of the revenues part for 60 million lats. Neatkariga

Russian MFA circulated an announcement on Wednesday where it criticized Latvian policy concerning national minorities. The Ministry stated that there were differences between citizens and non-citizens in more that 70 positions, including a possibility to hold posts, property rights, private entrepreneurship, etc. Answering to this Latvian MFA stated that the situation was just the opposite - Latvia had been congratulated for the progress achieved, and Russia had just expressed her opinion which was nothing new.

Diena, Chas

On August 23 the Union Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK will organize the annual march from Sigulda to Riga protesting against the Molotov-Ribentrop pact of 1939.

The OSCE High Commissioner Max van der Stoel has confirmed that he would come to Riga on August 25 and expressed a wish to speak about the Language Law. Lauku Avize, Bizness & Baltiya

Professor R.Janson from Tver University writes about the fate or Russians living in Latvia. He stated that the Russian authorities are eager to accuse Latvia of violating the rights and freedoms of the Russian speaking population in Latvia but did nothing to help those who wanted to move to Russia. Russian leaders want to preserve the current demographic situation thus maintaining their influence here. This is also confirmed by their statements about Russia’s geopolitical interests in this region.

Professor R.Janson from Tver University writes about the fate or Russians living in Latvia. He stated that the Russian authorities are eager to accuse Latvia of violating the rights and freedoms of the Russian speaking population in Latvia but did nothing to help those who wanted to move to Russia. Russian leaders want to preserve the current demographic situation thus maintaining their influence here. This is also confirmed by their statements about Russias geopolitical interests in this region. Diena (Russian version)

The two week hunger strike of O.Morozov from Tallin made the Russian National Council to take a decision to put on the agenda for the next meeting a proposal to discuss imposing of certain measures on Estonia to make this country to increase the rights of Russian speakers living there.

The two week hunger strike of O.Morozov from Tallin made the Russian National Council to take a decision to put on the agenda for the next meeting a proposal to discuss imposing of certain measures on Estonia to make this country to increase the rights of Russian speakers living there. Bizness & Baltiya

The Chairman of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia Vy.Altuhov whites about the changes in the original goals of this organisation. After the adoption of the amendments to the Language Law RSL is ready for some compromises but only on bilateral basis. RSL will not demand the state language status for the Russian language if the Saeima allows free use of the Russian language in all spheres of human activities, but the documents concerning state acts. If these compromise proposals were ignored by the state officials, then the international society would get a clear picture who are against integration and international peace.

The Chairman of the Council of the Russian Society in Latvia Vy.Altuhov whites about the changes in the original goals of this organisation. After the adoption of the amendments to the Language Law RSL is ready for some compromises but only on bilateral basis. RSL will not demand the state language status for the Russian language if the Saeima allows free use of the Russian language in all spheres of human activities, but the documents concerning state acts. If these compromise proposals were ignored by the state officials, then the international society would get a clear picture who are against integration and international peace. Panorama Latvii

Авг. 18, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins considers that Russia could help the most to her compatriots living in Latvia by calling them to acquire Latvian citizenship. He made this statement commenting the announcement of the new Russian Prime Minister V.Putin that one of the foreign policy priorities of Russia would be protection of the interests of Russians living abroad.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins considers that Russia could help the most to her compatriots living in Latvia by calling them to acquire Latvian citizenship. He made this statement commenting the announcement of the new Russian Prime Minister V.Putin that one of the foreign policy priorities of Russia would be protection of the interests of Russians living abroad. Neatkariga, Chas

The Cabinet of Ministers granted the Central Elections Commission the necessary 190 000 Ls to organise collecting of signatures for the referendum on the amendments to the pensions law.

The Cabinet of Ministers granted the Central Elections Commission the necessary 190 000 Ls to organise collecting of signatures for the referendum on the amendments to the pensions law. Neatkariga

Latvijas Cels

faction will discuss a possibility to elaborate new amendments to the pension law permitting pensioners in some exact regions to work and at the same time receive their pension. faction will discuss a possibility to elaborate new amendments to the pension law permitting pensioners in some exact regions to work and at the same time receive their pension. Jauna AvizeJauna Avize The Board of Latvian Free Trade Unions decided yesterday to call people to take part in collecting signatures for the referendum. The Board also decided to prepare and circulate an official announcement on their attitude towards these amendments.

The Board of Latvian Free Trade Unions decided yesterday to call people to take part in collecting signatures for the referendum. The Board also decided to prepare and circulate an official announcement on their attitude towards these amendments. Neatkariga, Diena

The next EU expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen in his written answer to the EP questions points out Latvia as one of the three countries, where considerable improvements in human rights and minority rights issues have been observed lately “After the referendum a reform favourable for Russian speakers has been started in Latvia.”

The next EU expansion Commissioner G.Verheugen in his written answer to the EP questions points out Latvia as one of the three countries, where considerable improvements in human rights and minority rights issues have been observed lately After the referendum a reform favourable for Russian speakers has been started in Latvia. Diena

On Tuesday a round table discussion on Russia, Byelorussia and Latvia in the context of European integration took place. The Deputy Director of the Moscow Carnegy Centre D.Trenin expressed an opinion that Russia was gradually coming to realise that the Baltic states were not so much a problem as a possibility for development. He also voiced an opinion that the next Russian president should form relations with the Baltic states basing them on possibilities but not on problems.

On Tuesday a round table discussion on Russia, Byelorussia and Latvia in the context of European integration took place. The Deputy Director of the Moscow Carnegy Centre D.Trenin expressed an opinion that Russia was gradually coming to realise that the Baltic states were not so much a problem as a possibility for development. He also voiced an opinion that the next Russian president should form relations with the Baltic states basing them on possibilities but not on problems. Diena , Jauna Avize, Chas

Авг. 17, 1999

Press Review

Press Review

Latvian government still can not agree on the privatisation terms of Latvian Shipping Company. There are two versions of privatisation, and the government can not choose one of them. The Board of

Latvian government still can not agree on the privatisation terms of Latvian Shipping Company. There are two versions of privatisation, and the government can not choose one of them. The Board of Latvijas Cels discussed both versions, but in order to avoid any conflicts among their leaders and influential groups avoided to take any decision. Neatkariga, Diena

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Peoples Party Saeima faction G.Berzins admitted a possibility that as the government would have to submit the next year draft budget before that the results of the possible referendum on the pension law were available, and this draft budget could be elaborated taking into consideration the amendments to the pension law already adopted by the Parliament. Neatkariga

The Chairman of

The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs expressed his regret that the Minister of Justice, Latvijas Cels member V.Birkavs has been misunderstood or made a statement about abolishing the Satversme Court. Neatkariga

Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK

Saeima faction could take a decision about the expulsion from the faction of its member O.Grigs only at the end of August when the autumn sessions of the Saeima started. Saeima faction could take a decision about the expulsion from the faction of its member O.Grigs only at the end of August when the autumn sessions of the Saeima started. Neatkariga, Jauna AvizeNeatkariga, Jauna Avize Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met yesterday with the Mayor of Daugavpils A.Vidauskis and discussed possibilities to further cross border co-operation of Daugavpils Region with the neighbouring regions in Russian and Byelorussia.

Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins met yesterday with the Mayor of Daugavpils A.Vidauskis and discussed possibilities to further cross border co-operation of Daugavpils Region with the neighbouring regions in Russian and Byelorussia. Neatkariga, Bizness & Baltiya

I.Berzins while meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in Latvia P.Vaitekuns called the Lithuanian party to ratify the Convention on Estimating the Ecological Damage in the cross border context.

I.Berzins while meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in Latvia P.Vaitekuns called the Lithuanian party to ratify the Convention on Estimating the Ecological Damage in the cross border context. Neatkariga

BNS informs that the possibility of the Baltic states joining NATO depends on Russian - USA Anti-Missile Defense Treaty. After expansion of NATO, nuclear weapons could be stationed in the Baltic states, therefore one of the conditions Russia puts forward is to include tactical weapons in the nuclear balance.

BNS informs that the possibility of the Baltic states joining NATO depends on Russian - USA Anti-Missile Defense Treaty. After expansion of NATO, nuclear weapons could be stationed in the Baltic states, therefore one of the conditions Russia puts forward is to include tactical weapons in the nuclear balance. Neatkariga

The newspaper

The newspaper Diena interviewed several experts about the trends in Latvian Russian relations. The experts acknowledged a presence of positive changes - stabilisation, even slight development of Latvian economy, increasing exports to Russia, decrease of unemployment in Latvia. Diena

A.Pantelejevs considers that a compromise will be found on the pensions law and the referendum on abolishing the amendments to this law could not cause any problems to the government. In his turn the Saeima Speaker J.Straume thinks that the abolishment of the amendments could cause unpredictable consequences because it could influence the adoption of the budget for 2000.

A.Pantelejevs considers that a compromise will be found on the pensions law and the referendum on abolishing the amendments to this law could not cause any problems to the government. In his turn the Saeima Speaker J.Straume thinks that the abolishment of the amendments could cause unpredictable consequences because it could influence the adoption of the budget for 2000. Diena

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis published an answer to a cartoon published in

The Chairman of the Saeima Commission on Education, Culture and Science Dz.Abikis published an answer to a cartoon published in Lauku Avize (12.08.99) where he sated that still considered that they should not step back from the most principal positions concerning the Language Law. Then it is better for the old law to be in force, using this time to persuade different European institutions and their experts about the necessity of one or another norm. The evidence to such a possibility is that these experts agreed to the norms regulating the use of the state language in private sphere. Lauku Avize

S.Zaletayev in

S.Zaletayev in Panorama Latvii comments on the announcement of the Saeima Speaker J.Straume, after the adopted Language Law was returned by the President to the Saeima for repeated consideration, that most probably this law could be adopted next year. And the reason for such an announcement is the planned meeting of the leaders of EU countries at the end of this year. The Speaker thinks that the law should be adopted after this meeting. Panorama Latvii

Авг. 16, 1999

Press Review

Information agency LETA inquired Latvian MPs about their opinion on the government activities. Social Democrat J.Adamsons considers them to be a failure in general but sees some positive tendencies in the work of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense.

Information agency LETA inquired Latvian MPs about their opinion on the government activities. Social Democrat J.Adamsons considers them to be a failure in general but sees some positive tendencies in the work of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense. For Human Rights in United Latvia deputy J.Urbanovics - no positive steps according to the content. Tevzemei un Brivibai/LNNK representative A.Pozarnovs finds it difficult to make a judgment after such a short period of time. He acknowledged the presence of some negative elements e.g. the announcements of the Minister of Education S.Golde. Peoples Party deputy J.Legzdins thinks it is too early to make any conclusions. Neatkariga

The 2000th person was naturalised in a solemn ceremony in Daugavpils regional office of the Naturalisation Board. It turned out to be a local police officer.

The 2000th person was naturalised in a solemn ceremony in Daugavpils regional office of the Naturalisation Board. It turned out to be a local police officer. Neatkariga

The Deputy Chairman of

The Deputy Chairman of TB/LNNK J.Dobelis in formed the leaders of the TB/LNNK faction planed to propose the faction member O.Grigs at the next faction meeting to leave the faction because he had violated its regulations and supported the proposals of the oposition. Neatkariga, Diena

The Acting Director-General of the State Real Property Agency came to Skrunda Radar Station town to meet with the representatives of local authorities and 13 families still residing there. The Commander of Skrunda Radar Station A.Nikitin informed that the dismantling of the station would be completed by the first half of October instead of February next year. The last military personnel would leave the town. The OSCE commission was invited to visit the station in August, the second time it would come at the end of September to sign the common protocol on completion of the dismantling. Therefore it was very important to solve the question of taking over the town. The local parish Head A.Sadovskis, whom the SRPA was offering to take over the town, explained that without the promised support of the government it would be difficult to guard and manage the 40 ha large territory.

The Acting Director-General of the State Real Property Agency came to Skrunda Radar Station town to meet with the representatives of local authorities and 13 families still residing there. The Commander of Skrunda Radar Station A.Nikitin informed that the dismantling of the station would be completed by the first half of October instead of February next year. The last military personnel would leave the town. The OSCE commission was invited to visit the station in August, the second time it would come at the end of September to sign the common protocol on completion of the dismantling. Therefore it was very important to solve the question of taking over the town. The local parish Head A.Sadovskis, whom the SRPA was offering to take over the town, explained that without the promised support of the government it would be difficult to guard and manage the 40 ha large territory. Neatkariga

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