Ноя. 8, 1999

Press Report

TB/LNNK has decided to set their goal for the next municipal election of 2001 to be represented in all local governments of cities and regions. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats pointed out that TB/LNNK should more specific in defining their position on local governments’ issues.

TB/LNNK has decided to set their goal for the next municipal election of 2001 to be represented in all local governments of cities and regions. The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats pointed out that TB/LNNK should more specific in defining their position on local governments issues. Neatkariga, Diena

Prime Minister A.Skele will go to Sweden to take part in the meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Baltic and Nordic States.

Prime Minister A.Skele will go to Sweden to take part in the meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Baltic and Nordic States. Neatkariga, Diena

The program of the Latvian Naturalisation grant, announced at the beginning of October, received a widespread response. The total number of projects to solve citizenship, national minorities and public integration problems is 50. They come from all regions of Latvia, and the winners will be known after one month.

The program of the Latvian Naturalisation grant, announced at the beginning of October, received a widespread response. The total number of projects to solve citizenship, national minorities and public integration problems is 50. They come from all regions of Latvia, and the winners will be known after one month. Neatkariga

At the sitting of TB/LNNK Council the Minister of Justice R.Zile expressed his disappointment with the style of work of the Government, when due to the speed suffers the quality of decisions,. He also criticised the planned regional reform.


L.Grigule, Co-ordinator of the Program Changes in Education of the Soros Foundation Latvia analyses the situation with bilingual education in Latvia. Ms.Grigule states that the methodology has been elaborated for this kind of education, and the Soros Foundation is working on preparing teachers for bilingual education. Diena

TB/LNNK want to meet with President V.V.Freiberga and find out why she had not announced but sent for the second consideration the language law and the law on public organisations, supported by the three parties that had elected her. TB/LNNK would like the President, before taking such decisions, to listen to the opinion of the parties. Diena

Peoples Harmony Party Chairman J.Jurkans informed that Peoples Harmony Party and movement Equality had decided to unite by Christmas to strengthen the Saeima faction. Mr.Jurkans pointed out that PHP dissociated it from the opinion voiced by the Socialist Party leader A.Rubiks. Diena

The Government has planned that in the nearest future Latvian residents would have two identification documents – a passport and a national ID. In 2002 will expire the validity term for passports of those Latvian citizens who received them first because passports were issued with the validity term for 10 years. Is not possible to extend the validity term without exchanging a passport due to technical reasons. Therefore it is necessary to prepare new passports. Under the leadership of DCMA, a project has been elaborated that stipulates to introduce a new ID usage system by 2002. The current passports within the territory of the state would be replaced by national identity cards. The new passport will be necessary just for going abroad. Jauna Avize

A.Schukin writes that the planned amendments to the law on TV and radio could give the Government unlimited control on the last residence of Russian TV channels – cable TV. These amendments cold be adopted already in November.

A.Schukin writes that the planned amendments to the law on TV and radio could give the Government unlimited control on the last residence of Russian TV channels – cable TV. These amendments cold be adopted already in November. Chas

The Saeima deputy from TB/LNNK faction J.Vidins provided Latvian volunteers with the addresses of Chechen leaders and even connected to-be mercenaries via satellite phone with the field commanders. The journalist of Vesti Segodnya A.Yelkin states that such activities of a Latvian parliamentarian could lead to Russia accusing Latvia on favouring international terrorism ands assisting the forces fighting against territorial integrity of Russia.

The Saeima deputy from TB/LNNK faction J.Vidins provided Latvian volunteers with the addresses of Chechen leaders and even connected to-be mercenaries via satellite phone with the field commanders. The journalist of Vesti Segodnya A.Yelkin states that such activities of a Latvian parliamentarian could lead to Russia accusing Latvia on favouring international terrorism ands assisting the forces fighting against territorial integrity of Russia. Vesti Segodnya

Ноя. 6, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

Former Prime Minister V.Kristopans told the newspaper Neatkariga about the discord in Latvijas Cels concerning the attitude towards A.Skele being the Prime Minister. He predicted a break up of Latvijas Cels. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs refused to comment on this. He told that there is a discourse in the party between the former Prime Minister and the rest of the party members.

Former Prime Minister V.Kristopans told the newspaper Neatkariga about the discord in Latvijas Cels concerning the attitude towards A.Skele being the Prime Minister. He predicted a break up of Latvijas Cels. The Chairman of Latvijas Cels A.Pantelejevs refused to comment on this. He told that there is a discourse in the party between the former Prime Minister and the rest of the party members. Neatkariga

The representatives of countries of this region and the USA met to discuss the topics of the security of the Baltic Sea region at the 4th conference on Safety and co-operation in Stockholm. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins explained Latvian understanding of the necessity to establish a European stability and security zone after the first Eastern European countries had been admitted to NATO and the crisis in the Balkan region. The Baltic States asked to speed up the process of EU and NATO expansion.

The representatives of countries of this region and the USA met to discuss the topics of the security of the Baltic Sea region at the 4th conference on Safety and co-operation in Stockholm. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins explained Latvian understanding of the necessity to establish a European stability and security zone after the first Eastern European countries had been admitted to NATO and the crisis in the Balkan region. The Baltic States asked to speed up the process of EU and NATO expansion. Neatkariga

The Union of Independent Trade Unions (UITU) call all its members to take part in the referendum on the amendments to the pension law and demands the Government to observe the established procedure on the social dialogue.

The Union of Independent Trade Unions (UITU) call all its members to take part in the referendum on the amendments to the pension law and demands the Government to observe the established procedure on the social dialogue. Neatkariga

UITU want to achieve an raise of the minimal salary by 5-10 Ls. UITU Deputy Chairman A.Kravalis said that in Latvia there were the lowest minimal and the lowest average salary. Latvian average salary last half a year was 141 Ls, in Lithuania – 161 Ls, Estonia – 184 Ls.

UITU want to achieve an raise of the minimal salary by 5-10 Ls. UITU Deputy Chairman A.Kravalis said that in Latvia there were the lowest minimal and the lowest average salary. Latvian average salary last half a year was 141 Ls, in Lithuania – 161 Ls, Estonia – 184 Ls. Neatkariga

A.Gilyman in

A.Gilyman in Vesti Segodnya expresses his opinion on the concept of public integration program. The bulky document, so much criticised by the representatives of national minorities half a year ago, had become even more hypocritical and declarative. And very typical for it is the introduction the chapter on Social integration – the fact proving that to be rich and healthy in better that to be poor and sick.


Ноя. 5, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

The Saeima State Administration and Local Governments Commission, preparing for repeated consideration at the Saeima the law on public organisations, rejected all proposals to establish the minimal number of party members. It supported the proposal of Latvijas Cels to keep the valid legal norm.

The Saeima State Administration and Local Governments Commission, preparing for repeated consideration at the Saeima the law on public organisations, rejected all proposals to establish the minimal number of party members. It supported the proposal of Latvijas Cels to keep the valid legal norm. Neatkariga, Diena

The Mayor of Venspils City Council A.Lembergs when meeting with the representatives of the OSCE Mission to Latvia, called them to change their activities concerning the public integration processes in Latvia and be more involved with additional financing in the construction of Latvian schools not just giving recommendations and instructions. Latvia would need about 10 new Latvian schools, and each would cost 80 000 LVL, and the corner stone of integration – mastering of the language – would be completed.

The Mayor of Venspils City Council A.Lembergs when meeting with the representatives of the OSCE Mission to Latvia, called them to change their activities concerning the public integration processes in Latvia and be more involved with additional financing in the construction of Latvian schools not just giving recommendations and instructions. Latvia would need about 10 new Latvian schools, and each would cost 80 000 LVL, and the corner stone of integration – mastering of the language – would be completed. Neatkariga

The council of the Teachers’ Trade Union took a unanimous decision yesterday to announce a warning strike on November 16.

The council of the Teachers Trade Union took a unanimous decision yesterday to announce a warning strike on November 16. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

The Saeima adopted the softened version of the amendments to the pension law, but the coalition’s vote was not unanimous, and the objections of TB/LNNK before the vote made to harmonise their opinions. The coalition thinks that the referendum has lost its meaning now and calls citizens not to take part in it. The opposition has voiced an opinion that the new amendments are anti-constitutional and the referendum is the only chance to abolish the previous “anti-national” amendments.

The Saeima adopted the softened version of the amendments to the pension law, but the coalitions vote was not unanimous, and the objections of TB/LNNK before the vote made to harmonise their opinions. The coalition thinks that the referendum has lost its meaning now and calls citizens not to take part in it. The opposition has voiced an opinion that the new amendments are anti-constitutional and the referendum is the only chance to abolish the previous anti-national amendments. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas, Bizness & Baltiya, Panorama Latvii

About 4000 residents of Jurmala still have to exchange their former USSR passports, the validity term of which expires in December 30, 1999, for non-citizen passports. According to the DCMA data there are registered 18 700 non-citizens in Jurmala. 14088 of them had exchanged their old passports by September 1. Although only two months have left, there are not many people in the Jurmala DCMA office. Weekly newspaper

Jurmala P.Jakovlev is the first person born in Latvia to receive the status of a stateless person. To obtain this status he simultaneously gave up two citizenships – Russian and Kazakhstan. He is a former military serviceman. So far none of people residing in Latvia had obtained this status, because the DCMA should verify that a claimant of this status was not a citizen of some state, had not received the status of a refugee or committed a serious crime.

P.Jakovlev is the first person born in Latvia to receive the status of a stateless person. To obtain this status he simultaneously gave up two citizenships – Russian and Kazakhstan. He is a former military serviceman. So far none of people residing in Latvia had obtained this status, because the DCMA should verify that a claimant of this status was not a citizen of some state, had not received the status of a refugee or committed a serious crime. Chas

Ноя. 4, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

The teachers pre-strike reconciliation commission has found compromise only on two of the five demands they put forward for the Government therefore the strike of November 16 will take place. About 90% of all Teachers’ Trade Union members have expressed their readiness to participate in the strike. The leader of the trade Union A.Harbacevica confirmed the information that some teachers had expressed their wish to go on a non-term hunger strike after January 1, 2000, if their salaries would not be raised.

The teachers pre-strike reconciliation commission has found compromise only on two of the five demands they put forward for the Government therefore the strike of November 16 will take place. About 90% of all Teachers Trade Union members have expressed their readiness to participate in the strike. The leader of the trade Union A.Harbacevica confirmed the information that some teachers had expressed their wish to go on a non-term hunger strike after January 1, 2000, if their salaries would not be raised. Neatkariga

Within five months more than 300 Latvian non-citizens of Russian origin have received aid from the International Migration Organisation to move for permanent residence to Russia. Most of these people are pensioners and unemployed, as well as some disabled persons who have no possibility to move to Russia by their own means. IMO pays about 300 USD for one person. The USA and Finnish governments sponsor the program.

Within five months more than 300 Latvian non-citizens of Russian origin have received aid from the International Migration Organisation to move for permanent residence to Russia. Most of these people are pensioners and unemployed, as well as some disabled persons who have no possibility to move to Russia by their own means. IMO pays about 300 USD for one person. The USA and Finnish governments sponsor the program. Neatkariga

On Thursday the Saeima Government forming factions plan to adopt in the final reading the new changes to pension law softening 4 articles the amendments adopted in august. The opposition decided not to vote and had started a propaganda campaign for the referendum. Diena

On Thursday the Saeima Government forming factions plan to adopt in the final reading the new changes to pension law softening 4 articles the amendments adopted in august. The opposition decided not to vote and had started a propaganda campaign for the referendum. Diena

The Head of the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission J.Lagzdins informed

The Head of the Saeima Citizenship Law Implementation Commission J.Lagzdins informed Diena that the Commission had criticised the public integration concept but the final statement would be given only after listening to the opinions of several ministries. The majority of the Commission, evaluating the draft project, came to a conclusion that both in the essence and the way of expression it does not correspond to what we, as national people, expected. Diena


In Jauna Avize the Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane speaks about integration and what it will give to the society of Latvia. In the process of the discussion about 25 000 people have submitted their proposals, and during the discussion process the structure of the concept completely has been changed. New chapters of civic participation, social and regional integration have been elaborated. Jauna Avize

US Ambassador to Latvia J.Holmes gave an interview to the newspaper

US Ambassador to Latvia J.Holmes gave an interview to the newspaper Bizness & Baltiya where he spoke about US – Latvian relations, Latvias joining NATO and the environment for investments here. Bizness & Baltiya

Yesterday Prime Minister A.Skele promised Latvian President V.V.Freiberga to continue looking for additional financing to increase teacher’s salaries. The Saeima Commission on Education and Science found urgently additional 5 million for this purpose.

Yesterday Prime Minister A.Skele promised Latvian President V.V.Freiberga to continue looking for additional financing to increase teachers salaries. The Saeima Commission on Education and Science found urgently additional 5 million for this purpose. Bizness & Baltiya

Central Election Commission adopted the estimate of expenses necessary to organise the referendum on the pension law. The total sum is 698 845 Ls.

Central Election Commission adopted the estimate of expenses necessary to organise the referendum on the pension law. The total sum is 698 845 Ls. Panorama Latvii

An international seminar on the situation with the human rights for decent living conditions took place in Liepaja. It was organised by Liepaja Tenants Society and NGO Centre. Two international experts participated there and, after studying the situation in Latvia, made a statement that the human rights for decent living conditions were violated in Latvia.

An international seminar on the situation with the human rights for decent living conditions took place in Liepaja. It was organised by Liepaja Tenants Society and NGO Centre. Two international experts participated there and, after studying the situation in Latvia, made a statement that the human rights for decent living conditions were violated in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

Ноя. 3, 1999

Press Report

Press Report

The ruling coalition parties denied the published in

The ruling coalition parties denied the published in Bizness & Baltiya information that there was planned a promotion of the Minister of Communications A.Gorbunovs to the post of a Deputy Prime Minister and his present post could be taken by G.Berzins from Peoples Party. A.Gorbunovs himself refused this idea. Neatkariga, Diena, Bizness & Baltiya

The Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission do not support the proposal to increase the minimal number of party members up to 1000. The Commission, discussing the law “On Public Organisations and their Unions” returned for the second consideration by the President, decided to respect the opinion of the President and proposed to keep the present minimal number of party members – 200.

The Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Commission do not support the proposal to increase the minimal number of party members up to 1000. The Commission, discussing the law On Public Organisations and their Unions returned for the second consideration by the President, decided to respect the opinion of the President and proposed to keep the present minimal number of party members – 200. Neatkariga

Next week, within the framework of the planned discussion of the project North Dimensions, a meeting of Latvian and Russian Ministers of Foreign Affairs could take place. Although the invitation to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs to visit Latvia is still valid, Latvian party has expressed a wish for a short conversation in Helsinki. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said that Latvia and Russia could have many things in common in the projects of North Dimensions. Speaking about the relations between both countries, I.Berzins said that Latvian MFA was carefully studying Russia’s concept of the world’s structure in the 21st century, submitted to the Ministry by the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov.

Next week, within the framework of the planned discussion of the project North Dimensions, a meeting of Latvian and Russian Ministers of Foreign Affairs could take place. Although the invitation to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs to visit Latvia is still valid, Latvian party has expressed a wish for a short conversation in Helsinki. Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins said that Latvia and Russia could have many things in common in the projects of North Dimensions. Speaking about the relations between both countries, I.Berzins said that Latvian MFA was carefully studying Russias concept of the worlds structure in the 21st century, submitted to the Ministry by the Russian Ambassador A.Udaltsov. Neatkariga

This autumn the US Government finished the buildings construction program for former Russian military serviceman in the Baltic States. The program was completed but one building complex in Kursk which was not constructed due to some juridical problems. According to Latvian MFA information, there are still 4 military servicemen who claimed an apartment in Kursk, and MFA addressed the Russian Embassy to submit proposals how to solve this problem. The residence permits of these people have been prolonged for several times, the last time by December 31, 1999. DCMA Supervision Department Head J.Rudzats told Diena that along with those 4 people there could be about 20 retired militaries who had not left Latvia or at least had not drawn up the necessary documents. All people employed in Skrunda had left but those who had a legal possibility to stay. It was possible that some persons stayed in the country illegally, but the DCMA had no information about them.

This autumn the US Government finished the buildings construction program for former Russian military serviceman in the Baltic States. The program was completed but one building complex in Kursk which was not constructed due to some juridical problems. According to Latvian MFA information, there are still 4 military servicemen who claimed an apartment in Kursk, and MFA addressed the Russian Embassy to submit proposals how to solve this problem. The residence permits of these people have been prolonged for several times, the last time by December 31, 1999. DCMA Supervision Department Head J.Rudzats told Diena that along with those 4 people there could be about 20 retired militaries who had not left Latvia or at least had not drawn up the necessary documents. All people employed in Skrunda had left but those who had a legal possibility to stay. It was possible that some persons stayed in the country illegally, but the DCMA had no information about them. Diena

Deputy A.Seiksts was one of the first visitors of the newly opened UN Information centre in Old Riga. At the new centre state officials, public organisations, students, teachers and all interested will be able to obtain information on maintaining international peace, equality of sexes, poverty, social integration, human rights, etc.

Deputy A.Seiksts was one of the first visitors of the newly opened UN Information centre in Old Riga. At the new centre state officials, public organisations, students, teachers and all interested will be able to obtain information on maintaining international peace, equality of sexes, poverty, social integration, human rights, etc. Jauna Avize

As the Socialist Party of Latvia refused to organise their event, dedicated to the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at some other site but not in the City centre, Liepaja City Council forbid to organise this rally.

As the Socialist Party of Latvia refused to organise their event, dedicated to the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at some other site but not in the City centre, Liepaja City Council forbid to organise this rally. Panorama Latvii

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