Май 13, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Evaluating the new change of the Government in Latvia,

Evaluating the new change of the Government in Latvia, The Economist writes that the Government of A.Berzins will not differ much from the previous one, but such frequent government changes do not favour stability in Latvia. Diena

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga told M.Albright during their telephone conversation that the new Government’s foreign policy priorities would remain the same – joining NATO and EU. Diena

Latvian President V.V.Freiberga told M.Albright during their telephone conversation that the new Governments foreign policy priorities would remain the same – joining NATO and EU. Diena

Russian Commission on Human Rights Affairs O.Mironovs plans to visit Latvia to get precise information on the situation with the rights of Russian citizens in Latvia. During this visit O.Mironov plans to meet with Latvian officials, representatives of public organisations and Russian citizens.

Russian Commission on Human Rights Affairs O.Mironovs plans to visit Latvia to get precise information on the situation with the rights of Russian citizens in Latvia. During this visit O.Mironov plans to meet with Latvian officials, representatives of public organisations and Russian citizens. Diena

Teikas Nami Ltd and some not named physical persons have undertaken to restore the monument to Peter the Great that was erected in Riga in 1910. They do not claim that the renovated monument should be erected at some certain place. Originally the monument was located at the place where now was the Freedom Monument. The restoration could cost 30 000 – 40 000 Ls. And the names of the sponsors are not known.

Teikas Nami Ltd and some not named physical persons have undertaken to restore the monument to Peter the Great that was erected in Riga in 1910. They do not claim that the renovated monument should be erected at some certain place. Originally the monument was located at the place where now was the Freedom Monument. The restoration could cost 30 000 – 40 000 Ls. And the names of the sponsors are not known. Diena

Yesterday the Head of S.Vizentahl Israel office E.Zuroff submitted in person documents on K.Kalejs and K.Ozols’s cases to the Latvian Prosecutor General Office. Some Office representative told newspapers that there was enough information but no proofs to accuse those two men.

Yesterday the Head of S.Vizentahl Israel office E.Zuroff submitted in person documents on K.Kalejs and K.Ozolss cases to the Latvian Prosecutor General Office. Some Office representative told newspapers that there was enough information but no proofs to accuse those two men. Neatkariga, Lauku Avize , Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

TB/LNNK Saeima faction now has a new Chairman. It is the former Minister of Environment and Regional Development V.Balodis. He replaced A.Pozarnovs, became the Minister of Well-being in the new Government.

TB/LNNK Saeima faction now has a new Chairman. It is the former Minister of Environment and Regional Development V.Balodis. He replaced A.Pozarnovs, became the Minister of Well-being in the new Government. Rigas Balss

Five years have passed since Latvia joined European Frame Convention on the Rights of National Minorities in 1995. And all this time both the Government and MFA under different excuses have not submitted to the Saeima the draft law on ratifying this Convention using. The faction For Human Rights in United Latvia bombarded periodically the MFA with requests why this document had not been ratified so far but always got formal answers. Then the deputies of this faction decided to get the Convention ratified with their own efforts. They submitted a draft law that was discussed at the last sitting of the Saeima and rejected unanimously. Against this ratification was also the human rights activist I.Birzniece from Latvijas Cels, who explained postponing of ratification by technical problems.

Five years have passed since Latvia joined European Frame Convention on the Rights of National Minorities in 1995. And all this time both the Government and MFA under different excuses have not submitted to the Saeima the draft law on ratifying this Convention using. The faction For Human Rights in United Latvia bombarded periodically the MFA with requests why this document had not been ratified so far but always got formal answers. Then the deputies of this faction decided to get the Convention ratified with their own efforts. They submitted a draft law that was discussed at the last sitting of the Saeima and rejected unanimously. Against this ratification was also the human rights activist I.Birzniece from Latvijas Cels, who explained postponing of ratification by technical problems. Vesti Segodnya

The Deputy Chairman of the Movement Equality S.Dimanins visited Moscow to discuss the effect of Russian sanctions against Latvia it such would be imposed. He met the Chairman of the Russian Duma Commission on CIS Countries and Compatriots B.Pastuhov. They discussed only the possible economical impact of sanctions on Latvian economy and Russian compatriots.

The Deputy Chairman of the Movement Equality S.Dimanins visited Moscow to discuss the effect of Russian sanctions against Latvia it such would be imposed. He met the Chairman of the Russian Duma Commission on CIS Countries and Compatriots B.Pastuhov. They discussed only the possible economical impact of sanctions on Latvian economy and Russian compatriots. Vesti Segodnya, Diena (15.05.)

Май 12, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Saeima yesterday with a certain majority confirmed the former Head Prosecutor of Cesis region Janis Maizitis as the Prosecutor General of Latvia.

Latvian Saeima yesterday with a certain majority confirmed the former Head Prosecutor of Cesis region Janis Maizitis as the Prosecutor General of Latvia. Diena, Jauna Avize

Saeima yesterday decided to pass over the draft law on financing construction of the National Library proposed by the government of Andris Skele to the Saeima’s commissions to decide on the most acceptable mechanism of financing the project. Chairman of the Latvia’s Way faction Andrejs Pantelejevs said that his party will definitely look for other ways of financing than the suggested increase of electricity payments.

Saeima yesterday decided to pass over the draft law on financing construction of the National Library proposed by the government of Andris Skele to the Saeimas commissions to decide on the most acceptable mechanism of financing the project. Chairman of the Latvias Way faction Andrejs Pantelejevs said that his party will definitely look for other ways of financing than the suggested increase of electricity payments. Diena, Chas

Latvian Human Rights Committee announced that 30,000 signatures are collected under the letter to be sent to international organizations asking to influence the policy in Latvia concerning the ratification of the General Convention for Protection of Minority Rights, the rights of ethnic minorities to use their language in public in compactly populated places, state-funded education in minority languages, and the rights for non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. The campaign started in March, the organizers used the big gatherings of people on the occasions of May 1 and May 9 to almost double the number of signatures. The campaign is supposed to last till June when the appeal will be submitted to the Saeima. This is a political action without legal consequences.

Latvian Human Rights Committee announced that 30,000 signatures are collected under the letter to be sent to international organizations asking to influence the policy in Latvia concerning the ratification of the General Convention for Protection of Minority Rights, the rights of ethnic minorities to use their language in public in compactly populated places, state-funded education in minority languages, and the rights for non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. The campaign started in March, the organizers used the big gatherings of people on the occasions of May 1 and May 9 to almost double the number of signatures. The campaign is supposed to last till June when the appeal will be submitted to the Saeima. This is a political action without legal consequences. Diena, Vesti

Hearing of the criminal case against the members of Pçrkoňkrusts was finished yesterday. The prosecutor demands imprisonment for 7 defendants and probation for two of them. Court decision will be pronounced on May 29.

Hearing of the criminal case against the members of Pçrkoňkrusts was finished yesterday. The prosecutor demands imprisonment for 7 defendants and probation for two of them. Court decision will be pronounced on May 29. Diena, Vesti

In response to Russia’s proposal for the Council of Europe to discuss the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia, Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins speaking to the Ministerial Committee of the Council of Europe pointed out that the differences in the opinion of Russia and international community in human rights sphere become more important. He added that the opinion voiced by Russia about the human rights in Latvia does not correspond the reality as well as the international evaluation.

In response to Russias proposal for the Council of Europe to discuss the human rights situation in Latvia and Estonia, Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins speaking to the Ministerial Committee of the Council of Europe pointed out that the differences in the opinion of Russia and international community in human rights sphere become more important. He added that the opinion voiced by Russia about the human rights in Latvia does not correspond the reality as well as the international evaluation. Diena, Chas

The Saima yesterday blocked ratification of the European Framework Convention for Protection of Ethnic Minorities. The vote was initiated by For Human Rights in United Latvia and this faction was the only one that voted “for”. Chas gives a list of the countries which have signed and ratified or just signed the convention as well as the requirements towards countries-signatories.

The Saima yesterday blocked ratification of the European Framework Convention for Protection of Ethnic Minorities. The vote was initiated by For Human Rights in United Latvia and this faction was the only one that voted for. Chas gives a list of the countries which have signed and ratified or just signed the convention as well as the requirements towards countries-signatories. Chas

Also, Saeima did not support the attempt of For Human Rights in United Latvia to assign special status to the veterans of anti-Hitler coalition to grant them discounts in fair of public transport tickets and the right for free medical service .

Also, Saeima did not support the attempt of For Human Rights in United Latvia to assign special status to the veterans of anti-Hitler coalition to grant them discounts in fair of public transport tickets and the right for free medical service . Chas, Vesti

Май 11, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

After the record-high number of naturalization applications in March, the figure is considerably lower in April reaching the lowest level since amending the Citizenship Law in autumn of 1998. 780 applications came in last month while after the law was amended the usual monthly number exceeded one thousand. However, Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane does not think that the lower number shows a beginning of falling tendency in activity of naturalization as there were several Easter holidays in April and with the warm weather people in countryside were working in their fields and gardens. Lower activity was observed in the regional departments, in Riga the amount was the same.

After the record-high number of naturalization applications in March, the figure is considerably lower in April reaching the lowest level since amending the Citizenship Law in autumn of 1998. 780 applications came in last month while after the law was amended the usual monthly number exceeded one thousand. However, Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane does not think that the lower number shows a beginning of falling tendency in activity of naturalization as there were several Easter holidays in April and with the warm weather people in countryside were working in their fields and gardens. Lower activity was observed in the regional departments, in Riga the amount was the same. Diena

After observing the language tests in naturalization exams in Riga, Liepaja, Jelgava, Bauska and Ludza, members of the SaeimaТs Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law found that in practice the level of the required language proficiency is low and allows to acquire citizenship for people with weak knowledge of the language. Commission members from different parties were not equally critical but all of them agreed that in each examination group there were applicants who could not actually communicate but passed the exam. Head of the Commission Jвnis Lagzdiтр was particularly concerned about the tendency that young people and employees of state institutions (the police) donТt know the language which shows that in these groups of society the language is not being used. The work of examination commissions was evaluated as professional Ц their members were considerate and helpful. The Saeima commission members suggest that it would be necessary to change the set questions in tests as well as use the principle of rotation in the examination commissions so that the examinees did not know who is to accept the exam. Naturalization Board keeps an opinion that these announcements are political. Deputy Head Jвnis Kahanoviиs said that they have not seen the results of the inspection but he believed that the language exam corresponds all the requirements.

After observing the language tests in naturalization exams in Riga, Liepaja, Jelgava, Bauska and Ludza, members of the SaeimaТs Commission for Implementation of the Citizenship Law found that in practice the level of the required language proficiency is low and allows to acquire citizenship for people with weak knowledge of the language. Commission members from different parties were not equally critical but all of them agreed that in each examination group there were applicants who could not actually communicate but passed the exam. Head of the Commission Jвnis Lagzdiтр was particularly concerned about the tendency that young people and employees of state institutions (the police) donТt know the language which shows that in these groups of society the language is not being used. The work of examination commissions was evaluated as professional Ц their members were considerate and helpful. The Saeima commission members suggest that it would be necessary to change the set questions in tests as well as use the principle of rotation in the examination commissions so that the examinees did not know who is to accept the exam. Naturalization Board keeps an opinion that these announcements are political. Deputy Head Jвnis Kahanoviиs said that they have not seen the results of the inspection but he believed that the language exam corresponds all the requirements. Diena, Jauna Avize

During the first three months of this year citizenship was granted to 3710 applicants which is by 2.5 times more than during the same period of time last year. The number of new citizens in April was 1665.

During the first three months of this year citizenship was granted to 3710 applicants which is by 2.5 times more than during the same period of time last year. The number of new citizens in April was 1665. Chas


reports of the integration seminar in Liepaja where the Russian Consul General Valery Polyakov surprised the audience by saying part of his speech in Latvian. Head of the Liepвja regional department of the Naturalization Board Juris Aboliтр stressed the importance of cooperation with the local governments and suggested to develop an integration program in Liepвja. Eizenija Aldermane noted that a council of integration like in Ventspils should be in every municipality. reports of the integration seminar in Liepaja where the Russian Consul General Valery Polyakov surprised the audience by saying part of his speech in Latvian. Head of the Liepвja regional department of the Naturalization Board Juris Aboliтр stressed the importance of cooperation with the local governments and suggested to develop an integration program in Liepвja. Eizenija Aldermane noted that a council of integration like in Ventspils should be in every municipality. ChasChas New Party most likely will leave to the end of summer calling of the party congress to elect the new party leader. Raimonds Pauls who recently left the post of the party chairman stated that he cannot name his possuble successor yet. Political scientist Janis Penikis predicted that the party will not survive till the elections of the 8th Saeima.

New Party most likely will leave to the end of summer calling of the party congress to elect the new party leader. Raimonds Pauls who recently left the post of the party chairman stated that he cannot name his possuble successor yet. Political scientist Janis Penikis predicted that the party will not survive till the elections of the 8th Saeima. Diena, Lauku Avize

Democratic Party of Latvia, the former Democratic Party

Democratic Party of Latvia, the former Democratic Party Saimnieks proposes to introduce the same type of foreign passports for citizens and non-citizens to travel abroad. The purple non-citizen passports then could be used inside the country. Also, the party is planning to create consultative councils of non-citizens like the one in Ventspils in municipalities where members of the party have the leading role. Vesti

Article with a title УLatvia will not be accepted in Europe because of УFatherlandФ [the party]Ф reports on the interview with the EU Commissioner of Agriculture Franz Fischler in a Hungarian newspaper where he stresses that the EU is ready to stop accession negotiations with any candidate country if openly xenophobic forces come to power in these countries.

Article with a title УLatvia will not be accepted in Europe because of УFatherlandФ [the party]Ф reports on the interview with the EU Commissioner of Agriculture Franz Fischler in a Hungarian newspaper where he stresses that the EU is ready to stop accession negotiations with any candidate country if openly xenophobic forces come to power in these countries. Chas

Май 10, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Yesterday, the prosecutors’ office submitted a protest to the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia concerning the court decision that sent Kononovs’ case for additional investigation. Prosecutors object the court’s decision to release Kononovs and ask the case to be passed over to a new panel of judges

Yesterday, the prosecutors office submitted a protest to the Senate of the Supreme Court of Latvia concerning the court decision that sent Kononovs case for additional investigation. Prosecutors object the courts decision to release Kononovs and ask the case to be passed over to a new panel of judges. Diena, Panorama Latvii

The candidate for Riga Mayor’s position nominated by the ruling coalition in the City Council was elected yesterday with a major support. Council member from Latvia’s Way Juris Visockis was nominated as the deputy mayor.

The candidate for Riga Mayors position nominated by the ruling coalition in the City Council was elected yesterday with a major support. Council member from Latvias Way Juris Visockis was nominated as the deputy mayor. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Vesti

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Israel Office Efraim Zuroff will visit Riga on Thursday to meet with the leading prosecutors and discuss investigation of Konrâds Kalçjs case. Zuroff plans to meet also the political leaders of the country and the representatives of the Jewish community.

Head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center Israel Office Efraim Zuroff will visit Riga on Thursday to meet with the leading prosecutors and discuss investigation of Konrâds Kalçjs case. Zuroff plans to meet also the political leaders of the country and the representatives of the Jewish community. Diena, Chas

Only with four party members remaining in the New Party Saeima faction after three members announced their resignation, yesterday all 8 politicians elected from the New Party list agreed to keep the faction. Jevgenija Stalidzane was elected chairman of the faction.

Only with four party members remaining in the New Party Saeima faction after three members announced their resignation, yesterday all 8 politicians elected from the New Party list agreed to keep the faction. Jevgenija Stalidzane was elected chairman of the faction. Diena, Neatkariga

After information recently released in mass media saying that several influential Russian businessmen decided not to participate in the Baltic Business Conference,

After information recently released in mass media saying that several influential Russian businessmen decided not to participate in the Baltic Business Conference, Vesti Segodna found out that the advice to refrain from participation first came in early April as a circular from the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov to the ministers of power industry, trade and economy. The same recommendation came from the presidents administration. However, heads of several big Russian companies were still planning to visit the conference until the Latvian President came up with her BBC comments. A few days ago Ivanov and Putin agreed to harden the policy in relations with Latvia until the hostile rhetorics stop and policy of the new government in Latvia becomes apparent. In particular, Moscow is waiting for adoption of the normative acts for implementation of the Language law.


look at the language situation in the multinational Rezekne. Co-living of different ethnic groups is friendly and peaceful. Headmaster of the Russian School No 6 notes that the slow pace of naturalization is the problem No 1 for the region but adds that Russian schools receive good subsidies from the state budget for integration programs. Rezekne region got 78,216 lats within the project Latgale General Education Program. look at the language situation in the multinational Rezekne. Co-living of different ethnic groups is friendly and peaceful. Headmaster of the Russian School No 6 notes that the slow pace of naturalization is the problem No 1 for the region but adds that Russian schools receive good subsidies from the state budget for integration programs. Rezekne region got 78,216 lats within the project “Latgale General Education Program”. This year school students will pass 7 centralized examinations and for the first time - exam in the state language as a mandatory and history exam in an experimental way.

This year school students will pass 7 centralized examinations and for the first time - exam in the state language as a mandatory and history exam in an experimental way. Panorama Latvii

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins in a radio interview said that the first foreign policy priority with the new government should be unchanged foreign policy priorities – EU and NATO accession, good neighboring relations with the Baltic countries, Russia and other countries.

Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins in a radio interview said that the first foreign policy priority with the new government should be unchanged foreign policy priorities – EU and NATO accession, good neighboring relations with the Baltic countries, Russia and other countries. Neatkariga

Following the visit of the Latvian President in Estonia the Estonian newspaper Eesti Paevaleht wrote that the only thing in common for Latvians and Estonians is hatred toward Russia. Otherwise “Estonians do not have much to do with Latvians”. Freiberga had understood that and right after arrival came forward with and angry statement. The author adds that the judgement of Russia about Latvians could not become worse anyway.

Following the visit of the Latvian President in Estonia the Estonian newspaper Eesti Paevaleht wrote that the only thing in common for Latvians and Estonians is hatred toward Russia. Otherwise Estonians do not have much to do with Latvians. Freiberga had understood that and right after arrival came forward with and angry statement. The author adds that the judgement of Russia about Latvians could not become worse anyway. Neatkariga

Май 9, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Ruling coalition in the Riga City Council decided to nominate the current deputy mayor Andris Argalis from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK for the elections of the chairman of the Riga City Council. City Council deputy Juris Visockis from Latvia’s Way could become deputy chairman of the Council.

Ruling coalition in the Riga City Council decided to nominate the current deputy mayor Andris Argalis from Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK for the elections of the chairman of the Riga City Council. City Council deputy Juris Visockis from Latvias Way could become deputy chairman of the Council. Diena, Neatkariga

Disagreement in the New Party that became apparent during the formation of the government is not solved, the situation has facilitated Chairman of the party Raimonds Pauls to decide on stepping down from the position but not leaving the party. MPs from the party Silivija Dreimane, Ingrîda Űdre and Imants Stirâns have decided to leave the party. Today, the further work of the faction will be discussed. Chairman of the board Ainârs Đlesers is sure that it is possible to keep the faction.

Disagreement in the New Party that became apparent during the formation of the government is not solved, the situation has facilitated Chairman of the party Raimonds Pauls to decide on stepping down from the position but not leaving the party. MPs from the party Silivija Dreimane, Ingrîda Űdre and Imants Stirâns have decided to leave the party. Today, the further work of the faction will be discussed. Chairman of the board Ainârs Đlesers is sure that it is possible to keep the faction. Diena, Neatkariga

After data of a survey 60% of the population in Latvia believe that the development in Latvia since restoring independence is not going in the right direction. The number of people who are pessimistic about Latvia’s development has grown compared to last year, especially among non-citizens. Only 18% of non-citizens are satisfied with the development in the country.

After data of a survey 60% of the population in Latvia believe that the development in Latvia since restoring independence is not going in the right direction. The number of people who are pessimistic about Latvias development has grown compared to last year, especially among non-citizens. Only 18% of non-citizens are satisfied with the development in the country. Diena

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Saeima faction yesterday proposed to award the players and coaches of the Latvian national hockey team the Three Star Orders for their persistence and courage in the world championship.

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Saeima faction yesterday proposed to award the players and coaches of the Latvian national hockey team the Three Star Orders for their persistence and courage in the world championship. Diena, Neatkariga

Monday morning young people threw 4 bottles with black color at the Latvian General Consulate in St. Petersburg. One of the detained, a student, told Militia that this act was a revenge for what he has heard – that things were thrown at the Russian Embassy in Riga.

Monday morning young people threw 4 bottles with black color at the Latvian General Consulate in St. Petersburg. One of the detained, a student, told Militia that this act was a revenge for what he has heard – that things were thrown at the Russian Embassy in Riga. Diena

A member of the extremist organization Pçrkonkrusts (Thundercross) who was in search of the police for two years was detained last weekend. He is the last member of this organization who was in freedom.

A member of the extremist organization Pçrkonkrusts (Thundercross) who was in search of the police for two years was detained last weekend. He is the last member of this organization who was in freedom. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti, Chas

The former ministers Valdis Birkavs, Roberts Jurdzs, Janis Bunkss, Maris Vitols have applied to get restored their MP mandates to take deputy seats in the Saeima.

The former ministers Valdis Birkavs, Roberts Jurdzs, Janis Bunkss, Maris Vitols have applied to get restored their MP mandates to take deputy seats in the Saeima. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize

Neatkariga writes that both the Russian diplomats and the Latvian Foreign Ministry deny the fact that the Russian Foreign Ministry had released an appeal to the Russian businessmen to not participate in the Baltic business conference in Riga on May 19. However, Neatkariga has copies of documents saying that in connection with the tense Russian-Latvian relations the Russian Foreign Ministry recommends to refrain from participating in the conference.

In order to morally support the war veterans in Latvia after the order of the Moscow Mayor a delegation from the Moscow government headed by the advisor to Yuri Luzhkov Alexander Pereligin visited Riga. Speaking to

In order to morally support the war veterans in Latvia after the order of the Moscow Mayor a delegation from the Moscow government headed by the advisor to Yuri Luzhkov Alexander Pereligin visited Riga. Speaking to Vesti, Pereligin expressed support to Vasily Kononov.

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