Июль 27, 2000

Press Review

The working group on the issue of Latvenergo privatization established by the ruling parties has agreed on a draft law as an alternative to the draft law initiated by the opposition. Prime Minister Andris Bçrziňđ said that the alternative law provides for restructuring of Latvenergo and not privatization. It is planned to consider the draft law in the August 1 Cabinet meeting. The Saeima's presidium decided that the draft submitted by opposition is to be considered on August 3 in an extraordinary Saeima session

The working group on the issue of Latvenergo privatization established by the ruling parties has agreed on a draft law as an alternative to the draft law initiated by the opposition. Prime Minister Andris Bçrziňđ said that the alternative law provides for restructuring of Latvenergo and not privatization. It is planned to consider the draft law in the August 1 Cabinet meeting. The Saeima's presidium decided that the draft submitted by opposition is to be considered on August 3 in an extraordinary Saeima session. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Respublika

Despite the protests and the request of the National Human Rights Office submitted to the government, Prime Minister Andris Berzins announced that the term allotted for preparing of the language regulations will not be extended. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins sent a letter to the main organizers of protests - the movement "Equality", where he promises that the Foreign Ministry will follow that the regulations comply with the international human rights standards.

Despite the protests and the request of the National Human Rights Office submitted to the government, Prime Minister Andris Berzins announced that the term allotted for preparing of the language regulations will not be extended. Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins sent a letter to the main organizers of protests - the movement "Equality", where he promises that the Foreign Ministry will follow that the regulations comply with the international human rights standards. Jauna Avize, Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti

Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka prepared individual answers to the people that rallied against the language regulations and sent letters to several ministers. Labucka explains the position of the ministry in the issue of the state language.

Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka prepared individual answers to the people that rallied against the language regulations and sent letters to several ministers. Labucka explains the position of the ministry in the issue of the state language. Lauku Avize

The forum titled "Public Policy" organized by Soros foundation Latvia with participation of NGO's, political scientists, politicians and journalists, voiced a view that developing of the public policy in Latvia for the majority of residents is a closed process and there is a need for quality political analyses carried out by independent experts.

The forum titled "Public Policy" organized by Soros foundation Latvia with participation of NGO's, political scientists, politicians and journalists, voiced a view that developing of the public policy in Latvia for the majority of residents is a closed process and there is a need for quality political analyses carried out by independent experts. Neatkariga, Respublika

The meeting of the World's Russian Press Association in Riga along with professional discussions gives place for high-ranking Russian and Latvian politicians to meet. Also, it is a possibility for the Latvian state leaders to directly express their opinion. One of the guests, first deputy of the Speaker of the Russian Duma Lybova Sliska said that mass media in Russia rarely report on the situation of the Russian-speakers in Latvia and when they do, the reports do not reflect the reality: "I do not want the Duma deputies to write laws from watching TV".

The meeting of the World's Russian Press Association in Riga along with professional discussions gives place for high-ranking Russian and Latvian politicians to meet. Also, it is a possibility for the Latvian state leaders to directly express their opinion. One of the guests, first deputy of the Speaker of the Russian Duma Lybova Sliska said that mass media in Russia rarely report on the situation of the Russian-speakers in Latvia and when they do, the reports do not reflect the reality: "I do not want the Duma deputies to write laws from watching TV". Diena, Jauna Avize, Vesti, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

Июль 26, 2000

 Press Review

Press Review

President Freiberga yesterday handed over the draft law on amendments to Energy Law initiated by the opposition. In case Saeima rejects this draft or adopts it with changes it will be passed over to the public referendum. The draft law forbids privatization and division of Latvenergo. The ruling parties currently have different positions: Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK suggests that the draft law should be adopted in the first reading and in the second reading changes could be discussed, Latvia’s Way proposes to agree on an alternative draft law and review it simultaneously with the draft proposed by opposition. People’s Party’s alternative draft appeared yesterday.

President Freiberga yesterday handed over the draft law on amendments to Energy Law initiated by the opposition. In case Saeima rejects this draft or adopts it with changes it will be passed over to the public referendum. The draft law forbids privatization and division of Latvenergo. The ruling parties currently have different positions: Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK suggests that the draft law should be adopted in the first reading and in the second reading changes could be discussed, Latvias Way proposes to agree on an alternative draft law and review it simultaneously with the draft proposed by opposition. Peoples Partys alternative draft appeared yesterday. Diena, Neatkariga, Respublika

Yesterday, the National Human Rights Office asked the government to get the Saeima’s permission to extend the term for the work on language regulations. Actually it means to postpone the date for the State Language Law to become effective. The decision can be made only by the Saeima upon the government’s request. Yesterday, after the meeting of representatives of the State Language Center, National Human Rights Office and Foreign Ministry , the Center agreed to enter changes in three of the nine regulations: the Center agreed to have a written summary of theater performances in the state language instead of simultaneous translation; allowed to not translate events taking place outdoors in case the translation is technically not possible. Today, there will be another meeting of the representatives to discuss providing of translation of documents to be submitted to the state institutions and reproducing in Latvian personal names.

Yesterday, the National Human Rights Office asked the government to get the Saeimas permission to extend the term for the work on language regulations. Actually it means to postpone the date for the State Language Law to become effective. The decision can be made only by the Saeima upon the governments request. Yesterday, after the meeting of representatives of the State Language Center, National Human Rights Office and Foreign Ministry , the Center agreed to enter changes in three of the nine regulations: the Center agreed to have a written summary of theater performances in the state language instead of simultaneous translation; allowed to not translate events taking place outdoors in case the translation is technically not possible. Today, there will be another meeting of the representatives to discuss providing of translation of documents to be submitted to the state institutions and reproducing in Latvian personal names. Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii

The 5 pilots from Latvia who were tried and sentenced in India returned to Moscow yesterday. Four of them have families in Latvia and they have expressed wish to return to Latvia. Latvian authorities are ready to issue them entrance visas.

The 5 pilots from Latvia who were tried and sentenced in India returned to Moscow yesterday. Four of them have families in Latvia and they have expressed wish to return to Latvia. Latvian authorities are ready to issue them entrance visas. Diena, Vesti, Respublika

Due to liquidation of the department of strategy of education due to reorganization in the Education Ministry the head of the department Baiba Petersone will loose her position. Instead, she was offered the position of advisor to the minister on society integration issues but she did not accept it. Diena, Vesti, Chas

Due to liquidation of the department of strategy of education due to reorganization in the Education Ministry the head of the department Baiba Petersone will loose her position. Instead, she was offered the position of advisor to the minister on society integration issues but she did not accept it. Diena, Vesti, Chas

The international meeting on war crimes scheduled for the end of July will be postponed to the end of August or beginning of September as the Latvian prosecutors need time to get acquainted with the materials received from Russia in the cases of Konrâds Kalejs and Kârlis Ozols.

The international meeting on war crimes scheduled for the end of July will be postponed to the end of August or beginning of September as the Latvian prosecutors need time to get acquainted with the materials received from Russia in the cases of Konrâds Kalejs and Kârlis Ozols. Chas

Representatives of the Latvian Human Rights Committee (L. Raihman) met the head of the delegation of the European Commission Mr. Weiss to deliver the open letter signed by 60 thousand residents of Latvia addressed to international organizations. However, the discussion went mainly about the draft language regulations. Mr. Weiss had expressed surprise about the fact that one of the language proficiency degrees provided for by the regulations requires the knowledge of the state language on the level of the native language. Also, Mr. Weiss had mentioned that some articles of the State Language Law seem dubious but he stressed that the law corresponds the current arrangement of the political forces in Latvia.

Representatives of the Latvian Human Rights Committee (L. Raihman) met the head of the delegation of the European Commission Mr. Weiss to deliver the open letter signed by 60 thousand residents of Latvia addressed to international organizations. However, the discussion went mainly about the draft language regulations. Mr. Weiss had expressed surprise about the fact that one of the language proficiency degrees provided for by the regulations requires the knowledge of the state language on the level of the native language. Also, Mr. Weiss had mentioned that some articles of the State Language Law seem dubious but he stressed that the law corresponds the current arrangement of the political forces in Latvia. Panorama Latvii

Respublika interviews President Freiberga and most of the questions are about society integration, consolidation of the society, the possibility to live in the country without the knowledge of the state language, the notions Latvian people and people of Latvia, maintaining of ones ethnic identity, Latvia between the East and the West.

Июль 25, 2000

 Press Review

Press Review

Announcing the official results of collecting signatures to initiate referendum against privatization of Latvenergo electricity utility, the head of the central Election Committee submitted to the President of the State the draft law against privatization of Latvenergo. The total number of signatures was 307,330 which is twice as much as1/10 of the voters necessary to start a referendum. The government will try to offer an alternative solution, however, it was not reached during weeks of negotiations.

Announcing the official results of collecting signatures to initiate referendum against privatization of Latvenergo electricity utility, the head of the central Election Committee submitted to the President of the State the draft law against privatization of Latvenergo. The total number of signatures was 307,330 which is twice as much as1/10 of the voters necessary to start a referendum. The government will try to offer an alternative solution, however, it was not reached during weeks of negotiations. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

President Freiberga believes that it is not necessary for her to get involved in the process of developing language regulations. In the radio interview yesterday she said that the matter of the State Language Law should not be the subject for discussions; the regulations should be specific and clear, otherwise they can be a challenge for corruption among civil servants. The regulations should not be burdensome and difficult to apply. УI think that the law should further strengthening of the status of Latvian language and not to cause negative reactions. Diena, Lauku Avоze, Vesti, Chas, Panorama Latvii

President Freiberga believes that it is not necessary for her to get involved in the process of developing language regulations. In the radio interview yesterday she said that the matter of the State Language Law should not be the subject for discussions; the regulations should be specific and clear, otherwise they can be a challenge for corruption among civil servants. The regulations should not be burdensome and difficult to apply. УI think that the law should further strengthening of the status of Latvian language and not to cause negative reactions. Diena, Lauku Avоze, Vesti, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The conference of the worldТs Russian-language press editors and reporters has earned attention of high-ranking Latvian authorities. The conference will be opened by the Prime Minister Andris Bзrziтр, President Freiberga will receive representatives of the conference in her Jыrmala residence, RigaТs Mayor will invite to festive dinner. President Freiberga recognized the conference as important and by receiving the guests wants to state that Latvia is interested to have interesting and democratic press editions in Russian and allow the development of Russian culture as any other culture of ethnic minorities. During the radio interview she said that the press editions in Latvian and in Russian represent quite different spaces of information which is not good for society integration.

The conference of the worldТs Russian-language press editors and reporters has earned attention of high-ranking Latvian authorities. The conference will be opened by the Prime Minister Andris Bзrziтр, President Freiberga will receive representatives of the conference in her Jыrmala residence, RigaТs Mayor will invite to festive dinner. President Freiberga recognized the conference as important and by receiving the guests wants to state that Latvia is interested to have interesting and democratic press editions in Russian and allow the development of Russian culture as any other culture of ethnic minorities. During the radio interview she said that the press editions in Latvian and in Russian represent quite different spaces of information which is not good for society integration. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii

The government committee yesterday accepted the draft law on declaring the place of residence that provides for giving up the current system of registration at the place of residence. The draft law provides that a person will have to declare his/her main place of residence at the town authority. The information will be entered in residentsТ register. The law is supposed to become effective as of July 1, 2001.

The government committee yesterday accepted the draft law on declaring the place of residence that provides for giving up the current system of registration at the place of residence. The draft law provides that a person will have to declare his/her main place of residence at the town authority. The information will be entered in residentsТ register. The law is supposed to become effective as of July 1, 2001. Diena, Jauna Avоie, Chas

The government committee supported the amendments to the law on foreigners and stateless persons entering and staying in the territory of Latvia. The amendments state that permanent residence permits will be issued to foreigners who had permanent registration in the Republic of Latvia after July 1 of 1992 with a condition that at the moment of requesting the permit they are registered in residentsТ register and have declared their main place of residence in the territory of Latvia. Jaunв Avоze

The government committee supported the amendments to the law on foreigners and stateless persons entering and staying in the territory of Latvia. The amendments state that permanent residence permits will be issued to foreigners who had permanent registration in the Republic of Latvia after July 1 of 1992 with a condition that at the moment of requesting the permit they are registered in residentsТ register and have declared their main place of residence in the territory of Latvia. Jaunв Avоze

A team of school-children from Smiltene, the winners of the competition УOn the Way to Civil SocietyФ organized by the Naturalization Board and other institutions, won a trip to Check Republic.

A team of school-children from Smiltene, the winners of the competition УOn the Way to Civil SocietyФ organized by the Naturalization Board and other institutions, won a trip to Check Republic. Diena

Lauku Avize looks at the main organizers of rallies against the language regulations, like Tatjana Zdanoka, Viktors Alksnis, Feliks Kacs, Alfreds Rubiks, and their activities 10 years ago as activists of Interfront, an organization that fought against independence of Latvia and for returning to the Soviet Union.


publishes the results of the telephone interview with the Education Minister Karlis Greiskalns when readers of publishes the results of the telephone interview with the Education Minister Karlis Greiskalns when readers of ChasChas could call and ask questions directly: about bilingual education, plans concerning payment for university education, etc. could call and ask questions directly: about bilingual education, plans concerning payment for university education, etc.

Июль 24, 2000

Press Report

If the current dynamics of applying for citizenship through naturalization remains till the end of the year, a record-big number of people will get naturalized this year since the beginning of naturalization process in 1995. Head of the Naturalization Board Eiţenija Aldermane forecasts that the number will continue to grow for four or five years and then a decline will follow. Out of the total of 580 thousand of non-citizens there could be 200 more who would apply for citizenship.

If the current dynamics of applying for citizenship through naturalization remains till the end of the year, a record-big number of people will get naturalized this year since the beginning of naturalization process in 1995. Head of the Naturalization Board Eiţenija Aldermane forecasts that the number will continue to grow for four or five years and then a decline will follow. Out of the total of 580 thousand of non-citizens there could be 200 more who would apply for citizenship. Neatkariga

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK in its council meeting strictly condemned the strengthening of two-community society and called to actively express the opinion against the protest activities organized by the left-wing forces against language regulations.

Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK in its council meeting strictly condemned the strengthening of two-community society and called to actively express the opinion against the protest activities organized by the left-wing forces against language regulations. Neatkariga

Indian authorities last Saturday officially informed the Russian General Consulate in Calcutta about the decision to release the five pilots from Latvia who were sentenced to life imprisonment for smuggling of weapons.

Indian authorities last Saturday officially informed the Russian General Consulate in Calcutta about the decision to release the five pilots from Latvia who were sentenced to life imprisonment for smuggling of weapons. Neatkariga, Vesti, Chas, Diena

Chas interviews the Head of the State Language Training Program Aija Priedite about the language situation, new text-books for teaching Latvian, bi-lingual education, the possibility to get free Latvian language training in future. The interview is completed with statistics from the survey carried out this May and April by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences: where and how much Latvian is spoken by non-Latvians (just like stated by the survey carried out in 1996, also this year 77% of non-Latvians use Russian to communicate in public places like shops, on the streets, etc.) ; what is the knowledge of Latvian among non-Latvians (only 9% (22% in 1996) speak no Latvian) , the readiness to improve language proficiency (70% would like to improve).

Russian Ambassador to Lithuania announced that following the new foreign policy concept Russia is aimed to carry out separate, nuanced policy with each of the Baltic countries instead of treating the Baltics as one region.

Russian Ambassador to Lithuania announced that following the new foreign policy concept Russia is aimed to carry out separate, nuanced policy with each of the Baltic countries instead of treating the Baltics as one region. Chas, Panorama Latvii

In the TV discussion on the Russian channel RTR about the Russian-Baltic relations with participation of journalists, politicians and experts from both sides it seemed that the parties did not manage to have a normal dialogue. Things went even so far that a deputy of the Russian State Duma Aleksey Mitrofanov announced that they have nothing to discuss with representatives of fascist countries parasiting on Russian economy. He threatened that in case the anti-Russian policy continued, Russian landing forces may be put ashore on the banks of the river Daugava.

In the TV discussion on the Russian channel RTR about the Russian-Baltic relations with participation of journalists, politicians and experts from both sides it seemed that the parties did not manage to have a normal dialogue. Things went even so far that a deputy of the Russian State Duma Aleksey Mitrofanov announced that they have nothing to discuss with representatives of fascist countries parasiting on Russian economy. He threatened that in case the anti-Russian policy continued, Russian landing forces may be put ashore on the banks of the river Daugava. Vesti, Panorama Latvii

Июль 22, 2000

Press Review

Recognizing the draft language regulations as legally and in their essence incomplete, the National Human Rights Office could suggest prolongation of the term allotted for developing these regulations. This was a conclusion drawn after the meeting of the advisory council of the Office to evaluate the observance of human rights in Language regulations.

Recognizing the draft language regulations as legally and in their essence incomplete, the National Human Rights Office could suggest prolongation of the term allotted for developing these regulations. This was a conclusion drawn after the meeting of the advisory council of the Office to evaluate the observance of human rights in Language regulations. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas, Vesti

Political scientist Artis Pabriks in a commentary in

Political scientist Artis Pabriks in a commentary in Diena explains the support to protests against language regulations largely by the wish of the state authorities to rule by force, without a dialogue and being too ethnocentric.

Interior Ministry has prolonged for more than two weeks – from July 24 till August 14 the term for considering applications for the position of the Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration Affairs. 8 candidates have applied.

Interior Ministry has prolonged for more than two weeks – from July 24 till August 14 the term for considering applications for the position of the Head of the Department for Citizenship and Migration Affairs. 8 candidates have applied. Neatkariga

Two TV companies in Latgale are to get warning from the National Radio and TV Council about violations of the TV and radio law concerning the proportionality of languages provided for by the law.

Two TV companies in Latgale are to get warning from the National Radio and TV Council about violations of the TV and radio law concerning the proportionality of languages provided for by the law. Diena

Last Friday and Saturday, Liepâja was visited by the advisor to the Mayor of Moscow on foreign economic issues Alexander Pereligin to promote improvement in the relations between Latvia and Russia. During the meetings with several authorities in Liepâja he discussed possible cooperation of Moscow and Liepâja in port and transit projects.

Last Friday and Saturday, Liepâja was visited by the advisor to the Mayor of Moscow on foreign economic issues Alexander Pereligin to promote improvement in the relations between Latvia and Russia. During the meetings with several authorities in Liepâja he discussed possible cooperation of Moscow and Liepâja in port and transit projects. Diena, Chas

The film forum of CIS and Baltic Countries was started in Moscow with as round-table discussion “East – West; dialogue of cultures or confrontation?”. The film forum was opened with a film of Latvian director Aigars Grauba “The Summer of Horror”.

The film forum of CIS and Baltic Countries was started in Moscow with as round-table discussion East – West; dialogue of cultures or confrontation?. The film forum was opened with a film of Latvian director Aigars Grauba The Summer of Horror. Lauku Avize

On the eve of the conference of World Association of Russian Press under the title “Russians in Europe: integration – society, culture, business” scheduled to take place in Riga July 25-29

On the eve of the conference of World Association of Russian Press under the title Russians in Europe: integration – society, culture, business scheduled to take place in Riga July 25-29 Chas interviews the vice-president of the Association Michail Gusman. Gusman is quoted saying: The Russian press will help the world to learn more about Latvia.


writes about the hard times coming for the Latvian authorities since the European Court of Human Rights has sent inquiries to the government concerning several cases from Latvia pending in the court. writes about the “hard times” coming for the Latvian authorities since the European Court of Human Rights has sent inquiries to the government concerning several cases from Latvia pending in the court.  

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