Март 3, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Russian Federal Migration Service representative in Latvia T.Slichkova stated in a press conference that the recent statements of Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkov at the conference “Moscow and Compatriots” that in Russia could be established a new institution that would deal with the problems of Russians residing outside Russian Federation had nothing in common with the decree signed by President Putin in February in which he charged Russian Federation Affairs, National and Migration Ministry to open its representatives in Latvia, Armenia, Kirgizstan, Tadzikstan and Turkmenia.

Russian Federal Migration Service representative in Latvia T.Slichkova stated in a press conference that the recent statements of Mayor of Moscow Y.Luzhkov at the conference Moscow and Compatriots that in Russia could be established a new institution that would deal with the problems of Russians residing outside Russian Federation had nothing in common with the decree signed by President Putin in February in which he charged Russian Federation Affairs, National and Migration Ministry to open its representatives in Latvia, Armenia, Kirgizstan, Tadzikstan and Turkmenia. Diena

The recent decree of Russian President Putin on charging Russian Federation Affairs, National and Migration Ministry to open its representatives in Latvia is just due to some re-organisation matters in several Russian ministries. T.Slichkova said that no new Russia structures would be opened in Latvia and Russian Federation Migration Service Representatives would continue to solve all migration issues in Latvia.

The recent decree of Russian President Putin on charging Russian Federation Affairs, National and Migration Ministry to open its representatives in Latvia is just due to some re-organisation matters in several Russian ministries. T.Slichkova said that no new Russia structures would be opened in Latvia and Russian Federation Migration Service Representatives would continue to solve all migration issues in Latvia. Neatkariga, Chas,

Vesti Segodnya cites T.Slichkova’s words that every year about 1500 people emigrate from Latvia to Russia and 80% of them are Russians. From Russia to Latvia arrive about 400 people a year.

Vesti Segodnya cites T.Slichkovas words that every year about 1500 people emigrate from Latvia to Russia and 80% of them are Russians. From Russia to Latvia arrive about 400 people a year.

Prosecutor’s General Office will carry out an inspection to find out whether the information in the press about 700 illegally issued USSR internal passports at the Riga City Zemgale Suburb Passport Section was true. The newspaper

Prosecutors General Office will carry out an inspection to find out whether the information in the press about 700 illegally issued USSR internal passports at the Riga City Zemgale Suburb Passport Section was true. The newspaper Vakara Zinas wrote that at the beginning of nineties about 700 people had illegally received those passports, also several well-known criminals. Diena

Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Strategic Memorandum on National Development Plan. Within half a year this memorandum should turn into a real plan but several experts are sceptical about it. Minister of Special Portfolio R.Zile assures that it is not correct to consider the NDP as the CoE task for Latvia as a future EU member state. Basing on this plan was prepared an agreement on CoE investments’ project by-financing from EU financial instruments – PHARE, ISPA, and SAPARD. Director of Institute of Economics of Latvian Academy of Sciences R.Karnite told that working groups of several ministries took part in the development of the new version of NDP, but she preferred the old version that had the priorities of ministries. R.Zile told that 120 copies of the NDP had been sent to scientists and representatives of different associations but only 50 responses received. So there is lack of interest and proposals to continue working on this plan.

Cabinet of Ministers adopted the Strategic Memorandum on National Development Plan. Within half a year this memorandum should turn into a real plan but several experts are sceptical about it. Minister of Special Portfolio R.Zile assures that it is not correct to consider the NDP as the CoE task for Latvia as a future EU member state. Basing on this plan was prepared an agreement on CoE investments project by-financing from EU financial instruments – PHARE, ISPA, and SAPARD. Director of Institute of Economics of Latvian Academy of Sciences R.Karnite told that working groups of several ministries took part in the development of the new version of NDP, but she preferred the old version that had the priorities of ministries. R.Zile told that 120 copies of the NDP had been sent to scientists and representatives of different associations but only 50 responses received. So there is lack of interest and proposals to continue working on this plan. Neatkariga

A conference of the representatives of Russian speaking organisations in former republics of the USSR, several European countries and Israel took place in Moscow. The participants adopted a resolution and an address to Russian President Putin where they asked Putin to control liberation of Soviet veterans, sentenced in the Baltic States.

A conference of the representatives of Russian speaking organisations in former republics of the USSR, several European countries and Israel took place in Moscow. The participants adopted a resolution and an address to Russian President Putin where they asked Putin to control liberation of Soviet veterans, sentenced in the Baltic States. Vesti Segodnya

Март 2, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

As of 1 March the electorates are opened on the whole territory of Latvia where people can learn the lists of candidates and parties’ programmes. At all electorates also information about the candidates – occupation, year of birth, education – is provided.

As of 1 March the electorates are opened on the whole territory of Latvia where people can learn the lists of candidates and parties programmes. At all electorates also information about the candidates – occupation, year of birth, education – is provided. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja

The most popular candidate for the post of Riga Mayor is the current Mayor A.Argalis (FF/LNNK), on the second place there is Latvia’s Way candidate A.Poca – 20,7% would vote for her and on the third place, quite far behind the first two candidates – A.Kreituss, Labour Party 4,3%.

The most popular candidate for the post of Riga Mayor is the current Mayor A.Argalis (FF/LNNK), on the second place there is Latvias Way candidate A.Poca – 20,7% would vote for her and on the third place, quite far behind the first two candidates – A.Kreituss, Labour Party 4,3%. Diena, Neatkariga

Latvian diplomats welcome the opinions voiced at the U.S. Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee meeting as they believe the participants of the debate had confirmed that admission of Baltic states to NATO was a matter of time. FHRUL faction leader J.Jurkans is more sceptic “these discussions were a signal for Russia – America can take a very strict position if Russia continues to trade military technologies with Iran and Iraq”.

Latvian diplomats welcome the opinions voiced at the U.S. Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee meeting as they believe the participants of the debate had confirmed that admission of Baltic states to NATO was a matter of time. FHRUL faction leader J.Jurkans is more sceptic these discussions were a signal for Russia – America can take a very strict position if Russia continues to trade military technologies with Iran and Iraq. Diena

Leading analysers of the Council of Interior and Defence Affairs of Russia (CIDA) took part in book’s “Russia – Baltics” presentation in Riga. Latvian politicians ignored the event organised by leftists.

Leading analysers of the Council of Interior and Defence Affairs of Russia (CIDA) took part in books Russia – Baltics presentation in Riga. Latvian politicians ignored the event organised by leftists. Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja asks couple questions to CIDA director A.Fjedorov. He stressed that Latvia has to realise that it is very important for Latvia to have good relations with her neighbouring countries.

Vesti Segodnja asks couple questions to CIDA director A.Fjedorov. He stressed that Latvia has to realise that it is very important for Latvia to have good relations with her neighbouring countries.

“Russian language is under the threat” – that was the main discussion subject for teachers from Latvia and Estonia in Moscow. The teachers from the Baltic States stressed that the main problem is that after some time there will be no space for the Russian language in education system and Russians will be assimilated.

Russian language is under the threat – that was the main discussion subject for teachers from Latvia and Estonia in Moscow. The teachers from the Baltic States stressed that the main problem is that after some time there will be no space for the Russian language in education system and Russians will be assimilated. Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

referes to the interview of referes to the interview of Lauku AvizeLauku Avize with USA ambassador J.Holmes. with USA ambassador J.Holmes. Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja says It is hard to believe, however, the main part of the interview the ambassador taught Russias President how to built relations with Latvia. says “It is hard to believe, however, the main part of the interview the ambassador taught Russia’s President how to built relations with Latvia”. Leaders of Russian political and culture organisations of Baltic countries took part in two-days international conference held in Moscow. The main discussion subject was Russia’s assistance to compatriots. In the framework of the conference four Round Tables were organised – on political issues, problems concerning Russian language and education in Russian language in CIS and Baltic countries, business affairs and mass media.

Leaders of Russian political and culture organisations of Baltic countries took part in two-days international conference held in Moscow. The main discussion subject was Russias assistance to compatriots. In the framework of the conference four Round Tables were organised – on political issues, problems concerning Russian language and education in Russian language in CIS and Baltic countries, business affairs and mass media. Panorama Latvii

Tomorrow the Congress of Russia’s Citizens permanently residing in Latvia will take place. It is planned that about 800 people will take part in the congress.

Tomorrow the Congress of Russias Citizens permanently residing in Latvia will take place. It is planned that about 800 people will take part in the congress. Panorama Latvii

Фев. 28, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The European Union (EU) presiding country's foreign minister, Anna Lindh from Sweden, and the EU Enlargement Commissioner Guenther Verheugen on Tuesday in Brussels named Latvia among best second-group candidates likely to catch up with the so-called fast-track candidates. Latvia has to think how to keep up non-citizens' interest to be naturalised and to continue providing state language courses. The EU reminded that law harmonisation is not completed in the fields regarding refuge and migration issues, as well as some international conventions are to be ratified.

The European Union (EU) presiding country's foreign minister, Anna Lindh from Sweden, and the EU Enlargement Commissioner Guenther Verheugen on Tuesday in Brussels named Latvia among best second-group candidates likely to catch up with the so-called fast-track candidates. Latvia has to think how to keep up non-citizens' interest to be naturalised and to continue providing state language courses. The EU reminded that law harmonisation is not completed in the fields regarding refuge and migration issues, as well as some international conventions are to be ratified. Diena

Left-wingers want to change pension calculation procedure for non-citizens. Leftists want that the years which non-citizens worked outside Latvia would also be taken into account when their pensions are calculated.

Left-wingers want to change pension calculation procedure for non-citizens. Leftists want that the years which non-citizens worked outside Latvia would also be taken into account when their pensions are calculated. Diena, Chas, Pnorama Latvii


provides the main points of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby's report to OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, which he will present on Thursday. Access to information and its distribution to non-citizens about the possibilities to learn the language and be naturalised is a top priority of Latvian Government. provides the main points of OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby's report to OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, which he will present on Thursday. Access to information and its distribution to non-citizens about the possibilities to learn the language and be naturalised is a top priority of Latvian Government. The Council of Europe secretary general Tuesday congratulated Latvia with the adoption of a public integration program and urged other countries and international organisations to assist in the financing of the program. Walter Schwimmer expressed hope that Latvia might also ratify the convention on national minorities rights as soon as possible, and join the European charter on regional and minority languages.

The Council of Europe secretary general Tuesday congratulated Latvia with the adoption of a public integration program and urged other countries and international organisations to assist in the financing of the program. Walter Schwimmer expressed hope that Latvia might also ratify the convention on national minorities rights as soon as possible, and join the European charter on regional and minority languages. Diena, Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnja

comments on the article published in comments on the article published in Diena Diena about the possible choice of people who recently acquired citizenship and therefore will vote for the first time. about the possible choice of people who recently acquired citizenship and therefore will vote for the first time. Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja agrees with agrees with DienaDiena about the choice - most likely it will be FHRUL, however, disagrees on the reasons for that - about the choice - most likely it will be FHRUL, however, disagrees on the reasons for that - Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja says it will be because "it is the party which has never cheated and betrayed them" as other parties do. says it will be because "it is the party which has never cheated and betrayed them" as other parties do. Latvia has another case on discrimination by language and rights to participate at election in UN Human Rights Office. The claim is submitted by teacher A.Ignate who was excluded from the lists of candidates to municipal elections because of her insufficient language skills. T.Zhdanok is sure that they will win the case.

Latvia has another case on discrimination by language and rights to participate at election in UN Human Rights Office. The claim is submitted by teacher A.Ignate who was excluded from the lists of candidates to municipal elections because of her insufficient language skills. T.Zhdanok is sure that they will win the case. Vesti Segodnja


gives the main points of the report by USA State Department about discrimination of different human rights in Latvia. The main problems in Latvia are the observance of the rights of children and women, however, the discrimination of the rights of non-citizens are also mentioned in the report. Experts admit that non-citizen rights are discriminated by election and prohibition on some professions. American experts also see a problem in the lack of Latvian language teachers at Russian schools and in their opinion most likely that will hinder introduction of general education only in the state language in 2004 as it is provided for by the law. gives the main points of the report by USA State Department about discrimination of different human rights in Latvia. The main problems in Latvia are the observance of the rights of children and women, however, the discrimination of the rights of non-citizens are also mentioned in the report. Experts admit that non-citizen rights are discriminated by election and prohibition on some professions. American experts also see a problem in the lack of Latvian language teachers at Russian schools and in their opinion most likely that will hinder introduction of general education only in the state language in 2004 as it is provided for by the law.


asks the opinion of Nils Muiznieks, Head of Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre, on the first case against Latvia in the European Human Rights Court. N.Muiznieks forecasts that Latvia will lose the case against Podkolzina and will have to enter respective amendments in the legislation. In his opinion, it will not give a big impact on the reputation of Latvia and he does not think that there will follow many claims from Latvia of that character asks the opinion of Nils Muiznieks, Head of Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre, on the first case against Latvia in the European Human Rights Court. N.Muiznieks forecasts that Latvia will lose the case against Podkolzina and will have to enter respective amendments in the legislation. In his opinion, it will not give a big impact on the reputation of Latvia and he does not think that there will follow many claims from Latvia of that character Tomorrow the book "Russia - Baltics", which had been presented recently in Moscow, will be presented in Riga.

Tomorrow the book "Russia - Baltics", which had been presented recently in Moscow, will be presented in Riga. Respublika

Russia is strictly against the joining of the Baltic States to NATO", stated Russian State Duma Speaker G.Seleznyev in Vienna.

Russia is strictly against the joining of the Baltic States to NATO", stated Russian State Duma Speaker G.Seleznyev in Vienna. Respublika

Фев. 27, 2001

Press Report


publishes an article about Russian ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov as the time has come for him to leave the post. He says that he has experienced many interesting moments and it will be hard to go away. Latvian journalists characterise the ambassador as very busy, not very available and cautious. The politicians say that A.Udalcov is one of the most professional ambassadors who have served here since Latvia regained the independence. Among the most serious problems the ambassador names the vast number of non-citizens and the attitude towards Soviet Soldiers of II World War. publishes an article about Russian ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov as the time has come for him to leave the post. He says that he has experienced many interesting moments and it will be hard to go away. Latvian journalists characterise the ambassador as very busy, not very available and cautious. The politicians say that A.Udalcov is one of the most professional ambassadors who have served here since Latvia regained the independence. Among the most serious problems the ambassador names the vast number of non-citizens and the attitude towards Soviet Soldiers of II World War. DienaDiena Saturday Latvia’s Way congress took place where the new programme of the party was approved. LW Chairman and Prime Minister A.Berzins also stressed that “LW are not to give up its main goals, therefore, I do not think, that LW could work in a coalition with social democrats”.

Saturday Latvias Way congress took place where the new programme of the party was approved. LW Chairman and Prime Minister A.Berzins also stressed that LW are not to give up its main goals, therefore, I do not think, that LW could work in a coalition with social democrats. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

For the first time about 40 thousand Russians who have acquired Latvia’s citizenship will take part at election and their choice will show if they feel like citizens of this country or they will vote for such parties which target their activities to the defence of non-citizen rights.

For the first time about 40 thousand Russians who have acquired Latvias citizenship will take part at election and their choice will show if they feel like citizens of this country or they will vote for such parties which target their activities to the defence of non-citizen rights. Diena gives its considerations about the choice of these people and reasons for that.


Also Panorama Latvii gives its forecast on what could be the choice of the people who recently acquired citizenship. FHRUL and social democrats could be the most popular powers among these people.

Naturalisation speed is very low in Latvia’s districts at the eastern border; for example, there were only 44 applications in Ludza district in 2000. In order to improve the tempo the Naturalisation Board of Rezekne in co-operation with Zilupe municipality organised an information day.

Naturalisation speed is very low in Latvias districts at the eastern border; for example, there were only 44 applications in Ludza district in 2000. In order to improve the tempo the Naturalisation Board of Rezekne in co-operation with Zilupe municipality organised an information day. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

Russian Community in Latvia President G.Astahov named Latvia the country of fascism in the interview for Russia’s newspaper

Russian Community in Latvia President G.Astahov named Latvia the country of fascism in the interview for Russias newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta. Neatkariga

Saturday the Dome of Social Democrats decided to re-elaborate the Constitution of Latvia in the course of the next year and then pass it for public discussions. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars says that Satversme has grown old morally and it is too short – only 16 pages. In the new Satversme the competencies of the highest state officials – President, Prime Minister, Speaker will be described in more detail, as well as the procedure of their appointment and dismissing.

Saturday the Dome of Social Democrats decided to re-elaborate the Constitution of Latvia in the course of the next year and then pass it for public discussions. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars says that Satversme has grown old morally and it is too short – only 16 pages. In the new Satversme the competencies of the highest state officials – President, Prime Minister, Speaker will be described in more detail, as well as the procedure of their appointment and dismissing. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

The member of the Council on Compatriot Affairs at Russias Duma N.Bindjukov informs about the preparation of Compatriot Congress, which should take place in April. Although lately high Russias state officials have talked a lot in public about the problems of compatriots residing abroad, the administration of the President is not very willing to get involved in organising the congress.

Panorama Latvii.

Фев. 26, 2001


Press Report

Diena publishes an article about Russian ambassador to Latvia A.Udalcov as the time has come for him to leave the post. He says that he has experienced many interesting moments and it will be hard to go away. Latvian journalists characterise the ambassador as very busy, not very available and cautious. The politicians say that A.Udalcov is one of the most professional ambassadors who have served here since Latvia regained the independence. Among the most serious problems the ambassador names the vast number of non-citizens and the attitude towards Soviet Soldiers of II World War. Diena

Saturday Latvia’s Way congress took place where the new programme of the party was approved. LW Chairman and Prime Minister A.Berzins also stressed that “LW are not to give up its main goals, therefore, I do not think, that LW could work in a coalition with social democrats”.

Saturday Latvias Way congress took place where the new programme of the party was approved. LW Chairman and Prime Minister A.Berzins also stressed that LW are not to give up its main goals, therefore, I do not think, that LW could work in a coalition with social democrats. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

For the first time about 40 thousand Russians who have acquired Latvia’s citizenship will take part at election and their choice will show if they feel like citizens of this country or they will vote for such parties which target their activities to the defence of non-citizen rights.

For the first time about 40 thousand Russians who have acquired Latvias citizenship will take part at election and their choice will show if they feel like citizens of this country or they will vote for such parties which target their activities to the defence of non-citizen rights. Diena gives its considerations about the choice of these people and reasons for that.


Also Panorama Latvii gives its forecast on what could be the choice of the people who recently acquired citizenship. FHRUL and social democrats could be the most popular powers among these people.

Naturalisation speed is very low in Latvia’s districts at the eastern border; for example, there were only 44 applications in Ludza district in 2000. In order to improve the tempo the Naturalisation Board of Rezekne in co-operation with Zilupe municipality organised an information day.

Naturalisation speed is very low in Latvias districts at the eastern border; for example, there were only 44 applications in Ludza district in 2000. In order to improve the tempo the Naturalisation Board of Rezekne in co-operation with Zilupe municipality organised an information day. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

Russian Community in Latvia President G.Astahov named Latvia the country of fascism in the interview for Russia’s newspaper

Russian Community in Latvia President G.Astahov named Latvia the country of fascism in the interview for Russias newspaper Nezavisimaja Gazeta. Neatkariga

Saturday the Dome of Social Democrats decided to re-elaborate the Constitution of Latvia in the course of the next year and then pass it for public discussions. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars says that Satversme has grown old morally and it is too short – only 16 pages. In the new Satversme the competencies of the highest state officials – President, Prime Minister, Speaker will be described in more detail, as well as the procedure of their appointment and dismissing.

Saturday the Dome of Social Democrats decided to re-elaborate the Constitution of Latvia in the course of the next year and then pass it for public discussions. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars says that Satversme has grown old morally and it is too short – only 16 pages. In the new Satversme the competencies of the highest state officials – President, Prime Minister, Speaker will be described in more detail, as well as the procedure of their appointment and dismissing. Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

The member of the Council on Compatriot Affairs at Russias Duma N.Bindjukov informs about the preparation of Compatriot Congress, which should take place in April. Although lately high Russias state officials have talked a lot in public about the problems of compatriots residing abroad, the administration of the President is not very willing to get involved in organising the congress.

Panorama Latvii.
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