Авг. 18, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvia's Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Germany's President Johannes Rau met in Riga on Saturday and discussed the future structure of Europe, noting that the opinions of both on this issue are similar, reported the Latvian Prime Minister's foreign advisor. Germany's president said that "Europe will have no future, if it is formed upon the principles of federalism," reported the Prime Minister. The European Union "must be built as a union of national countries, so that national countries have the chance to implement their own functions," and strictly separate these from central EU functions, the prime minister said of the German president's opinion.

Latvia's Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Germany's President Johannes Rau met in Riga on Saturday and discussed the future structure of Europe, noting that the opinions of both on this issue are similar, reported the Latvian Prime Minister's foreign advisor. Germany's president said that "Europe will have no future, if it is formed upon the principles of federalism," reported the Prime Minister. The European Union "must be built as a union of national countries, so that national countries have the chance to implement their own functions," and strictly separate these from central EU functions, the prime minister said of the German president's opinion. BNS

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany are tied not only by the "Mare Balticum" as countries of the Baltic Sea region, their close and common values, and their common future aims, said Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga addressing the president's of Germany, Estonia and Lithuania at a Luncheon in Riga on Saturday." The Baltic states are ready to take care of our continent's security and stability. We want to join the community of countries with whom we are tied and united in common values. Consequent integration in the European Union and NATO are not only Latvia's, Lithuania's and Estonia’s strategic aims. These issues have become a part of life for

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany are tied not only by the "Mare Balticum" as countries of the Baltic Sea region, their close and common values, and their common future aims, said Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga addressing the president's of Germany, Estonia and Lithuania at a Luncheon in Riga on Saturday." The Baltic states are ready to take care of our continent's security and stability. We want to join the community of countries with whom we are tied and united in common values. Consequent integration in the European Union and NATO are not only Latvia's, Lithuania's and Estonias strategic aims. These issues have become a part of life for

these countries and societies," said Vike-Freiberga, emphasising that only by becoming a member of the EU and NATO will Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia completely be part of the space of security and stability.

these countries and societies," said Vike-Freiberga, emphasising that only by becoming a member of the EU and NATO will Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia completely be part of the space of security and stability. BNS

A number of politicians in Latvia expressed protest on Friday against the actions of the Riga City Council in erecting a renewed statue of Peter the Great, a former Russian Tsar. The statue was placed in a central park in Riga last night, right in front of the Riga Freeport administration building in the canal-side Kronvalda Park. For now it is expected that the statue will stay there for only a couple of days. The state cultural monument protection office claims that the City Council's actions of secretly erecting the statue at night brings shame to the council, planning to request the Riga council explain its actions of placing an "object in the grass", which can't even really be called a statue. Latvia's Prime Minister also claims that the Riga City Council's actions of erecting the statue without consulting the cultural monument protection office as a sign of totalitarianism. The city council's People's Party faction claims that the move is a stately unacceptable decision, claiming that erecting a statue symbolising imperialism is yet another sign of the foreign policy beliefs held by the majority of the Riga City Council. Meanwhile, right-wing for Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, in coalition with the Latvian Social democratic Workers Party at the Riga council, expressed upset over the actions of the social democrats, and will be deciding on whether to continue Cupertino with the said party. Riga Mayor, Gundars Bojars, is not commenting the accusations made by FF/LNNK until he receives anything official from them.

A number of politicians in Latvia expressed protest on Friday against the actions of the Riga City Council in erecting a renewed statue of Peter the Great, a former Russian Tsar. The statue was placed in a central park in Riga last night, right in front of the Riga Freeport administration building in the canal-side Kronvalda Park. For now it is expected that the statue will stay there for only a couple of days. The state cultural monument protection office claims that the City Council's actions of secretly erecting the statue at night brings shame to the council, planning to request the Riga council explain its actions of placing an "object in the grass", which can't even really be called a statue. Latvia's Prime Minister also claims that the Riga City Council's actions of erecting the statue without consulting the cultural monument protection office as a sign of totalitarianism. The city council's People's Party faction claims that the move is a stately unacceptable decision, claiming that erecting a statue symbolising imperialism is yet another sign of the foreign policy beliefs held by the majority of the Riga City Council. Meanwhile, right-wing for Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK, in coalition with the Latvian Social democratic Workers Party at the Riga council, expressed upset over the actions of the social democrats, and will be deciding on whether to continue Cupertino with the said party. Riga Mayor, Gundars Bojars, is not commenting the accusations made by FF/LNNK until he receives anything official from them. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Riga Latgale district court repeatedly refused a request filed by the Matiss Prison administration, asking for an early release of Mihail Farbtuh, an ex-Soviet Partisan sentenced for Genocide in Latvia. The court reported that the case was refused at a court hearing held at the prison. Farbtuh's lawyer is not commenting the refusal and has not said whether he will again appeal. The deputy head of the Prison Board, Aleksandrs Tocelovskis, told BNS that Farbtuh's health is not getting any better, but that such conclusions are for the medics to make. Farbtuh had apparently taken the court decision calmly. Meanwhile, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars, of the social democrats, claims that attempts at politicising the statue at its current location is "politically short-sighted and foolish."

The Riga Latgale district court repeatedly refused a request filed by the Matiss Prison administration, asking for an early release of Mihail Farbtuh, an ex-Soviet Partisan sentenced for Genocide in Latvia. The court reported that the case was refused at a court hearing held at the prison. Farbtuh's lawyer is not commenting the refusal and has not said whether he will again appeal. The deputy head of the Prison Board, Aleksandrs Tocelovskis, told BNS that Farbtuh's health is not getting any better, but that such conclusions are for the medics to make. Farbtuh had apparently taken the court decision calmly. Meanwhile, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars, of the social democrats, claims that attempts at politicising the statue at its current location is "politically short-sighted and foolish." BNS, Panorama Latvii

Latvia is interested in seeing itself even higher on Germany's list of foreign policy priorities, said Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins upon meeting the German Bundestag's German-Baltic Cupertino group delegation leader Dr. Wolfgang von Stetten in Riga Friday. Latvia's Foreign Ministry reported that the meeting touched upon mutual Cupertino perspectives and Latvia's foreign policy priorities of EU and NATO integration. Berzins spoke of Germany's important role in the implementation

Latvia is interested in seeing itself even higher on Germany's list of foreign policy priorities, said Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins upon meeting the German Bundestag's German-Baltic Cupertino group delegation leader Dr. Wolfgang von Stetten in Riga Friday. Latvia's Foreign Ministry reported that the meeting touched upon mutual Cupertino perspectives and Latvia's foreign policy priorities of EU and NATO integration. Berzins spoke of Germany's important role in the implementation

of Latvia's foreign policy targets. Both officials said that Latvian and German bilateral relations are good and are continuing to develop in an active way. Germany is also one of Latvia's main economic partners.

of Latvia's foreign policy targets. Both officials said that Latvian and German bilateral relations are good and are continuing to develop in an active way. Germany is also one of Latvia's main economic partners. BNS

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the King of Sweden, Karl Gustav XVI spoke of the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations during their meeting in the Riga Castle Friday, Sweden's King showing great interest in the economy of Latvia. Latvia's presidential spokesperson said that King Karl Gustav was also interested in the Stockholm School of Economics which he opened together with Latvia's former President Guntis Ulmanis, and plans to visit on Friday afternoon. He made a joke in saying that he often participates in the opening of various things, but seldom manages

Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and the King of Sweden, Karl Gustav XVI spoke of the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations during their meeting in the Riga Castle Friday, Sweden's King showing great interest in the economy of Latvia. Latvia's presidential spokesperson said that King Karl Gustav was also interested in the Stockholm School of Economics which he opened together with Latvia's former President Guntis Ulmanis, and plans to visit on Friday afternoon. He made a joke in saying that he often participates in the opening of various things, but seldom manages

to see how they actually function in real life. The two also discussed the effect of globalisation on the economy, especially in relation to Europe. Vike-Freiberga thanked Sweden's royal family for charity they have carried out in Latvia.

to see how they actually function in real life. The two also discussed the effect of globalisation on the economy, especially in relation to Europe. Vike-Freiberga thanked Sweden's royal family for charity they have carried out in Latvia. BNS

Although the opinion expressed by Deputy Chairman of Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party J.Adamsons that Social Democrats would unite with People’s Harmony Party, led by J.Jurkans, is not taken seriously either by Social Democrats themselves or Jurkans’s party members, political scientist J.Ikstens thinks that this statement has some grounds. The latest activities of Social Democrats show that they are changing their foreign policy priorities.

Although the opinion expressed by Deputy Chairman of Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party J.Adamsons that Social Democrats would unite with Peoples Harmony Party, led by J.Jurkans, is not taken seriously either by Social Democrats themselves or Jurkanss party members, political scientist J.Ikstens thinks that this statement has some grounds. The latest activities of Social Democrats show that they are changing their foreign policy priorities. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

On Tuesday the government changed the procedure of taking the test for persons to be naturalised, stipulating that during the test of Latvian history and Satversme knowledge might be included also question with no multiple choice answers. Deputy Head of Naturalisation Board Methodology and Examination Center L.Danga explained that multiple choice answers would not b e provided for those questions that should be known for sure and providing such multiple answers would not be proper. Naturalisation Board has published a booklet with 100 possible questions from which are formed different test versions with 18 questions.

On Tuesday the government changed the procedure of taking the test for persons to be naturalised, stipulating that during the test of Latvian history and Satversme knowledge might be included also question with no multiple choice answers. Deputy Head of Naturalisation Board Methodology and Examination Center L.Danga explained that multiple choice answers would not b e provided for those questions that should be known for sure and providing such multiple answers would not be proper. Naturalisation Board has published a booklet with 100 possible questions from which are formed different test versions with 18 questions. Lauku Avize

Dr.phil. A.Gutmanis analysis the relations between Latvia and Russia. There are many appearances and many realities there. And these appearances are that these relations are bad, the key to improving them is in Latvia’s hands, etc,. And these appearances are maintained by Moscow and they correspond to Moscow’s foreign policy goals. What are the realities? Latvia is EU and NATO borderstate with Russia. And co-operation in the spheres that correspond to this status is mutually beneficial to both parties; e.g. fighting organised crime, everyday co-operation of borderguards, cross border regional co-operation.

Dr.phil. A.Gutmanis analysis the relations between Latvia and Russia. There are many appearances and many realities there. And these appearances are that these relations are bad, the key to improving them is in Latvias hands, etc,. And these appearances are maintained by Moscow and they correspond to Moscows foreign policy goals. What are the realities? Latvia is EU and NATO borderstate with Russia. And co-operation in the spheres that correspond to this status is mutually beneficial to both parties; e.g. fighting organised crime, everyday co-operation of borderguards, cross border regional co-operation. Neatkariga

Members of Russian National Bolsheviks party published a call to all Russian speakers in Latvia not to participate in Riga 800 festivity in all Russian speaking newspapers. But not all the members support this idea.

Members of Russian National Bolsheviks party published a call to all Russian speakers in Latvia not to participate in Riga 800 festivity in all Russian speaking newspapers. But not all the members support this idea. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya

Russian MFA threatened to take counter measures after Latvian MFA refuse entry visa to the Councillor to Moscow City Mayor A.Pereligin. In reality it means that Russia could not issue an entry visa to some Latvian official if it wished so.

Russian MFA threatened to take counter measures after Latvian MFA refuse entry visa to the Councillor to Moscow City Mayor A.Pereligin. In reality it means that Russia could not issue an entry visa to some Latvian official if it wished so. Rigas Balss


Авг. 17, 2001

Press Report

Press Report


informs about the official ceremony when 61 Riga residents were awarded with the status of citizenship acquired through naturalisation. Diena provides couple lines of the speech by Naturalisation Board head E.Aldermane and impressions of a new Russian family which all members just acquired citizenship. Diena, Neatkariga
The issuance of new passports of Latvian citizens and non-citizens has been postponed again. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that it is related to legalisation of the new passports abroad, and the new passports could be available after 1 November.

The issuance of new passports of Latvian citizens and non-citizens has been postponed again. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that it is related to legalisation of the new passports abroad, and the new passports could be available after 1 November. Diena, Neatkariga

FF/LNNK deputy J.Vidinsh has for the second time allocated his personal funds (LVL 250) to provide assistance to the repatriate to Russia. In deputy’s opinion Russian and Latvian authorities if working together could help 200 thousand people to return to their ethnic countries.

FF/LNNK deputy J.Vidinsh has for the second time allocated his personal funds (LVL 250) to provide assistance to the repatriate to Russia. In deputys opinion Russian and Latvian authorities if working together could help 200 thousand people to return to their ethnic countries. Chas


informs that I.Stalnoy is not going to stop his activities in supporting Russians rights to have education in their own language. Famous lawyer, Latvian Human Rights Committee co-chairperson, Riga City Council deputy G.Kotov has decided to provide his advice to Solidarity on legal issues. And first of all, they will ask Riga City Council officials to give ground for the refusal to organise a picket at Riga City Council. In the opinion of G.Kotov, the already provided explanation is too abstract. informs that I.Stalnoy is not going to stop his activities in supporting Russians rights to have education in their own language. Famous lawyer, Latvian Human Rights Committee co-chairperson, Riga City Council deputy G.Kotov has decided to provide his advice to Solidarity on legal issues. And first of all, they will ask Riga City Council officials to give ground for the refusal to organise a picket at Riga City Council. In the opinion of G.Kotov, the already provided explanation is too abstract.


talks to Social Democrats deputy chairperson J.Adamsons. His vision of further development of the events in political field in Latvia is that Social Democrats will definitely merge with the Party headed by J.Jurkans, however, it will not occur this or next year. In the opinion of J.Adamsons, peoples attention to political problems are drawn intentionally, as while people are picketing against one state language or education in Latvian, it is possible to carry out secret privatisation of state property. J.Adamson says that Social Democrats will gain the majority of votes at 8th Saeima election, but absolute victory they will have at 9th Saeima election. talks to Social Democrats deputy chairperson J.Adamsons. His vision of further development of the events in political field in Latvia is that Social Democrats will definitely merge with the Party headed by J.Jurkans, however, it will not occur this or next year. In the opinion of J.Adamsons, people’s attention to political problems are drawn intentionally, as “while people are picketing against one state language or education in Latvian, it is possible to carry out secret privatisation of state property”. J.Adamson says that Social Democrats will gain the majority of votes at 8th Saeima election, but absolute victory they will have at 9th Saeima election.


re-prints the article from Russias newspaper re-prints the article from Russia’s newspaper Nezavisimaja GazetaNezavisimaja Gazeta about Russias relations with its compatriots residing abroad. The journalist writes that nowadays to be Russian compatriot is not always of honour and never profitable. For example, Russian anti-fascists are at Latvian court. Further in the article the journalist looks at the problems which Russia has in providing assistance to its compatriots. about Russia’s relations with its compatriots residing abroad. The journalist writes that “nowadays to be Russian compatriot is not always of honour and never profitable. For example, Russian anti-fascists are at Latvian court”. Further in the article the journalist looks at the problems which Russia has in providing assistance to its compatriots.

Авг. 16, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian-Russian relations are "normal" but Latvia still has not solved some problems of concern to Russia such as treatment of non-citizens, said Russian ambassador to Latvia, Igor Studennikov. After the meeting with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins on Wednesday, Studennikov told reporters that Latvia had failed to improve the situation of non-citizens and to simplify naturalisation procedures. "On one hand, positive decisions have been made, such as lowering the naturalisation fee and recognition of Grade 9 Latvian language exam results valid for the naturalisation tests, .... On the other hand, ... the oral history exam was replaced by a written and more difficult test," said the Russian ambassador. At the talks with the Latvian premier, Studennikov pointed out the need to pay more attention to social and humanitarian issues, to step up co-operation between Russian and Latvian education ministries as regards mutual recognition of university diplomas, reported the premier's press service. When talking to the Russian ambassador, Berzins said that Latvia submitted lists of burial sites required to draft an agreement about cemeteries in May 1999 while no such documents from Russia have been received to date. Berzins and Studennikov also discussed the possibility to open a Latvian consulate in Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad. Such consulate could be opened in the nearest future as soon as all formalities are settled by the governments of both countries, reported the Latvian premier's press service. The Latvian premier and Russian ambassador agreed that bilateral relations were developing along positive lines, especially in economic co-operation. Many issues will be solved if the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission steps up its activities. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

Latvian-Russian relations are "normal" but Latvia still has not solved some problems of concern to Russia such as treatment of non-citizens, said Russian ambassador to Latvia, Igor Studennikov. After the meeting with Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins on Wednesday, Studennikov told reporters that Latvia had failed to improve the situation of non-citizens and to simplify naturalisation procedures. "On one hand, positive decisions have been made, such as lowering the naturalisation fee and recognition of Grade 9 Latvian language exam results valid for the naturalisation tests, .... On the other hand, ... the oral history exam was replaced by a written and more difficult test," said the Russian ambassador. At the talks with the Latvian premier, Studennikov pointed out the need to pay more attention to social and humanitarian issues, to step up co-operation between Russian and Latvian education ministries as regards mutual recognition of university diplomas, reported the premier's press service. When talking to the Russian ambassador, Berzins said that Latvia submitted lists of burial sites required to draft an agreement about cemeteries in May 1999 while no such documents from Russia have been received to date. Berzins and Studennikov also discussed the possibility to open a Latvian consulate in Russia's Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad. Such consulate could be opened in the nearest future as soon as all formalities are settled by the governments of both countries, reported the Latvian premier's press service. The Latvian premier and Russian ambassador agreed that bilateral relations were developing along positive lines, especially in economic co-operation. Many issues will be solved if the Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission steps up its activities. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

The Moscow City delegation cancelled its visit after one of the delegation members, Alexander Perelygin, was refused a visa on grounds of a previous refusal last November, deeming him persona non grata for entry to Latvia. Latvia's Prime Minister Andris Berzins has said that the Moscow delegation's cancellation was a rash. Berzins said that Latvia has always been interested in good relations with its neighbours, and that an important corner stone of such relations is co-operation between capital cities. He also emphasised that good neighbourly relations is one of Latvia's foreign policy priorities and that Latvia has always expressed readiness for constructive dialogue with its neighbours, including Russia. Government coalition party Latvian Way parliament faction chairwoman Kristiana Libane told BNS that it is hard to speak of the influence of this fact, as there has been no such precedent case, but said that as Riga has had no such co-operative agreement with any Russian city, "therefore we will live as we have until now." People's Party Riga City Council faction leader, Edmunds Krastins, said that the cancellation of the Moscow delegation's visit would not effect Riga-Moscow or Latvian-Russian relations, adding that "they will stay as they are." For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK parliament faction chairman, Vents Balodis, told BNS that such action is a political act on Moscow's behalf, emphasising that if one is not permitted entrance, then the rest will not come either. Chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party, Juris Bojars told that the refusal to issue a visa to Perelygin is yet another foolishness and even provocation aimed against the social democrats, as it is the social democrats working towards improving relations between Riga and Moscow. Left-wing union For Human Rights in a United Latvia parliament faction chairman, Janis Jurkans, told BNS that the government, by refusing a visa to one of the delegation members, new that the rest would not come either. Jurkans believes that this could have a bad effect on mutual relations. Riga City Mayor Gundars Bojars is worried that the Moscow delegation's cancellation could threat co-operation between Riga and Moscow. The Riga City Council received an official cancellation from Moscow on Wednesday announcing that the Moscow City Council delegation will not beattending the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations this weekend after a visa rejection for Moscow Mayor Advisor, Alexander Perelygin. Latvia's Foreign Ministry has urged the Moscow City Council to review the cancellation of its delegation attending the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations, emphasising that the visa refusal for a Moscow Mayor advisor, Alexander Perelygin, is neither a political, nor nationalistic gesture. Latvia's Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins told that "This [Moscow] reaction is very emotional and we would urge it be reviewed and, nevertheless, attend the events." Riekstins emphasised that the decision to refuse Perelygin a visa was "according to Latvia's regulating documents" and is "in no way" related to co-operation between Riga and Moscow, which is supported by the Foreign Ministry.

The Moscow City delegation cancelled its visit after one of the delegation members, Alexander Perelygin, was refused a visa on grounds of a previous refusal last November, deeming him persona non grata for entry to Latvia. Latvia's Prime Minister Andris Berzins has said that the Moscow delegation's cancellation was a rash. Berzins said that Latvia has always been interested in good relations with its neighbours, and that an important corner stone of such relations is co-operation between capital cities. He also emphasised that good neighbourly relations is one of Latvia's foreign policy priorities and that Latvia has always expressed readiness for constructive dialogue with its neighbours, including Russia. Government coalition party Latvian Way parliament faction chairwoman Kristiana Libane told BNS that it is hard to speak of the influence of this fact, as there has been no such precedent case, but said that as Riga has had no such co-operative agreement with any Russian city, "therefore we will live as we have until now." People's Party Riga City Council faction leader, Edmunds Krastins, said that the cancellation of the Moscow delegation's visit would not effect Riga-Moscow or Latvian-Russian relations, adding that "they will stay as they are." For Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK parliament faction chairman, Vents Balodis, told BNS that such action is a political act on Moscow's behalf, emphasising that if one is not permitted entrance, then the rest will not come either. Chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party, Juris Bojars told that the refusal to issue a visa to Perelygin is yet another foolishness and even provocation aimed against the social democrats, as it is the social democrats working towards improving relations between Riga and Moscow. Left-wing union For Human Rights in a United Latvia parliament faction chairman, Janis Jurkans, told BNS that the government, by refusing a visa to one of the delegation members, new that the rest would not come either. Jurkans believes that this could have a bad effect on mutual relations. Riga City Mayor Gundars Bojars is worried that the Moscow delegation's cancellation could threat co-operation between Riga and Moscow. The Riga City Council received an official cancellation from Moscow on Wednesday announcing that the Moscow City Council delegation will not beattending the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations this weekend after a visa rejection for Moscow Mayor Advisor, Alexander Perelygin. Latvia's Foreign Ministry has urged the Moscow City Council to review the cancellation of its delegation attending the Riga 800 anniversary celebrations, emphasising that the visa refusal for a Moscow Mayor advisor, Alexander Perelygin, is neither a political, nor nationalistic gesture. Latvia's Foreign Ministry state secretary Maris Riekstins told that "This [Moscow] reaction is very emotional and we would urge it be reviewed and, nevertheless, attend the events." Riekstins emphasised that the decision to refuse Perelygin a visa was "according to Latvia's regulating documents" and is "in no way" related to co-operation between Riga and Moscow, which is supported by the Foreign Ministry. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Rigas Balss, Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

In comparison to June in July the number of applications to receive citizenship through naturalisation has grown – 386 applications in June and 636 in July. Naturalisation Board explains that with summer time, as well as already in spring there were rumours that the state fee for naturalisation would be lowered, so people just waited.

Diena, Respublika


editorial looks at the issue concerning transfer of secondary education of national minorities to the state language in 2004. In his opinion, Latvian mass media either does not provide any information about this problem or gives a totally wrong picture. Chas columnist L.Fedoseyev writes first of all, Latvians themselves should be against this change in 2004, as then it could occur that, for example, in Daugavpils in the class of 30 pupils only 5 of them are Latvians, because non-Latvians usually live very compactly. editorial looks at the issue concerning transfer of secondary education of national minorities to the state language in 2004. In his opinion, Latvian mass media either does not provide any information about this problem or gives a totally wrong picture. Chas columnist L.Fedoseyev writes “first of all, Latvians themselves should be against this change in 2004, as then it could occur that, for example, in Daugavpils in the class of 30 pupils only 5 of them are Latvians, because non-Latvians usually live very compactly”.


provides some excerpts of the article What to Do With the New Russia by H.Kissinger published in provides some excerpts of the article “What to Do With the New Russia” by H.Kissinger published in Washington Post.Washington Post. Kissinger looks at Russian American relations from the perspective of NATO expansion to the Baltic countries. Kissinger looks at Russian American relations from the perspective of NATO expansion to the Baltic countries.

Авг. 15, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

An advisor to the Moscow mayor included in the official list of Russian delegates coming to the Latvian capital Riga for celebration of the city's 800th anniversary this weekend will not be let into Latvia as competent Latvian authorities have refused to lift his current status of persona non grata. Alexander Perelygin will not be issued a Latvian visa because competent authorities would not change the decision made last November about banning Perelygin from entering Latvia for a year, reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. The Riga City Council asked the Interior Ministry to grant an exception in respect of Perelygin so that he would be able to come to Riga for the anniversary celebration. Moreover, Perelygin was also appointed as the chairman of the Moscow task force for co-operation with Riga.

An advisor to the Moscow mayor included in the official list of Russian delegates coming to the Latvian capital Riga for celebration of the city's 800th anniversary this weekend will not be let into Latvia as competent Latvian authorities have refused to lift his current status of persona non grata. Alexander Perelygin will not be issued a Latvian visa because competent authorities would not change the decision made last November about banning Perelygin from entering Latvia for a year, reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. The Riga City Council asked the Interior Ministry to grant an exception in respect of Perelygin so that he would be able to come to Riga for the anniversary celebration. Moreover, Perelygin was also appointed as the chairman of the Moscow task force for co-operation with Riga. Diena, Chas

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the amendments to Regulations No 33 On the Examination Procedure of Latvian Language Proficiency and Basic Rules of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, National Anthem and Latvian History, which provide for some changes in the structure of history tests given for naturalisation purposes. From now on a test in history will be composed of not only multiple choice questions but also open questions. Naturalisation Board head E.Aldermane informed

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the amendments to Regulations No 33 On the Examination Procedure of Latvian Language Proficiency and Basic Rules of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, National Anthem and Latvian History, which provide for some changes in the structure of history tests given for naturalisation purposes. From now on a test in history will be composed of not only multiple choice questions but also open questions. Naturalisation Board head E.Aldermane informed Neatkariga that open questions will be only a small part of the test, besides, these open questions will be such questions which in the opinion of Naturalisation Board would be incorrectly to give as multiple choice questions, for example, Which language is the state language in Latvia? Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena


columnist D.Araja tries to evaluate all the happenings having nationalistic character which occurred during this summer – starting with the contest organised by Vieda and ending with the latest activities of Solidarity. Her question is whether these happenings are activities of innocent inexperienced patriots or planned manipulation with people who are not aware of that. National Programme of Latvian Language Learning director A.Priedite says that if young people who had not done anything before suddenly start to be very active, in fact, it means that there is somebody behind their back. Political scientist A.Pabriks considers that it would be foolish to blame some unknown black power, however, most likely the east is under suspicion. In opinion of A.Pabriks the further development of the situation could be the attempt to establish a consolidate Russian oriented civic movement that would have support from municipalities and parties; or another alternative – attempt to prove ineffectiveness of state institutions. Political scientist N.Muizhnieks do not believe in theory about organised conspiracy, but his biggest concern is that Latvias Russian speaking community, which is rather diverse, is rather consolidate what regards language issues. columnist D.Araja tries to evaluate all the happenings having nationalistic character which occurred during this summer – starting with the contest organised by Vieda and ending with the latest activities of “Solidarity”. Her question is whether these happenings are “activities of innocent inexperienced patriots or planned manipulation with people who are not aware of that”. National Programme of Latvian Language Learning director A.Priedite says that if “young people who had not done anything before suddenly start to be very active, in fact, it means that there is somebody behind their back”. Political scientist A.Pabriks considers that “it would be foolish to blame some unknown black power, however, most likely the east is under suspicion”. In opinion of A.Pabriks the further development of the situation could be the attempt to establish a consolidate Russian oriented civic movement that would have support from municipalities and parties; or another alternative – attempt to prove ineffectiveness of state institutions. Political scientist N.Muizhnieks do not believe in theory about organised conspiracy, but his biggest concern is that Latvia’s Russian speaking community, which is rather diverse, is rather consolidate what regards language issues. The Centre of Human Rights and Ethnic Studies director N.Muizhnieks gives his response to the comments of Russian press on the letter “Garda against Latvia” written and distributed by the Centre. N.Muizhnieks explains what determined the circle of people who signed the letter. As it was summer time and many people were having vacations, N.Muizhnieks took an opportunity to inform about the letter at the public political forum organised by Soros Foundation. In result, the letter was signed by many researchers and members of NGOs. Centre director assesses the letter as a success – “it cannot be called a serious change in state policy, however, it is something”.

The Centre of Human Rights and Ethnic Studies director N.Muizhnieks gives his response to the comments of Russian press on the letter Garda against Latvia written and distributed by the Centre. N.Muizhnieks explains what determined the circle of people who signed the letter. As it was summer time and many people were having vacations, N.Muizhnieks took an opportunity to inform about the letter at the public political forum organised by Soros Foundation. In result, the letter was signed by many researchers and members of NGOs. Centre director assesses the letter as a success – it cannot be called a serious change in state policy, however, it is something. Chas

Commenting support voiced last week by government coalition party Latvia’s Way, in nominating her for a second term in office, Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that she feels surprised and pleased, adding that the move can be "translated in various ways." Vike-Freiberga also said on Monday that Latvia's EU and NATO bids are in no way related to introducing a popular elected president for Latvia. "I don't see any special relation between these three various issues. The EU is one thing, NATO another, and the president's institution a third," said the president. Asked whether she believes if the support voiced by Latvian Way is anything to do with the coming parliament elections in fall next year, Vike-Freiberga said that "it can be translated in various ways."

Commenting support voiced last week by government coalition party Latvias Way, in nominating her for a second term in office, Latvia's President Vaira Vike-Freiberga admitted that she feels surprised and pleased, adding that the move can be "translated in various ways." Vike-Freiberga also said on Monday that Latvia's EU and NATO bids are in no way related to introducing a popular elected president for Latvia. "I don't see any special relation between these three various issues. The EU is one thing, NATO another, and the president's institution a third," said the president. Asked whether she believes if the support voiced by Latvian Way is anything to do with the coming parliament elections in fall next year, Vike-Freiberga said that "it can be translated in various ways." Diena, Respublika

Security Police have sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice with the request to examine the compliance of NGO “Youth Movement Solidarity” with the Law on NGO and Associations. Security Police have established that the organisers of the meeting in Mezhaparks did not ensure public order during the meeting, that the real number of people taking part in the meeting exceeded the indicated number, as well as the person, who calls himself Ivan Stalnoy and runs the organisation, is not among the names of founders and officials of the movement. Security Police learned that I.Stalnoy actually is a student of Cesis Gimnasium E.Zalitis.

Security Police have sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice with the request to examine the compliance of NGO Youth Movement Solidarity with the Law on NGO and Associations. Security Police have established that the organisers of the meeting in Mezhaparks did not ensure public order during the meeting, that the real number of people taking part in the meeting exceeded the indicated number, as well as the person, who calls himself Ivan Stalnoy and runs the organisation, is not among the names of founders and officials of the movement. Security Police learned that I.Stalnoy actually is a student of Cesis Gimnasium E.Zalitis. Neatkariga

Chas informs that Tuesday’s morning I.Stalnoy spent at Security Police and now the organisation is suspected in preparation unsanctioned activities during Riga 800th anniversary. Deputy J. Sokolovsky said that the activities of Police are illegal as the examination of Solidarity does not fall under the competence of Security Police.

Chas informs that Tuesdays morning I.Stalnoy spent at Security Police and now the organisation is suspected in preparation unsanctioned activities during Riga 800th anniversary. Deputy J. Sokolovsky said that the activities of Police are illegal as the examination of Solidarity does not fall under the competence of Security Police.

Vesti Segodnja

asks opinions of some politicians about Solidarity. FF/LNNK J.Dobelis says that his attitude towards the organisation is a bit ironic and he does not consider that the movement has any ideals and principles. Social Democrat V.Lazo thinks that we should be very careful when new organisations are established at the time when we want to join the EU and NATO. For now it is hard to tell what are the true aims of Solidarity. FHRUL deputy J.Sokolovsky is of very high opinion about professionalism of the leader of Solidarity, however, now it is hard to tell if the organisation will grow into a serious political power. asks opinions of some politicians about Solidarity. FF/LNNK J.Dobelis says that his attitude towards the organisation is a bit ironic and he does not consider that the movement has any ideals and principles. Social Democrat V.Lazo thinks that “we should be very careful when new organisations are established at the time when we want to join the EU and NATO. For now it is hard to tell what are the true aims of Solidarity”. FHRUL deputy J.Sokolovsky is of very high opinion about professionalism of the leader of “Solidarity”, however, now it is hard to tell if the organisation will grow into a serious political power.

Авг. 14, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the regulations on the passports of Latvian citizens and non-citizens, however, the revision of the articles concerning spelling last names of non-Latvian origin in the official documents was postponed for further expertise.

Yesterday the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers accepted the regulations on the passports of Latvian citizens and non-citizens, however, the revision of the articles concerning spelling last names of non-Latvian origin in the official documents was postponed for further expertise. Neatkariga, Chas

Yesterday the Latvian Association for Supporting Schools with the Russian Language of Tuition (LASSRLT) gave a press conference concerning their relation to the youth movement “Solidarity”. LASSRLT chairperson I.Pimenovs said that for now their support to “Solidarity” is more in the form of advice and in regard to LASSRLT contribution to the picket in Mezhaparks organised by “Solidarity”, Pimenovs said, “we helped to set the goals”. However, “Solidarity” leader I.Stalnoy says that neither he nor his colleagues have received any kind of support from LASSRT. According to the information at the disposal of Chas, Civic Freedoms Foundation or otherwise known as Berezovsky’s Foundation, has allocated some funding for the movement.

Yesterday the Latvian Association for Supporting Schools with the Russian Language of Tuition (LASSRLT) gave a press conference concerning their relation to the youth movement Solidarity. LASSRLT chairperson I.Pimenovs said that for now their support to Solidarity is more in the form of advice and in regard to LASSRLT contribution to the picket in Mezhaparks organised by Solidarity, Pimenovs said, we helped to set the goals. However, Solidarity leader I.Stalnoy says that neither he nor his colleagues have received any kind of support from LASSRT. According to the information at the disposal of Chas, Civic Freedoms Foundation or otherwise known as Berezovskys Foundation, has allocated some funding for the movement. Jauna, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja

comments on the response of Latvian authorities to the activities organised by Solidarity. The newspaper writes that the Latvian authorities are not only fearing the possibility of provocation but also they feel that Solidarity is not a small group of extremists, but it is a serious power. National minorities will keep fighting for equality with peaceful methods, as, fortunately, the residents of Latvia are not so hot-tempered. And our security services should not fear Solidarity, but they should launch a dialogue with them. However, life experience shows that authorities are simply not able to communicate with national minorities on equal basis. This, by the way, is also established by the EU, OSCE and UN. comments on the response of Latvian authorities to the activities organised by “Solidarity”. The newspaper writes that “the Latvian authorities are not only fearing the possibility of provocation but also they feel that “Solidarity” is not a small group of extremists, but it is a serious power. National minorities will keep fighting for equality with peaceful methods, as, fortunately, the residents of Latvia are not so hot-tempered. And our security services should not fear “Solidarity”, but they should launch a dialogue with them. However, life experience shows that authorities are simply not able to communicate with national minorities on equal basis. This, by the way, is also established by the EU, OSCE and UN”. Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars has taken decision to establish the vacancy of Russian-Latvian translator at the Council. The main tasks of the translator will be to translate official written communication, as well as provide interpretation services for official happenings.

Riga City Council Mayor G.Bojars has taken decision to establish the vacancy of Russian-Latvian translator at the Council. The main tasks of the translator will be to translate official written communication, as well as provide interpretation services for official happenings. Chas, Vesti Segodnja

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