Июль 9, 2014

  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins proclaimed the Introduction or Preamble to the Constitution of Latvia
  • Ex-Head of the Constitution Protection Bureau Janis Kazocins: despite all, integration slowly goes forward

Yesterday, the President of Latvia Andris Berzins proclaimed the Introduction or Preamble to the Constitution of Latvia. Commenting the adoption of the Preamble, the MP Boriss Cilevics (Concord Centre) said that everyone understands that it is a tool for internal usage for crackdown and that the Preamble spoiled Latvia’s reputation on an international political arena. As reported, the Saeima adopted the Introduction to the Constitution which says that establishment of Latvian state was based upon the irrevocable will of the ethnic Latvian nation in order to guarantee existence and development of Latvian language, and culture through centuries.  Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize interviews ex-Head of the Constitution Protection Bureau Janis Kazocins. Speaking about Russia’s policy on protecting its compatriots abroad, Mr Kazocins says that Russia may use Russian speaking residents of Latvia and non-citizens for its interests. At the same time, Mr Kazocins stresses that there are positive tendencies about the decrease of the number of non-citizens in Latvia.  Thus, the number of non-citizens has substantially decreased since 1995 (from 29% down to 13%) and almost half of them are older than 60 years. He also mentions that during the 2013, 89% of children born in the families of non-citizens were registered as Latvian citizens. Mr Kazocins believes that despite all, integration slowly goes forward and Russian speaking residents of Latvia have no interest to be liberated by Russia from "the yoke of the EU and Mr. Usakovs". Mr. Kazocins believes those 300,000 Latvian citizens who voted in favour of Russian as a second state language are not necessarily disloyal towards Latvia. There should be no censorship of the media and if TV channels from Russia broadcast propaganda, this should be countered by local media to uncover the truth.

Июль 7, 2014

  • Commemorative events held in Riga on the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust victims in Latvia
  • Latvian Academy of Music decided to conduct an admission test for one of the applicants on Saturday after the sunset due to religious reasons
  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a young woman who posts on her profile in different social networks photos dressed in Nazi uniform

Vesti Segodnya reports about commemorative events on the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust victims in Latvia conducted on 4 July. The Jewish community “Shamir” for the fifth years conducted commemorative procession called “Steps of Alive”. High Latvian officials took part in a commemorative event near the Memorial to the Victims of Holocaust in Riga. Ex-prisoner of the Ghetto and Nazi concentration camps Margers Vestermanis who also attended the event said that only 545 people out of 73,000 of Jews who resided in Latvia survived the Holocaust. He also said that behind each of the 545 survivors stood people who risked their life to safe Jews. In Latvia there were about 200 who helped to rescue Jews from the Holocaust. The President Andris Berzins stressed that the genocide is a result of inferiority complex, prejudices and hate.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Latvian Academy of Music following conclusion of the Ombudsman’s Office decided to conduct an admission test for one of the applicants on Saturday after the sunset.  The applicant – member of the community of the Seventh-day Adventists – asked the Academy to postpone his test scheduled on the day of Saturday for religious reasons. First, the Academy refused such request arguing that all the applicants must take the exam on one day, because otherwise, it would be give an advantage by providing more time for additional preparation. The applicant complained to the Ombudsman’s Office which requested the Academy to respect the right of the applicant for religious freedom.

Vesti Segodnya reports about a young woman who posts on her profile in different social networks photos dressed in Nazi uniform and with swastika on the sleeve. Her other posts on different social networks also show that she adhere Nazi ideology.

Июль 4, 2014

  • Vesti Segodnya: graduate of a Russian language school was refused a post of cashier in a fast food restaurant

Vesti Segodnya reports about a case when a graduate of a Russian language school was refused a post of cashier in a fast food restaurant “Hesburger”, ostensibly because the result of his centralised state language exam was less than 50%. According to the applicant, the job interview was conducted in Latvian language and everything went well until the manager found that the applicant has graduated a Russian language school. After that the manager requested his state language proficiency certificate. Currently, graduates of all secondary schools (Latvian and Russian) pass exactly the same examination in state language, and therefore a separate language certificate is not available. After that, the manager requested the results of his secondary school centralised graduation exams, found out that the applicant scored 43% in the state language exam, announced that the cashier shall score at least 50% in school examination and thus refused the applicant. In an interview with the newspaper, the manager of “Hesburger” stated that the company introduced “internal regulations” which are not applied to graduates of majority schools. The newspaper notes that this cannot be viewed as just a test on Latvian language proficiency. The mother of the rejected applicant believes that such practice ensures that the graduates of majority schools get the job, while the graduates of minority schools who pass the same exams – do not get the job.

Июль 1, 2014

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about a complaint of its reader about incomplete translation of a paper with information in Latvian and Russian languages for patients coming for a certain diagnostic examination
  • Latvijas Avize interviews the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics

Vesti Segodnya reports about a complaint of its reader about incomplete translation of a paper with information in Latvian and Russian languages for patients coming to a hospital for a certain diagnostic examination. The description in Russian language contains less information than in Latvian about such issues as what medications are or not allowed, what documents about previous examinations to take along, and etc.  According a representative of the hospital, this paper is not a supremely important document because all the important information the patient receives in communication with her/his treating doctor. But this information paper is rather a reminder. The paper also gets complemented by a new information in Latvian and then translated into Russian. In this case the paper in Russian was not translated yet. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics in an interview with Latvijas Avize considering on how loyal towards Latvian state Russian speaking residents could be integrated in the political system, says that first option is establishment of a European minded Russian party who would respect the basic values of the Constitution, state independence, membership in the NATO and the EU, and would not have an agreement with Putin’s party. The second option is engagement in the existing parties of those ethnic minorities for whom the main existing pro-Russian party in not acceptable. But for both options, the most important pre-condition is self-organisation of Russian residents, believes the Minister.

Июнь 30, 2014

  • Latvian high state officials are planning to take part in the commemorative events devoted to the victims of the genocide of the Jewish people on 4 July
  • Ivars Godmanis: it is important to find a peaceful and fruitful way of coexistence of ethnic Latvians, Russians and people of other ethnicities in Latvia

Latvijas Avize reports that Latvian high state officials are planning to take part in the commemorative events devoted to the victims of the genocide of the Jewish people on 4 July in Riga and other Latvian regions. Thus, the President Andris Berzins, the Saeima’s Speaker Solvita Aboltina and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics will take part in the commemorative events at Riga memorial. The Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma will take part in an event in Daugavpils and  visit Daugavpils’ synagogue.

Diena interviews the twice time ex-Prime Minister, ex MEP from Latvia Ivars Godmanis who decided to run for the upcoming Saeima’s elections again with a new party United for Latvia. Mr Godmanis believes that consolidation of the society is one of the most important issues to solve in Latvia. Mr Godmanis believes that it is important to find a peaceful and fruitful way of coexistence of ethnic Latvians, Russians and people of other ethnicities in the country because ethnic split hinders achievement of the main aim – European average standard of living for the majority of Latvian residents. Mr Godmanis believes that the ethnic split can facilitate emigration of young Latvians from the country and it may force to change the existing immigration policy causing new problems.

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