Окт. 20, 2014

  • Ministry of Defence plans to increase funding for the Young Guards
  • Candidate for the post of the Minister of Education Lolita Cigane refused to speak to journalists in Russian language
  • Latvijas Avize questions why the representatives of the Congress of Non-citizens were allowed to sign letter prepared by other NGOs about traditional values

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Ministry of Defence plans to increase funding for the Young Guards. According to the Ministry, Young Guards is a platform for social and civil integration. It is planned to attract more representatives of ethnic minorities to the Guards Young with a view to promote their integration, comprehension about Latvian history and culture, and sense of belonging to the state.

According to Vesti Segodnya, the MP and candidate for the post of the Minister of Education Lolita Cigane (Unity) refused to speak to journalists in Russian language. Mrs Cigane requested to speak to her in Latvian when a journalist of a local Russian language radio station asked her question about possible appointment to the post of the Minister. Even after the journalist repeated the question in Latvia, Mrs Cigane said that she does not have any comments besides those she already has given to news agencies.

Latvijas Avize reports about a letter sent to the Saeima and the Ministry of Education and Science about meaning of traditional values in Latvia signed by representatives of different NGOs. The newspaper puts special attention that, in row with such organisations as “Parents’ Forum”, family planning and sexual health association “Papardes Zieds”, and women’s rights centre “Marta”, the letter was signed also by an activist of the Congress of Non-citizens Elizabete Krivcova and its board member Vladimirs Sokolovs. Authors of the letter are concerned that traditional values in the public discourse are manifested as religious intolerance, non-acceptance of diversity of individuals and their condemnation, positioning supremacy of one nation over another, and fight for granting privileges to only one model of family. Thus, too close adherence to traditional values might promote intolerance towards people who think differently. The newspaper questions why representatives of such organisation as the Congress of Non-citizens where invited to sign the letter. The Minister of Education Ina Druviete also is confused by it saying that thus good ideas of the letter might be discredited. Head of “Papardes Zieds” (initiator of the letter) Iveta Kelle, in her turn, says that the letter should not be politicized because what matters is that all people who signed it share the same opinion.

Окт. 17, 2014

  • Newspapers report about a visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors to Latvia
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs will use example of bilingual education in Latvia as a “positive propaganda”
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article by philologist Dzintra Hirsa and publicist Ingrida Strode about language policy
  • Historian Andrievs Ezergailis asserts that Herberts Cukurs is not guilty for mass murders of Jews but actually he saved some Jews from death

Newspapers report about a visit of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors to Latvia. After the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics, the High Commissioner stated her interest to observe the progress made in integration area in Latvia. Mrs Thor stressed that society integration should be promoted by positive methods, for instance language courses and appreciated that ethnic minority young people in Latvia can naturalise through simplified procedure. Yesterday, the High Commissioner met with representatives of different ministries, parliamentary members and the Ombudsman Juris Jansons. After the meeting, the Ombudsman stated that questions asked by the High Commissioner were based on rhetoric of the Congress of Non-citizens. The Ombudsman also said that if the OSCE sees violations and does not trust what the Ombudsman says and listens more to radical organisation, it should ensure monitoring mission for half a year in Latvia in order to evaluate situation of ethnic minorities and how their rights and interests are protected. Today, the High Commissioner visits ethnic minority schools and ethnic cultural NGOs in Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia.) Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed an agreement with centre for public policy “Providus” about consultations regarding bilingual education models in Latvia, Estonia and Croatia. “Providus” will also evaluate compliance of the education models with the principles of ethnic minority protection and guidelines on diversity and integration of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. According to a representative of the Ministry, summary on ethnic minority education in different countries is necessary in order to present Latvian good practice comparing to other states and to use it as a “positive propaganda” rebutting incorrect information about Latvia.

Latvijas Avize prints an article by philologist Dzintra Hirsa and publicist Ingrida Strode about language policy. Authors criticize the fact that starting from this school year, 1 grade students began to learn foreign language. Authors believe that such practice will not improve positions of the state language but will strengthen influence of foreign languages – Russian and English. They also believe that children in ethnic minority schools learn Latvian not as state language but as foreign language; therefore, some children have problem mastering subjects in Latvian language. According to the authors, language reform in minority schools transferring almost all education content into Latvian language had to be realised in 2004 instead of compromise with reform protestors about proportion 60/40. But the planned language reform in minority schools scheduled for 2018 should be implemented in 2016. Authors also believe that teachers which are not loyal towards Latvia should not work in schools.

Neatkariga prints an article by a historian Andrievs Ezergailis about Herberts Cukurs - member of the "Arajs Kommando", which was responsible for the mass murders in Latvia during the Nazi occupation and Latvian aviation pioneer during the 1930s. A.Ezergailis asserts that according to the historical sources he explored, Cukurs cannot be blamed for mass murders of Jews. He says that those Jews who survived in Nazi death camps and witnessed against Cukurs choose him as scapegoat imposing on him all sins of Latvians. A.Ezergailis also asserts that instead of killing Jews, Cukurs rescued some Jews from death even though people whom he allegedly rescued did not mentioned Cukurs as their savour in following testimonies.

Окт. 16, 2014

  • Latvijas Avize reports about a study “How Democratic is Latvia? Democracy Audit 2005-2014”
  • Vesti Segodnya: performance of controversial musical "Cukurs. Herberts Cukurs" will be shown in the building near the former border of Riga Ghetto
  • Leader of the political party Russian Union of Latvia Miroslavs Mitrofanovs: we have overestimated the importance of “Russian matters” for voters
  • Russia’s President Vladimir Putin accused Latvia in manifestations of neo-Nazism
  • Former National-Bolshevik Ajo Beness is prosecuted for public call to the violent overthrow of the existing power in Latvia
  • Saeima’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee approved the draft amendments on significant increase of state language proportion in radio broadcasts

Latvijas Avize reports about a study “How Democratic is Latvia? Democracy Audit 2005-2014” conducted by 19 different experts, including experts from the Social and Political Studies Institute of the Social Sciences Faculty of the University of Latvia, centre for public policy “Providus”, Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR) and Vidzeme University. The study consists of four thematic sections: citizenship, law and rights; representative and accountable government; civil society and popular participation; democracy beyond the state. The newspaper outlines sections conducted by the experts of the LCHR about language policy, naturalisation and non-citizens. Latvian language was further strengthened in law and in practice in many areas; however, its protection is still a topical issue. At the same time, concerns are expressed about the attempts to limit distribution of written information in Russian language by state institutions when the law allows it, as well as about regulation of language usage in private sector. Sections on naturalisation and non-citizens describe activities of the Congress of Non-Citizens and highlight the serious obstacle for naturalisation which is lack of motivation of non-citizens to receive Latvian citizenship. The Democracy Audit is available in Latvian at: http://www.szf.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/szf_faili/Petnieciba/Demokratijas_audits_2014_kopaa.pdf   English version of the study also will be available.

Vesti Segodnya reports that today’s performance of controversial musical "Cukurs. Herberts Cukurs" will be shown in the building of the Academy of Sciences in the centre of Riga near the place where the border of Riga Ghetto was. The newspaper blames Latvian academics for silence concerning to this event. The newspaper notes that this time, the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Justice Janis Iesalnieks, who is known for nationalistic views, also condemned the musical in his Twitter profile saying that glorification of the member of "Arajs Kommando" is foolish and insensitive towards the victims of genocide. The only high official who condemned the musical was the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics. As reported, Herberts Cukurs was Latvian aviation pioneer during the 1930s, yet during 1941-1944 also took part in the "Arajs Kommando", which was responsible for the mass murders in Latvia during the Nazi occupation.

Vesti Segodnya interviews the leader of the political party Russian Union of Latvia Miroslavs Mitrofanovs about the reasons of the party’s failure at the parliamentary elections and about the party’s future. Mr. Mitrofanovs believes that the main reason for the party’s failure is that it put too much emphasis on the content of pre-election campaign, while for a campaign to be successful, it also needs funding and time. He believes that the party most likely has overestimated the importance of “Russian matters” for the voters. He also wants to believe that those voters who gave their votes to the party “Concord” see this party as a better version of the Russian Union of Latvia: stronger and more solid. “Otherwise, the party’s vision of the last 23 years of the new Latvian history should be totally revised: discriminated Russian community disappears. And it is replaced by a crowd of individuals who do not care about issues regarding language, Russian education etc” – says Mitrofanovs. He also says that the party plans to conduct a research about the change in the values of Russian voters with a view to decide what to do next.

The Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in his interview to a Serbian newspaper “Politika” stated that he is concerned about rebirth of Nazism in Europe. Mr. Putin especially highlighted Latvia and other Baltic States, where, to his opinion, manifestation of neo-Nazism is everyday phenomenon. Latvijas Avize

The prosecutor’s office forwarded to the court charges against National-Bolshevik Ajo Beness for public call to the violent overthrow of the existing power in Latvia. According to the accusation, Ajo Beness has published different statements and materials on the Internet calling for the violent overthrow, liquidation of state’s independence, and undermining Latvian territorial integrity. Latvijas Avize

The Saeima’s Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee approved the draft amendments to the Law on Electronic Mass Media stipulating that radio stations which currently are broadcasting half of the content in state (Latvian) language will be obliged to broadcast in state language only. 90% of the broadcasting time should consist of original programmes produced by a radio station. Latvijas Avize

Окт. 15, 2014


  • Aleksandrs Gilmans: Jews had to wait nineteen centuries and no one knows how long would Latvia’s Russians have to wait for political solution
  • Latvian Anti-fascist Committee plans to conduct a protest action against rebirth of fascism in Latvia

Vesti Segodnya prints second part of the article by Aleksandrs Gilmans about Latvia’s Russians. Mr.Gilmans highlights important difference between Russians in the USA and in Latvia: Russians in the US are emigrants, who relocated to the US with the purpose to become Americans and for their children to assimilate; Russians in Latvia did not move anywhere and therefore they do not want themselves or their children to assimilate. He believes that self-preservation is a problem which will face Russians throughout many generations and he reminds that the Jews had to wait nineteen centuries and Armenians – six centuries for political solution of their problems and no one knows how long Russians will have to wait. He also warns that self-preservation leads to certain tension with the neighbours, but this is the price to pay if one wants to be oneself.

Vesti Segodnya reports that a controversial musical "Cukurs. Herberts Cukurs" will be shown in Riga on 16 October. Before the beginning of the performance, the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee will conduct a protest action against rebirth of fascism in Latvia. As reported, on the day of premiere of the musical in Liepaja on 11 October, association "Russian Dawn" protested against it by placing bloodied dolls next to the entry of the theatre. Herberts Cukurs was Latvian aviation pioneer during the 1930s, yet during 1941-1944 also took part in the "Arajs Kommando", which was responsible for the mass murders in Latvia during the Nazi occupation.

Окт. 14, 2014

  • Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma: ministers of the new government will not be allowed to take part in the 16 March processions
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article by Aleksandrs Gilmans about the activity of Russian community in Latvia

The Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma (who most likely will be appointed to the post of the Prime Minister by the newly elected parliament) stated that ministers of the new government will not be allowed to take part in the 16 March (unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires) processions in the centre of Riga, just like the ministers of the present government were not allowed to take part.  Also the leader of the Unity Solvita Aboltina said that attention of the whole Europe will be turned towards Latvia during the upcoming Latvia’s presidency in the European Council, therefore, issue of 16 March will be discussed with the National Union (NU). However, the leader of the NU Raivis Dzintars denied that there were any discussions about the issue and said that the party will not take part in such discussions. As reported, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Einars Cilinskis (member of the NU) has been dismissed from the post because he took part in the 16 March procession. Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnya prints an article by Aleksandrs Gilmans about the activity of Russian community in Latvia. A. Gilmans believes that the main problem of Russian NGOs in Latvia is the fact that there are too many NGOs representing Russian residents and those are too small. Therefore, those face problems attracting funding and engaging people. Gilmans does not agree with the claim that Russian cultural life in Latvia is poor. According to Mr. Gilmans, Russian culture is more than some folk events, yet also includes manifestations of modern culture, such as festivals and concerts. Regarding low involvement of Russian residents in the protest actions, Gilmans explains it by the lack of idea for protest actions which would also give people a sense of pleasure if they take part in it. He also believes that 9 May (unofficial celebration of the end of WWII or Victory Day) is a unity day for all who speak and think in Russian language in Latvia.

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