Март 19, 2011

  • Vesti Segodnya reports about an accident happened during the procession of former Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March
  • Head of the Society Integration Council of the Riga City Council Eizenija Aldermane: shared responsibility and involvement should be the key objects of integration

Vesti Segodnya reports about an accident happened during the procession of former Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires and their supporters on 16 March in the centre of Riga. A conflict happened between an old lady from the procession and a young woman standing among so-called anti-fascists. The old lady angrily insulted the woman and in response the woman spit at her and hit her in the face. Member of the political party All for Latvia! who took part in the procession appealed to the Security Police asking to punish the woman. In an interview with Vesti Segodnya, representative of the Latvian Anti-fascist Committee states that the women was not among the protest actions members, while, the old lady all time during the procession provoked the protestors by different statements.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of the Society Integration Council of the Riga City Council Eizenija Aldermane. According to Mrs Aldermane, there are two main aspects – shared responsibility and involvement – around which integration policy should be built on.

Март 18, 2011

  • Vesti Segodnya interviews the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte about integration policy.
  • Latvijas Avize: the Concord Centre is the only Saeimas faction which publicly criticized the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language official status
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the ex-Ombudsman Romans Apsitis
  • Host of the programme No-Censorship Andrejs Mamikins refused to speak in Russian to the MP Valerijs Kravcovs

Vesti Segodnya interviews the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte about integration policy. The Minister states that immigrants are those who arrived to Latvia three generations ago and those who arrived recently. At the same time, Mrs Elerte states that immigrants are those who live in Latvia and do not use Latvian language and do not have interest to get accustomed with ethnic Latvian values. […] The other part of the persons got assimilated and the part became ethnic minority.

According to

According to Latvijas Avize, the only Saeimas faction which publicly criticized the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language official status in Latvia is the Concord Centre. Others parties, including the governing coalition abstain from public statements on the issue believing that the radicals will not collect the sufficient amount of signatures anyway.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the ex-Ombudsman Romans Apsitis. Regarding the collection of signatures in support of granting Russian language official status Mr. Apsitis states the Constitution says that the state language is Latvian so activities against it are anti-constitutional and competent state institution should do something about it.

The MP Valerijs Kravcovs (Concord Centre) left the broadcast studio of the Russian language channel TV5’s programme “No-Censorship” shortly after its beginning because its host Andrejs Mamikins refused to speak to him in Russian. Mr. Kravcovs is known as an MP with poor Latvian proficiency. Valerijs Kravcovs came to the programme on 16 March in order to speak about attitude towards procession of legionnaires, language inspections and his work in the Saeima, however, Mr. Mamikins spoke to Kravcovs only in Latvian and the MP left the studio. The programme’s host justifies the accident by the fact that only live programmes can be broadcasted in Russian language, while, recorded programmes must be in Latvian language or with Latvian subtitles. “It was Kravcovs’ condition that he will take part only in the record of the programme – says Mr. Mamikins - programme with Mr. Kravcovs had to be recorded shortly before the broadcast so there was no time to put subtitles and it was decided to conduct the programme in Latvian.”

The MP Valerijs Kravcovs (Concord Centre) left the broadcast studio of the Russian language channel TV5s programme No-Censorship shortly after its beginning because its host Andrejs Mamikins refused to speak to him in Russian. Mr. Kravcovs is known as an MP with poor Latvian proficiency. Valerijs Kravcovs came to the programme on 16 March in order to speak about attitude towards procession of legionnaires, language inspections and his work in the Saeima, however, Mr. Mamikins spoke to Kravcovs only in Latvian and the MP left the studio. The programmes host justifies the accident by the fact that only live programmes can be broadcasted in Russian language, while, recorded programmes must be in Latvian language or with Latvian subtitles. It was Kravcovs condition that he will take part only in the record of the programme – says Mr. Mamikins - programme with Mr. Kravcovs had to be recorded shortly before the broadcast so there was no time to put subtitles and it was decided to conduct the programme in Latvian. Chas, Diena


Март 17, 2011

  • Newspapers report about 16 March events
  • State Control: it is impossible to evaluate whether the state funding for integration programmes was spent efficiently
About 3,000 persons took part in the procession in the centre of Riga yesterday commemorating Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. A protest meeting against the procession was also held in the city centre. For the first time during the last 10 years the police did not detain anyone. At the same time, according to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece and representatives of the state police, the number of procession’s participants increased significantly.

About 3,000 persons took part in the procession in the centre of Riga yesterday commemorating Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires. A protest meeting against the procession was also held in the city centre. For the first time during the last 10 years the police did not detain anyone. At the same time, according to the Minister of Interior Linda Murniece and representatives of the state police, the number of processions participants increased significantly. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga

The State Control conducted an audit and concluded that it is impossible to evaluate whether the state funding for integration programmes was spent efficiently. According to the State Control, frequent changes of institutions responsible for integration issues hindered the quality of integration policy: in 2002 integration issues were under the Ministry of Justice, in 2003 under the Special Assignments Secretariat of the Minister of Social Integration, in 2009 under the Ministry of Family and Children Affairs, than again under the Ministry of Justice, and presently are under the Ministry of Culture.

The State Control conducted an audit and concluded that it is impossible to evaluate whether the state funding for integration programmes was spent efficiently. According to the State Control, frequent changes of institutions responsible for integration issues hindered the quality of integration policy: in 2002 integration issues were under the Ministry of Justice, in 2003 under the Special Assignments Secretariat of the Minister of Social Integration, in 2009 under the Ministry of Family and Children Affairs, than again under the Ministry of Justice, and presently are under the Ministry of Culture. Telegraf

Март 16, 2011

  • 600 signatures collected during one day in support of granting Russian language the status of official
  • Court repeatedly cancelled ban on 16 March events
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent to the governments structures and officials a paper with advises on how to speak about 16 March in the public sphere
  • Concord Centre ask the new Ombudsman Juris Jansons to evaluate a draft law raising fines for insufficient Latvian language proficiency
  • Latvijas Avize reports about two days international conference Aspects of Education and Social Life of Baltic Jews before the WWII
600 signatures were collected during one day in support of granting Russian language the status of official in Latvia. The organisers of the action believe that they will collect 10,000 signatures required for initiation of state funded collection of signatures by summer. In an interview with Vesti Segodnya Vladimirs Lindermans, one of the actions initiators stated that one of the aims of the action is to draw attention of ethnic Latvians towards the issue. 

600 signatures were collected during one day in support of granting Russian language the status of official in Latvia. The organisers of the action believe that they will collect 10,000 signatures required for initiation of state funded collection of signatures by summer. In an interview with Vesti Segodnya Vladimirs Lindermans, one of the actions initiators stated that one of the aims of the action is to draw attention of ethnic Latvians towards the issue. Telegraf, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Administrative District Court cancelled decision of the Riga City Council to ban events planned to be held by organisation “Hawks of Daugava” in commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March.

Yesterday, the Administrative District Court cancelled decision of the Riga City Council to ban events planned to be held by organisation Hawks of Daugava in commemoration of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March. Chas, Diena, Neatkariga

Latvijas Avize reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent to the governments structures and officials a paper with advises on how to speak about 16 March (unofficial commemoration day of Latvia Waffen SS legionnaires) in the public sphere. The Ministry provides Latvias general position and explanation about legionnaires and 16 March events and advises state officials to express definite and identical position regarding this day. According to the paper, the legionnaires were called into service by force; the legionnaires never fought for fascists ideology but only against the USSR military forces; and that Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires did not take part in repressive operations. The paper also stated that 16 March is used by radicals to voice their views and by local and foreign politicians to increase their popularity.

The Saeima’s deputies of the Concord Centre ask the new Ombudsman Juris Jansons to evaluate a draft law which envisages raising fines for insufficient Latvian language proficiency elaborated by the nationalists’ union All for Latvia-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. The draft law stipulates raising of fines up to five times. Yesterday, the Saeima’s Legal Affairs Committee hindered revision of the draft law due to poor quality and inaccuracy. 

The Saeimas deputies of the Concord Centre ask the new Ombudsman Juris Jansons to evaluate a draft law which envisages raising fines for insufficient Latvian language proficiency elaborated by the nationalists union All for Latvia-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. The draft law stipulates raising of fines up to five times. Yesterday, the Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee hindered revision of the draft law due to poor quality and inaccuracy. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize reports about two days international conference Aspects of Education and Social Life of Baltic Jews before the WWII held by the centre of the Holocaust research and tolerance of the Riga Ghetto and Holocaust Museum and others Jewish NGOs. Israeli, Belorussian, American, Ukrainian, Russian and Latvian experts took part in the conference.

Март 15, 2011

  • Centre for illegal immigrants in Olaine will be moved to Daugavpils
  • Jewish historian Joel Repel: attitude towards Jewish community in Latvian has improved
The centre for illegal immigrants in Olaine (town in the Riga district) starting with 1 June will be moved to Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia). According to Ministry of Interior, facilities in Daugavpils are recently repaired, while centre in Olaine does not correspond to modern standards.

The centre for illegal immigrants in Olaine (town in the Riga district) starting with 1 June will be moved to Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia). According to Ministry of Interior, facilities in Daugavpils are recently repaired, while centre in Olaine does not correspond to modern standards. Chas, Diena

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with Jewish historian, doctor of historical sciences of the University of Boston (USA) Joel Repel who arrived to Latvia to the conference about Jewish communitys life in Latvia before the WWII. Mr. Repel believes that situation around attitude towards Jewish community in Latvia has sufficiently improved since 1990. According to Mr. Repel, opening of the Ghetto and Holocaust Museum, restoration of the Rigas synagogue and Jewish schools shows positive and understanding attitude of Latvian authorities.

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