Май 18, 2011

  • Police officer sanctioned for replying in Latvian only to a Russian speaking caller
  • Days of Russian Culture to be held in Latvia from 22 May-6 June
  • Reports of potential resettlement of refugees in the Baltic States


Newspapers report about the Administrative District Court decision upholding the decision of the Ministry of Interior to disciplinary sanction a police officer who replied in Latvian only to a Russian-speaking caller. The police officer claimed he did not have sufficient Russian language skills, while the court indicated that he could have called a colleague to take the call.

Newspapers report about the Administrative District Court decision upholding the decision of the Ministry of Interior to disciplinary sanction a police officer who replied in Latvian only to a Russian-speaking caller. The police officer claimed he did not have sufficient Russian language skills, while the court indicated that he could have called a colleague to take the call. Latvijas Avīze


Newspapers report about the Days of Russian Culture to be held in Latvia from 22 May – 6 June. Around 70 different cultural activities will take place in Riga, Daugavpils, Rezekne, Vilani, and Jelgava, and will include exhibitions, literary evenings, tours, round-tables, concerts and film shows. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf.

Vesti Segodnya reports about the alleged pressure from the Brussels onto the Baltic States to participate in the re-settlement programme of refugees from the African countries who have already arrived in large numbers in Italy, Spain and other Southern European countries. According to the newspaper the costs related to the settlement of refugees in Latvia will be borne by the EU.

Май 17, 2011

  • Number of asylum seekers in Latvia on the increase
  • Neatkariga prints an article about migration
  • Latvian Union of National Teachers supports full transition of all state funded schools into Latvian language but not trough referendum
Newspapers report that, in April and May, there was an increase in the number of asylum seekers from Georgia and African countries to Latvia. In total, since the beginning of the year, 61 persons have requested asylum in Latvia which equals the number of asylum seekers during the entire 2010. 

Newspapers report that, in April and May, there was an increase in the number of asylum seekers from Georgia and African countries to Latvia. In total, since the beginning of the year, 61 persons have requested asylum in Latvia which equals the number of asylum seekers during the entire 2010. Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga

According to

According to Neatkariga, the influx of immigrants to Latvia is unavoidable, however, it is hard to predict their actual number and whether they will come as refugees or guest workers. The opinion of interviewed experts differs about the issue, at the same time, they stress the need to elaborate an integration program for immigrants.

A little known Latvian Union of National Teachers supports full transition of all state funded schools into the Latvian language. The Union believes that kindergartens should also be in the Latvian language. At the same time, the Union does not support resolving such issues by a referendum arguing that it could be done by amendments in legislation rather than Constitutional amendments.

A little known Latvian Union of National Teachers supports full transition of all state funded schools into the Latvian language. The Union believes that kindergartens should also be in the Latvian language. At the same time, the Union does not support resolving such issues by a referendum arguing that it could be done by amendments in legislation rather than Constitutional amendments. Vesti Segodnya

Май 14, 2011

  • Association Latgolys Saeima asks the President of Latvia, MPs and the government to evaluate the suppression of the Latgallian language by ex-President Karlis Ulmanis
The association “Latgolys Saeima” which works for the protection and the recognition of the Latgallian language in Latvia sent an open letter to the State President of Latvia, MPs and the Cabinet of Ministers asking them to evaluate the actions of the ex-President of Latvia Karlis Ulmanis (1934-1940) regarding the suppression of the Latgallian language. The authors of the letter ask for the return of the status and the rights of the Latgallian language which it had been granted prior to the start of the Ulmanis’ regime in 1934, such as the teaching of the Latgallian language and literature in schools, publication of books, journals and newspapers in Latgallian.

The association Latgolys Saeima which works for the protection and the recognition of the Latgallian language in Latvia sent an open letter to the State President of Latvia, MPs and the Cabinet of Ministers asking them to evaluate the actions of the ex-President of Latvia Karlis Ulmanis (1934-1940) regarding the suppression of the Latgallian language. The authors of the letter ask for the return of the status and the rights of the Latgallian language which it had been granted prior to the start of the Ulmanis regime in 1934, such as the teaching of the Latgallian language and literature in schools, publication of books, journals and newspapers in Latgallian. Vesti Segodnya

Май 12, 2011

  • Ministry of Healthcare justifies why the candidates for the posts of the heads of three medical care institutions are required good Russian language proficiency
  • UNHCR Regional Representative for the Baltic and Nordic countries Hans ten Feld meets the MPs
  • Discussion of experts and the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte on the new integration program

Latvijas Avize reports that an ex-MP Vaira Paegle sent a letter to the Ministry of Healthcare asking to explain why the list of job requirements announced by the Ministry for the posts of the heads of three medical care institutions also includes good Russian language proficiency. Replying to the letter, the Ministry explains that such requirement is included because of the specifics of work and structure of patients in these hospitals. The Ministry believes that Russian language cold ease daily communication, while English proficiency could ease international contacts and development. Head of the Latvian Doctors Association agrees to the Ministrys requirements stating that the head of the medical care institution should have good skills in English, German and Russian. Representative of the State language Centre, in his turn, believes that such requirement is discrimination of ethnic Latvians who do not speak Russian.

Latvijas Avize reports about the meeting of the UNHCR Regional Representative for the Baltic and Nordic countries Hans ten Feld with the Latvian MPs. Mr. ten Feld presented the UNHCRs handbook for parliamentarians on nationality and statelessness. Mr. ten Feld stated that the situation of non-citizens in Latvia and Estonia is not unique because also other countries have stateless persons. At the same time, Mr ten Feld noted that the problem of non-citizenship in Latvia has to be solved because the number of non-citizens is high and one of the steps towards it would be registration to all children born in Latvia as citizens automatically.

Telegraf and Latvijas Avize reports about the discussion of experts and the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte on the new integration program held by the internet portal www.politika.lv and www.liberali.lv. The experts criticize the new program arguing that it too much concentrates on ethnic Latvianism and does not take into account interests of Russian speaking residents. The Minister, in her turn, stated that the program can be specified a little bit but not changed conceptually.

Май 11, 2011

  • UNHCR Regional Representative for the Baltic and Nordic countries Hans ten Feld: Latvia is ready to accept asylum seekers
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: requirement for Russian language proficiency at work is discriminatory
The UNHCR Regional Representative for the Baltic and Nordic countries Hans ten Feld in an interview with

The UNHCR Regional Representative for the Baltic and Nordic countries Hans ten Feld in an interview with Diena states that Latvia is ready to accept asylum seekers. However, Hans ten Feld considers that the influx of asylum seekers from North African countries to Latvia is not expected because the country did not announce its readiness to accept them.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers believes that employers’ requirement for employees to be proficient not only in Latvian but also in Russian language represents discrimination against ethnic Latvians. The Presidents states: “Latvian is the state language and persons should not be discriminated because of the reason that they do not know foreign languages.”

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers believes that employers requirement for employees to be proficient not only in Latvian but also in Russian language represents discrimination against ethnic Latvians. The Presidents states: Latvian is the state language and persons should not be discriminated because of the reason that they do not know foreign languages. Vesti Segodnya


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