Авг. 17, 2011

  • 81% of Latvian residents do not support allocation to Latvia of refuges from other European countries
  • Radical nationalists display solidarity with British nationalists who faced manifestation of multicultural terror
  • PM candidate Gaidis Berzins: we evaluate potential coalition partners through the prism of ethnic Latvianness
According the an opinion poll conducted by the research agency “TNS Latvia” and TV company LNT, 81% of Latvian residents do not support allocation in Latvia of refuges from other European countries. Only 14% of respondents support such initiative.

According the an opinion poll conducted by the research agency TNS Latvia and TV company LNT, 81% of Latvian residents do not support allocation in Latvia of refuges from other European countries. Only 14% of respondents support such initiative. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

About ten activists of radical nationalists’ party “National Union” held an action at the UK Embassy in Riga in order to display their solidarity with British nationalists “who faced manifestation of multicultural terror.” Representative of the radicals believes that British nationalists finally understood what “destructive immigration wave” is.

About ten activists of radical nationalists party National Union held an action at the UK Embassy in Riga in order to display their solidarity with British nationalists who faced manifestation of multicultural terror. Representative of the radicals believes that British nationalists finally understood what destructive immigration wave is. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Leader of the political union “All for Latvia - For Fatherland and Freedom / LNIM” and a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister Gaidis Berzins stated that his union evaluates potential governing coalition partners through the prism of ethnic Latvianness and fairness. Therefore, cooperation with the Concord Centre is impossible.

Leader of the political union All for Latvia - For Fatherland and Freedom / LNIM and a candidate for the post of the Prime Minister Gaidis Berzins stated that his union evaluates potential governing coalition partners through the prism of ethnic Latvianness and fairness. Therefore, cooperation with the Concord Centre is impossible. Chas


Авг. 16, 2011

  • Political scientist Ivars Ijabs: ethnic voting will not disappear as long as politicians see the benefits of raising ethnic issues
  • Most popular political parties in August: Concord Centre, the Unity, and the Zatlers Reforms Party

Chas prints an article about ethnic voting in Latvia. Political scientist Ivars Ijabs believes that ethnic voting will not disappear as long as politicians see that raising ethnic issues brings them gains. Mr Ijabs believes that in the near future the situation will not change and maybe only in 20 years ethnic issues will not be so painful anymore.

According to a public opinion survey conducted by the market research company “GfK”, the most popular political parties in August are the Concord Centre (CC), the Unity, and the Zatler’s Reforms Party (ZRP). If the Saeima election are held in August, the CC would receive 36 mandates, the Unity – 22, the ZRP – 20, the Union of Greens and Farmers - 12, and the national union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM -10.

According to a public opinion survey conducted by the market research company GfK, the most popular political parties in August are the Concord Centre (CC), the Unity, and the Zatlers Reforms Party (ZRP). If the Saeima election are held in August, the CC would receive 36 mandates, the Unity – 22, the ZRP – 20, the Union of Greens and Farmers - 12, and the national union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM -10. Chas

Авг. 15, 2011

  • Election program of the nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM promises to ensure that ethnic Latvians feel themselves in Latvia like at home
  • President of Latvia Andris Berzins: one common communication language ensures stability in the country
According to election program of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, the union’s aim is to ensure that ethnic Latvians feel themselves in Latvia like at home – in ethnic Latvian and fair environment, in security and welfare. The union promises gradual transition of all state funded schools and kindergartens only in to Latvian language allowing ethnic minorities to learn their history and culture in their native language. The union also promises to introduce criminal liability for denial and glorification of occupation regime.

According to election program of the nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, the unions aim is to ensure that ethnic Latvians feel themselves in Latvia like at home – in ethnic Latvian and fair environment, in security and welfare. The union promises gradual transition of all state funded schools and kindergartens only in to Latvian language allowing ethnic minorities to learn their history and culture in their native language. The union also promises to introduce criminal liability for denial and glorification of occupation regime. Chas

Chas prints an interview with the President of Latvia Andris Berzins. The President believes that one common communication language ensures stability in the country. The President says that he will not allow change of the article in the Constitution according to which Latvian language is the only state language in the country. At the same time, Mr Berzins states that he will continue to speak in Russian and other foreign languages in cases which do not require obligatory usage of state language.

Авг. 12, 2011

  • Newspapers report about influx of asylum seekers to Latvia
  • Saeimas Committee following objections of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other employers decided to revise the draft amendments to the Labour Law regarding the prohibition to require unreasonable foreign language proficiency from employees

Vesti Segodnya reports about growing influx of number of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants to Latvia. According to the head of the State Border Guard Service Normunds Gabars, the majority of illegal immigrants arrive with fake documents and use Latvia as a transit country to other European countries. The majority of illegals ask for asylum in Latvia and stay in the country until the decision on their status. Neatkariga also prints an article about asylum seekers and possible engagement of the country in allocation of refugees from other European countries.

The Saeima’s Social and Labour Affairs Committee following objections of the Latvian Chamber of Trade and Industry and other employers decided to revise before the final reading the draft amendments to the Labour Law regarding the prohibition to require unreasonable foreign language proficiency from employees. The draft amendments stipulating that employers are not allowed to require proficiency of a foreign language if it has no direct connection with employee’s job duties got approved in two readings in the Saeima.  The Saeima’s Committee decided to establish a working group on revision of the amendments. Authors of the draft amendments, members of the nationalists’ union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM believe that ethnic Latvians with poor Russian language proficiency are being discriminating in the Latvian labour market.

The Saeimas Social and Labour Affairs Committee following objections of the Latvian Chamber of Trade and Industry and other employers decided to revise before the final reading the draft amendments to the Labour Law regarding the prohibition to require unreasonable foreign language proficiency from employees. The draft amendments stipulating that employers are not allowed to require proficiency of a foreign language if it has no direct connection with employees job duties got approved in two readings in the Saeima. The Saeimas Committee decided to establish a working group on revision of the amendments. Authors of the draft amendments, members of the nationalists union All for Latvia!-For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM believe that ethnic Latvians with poor Russian language proficiency are being discriminating in the Latvian labour market. Latvijas Avize

Авг. 11, 2011

  • Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte presented the draft National Identity and Society Integration Guidelines for 2012-2018
  • Security Police (SP) will pay special attention to hate speech in mass media
  • Diena prints an article by a Roma researcher about the obstacles to successful integration of Roma
Yesterday, the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte (Unity) presented the draft National Identity and Society Integration Guidelines for 2012-2018. According to the Minister, the aim of the Guidelines is a strong, united, national and democratic community which could be achieved by focusing on civil society and integration, national identity, and common social memory. The Guidelines foresee that the Latvian language, culture and national identity, European democratic values, and Latvia’s unique cultural space should become the unifying factors for the Latvian nation. The Guidelines divide Latvia’s inhabitants into those who have accepted ethnic Latvian values and identity, ethnic minorities and long-term immigrants. Non-citizens are included in the third category. The Guidelines stress the need for a common historical memory, and highlight that the majority of  residents who moved to Latvia during the Soviet times have “incorrect” historical memory due to their differing perception of soviet occupation period. The document also envisages the formation of a “team of historians” tasked with rapid response to “inappropriate interpretation” of the Latvian history. Daily

Yesterday, the Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte (Unity) presented the draft National Identity and Society Integration Guidelines for 2012-2018. According to the Minister, the aim of the Guidelines is a strong, united, national and democratic community which could be achieved by focusing on civil society and integration, national identity, and common social memory. The Guidelines foresee that the Latvian language, culture and national identity, European democratic values, and Latvias unique cultural space should become the unifying factors for the Latvian nation. The Guidelines divide Latvias inhabitants into those who have accepted ethnic Latvian values and identity, ethnic minorities and long-term immigrants. Non-citizens are included in the third category. The Guidelines stress the need for a common historical memory, and highlight that the majority of residents who moved to Latvia during the Soviet times have incorrect historical memory due to their differing perception of soviet occupation period. The document also envisages the formation of a team of historians tasked with rapid response to inappropriate interpretation of the Latvian history. Daily Vesti Segodnya notes that the draft Guidelines were criticized by integration experts already in the early stages of their elaboration mostly for their assimilative tendencies. However, hardly any comments have been taken into consideration. The Ministry of Culture plans to hold public discussions about the draft Guidelines in different Latvias regions until the end of August. Discussions are to coincide with the pre-election campaign period to the parliamentary elections to be held on 17 September. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize reports that the Security Police (SP) will pay special attention to the hate speech in mass media due to forthcoming parliamentary elections. The SP will monitor media content evaluating whether the publications incite ethnic hatred, hatred against social or religious groups, and whether mass media, especially the Internet, are being used for the expression of extremist opinions and calls for violence. According to the SP, criminal proceedings concerning the incitement to ethnic hatred have been initiated during 2011.

Diena prints an article by a psychologist and a Roma researcher Andris Tertats about the obstacles to the successful integration of Roma. According to A.Tertats, the overwhelming majority of Roma lives in poverty and has no social insurance. He believes that the state and municipalities should engage Roma in employment, e.g. providing at least 100 job vacancies for Roma in each city.

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