Дек. 29, 2011

  • Concord Centre submitted its proposals to the Citizenship Law

The Concord Centre submitted its proposals to the Citizenship Law stipulating grant of Latvian citizenship to all children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 (restoration of state independence). The CC also proposed to remove all the restrictions for dual citizenship and to allow the rights to have dual citizenship with all countries.

The Concord Centre submitted its proposals to the Citizenship Law stipulating grant of Latvian citizenship to all children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 (restoration of state independence). The CC also proposed to remove all the restrictions for dual citizenship and to allow the rights to have dual citizenship with all countries. Chas

Дек. 28, 2011

  • Regulations envisage teaching of 40% of subjects in Latvian language in primary ethnic minority schools

Yesterday, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved regulations on subjects taught in Latvian language in ethnic minority schools elaborated by the Ministry of Education and Science. According to the regulations, at least 40% of subjects in primary ethnic minority schools should be taught in Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Дек. 27, 2011

  • World without Nazism prepares a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights about status of non-citizen in Latvia.

Association World without Nazism (composed of Russian-speaking NGOs from different countries) is preparing a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights calling to evaluate status of non-citizen in Latvia. The organisation wants to achieve that the status of non-citizen is acknowledged as unlawful and to push the Latvian authorities to change the legal acts. Latvijas Avize

Дек. 23, 2011

  • Saeima refused the draft Constitutional amendments stipulating granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia
  • Ministry of Culture presented integration plan
  • MP Nikolajs Kabanovs excluded from the Latvian delegation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly for signing in support of Russian language


Yesterday, the Saeima refused the draft Constitutional amendments stipulating granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia. This means that the national referendum on the issue will be initiated. The MPs from the Concord Centre left the Parliaments hall before the beginning of voting in such a way abstaining from the voting. According to the opinion poll conducted by TNS Latvia, 38% of Latvian residents would vote for the initiative granting Russian status of a state language at the national referendum, while 57% of respondents would vote against it. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga

Despite the fact that there is no common agreement between the Ministry of Culture (MC) and the Ministry of Education and Science the division of responsibilities regarding integration issues, the MC yesterday presented its plan on integration of the society. The MC is planning to work in several directions and the main direction is Latvian language. It is planned to provide state language courses for non-citizens and recently arrived immigrants and promote usage of Latvia language. The second direction concerns promotion of civic participation of students and young people. The third direction: inclusion of ethnic minorities in the traditionally ethnic Latvian cultural events. The fourth direction: establishment of common social memory promoting sense of belonging to Latvia and Europe. The fifth direction is strengthening of connections with Latvians living abroad. The sixth direction concerns integration particularly in Latgale region (the Eastern part of Latvia). And the seven direction concern ethnic Roma residents. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Saeima excluded the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs (Concord Centre) from the Latvian delegation in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The MPs argued that their decision is justified by the fact the Mr Kabanovs broke the deputys oath signing for the Constitutional amendments granting Russian language status of a state language in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Дек. 22, 2011

  • The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science cannot agree on division of integration issues
  • 500 signatures collected in support of granting Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens automatically

Latvijas Avize reports that the Ministry of Culture (MC) and the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) cannot agree on division of integration issues on which each should work. The Minister of Culture Zanete Jaunzeme-Grende believes that all issue concerning the integration of society should remain under co-ordination of the MC. However, in October the governing coalition agreed that the MES will be responsible for integration issues and the Minister of Education and Science already took the initiative in this field. Yesterday, both Ministers hold a meeting to discuss the fields of responsibility of both ministries, however, did not came to a common agreement. As reported, the National Identity, Civil Society and Integration Policy Guidelines for 2012-2018 elaborated under the leadership of the previous Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte (presently, the advisor of the Minister of Culture) were criticized by many civil society organisations and experts.

A movement “For Equal Rights” collected 500 signatures in support of the drafamendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating granting of Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens automatically. As reported, the collection of signatures was initiated in the end of August. The initiators of the collection of signatures still believe that they will manage to collect 10,000 signatures during the first stage and to collect the sufficient amount during the next stage of the state funded collection of signatures and if the national referendum on the issue will be launched it is possible to collect votes of about 230,000 citizens in order to amend the Citizenship law.

A movement For Equal Rights collected 500 signatures in support of the drafamendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating granting of Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens automatically. As reported, the collection of signatures was initiated in the end of August. The initiators of the collection of signatures still believe that they will manage to collect 10,000 signatures during the first stage and to collect the sufficient amount during the next stage of the state funded collection of signatures and if the national referendum on the issue will be launched it is possible to collect votes of about 230,000 citizens in order to amend the Citizenship law. Chas

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